
145 lines
3.5 KiB

const pug = require("pug")
const sass = require("sass")
const fs = require("fs").promises
const crypto = require("crypto")
const pj = require("path").join
const babel = require("@babel/core")
const buildDir = "../build"
const static = new Map()
const links = new Map()
const scripts = []
const pugLocals = {static, scripts, links}
const spec = [
type: "file",
source: "/assets/img/invidious-logo-dark.svg",
target: "/static/img/invidious-logo-dark.svg"
type: "file",
source: "/assets/img/invidious-logo-light.svg",
target: "/static/img/invidious-logo-light.svg"
type: "sass",
source: "/main.sass",
target: "/static/css/main.css"
type: "babel",
source: "/main.js",
target: "/static/js/main.js"
type: "pug",
source: "/index.pug",
target: "/index.html"
type: "pug",
source: "/js-licenses.pug",
target: "/js-licenses.html"
function hash(buffer) {
return crypto.createHash("sha256").update(buffer).digest("hex").slice(0, 10)
async function addFile(sourcePath, targetPath) {
const contents = await fs.readFile(pj(".", sourcePath), {encoding: null})
static.set(sourcePath, `${targetPath}?static=${hash(contents)}`)
fs.writeFile(pj(buildDir, targetPath), contents)
async function addSass(sourcePath, targetPath) {
const renderedCSS = sass.renderSync({
file: pj(".", sourcePath),
outputStyle: "compressed",
functions: {
"static($name)": function(name) {
if (!(name instanceof sass.types.String)) {
throw "$name: expected a string"
return new sass.types.String(static.get(name.getValue()))
static.set(sourcePath, `${targetPath}?static=${hash(renderedCSS)}`)
await fs.writeFile(pj(buildDir, targetPath), renderedCSS)
async function addPug(sourcePath, targetPath) {
const renderedHTML = pug.compileFile(pj(".", sourcePath))(pugLocals)
await fs.writeFile(pj(buildDir, targetPath), renderedHTML)
async function addBabel(sourcePath, targetPath) {
const originalCode = await fs.readFile(pj(".", sourcePath), "utf8")
const compiled = babel.transformSync(originalCode, {
sourceMaps: true,
sourceType: "script",
presets: [
"@babel/env", {
targets: {
"ie": 11
generatorOpts: {
comments: false,
minified: true,
sourceMaps: true,
const minFilename = targetPath.replace(/\.js$/, ".min.js")
const minFilenameWithQuery = `${minFilename}?static=${hash(compiled.code)}`
const mapFilename = `${minFilename}.map`
compiled.code += `\n//# sourceMappingURL=${mapFilename}`
static.set(sourcePath, minFilenameWithQuery)
original: targetPath,
minified: minFilename,
license: "GNU-AGPL-3.0-or-later",
licenseHref: ""
await Promise.all([
fs.writeFile(pj(buildDir, targetPath), originalCode),
fs.writeFile(pj(buildDir, minFilename), compiled.code),
fs.writeFile(pj(buildDir, mapFilename), JSON.stringify(
;(async () => {
// Stage 1: Register
for (const item of spec) {
if (item.type === "pug") {
// Stage 2: Build
for (const item of spec) {
if (item.type === "file") {
await addFile(item.source,
} else if (item.type === "sass") {
await addSass(item.source,
} else if (item.type === "babel") {
await addBabel(item.source,
} else if (item.type === "pug") {
await addPug(item.source,
} else {
throw new Error("Unknown item type: "+item.type)
console.log("Build complete.")