diff --git a/src/invidious/featured_channels.cr b/src/invidious/featured_channels.cr
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b44aeae..00000000
--- a/src/invidious/featured_channels.cr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-struct FeaturedChannel
- include DB::Serializable
- property author : String
- property ucid : String
- property author_thumbnail : String
- property subscriber_count : Int32
- property video_count : Int32
- property description_html : String?
- def to_json(locale, json : JSON::Builder)
- json.object do
- json.field "author", self.author
- json.field "authorId", self.ucid
- json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{self.ucid}"
- json.field "authorThumbnails" do
- json.array do
- qualities = {32, 48, 76, 100, 176, 512}
- qualities.each do |quality|
- json.object do
- json.field "url", self.author_thumbnail.gsub(/=\d+/, "=s#{quality}")
- json.field "width", quality
- json.field "height", quality
- end
- end
- end
- end
- json.field "description", html_to_content(self.description_html)
- json.field "descriptionHtml", self.description_html
- json.field "subCount", self.subscriber_count
- json.field "videoCount", self.video_count
- json.field "badges", self.badges
- end
- end
- def to_json(locale, json : JSON::Builder | Nil = nil)
- if json
- to_json(locale, json)
- else
- JSON.build do |json|
- to_json(locale, json)
- end
- end
- end
-struct Category
- include DB::Serializable
- property title : String
- property contents : Array(FeaturedChannel) | FeaturedChannel
- property browse_endpoint_param : String?
- property continuation_token : String?
- def to_json(locale, json : JSON::Builder)
- json.object do
- json.field "title", self.title
- json.field "contents", self.contents
- end
- end
- def to_json(locale, json : JSON::Builder | Nil = nil)
- if json
- to_json(locale, json)
- else
- JSON.build do |json|
- to_json(locale, json)
- end
- end
- end
-def _extract_channel_data(channel)
- ucid = channel["channelId"].as_s
- author = channel["title"]["simpleText"].as_s
- author_thumbnail = channel["thumbnail"]["thumbnails"].as_a[0]["url"].as_s
- subscriber_count = channel["subscriberCountText"]?.try &.["simpleText"]?.try &.as_s?
- .try { |text| short_text_to_number(text.split(" ")[0]) } || 0
- video_count = channel["videoCountText"]?.try &.["runs"][0]["text"].as_s.gsub(/\D/, "").to_i || 0
- if channel["descriptionSnippet"]?
- description = channel["descriptionSnippet"]["runs"][0]["text"].as_s
- description_html = HTML.escape(description).gsub("\n", "")
- else
- description_html = nil
- end
- FeaturedChannel.new({
- author: author,
- ucid: ucid,
- author_thumbnail: author_thumbnail,
- subscriber_count: subscriber_count,
- video_count: video_count,
- description_html: description_html
- })
-def process_featured_channels(data, submenu_data, title=nil, continuation_items=false)
- all_categories = [] of Category
- if submenu_data.is_a?(Bool)
- return all_categories
- end
- # Extraction process differs when there's more than one category
- if data.size > 1
- data.each do |raw_category|
- raw_category = raw_category["itemSectionRenderer"]["contents"].as_a[0]["shelfRenderer"]
- category_title = raw_category["title"]["runs"][0]["text"].as_s
- browse_endpoint_param = raw_category["endpoint"]["browseEndpoint"]["params"].as_s
- # Category has multiple channels
- if raw_category["content"].as_h.has_key?("horizontalListRenderer")
- contents = [] of FeaturedChannel
- raw_category["content"]["horizontalListRenderer"]["items"].as_a.each do |channel|
- contents << _extract_channel_data(channel["gridChannelRenderer"])
- end
- # Single channel
- else
- channel = raw_category["content"]["expandedShelfContentsRenderer"]["items"][0]["channelRenderer"]
- contents = _extract_channel_data(channel)
- end
- all_categories << Category.new({
- title: category_title,
- contents: contents,
- browse_endpoint_param: browse_endpoint_param,
- continuation_token: nil
- })
- end
- else
- if !continuation_items
- raw_category_contents = data[0]["itemSectionRenderer"]["contents"].as_a[0]["gridRenderer"]["items"].as_a
- else
- raw_category_contents = data[0].as_a
- end
- category_title = submenu_data.try &.[0]["title"].as_s || title || ""
- browse_endpoint_param = nil # Not needed
- continuation_token = nil
- # If a continuation token is needed it'll always be after at least twelve channels
- if raw_category_contents.size > 12
- continuation_token = raw_category_contents[-1]["continuationItemRenderer"]?.try &.["continuationEndpoint"]["continuationCommand"]["token"].as_s || nil
- if !continuation_token.nil?
- raw_category_contents = raw_category_contents[0..-2]
- end
- end
- contents = [] of FeaturedChannel
- raw_category_contents.each do |channel|
- contents << _extract_channel_data(channel["gridChannelRenderer"])
- end
- all_categories << Category.new({
- title: category_title,
- contents: contents,
- browse_endpoint_param: browse_endpoint_param,
- continuation_token: continuation_token
- })
- end
- return all_categories
diff --git a/src/invidious/views/channel/featured_channels.ecr b/src/invidious/views/channel/featured_channels.ecr
index 118fb48d..e2e49d24 100644
--- a/src/invidious/views/channel/featured_channels.ecr
+++ b/src/invidious/views/channel/featured_channels.ecr
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
<% contents = category.contents%>
- <% if (category_request_param = category.browse_endpoint_param).is_a?(String) %>
+ <% if (category_request_param = category.browse_endpoint_data).is_a?(String) %>
<%= category.title %>
@@ -25,8 +25,12 @@