#!/bin/bash # # run_endpoint.sh -- QUIC Interop Runner script for lsquic # /setup.sh if [ "$ROLE" == "client" ]; then # Wait for the simulator to start up. /wait-for-it.sh sim:57832 -s -t 30 fi echo TEST_PARAMS: $TEST_PARAMS echo REQUESTS: "'$REQUESTS'" eval $(perl <<'PERL' @paths = split /\s+/, $ENV{REQUESTS}; s~^https?://[^/]+~-p ~ for @paths; print "PATHS='@paths'\n"; $server = $ENV{REQUESTS}; $server =~ s~^https?://~~; $server =~ s~/.*~~; ($server, $port) = split /:/, $server; print "SERVER=$server\n"; print "PORT=$port\n"; print "N_REQS=", scalar(@paths), "\n"; print "N_reqs=", scalar(@paths), "\n"; if (@paths > 100) { print "W=100\n"; } else { print "W=1\n"; } PERL ) echo paths: $PATHS echo server: $SERVER echo port: $PORT # lsquic command-line tools create one file per connection when -G option # is used. Here we make a copy and give it required name. # function maybe_create_keylog() { local NAME=/logs/keys.log if ls /logs/*.keys; then # There may be more than one of these, as one file is created per # connection. cat /logs/*.keys > $NAME fi if [ -f $NAME ]; then echo $NAME exists else echo $NAME does not exit fi } if [ "$ROLE" = server ]; then if [ ! -z "$TESTCASE" ]; then case "$TESTCASE" in http3) VERSIONS='-o version=h3-29 -o version=h3' ;; v2) VERSIONS='-o version=h3-v2 -o version=h3 -Q hq-interop' ;; handshake|transfer|longrtt|resumption|blackhole|multiconnect|chacha20|zerortt) VERSIONS='-o version=h3-29 -o version=h3 -o scid_iss_rate=0 -Q hq-interop' ;; retry) VERSIONS='-o version=h3-29 -o version=h3 -o srej=1 -Q hq-interop' FORCE_RETRY=1 ;; ecn) VERSIONS='-o version=h3-29 -o version=h3 -Q hq-interop' ECN='-o ecn=1' ;; *) exit 127 ;; esac fi echo SERVER_PARAMS: $SERVER_PARAMS exec env LSQUIC_FORCE_RETRY=$FORCE_RETRY /usr/bin/http_server $VERSIONS $ECN \ -c server,/certs/cert.pem,/certs/priv.key \ -c server4,/certs/cert.pem,/certs/priv.key \ -c server6,/certs/cert.pem,/certs/priv.key \ -c server46,/certs/cert.pem,/certs/priv.key \ -s ::0:443 -s -s \ -r /www -L debug 2>/logs/$TESTCASE.out elif [ "$ROLE" = debug-server ]; then exec /usr/bin/http_server $SERVER_PARAMS elif [ "$ROLE" = client ]; then if [ ! -z "$TESTCASE" ]; then case "$TESTCASE" in http3) VERSIONS='-o version=h3' ;; v2) VERSIONS='-o version=h3-v2 -o version=h3 -Q hq-interop' ;; handshake|transfer|longrtt|retry|multiplexing|blackhole) VERSIONS='-o version=h3 -Q hq-interop' ;; multiconnect) VERSIONS='-o version=h3 -Q hq-interop' N_REQS=1 ;; ecn) VERSIONS='-o version=h3 -Q hq-interop' ECN='-o ecn=1' ;; resumption) VERSIONS='-o version=h3 -Q hq-interop' RESUME='-0 /logs/resume.file' ;; *) exit 127 ;; esac fi echo CLIENT_PARAMS: $CLIENT_PARAMS if [ "$TESTCASE" = resumption ]; then # Fetch first file: /usr/bin/http_client $VERSIONS -s $SERVER:$PORT $PATHS \ -r 1 -R 1 $RESUME \ -B -7 /downloads -G /logs \ -L debug 2>/logs/$TESTCASE-req1.out || exit $? PATHS=`echo "$PATHS" | sed 's~-p /[^ ]* ~~'` N_REQS=1 N_reqs=1 W=1 echo "first request successful, new args: $N_REQS; $N_reqs; $PATHS" fi /usr/bin/http_client $VERSIONS -s $SERVER:$PORT $PATHS \ -r $N_reqs -R $N_REQS -w $W $ECN $RESUME \ -B -7 /downloads -G /logs \ -L debug 2>/logs/$TESTCASE.out EXIT_CODE=$? maybe_create_keylog sync exit $EXIT_CODE else echo hi exit 127 fi