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An open source alternative front-end to YouTube

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## Screenshots | Player | Preferences | Subscriptions | |-------------------------------------|-------------------------------------|---------------------------------------| | ![](screenshots/01_player.png) | ![](screenshots/02_preferences.png) | ![](screenshots/03_subscriptions.png) | | ![](screenshots/04_description.png) | ![](screenshots/05_preferences.png) | ![](screenshots/06_subscriptions.png) | ## Features **User features** - Lightweight - No ads - No tracking - No JavaScript required - Light/Dark themes - Customizable homepage - Subscriptions independent from Google - Notifications for all subscribed channels - Audio-only mode (with background play on mobile) - Support for Reddit comments - [Available in many languages](locales/), thanks to [our translators](#contribute) **Data import/export** - Import subscriptions from YouTube, NewPipe and Freetube - Import watch history from NewPipe - Export subscriptions to NewPipe and Freetube - Import/Export Invidious user data **Technical features** - Embedded video support - [Developer API]( - Does not use official YouTube APIs - No Contributor License Agreement (CLA) ## Quick start **Using invidious:** - [Select a public instance from the list]( and start watching videos right now! **Hosting invidious:** - [Follow the installation instructions]( ## Documentation The full documentation can be accessed online at The documentation's source code is available in this repository: ### Extensions We highly recommend the use of [Privacy Redirect](, a browser extension that automatically redirects Youtube URLs to any Invidious instance and replaces embedded youtube videos on other websites with invidious. The documentation contains a list of browser extensions that we recommended to use along with Invidious. You can read more here: ## Contribute ### Code 1. Fork it ( ). 1. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`). 1. Stage your files (`git add .`). 1. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`). 1. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`). 1. Create a new pull request ( ). ### Translations We use [Weblate]( to manage Invidious translations. You can suggest new translations and/or correction here: Creating an account is not required, but recommended, especially if you want to contribute regularly. Weblate also allows you to log-in with major SSO providers like Github, Gitlab, BitBucket, Google, ... ## Projects using Invidious - [FreeTube]( A libre software YouTube app for privacy. - [CloudTube]( A JavaScript-rich alternate YouTube player. - [PeerTubeify]( On YouTube, displays a link to the same video on PeerTube, if it exists. - [MusicPiped]( A material design music player that streams music from YouTube. - [HoloPlay]( Funny Android application connecting on Invidious API's with search, playlists and favorites. ## Contact the team directly Every team member is available through GitHub or through the Matrix room (bridged to IRC), however, if you need/have too, you can contact the team directly via e-mail (remove `+SPAMGUARD` from the addresses): - General Inquiries (forwarded to every team member): `contact +SPAMGUARD [at] invidious [dot] io` Note: before sending a bug report please check that it hasn't already be reported on GitHub - bug reports sent to this address will be copied to GitHub - Security issues (forwarded to the two project owners, @TheFrenchGhosty and @Perflyst): `security +SPAMGUARD [at] invidious [dot] io` Note: the creation of a PGP key for this address is planned ## Liability We take no responsibility for the use of our tool, or external instances provided by third parties. We strongly recommend you abide by the valid official regulations in your country. Furthermore, we refuse liability for any inappropriate use of Invidious, such as illegal downloading. This tool is provided to you in the spirit of free, open software. You may view the LICENSE in which this software is provided to you [here](./LICENSE). > 16. Limitation of Liability. > > IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.