require "./ast/util" module Ameba # Represents a module used to report issues. module Reportable include AST::Util # List of reported issues. getter issues = [] of Issue # Adds a new issue to the list of issues. def add_issue(rule, location : Crystal::Location?, end_location : Crystal::Location?, message : String, status : Issue::Status? = nil, block : (Source::Corrector ->)? = nil) : Issue status ||= Issue::Status::Disabled if location_disabled?(location, rule), rule, location, end_location, message, status, block).tap do |issue| issues << issue end end # :ditto: def add_issue(rule, location : Crystal::Location?, end_location : Crystal::Location?, message : String, status : Issue::Status? = nil, &block : Source::Corrector ->) : Issue add_issue rule, location, end_location, message, status, block end # Adds a new issue for Crystal AST *node*. def add_issue(rule, node : Crystal::ASTNode, message, status : Issue::Status? = nil, block : (Source::Corrector ->)? = nil, *, prefer_name_location = false) : Issue location = name_location(node) if prefer_name_location location ||= node.location end_location = name_end_location(node) if prefer_name_location end_location ||= node.end_location add_issue rule, location, end_location, message, status, block end # :ditto: def add_issue(rule, node : Crystal::ASTNode, message, status : Issue::Status? = nil, *, prefer_name_location = false, &block : Source::Corrector ->) : Issue add_issue rule, node, message, status, block, prefer_name_location: prefer_name_location end # Adds a new issue for Crystal *token*. def add_issue(rule, token : Crystal::Token, message, status : Issue::Status? = nil, block : (Source::Corrector ->)? = nil) : Issue add_issue rule, token.location, nil, message, status, block end # :ditto: def add_issue(rule, token : Crystal::Token, message, status : Issue::Status? = nil, &block : Source::Corrector ->) : Issue add_issue rule, token, message, status, block end # Adds a new issue for *location* defined by line and column numbers. def add_issue(rule, location : {Int32, Int32}, message, status : Issue::Status? = nil, block : (Source::Corrector ->)? = nil) : Issue location =, *location) add_issue rule, location, nil, message, status, block end # :ditto: def add_issue(rule, location : {Int32, Int32}, message, status : Issue::Status? = nil, &block : Source::Corrector ->) : Issue add_issue rule, location, message, status, block end # Adds a new issue for *location* and *end_location* defined by line and column numbers. def add_issue(rule, location : {Int32, Int32}, end_location : {Int32, Int32}, message, status : Issue::Status? = nil, block : (Source::Corrector ->)? = nil) : Issue location =, *location) end_location =, *end_location) add_issue rule, location, end_location, message, status, block end # :ditto: def add_issue(rule, location : {Int32, Int32}, end_location : {Int32, Int32}, message, status : Issue::Status? = nil, &block : Source::Corrector ->) : Issue add_issue rule, location, end_location, message, status, block end # Returns `true` if the list of not disabled issues is empty, `false` otherwise. def valid? issues.none?(&.enabled?) end end end