require "http" require "socket" module QUIC class StreamCtx property request : HTTP::Request property io : IO::ChanneledPipe def initialize(@request, @io) end end class Client STREAM_READF = ->(stream_if_ctx : Void*, buf : UInt8*, buf_len : LibC::SizeT, fin : LibC::Int) do begin stream_ctx = Box(StreamCtx).unbox(stream_if_ctx), buf_len) buf_len rescue ex 0_u64 end end ON_NEW_STREAM = ->(stream_if_ctx : Void*, s : LibLsquic::StreamT) do stream_ctx = LibLsquic.stream_conn(s) .try { |c| LibLsquic.conn_get_ctx(c) } .try { |c| Box(StreamCtx).unbox(c) } if LibLsquic.stream_is_pushed(s) != 0 return end LibLsquic.stream_wantwrite(s, 1) end ON_WRITE = ->(s : LibLsquic::StreamT, stream_if_ctx : Void*) do stream_ctx = Box(StreamCtx).unbox(stream_if_ctx) headers = [] of LibLsquic::HttpHeader (stream_ctx.request.headers.to_a.sort_by { |k, v| {":authority", ":path", ":scheme", ":method"}.index(k) || -1 }).reverse.each do |tuple| name, values = tuple name = name.downcase values.each do |value| name_vec = name_vec.iov_base = name.to_slice name_vec.iov_len = name.bytesize value_vec = value_vec.iov_base = value.to_slice value_vec.iov_len = value.bytesize header = = name_vec header.value = value_vec headers << header end end http_headers = http_headers.count = headers.size http_headers.headers = headers.to_unsafe raise "Could not send headers" if LibLsquic.stream_send_headers(s, pointerof(http_headers), stream_ctx.request.body ? 0 : 1) != 0 if stream_ctx.request.body body = stream_ctx.request.body.not_nil!.gets_to_end LibLsquic.stream_write(s, body, body.bytesize) LibLsquic.stream_flush(s) end LibLsquic.stream_shutdown(s, 1) LibLsquic.stream_wantwrite(s, 0) LibLsquic.stream_wantread(s, 1) end ON_READ = ->(s : LibLsquic::StreamT, stream_if_ctx : Void*) do stream_ctx = Box(StreamCtx).unbox(stream_if_ctx) bytes_read = LibLsquic.stream_readf(s, STREAM_READF, if bytes_read > 0 # Nothing elsif bytes_read == 0 LibLsquic.stream_shutdown(s, 0) LibLsquic.stream_wantread(s, 0) elsif LibLsquic.stream_is_rejected(s) == 1 LibLsquic.stream_close(s) else "Could not read response" end end ON_CLOSE = ->(s : LibLsquic::StreamT, stream_if_ctx : Void*) do stream_ctx = Box(StreamCtx).unbox(stream_if_ctx) end EA_PACKETS_OUT = ->(peer_ctx : Void*, specs : LibLsquic::OutSpec*, count : LibC::UInt) do packets_out = 0 count.times do |i| spec = specs[i] socket = Box(UDPSocket).unbox(spec.peer_ctx) spec.iovlen.times do |j| iov = spec.iov[j] begin socket.send(iov.iov_base.to_slice(iov.iov_len), to: socket.remote_address) packets_out += 1 rescue ex end end end packets_out end ENGINE_FLAGS = LibLsquic::LSENG_HTTP LibLsquic.global_init(ENGINE_FLAGS & LibLsquic::LSENG_SERVER ? LibLsquic::GLOBAL_SERVER : LibLsquic::GLOBAL_CLIENT) property family : Socket::Family = Socket::Family::INET # The set of possible valid body types. alias BodyType = String | Bytes | IO | Nil getter host : String getter port : Int32 getter! tls : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client @stream_channel : Channel(StreamCtx?) @dns_timeout : Float64? @connect_timeout : Float64? @read_timeout : Float64? @socket : UDPSocket? def initialize(@host : String, port = nil, tls : Bool | OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client = false) check_host_only(@host) @tls = case tls when true when OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client tls when false nil end @port = (port || 443).to_i @stream_channel = Channel(StreamCtx?).new(20) @engine_open = false end def run_engine LibLsquic.engine_init_settings(out engine_settings, ENGINE_FLAGS) engine_settings.es_ua = "Chrome/78.0.3904.97 Linux x86_64" engine_settings.es_ecn = 0 err_buf = err_code = LibLsquic.engine_check_settings(pointerof(engine_settings), ENGINE_FLAGS, err_buf, err_buf.size) raise if err_code != 0 stream_if = stream_if.on_new_conn = ->(stream_if_ctx : Void*, c : LibLsquic::ConnT) { stream_if_ctx } stream_if.on_conn_closed = ->(c : LibLsquic::ConnT) { } stream_if.on_new_stream = ON_NEW_STREAM stream_if.on_write = ON_WRITE stream_if.on_read = ON_READ stream_if.on_close = ON_CLOSE engine_api = engine_api.ea_settings = pointerof(engine_settings) engine_api.ea_stream_if = pointerof(stream_if) engine_api.ea_packets_out = EA_PACKETS_OUT # logger_if = # logger_if.log_buf = ->(logger_ctx : Void*, msg_buf : LibC::Char*, msg_size : LibC::SizeT) { puts; 0 } # LibLsquic.logger_init(pointerof(logger_if), nil, LibLsquic::LoggerTimestampStyle::LltsHhmmssms) # LibLsquic.set_log_level("debug") engine = LibLsquic.engine_new(ENGINE_FLAGS, pointerof(engine_api)) hostname = host.starts_with?('[') && host.ends_with?(']') ? host[1..-2] : host @engine_open = true conn = LibLsquic.engine_connect(engine, LibLsquic::Version::Lsqver046, socket.local_address, socket.remote_address,, nil, hostname, 0, nil, 0, nil, 0) spawn do while stream_ctx = @stream_channel.receive LibLsquic.conn_set_ctx(conn, LibLsquic.conn_make_stream(conn) LibLsquic.engine_process_conns(engine) end @engine_open = false LibLsquic.engine_destroy(engine) end buffer = loop do bytes_read = buffer break if !@engine_open LibLsquic.engine_packet_in(engine, buffer[0, bytes_read], bytes_read, socket.local_address, socket.remote_address,, 0) if bytes_read != 0 LibLsquic.engine_process_conns(engine) end @socket.try &.close @socket = nil end def socket : UDPSocket socket = @socket return socket.not_nil! if @socket socket = @family case @family when Socket::Family::INET socket.bind"", 0) when Socket::Family::INET6 socket.bind"::", 0) else socket.bind"", 0) end Socket::Addrinfo.udp(@host, @port, timeout: @dns_timeout, family: @family) do |addrinfo| socket.connect(addrinfo, timeout: @connect_timeout) do |error| close error end end socket.read_timeout = @read_timeout if @read_timeout socket.sync = false @socket = socket end private def check_host_only(string : String) # When parsing a URI with just a host # we end up with a URI with just a path uri = URI.parse(string) if uri.scheme || || uri.port || uri.query || uri.user || uri.password || uri.path.includes?('/') raise_invalid_host(string) end rescue URI::Error raise_invalid_host(string) end private def raise_invalid_host(string : String) raise"The string passed to create an HTTP::Client must be just a host, not #{string.inspect}") end def : URI, tls = nil) tls = tls_flag(uri, tls) host = validate_host(uri) new(host, uri.port, tls) end def : URI, tls = nil) tls = tls_flag(uri, tls) host = validate_host(uri) client = new(host, uri.port, tls) begin yield client ensure client.close end end def : String, port = nil, tls = false) client = new(host, port, tls) begin yield client ensure client.close end end # Configures this client to perform basic authentication in every # request. def basic_auth(username, password) header = "Basic #{Base64.strict_encode("#{username}:#{password}")}" before_request do |request| request.headers["Authorization"] = header end end def read_timeout=(read_timeout : Number) @read_timeout = read_timeout.to_f end def read_timeout=(read_timeout : Time::Span) self.read_timeout = read_timeout.total_seconds end def connect_timeout=(connect_timeout : Number) @connect_timeout = connect_timeout.to_f end def connect_timeout=(connect_timeout : Time::Span) self.connect_timeout = connect_timeout.total_seconds end def dns_timeout=(dns_timeout : Number) @dns_timeout = dns_timeout.to_f end def dns_timeout=(dns_timeout : Time::Span) self.dns_timeout = dns_timeout.total_seconds end def before_request(&callback : HTTP::Request ->) before_request = @before_request ||= [] of (HTTP::Request ->) before_request << callback end {% for method in %w(get post put head delete patch options) %} def {{}}(path, headers : HTTP::Headers? = nil, body : BodyType = nil) : HTTP::Client::Response exec {{method.upcase}}, path, headers, body end def {{}}(path, headers : HTTP::Headers? = nil, body : BodyType = nil) exec {{method.upcase}}, path, headers, body do |response| yield response end end def self.{{}}(url : String | URI, headers : HTTP::Headers? = nil, body : BodyType = nil, tls = nil) : HTTP::Client::Response exec {{method.upcase}}, url, headers, body, tls end def self.{{}}(url : String | URI, headers : HTTP::Headers? = nil, body : BodyType = nil, tls = nil) exec {{method.upcase}}, url, headers, body, tls do |response| yield response end end def {{}}(path, headers : HTTP::Headers? = nil, *, form : String | IO) : HTTP::Client::Response request = new_request({{method.upcase}}, path, headers, form) request.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" exec request end def {{}}(path, headers : HTTP::Headers? = nil, *, form : String | IO) request = new_request({{method.upcase}}, path, headers, form) request.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" exec(request) do |response| yield response end end def {{}}(path, headers : HTTP::Headers? = nil, *, form : Hash(String, String) | NamedTuple) : HTTP::Client::Response body = HTTP::Params.encode(form) {{}} path, form: body, headers: headers end def {{}}(path, headers : HTTP::Headers? = nil, *, form : Hash(String, String) | NamedTuple) body = HTTP::Params.encode(form) {{}}(path, form: body, headers: headers) do |response| yield response end end def self.{{}}(url, headers : HTTP::Headers? = nil, tls = nil, *, form : String | IO | Hash) : HTTP::Client::Response exec(url, tls) do |client, path| client.{{}}(path, form: form, headers: headers) end end def self.{{}}(url, headers : HTTP::Headers? = nil, tls = nil, *, form : String | IO | Hash) exec(url, tls) do |client, path| client.{{}}(path, form: form, headers: headers) do |response| yield response end end end {% end %} def exec(request : HTTP::Request) : HTTP::Client::Response exec_internal(request) end private def exec_internal(request) response = exec_internal_single(request) return handle_response(response) if response raise "Unexpected end of http response" end private def exec_internal_single(request) io = send_request(request) HTTP::Client::Response.from_io?(io, ignore_body: request.ignore_body?) end private def handle_response(response) # close unless response.keep_alive? response end def exec(request : HTTP::Request, &block) exec_internal(request) do |response| yield response end end private def exec_internal(request, &block : HTTP::Client::Response -> T) : T forall T exec_internal_single(request) do |response| if response return handle_response(response) { yield response } end end raise "Unexpected end of http response" end private def exec_internal_single(request) io = send_request(request) HTTP::Client::Response.from_io?(io, ignore_body: request.ignore_body?) do |response| yield response end end private def handle_response(response) value = yield response.body_io?.try &.close # close unless response.keep_alive? value end private def send_request(request) set_defaults request run_before_request_callbacks(request) spawn run_engine if !@engine_open reader, writer = stream_ctx =, writer) @stream_channel.send stream_ctx reader end private def set_defaults(request) request.headers[":method"] ||= request.method request.headers[":scheme"] ||= "https" request.headers[":path"] ||= request.resource request.headers[":authority"] ||= host_header request.headers["user-agent"] ||= "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.97 Safari/537.36" end private def self.default_one_shot_headers(headers) headers ||= headers["Connection"] ||= "close" headers end private def run_before_request_callbacks(request) @before_request.try &.each &.call(request) end def exec(method : String, path, headers : HTTP::Headers? = nil, body : BodyType = nil) : HTTP::Client::Response exec new_request method, path, headers, body end def exec(method : String, path, headers : HTTP::Headers? = nil, body : BodyType = nil) exec(new_request(method, path, headers, body)) do |response| yield response end end def self.exec(method, url : String | URI, headers : HTTP::Headers? = nil, body : BodyType = nil, tls = nil) : HTTP::Client::Response headers = default_one_shot_headers(headers) exec(url, tls) do |client, path| client.exec method, path, headers, body end end def self.exec(method, url : String | URI, headers : HTTP::Headers? = nil, body : BodyType = nil, tls = nil) headers = default_one_shot_headers(headers) exec(url, tls) do |client, path| client.exec(method, path, headers, body) do |response| yield response end end end def close @stream_channel.send nil Fiber.yield end private def new_request(method, path, headers, body : BodyType), path, headers, body) end private def host_header if (@tls && @port != 443) || (!@tls && @port != 80) "#{@host}:#{@port}" else @host end end private def self.exec(string : String, tls = nil) uri = URI.parse(string) unless uri.scheme && # Assume http if no scheme and host are specified uri = URI.parse("http://#{string}") end exec(uri, tls) do |client, path| yield client, path end end protected def self.tls_flag(uri, context : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client?) scheme = uri.scheme case {scheme, context} when {nil, _} raise"Missing scheme: #{uri}") when {"http", nil} false when {"http", OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client} raise"TLS context given for HTTP URI") when {"https", nil} true when {"https", OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client} context else raise "Unsupported scheme: #{scheme}" end end protected def self.validate_host(uri) host = return host if host && !host.empty? raise %(Request URI must have host (URI is: #{uri})) end private def self.exec(uri : URI, tls = nil) tls = tls_flag(uri, tls) host = validate_host(uri) port = uri.port path = uri.full_path user = uri.user password = uri.password, port, tls) do |client| if user && password client.basic_auth(user, password) end yield client, path end end end end