2022-05-11 10:22:39 +02:00

217 lines
8.3 KiB

struct DBConfig
include YAML::Serializable
property user : String
property password : String
property host : String
property port : Int32
property dbname : String
struct ConfigPreferences
include YAML::Serializable
property annotations : Bool = false
property annotations_subscribed : Bool = false
property autoplay : Bool = false
property captions : Array(String) = ["", "", ""]
property comments : Array(String) = ["youtube", ""]
property continue : Bool = false
property continue_autoplay : Bool = true
property dark_mode : String = ""
property latest_only : Bool = false
property listen : Bool = false
property local : Bool = false
property locale : String = "en-US"
property watch_history : Bool = true
property max_results : Int32 = 40
property notifications_only : Bool = false
property player_style : String = "invidious"
property quality : String = "hd720"
property quality_dash : String = "auto"
property default_home : String? = "Popular"
property feed_menu : Array(String) = ["Popular", "Trending", "Subscriptions", "Playlists"]
property automatic_instance_redirect : Bool = false
property region : String = "US"
property related_videos : Bool = true
property sort : String = "published"
property speed : Float32 = 1.0_f32
property thin_mode : Bool = false
property unseen_only : Bool = false
property video_loop : Bool = false
property extend_desc : Bool = false
property volume : Int32 = 100
property vr_mode : Bool = true
property show_nick : Bool = true
property save_player_pos : Bool = false
def to_tuple
{% begin %}
{{* { |var| "#{}: #{}".id }}}
{% end %}
class Config
include YAML::Serializable
# Number of threads to use for crawling videos from channels (for updating subscriptions)
property channel_threads : Int32 = 1
# Time interval between two executions of the job that crawls channel videos (subscriptions update).
@[YAML::Field(converter: Preferences::TimeSpanConverter)]
property channel_refresh_interval : Time::Span = 30.minutes
# Number of threads to use for updating feeds
property feed_threads : Int32 = 1
# Log file path or STDOUT
property output : String = "STDOUT"
# Default log level, valid YAML values are ints and strings, see src/invidious/helpers/
property log_level : LogLevel = LogLevel::Info
# Database configuration with separate parameters (username, hostname, etc)
property db : DBConfig? = nil
# Database configuration using 12-Factor "Database URL" syntax
@[YAML::Field(converter: Preferences::URIConverter)]
property database_url : URI = URI.parse("")
# Use polling to keep decryption function up to date
property decrypt_polling : Bool = true
# Used for crawling channels: threads should check all videos uploaded by a channel
property full_refresh : Bool = false
# Used to tell Invidious it is behind a proxy, so links to resources should be https://
property https_only : Bool?
# HMAC signing key for CSRF tokens and verifying pubsub subscriptions
property hmac_key : String?
# Domain to be used for links to resources on the site where an absolute URL is required
property domain : String?
# Subscribe to channels using PubSubHubbub (requires domain, hmac_key)
property use_pubsub_feeds : Bool | Int32 = false
property popular_enabled : Bool = true
property captcha_enabled : Bool = true
property login_enabled : Bool = true
property registration_enabled : Bool = true
property statistics_enabled : Bool = false
property admins : Array(String) = [] of String
property external_port : Int32? = nil
property default_user_preferences : ConfigPreferences = ConfigPreferences.from_yaml("")
# For compliance with DMCA, disables download widget using list of video IDs
property dmca_content : Array(String) = [] of String
# Check table integrity, automatically try to add any missing columns, create tables, etc.
property check_tables : Bool = false
# Cache annotations requested from IA, will not cache empty annotations or annotations that only contain cards
property cache_annotations : Bool = false
# Optional banner to be displayed along top of page for announcements, etc.
property banner : String? = nil
# Enables 'Strict-Transport-Security'. Ensure that `domain` and all subdomains are served securely
property hsts : Bool? = true
# Disable proxying server-wide: options: 'dash', 'livestreams', 'downloads', 'local'
property disable_proxy : Bool? | Array(String)? = false
# URL to the modified source code to be easily AGPL compliant
# Will display in the footer, next to the main source code link
property modified_source_code_url : String? = nil
# Connect to YouTube over 'ipv6', 'ipv4'. Will sometimes resolve fix issues with rate-limiting (see
@[YAML::Field(converter: Preferences::FamilyConverter)]
property force_resolve : Socket::Family = Socket::Family::UNSPEC
# Port to listen for connections (overridden by command line argument)
property port : Int32 = 3000
# Host to bind (overridden by command line argument)
property host_binding : String = ""
# Pool size for HTTP requests to and (each domain has a separate pool of `pool_size`)
property pool_size : Int32 = 100
# Use quic transport for youtube api
property use_quic : Bool = false
# Saved cookies in "name1=value1; name2=value2..." format
@[YAML::Field(converter: Preferences::StringToCookies)]
property cookies : HTTP::Cookies =
# Key for Anti-Captcha
property captcha_key : String? = nil
# API URL for Anti-Captcha
property captcha_api_url : String = ""
def disabled?(option)
case disabled = CONFIG.disable_proxy
when Bool
return disabled
when Array
if disabled.includes? option
return true
return false
return false
def self.load
# Load config from file or YAML string env var
env_config_file = "INVIDIOUS_CONFIG_FILE"
env_config_yaml = "INVIDIOUS_CONFIG"
config_file = ENV.has_key?(env_config_file) ? ENV.fetch(env_config_file) : "config/config.yml"
config_yaml = ENV.has_key?(env_config_yaml) ? ENV.fetch(env_config_yaml) :
config = Config.from_yaml(config_yaml)
# Update config from env vars (upcased and prefixed with "INVIDIOUS_")
{% for ivar in Config.instance_vars %}
{% env_id = "INVIDIOUS_#{}" %}
if ENV.has_key?({{env_id}})
env_value = ENV.fetch({{env_id}})
success = false
# Use YAML converter if specified
{% ann = ivar.annotation(::YAML::Field) %}
{% if ann && ann[:converter] %}
config.{{}} = {{ann[:converter]}}.from_yaml(, YAML::Nodes.parse(ENV.fetch({{env_id}})).nodes[0])
success = true
# Use regular YAML parser otherwise
{% else %}
{% ivar_types = ivar.type.union? ? ivar.type.union_types : [ivar.type] %}
# Sort types to avoid parsing nulls and numbers as strings
{% ivar_types = ivar_types.sort_by { |ivar_type| ivar_type == Nil ? 0 : ivar_type == Int32 ? 1 : 2 } %}
{{ivar_types}}.each do |ivar_type|
if !success
config.{{}} = ivar_type.from_yaml(env_value)
success = true
# nop
{% end %}
# Exit on fail
if !success
puts %(Config.{{}} failed to parse #{env_value} as {{ivar.type}})
{% end %}
# Build database_url from db.* if it's not set directly
if config.database_url.to_s.empty?
if db = config.db
config.database_url =
scheme: "postgres",
user: db.user,
password: db.password,
port: db.port,
path: db.dbname,
puts "Config : Either database_url or db.* is required"
return config