require "../../spec_helper" private def branch_of_assign_in_def(source) nodes = as_nodes source Ameba::AST::Branch.of(nodes.assign_nodes.first, nodes.def_nodes.first) end module Ameba::AST describe Branch do describe ".of" do context "Crystal::If" do it "constructs a branch in If.cond" do branch = branch_of_assign_in_def <<-CRYSTAL def method if a = get_something # --> Crystal::Assign puts a end end CRYSTAL branch.to_s.should eq "a = get_something" end it "constructs a branch in If.then" do branch = branch_of_assign_in_def <<-CRYSTAL def method if true a = 2 # --> Crystal::Assign end end CRYSTAL branch.to_s.should eq "a = 2" end it "constructs a branch in If.else" do branch = branch_of_assign_in_def <<-CRYSTAL def method if true nil else a = 2 # --> Crystal::Assign end end CRYSTAL branch.to_s.should eq "a = 2" end it "constructs a branch in inline If" do branch = branch_of_assign_in_def <<-CRYSTAL def method(a) a = 0 if a == 2 # --> Crystal::Assign end CRYSTAL branch.to_s.should eq "a = 0" end end context "Crystal::Unless" do it "constructs a branch in Unless.cond" do branch = branch_of_assign_in_def <<-CRYSTAL def method unless a = get_something # --> Crystal::Assign puts a end end CRYSTAL branch.to_s.should eq "a = get_something" end it "constructs a branch in Unless.then" do branch = branch_of_assign_in_def <<-CRYSTAL def method unless true a = 2 # --> Crystal::Assign end end CRYSTAL branch.to_s.should eq "a = 2" end it "constructs a new branch in Unless.else" do branch = branch_of_assign_in_def <<-CRYSTAL def method unless true nil else a = 2 # --> Crystal::Assign end end CRYSTAL branch.to_s.should eq "a = 2" end it "constructs a branch in inline Unless" do branch = branch_of_assign_in_def <<-CRYSTAL def method(a) (a = 0; b = 3) unless a == 2 # --> Crystal::Expressions end CRYSTAL branch.to_s.should eq "(a = 0\nb = 3)" end end context "Crystal::BinaryOp" do it "constructs a branch in left node" do branch = branch_of_assign_in_def <<-CRYSTAL def method(a) (a = 2) && do_something end CRYSTAL branch.to_s.should eq "(a = 2)" end it "constructs a branch in right node" do branch = branch_of_assign_in_def <<-CRYSTAL def method(a) do_something || (a = 0) end CRYSTAL branch.to_s.should eq "(a = 0)" end end context "Crystal::Case" do it "constructs a branch in cond" do branch = branch_of_assign_in_def <<-CRYSTAL def method(a) case (a = 2) when true then nil end end CRYSTAL branch.to_s.should eq "(a = 2)" end it "constructs a branch in when" do branch = branch_of_assign_in_def <<-CRYSTAL def method(a) case a when a = 3 then nil end end CRYSTAL branch.to_s.should eq "when a = 3\n nil\n" end it "constructs a branch in else" do branch = branch_of_assign_in_def <<-CRYSTAL def method(a) case a when true then nil else a = 4 end end CRYSTAL branch.to_s.should eq "a = 4" end end context "Crystal::While" do it "constructs a branch in cond" do branch = branch_of_assign_in_def <<-CRYSTAL def method(a) while a = 1 nil end end CRYSTAL branch.to_s.should eq "a = 1" end it "constructs a branch in body" do branch = branch_of_assign_in_def <<-CRYSTAL def method(a) while true b = (a = 1) end end CRYSTAL branch.to_s.should eq "b = (a = 1)" end end context "Crystal::Until" do it "constructs a branch in cond" do branch = branch_of_assign_in_def <<-CRYSTAL def method(a) until a = 1 nil end end CRYSTAL branch.to_s.should eq "a = 1" end it "constructs a branch in body" do branch = branch_of_assign_in_def <<-CRYSTAL def method(a) until false b = (a = 1) end end CRYSTAL branch.to_s.should eq "b = (a = 1)" end end context "Crystal::ExceptionHandler" do it "constructs a branch in body" do branch = branch_of_assign_in_def <<-CRYSTAL def method(a) a = 1 rescue nil end CRYSTAL branch.to_s.should eq "a = 1" end it "constructs a branch in a rescue" do branch = branch_of_assign_in_def <<-CRYSTAL def method(a) rescue a = 1 end CRYSTAL branch.to_s.should eq "a = 1" end it "constructs a branch in else" do branch = branch_of_assign_in_def <<-CRYSTAL def method(a) rescue else a = 1 end CRYSTAL branch.to_s.should eq "a = 1" end it "constructs a branch in ensure" do branch = branch_of_assign_in_def <<-CRYSTAL def method(a) rescue ensure a = 1 end CRYSTAL branch.to_s.should eq "a = 1" end end context "Crystal::MacroIf" do it "constructs a branch in cond" do branch = branch_of_assign_in_def <<-CRYSTAL def method(a) {% if a = 2 %} {% end %} end CRYSTAL branch.to_s.should eq "a = 2" end it "constructs a branch in then" do nodes = as_nodes <<-CRYSTAL def method(a) {% if true %} a = 2 {% end %} end CRYSTAL branch = Branch.of(nodes.macro_literal_nodes.first, nodes.def_nodes.first) branch.to_s.strip.should eq "a = 2" end end context "Crystal::MacroFor" do it "constructs a branch in body" do nodes = as_nodes <<-CRYSTAL def method(a) {% for x in [1, 2, 3] %} a = 2 {% end %} end CRYSTAL branch = Branch.of(nodes.macro_literal_nodes.first, nodes.def_nodes.first) branch.to_s.strip.should eq "a = 2" end end it "returns nil if branch does not exist" do nodes = as_nodes <<-CRYSTAL def method a = 2 end CRYSTAL branch = Branch.of(nodes.assign_nodes.first, nodes.def_nodes.first) branch.should be_nil end end context "Crystal::Call" do context "loop" do it "constructs a branch in block" do branch = branch_of_assign_in_def <<-CRYSTAL def method(a) loop do b = (a = 1) end end CRYSTAL branch.to_s.should eq "b = (a = 1)" end end context "other" do it "skips constructing a branch in block" do branch = branch_of_assign_in_def <<-CRYSTAL def method(a) 1.upto(10) do b = (a = 1) end end CRYSTAL branch.should be_nil end end end describe "#initialize" do it "creates new branch" do nodes = as_nodes <<-CRYSTAL if true a = 2 end CRYSTAL branchable = nodes.if_nodes.first branch = nodes.assign_nodes.first, branchable branch.node.should_not be_nil end end describe "delegation" do it "delegates to_s to node" do nodes = as_nodes <<-CRYSTAL if true a = 2 end CRYSTAL branchable = nodes.if_nodes.first branch = nodes.assign_nodes.first, branchable branch.to_s.should eq branch.node.to_s end it "delegates locations to node" do nodes = as_nodes <<-CRYSTAL if true a = 2 end CRYSTAL branchable = nodes.if_nodes.first branch = nodes.assign_nodes.first, branchable branch.location.should eq branch.node.location branch.end_location.should eq branch.node.end_location end end describe "#in_loop?" do it "returns true if branch is in a loop" do nodes = as_nodes <<-CRYSTAL while true a = 1 end CRYSTAL branchable = nodes.while_nodes.first branch = nodes.assign_nodes.first, branchable branch.in_loop?.should be_true end it "returns false if branch is not in a loop" do nodes = as_nodes <<-CRYSTAL if a > 2 a = 1 end CRYSTAL branchable = nodes.if_nodes.first branch = nodes.assign_nodes.first, branchable branch.in_loop?.should be_false end context "Crystal::Call" do it "returns true if branch is in a loop" do nodes = as_nodes <<-CRYSTAL loop do a = 1 end CRYSTAL branchable = nodes.call_nodes.first branch = nodes.assign_nodes.first, branchable branch.in_loop?.should be_true end it "returns false if branch is not in a loop" do nodes = as_nodes <<-CRYSTAL 1.upto(10) do a = 1 end CRYSTAL branchable = nodes.call_nodes.first branch = nodes.assign_nodes.first, branchable branch.in_loop?.should be_false end end end end end