class Invidious::Jobs::StatisticsRefreshJob < Invidious::Jobs::BaseJob STATISTICS = { "version" => "2.0", "software" => { "name" => "invidious", "version" => "", "branch" => "", }, "openRegistrations" => true, "usage" => { "users" => { "total" => 0_i64, "activeHalfyear" => 0_i64, "activeMonth" => 0_i64, }, }, "metadata" => { "updatedAt" => Time.utc.to_unix, "lastChannelRefreshedAt" => 0_i64, }, } private getter db : DB::Database private getter config : Config def initialize(@db, @config, @software_config : Hash(String, String)) end def begin load_initial_stats loop do refresh_stats sleep 1.minute Fiber.yield end end # should only be called once at the very beginning private def load_initial_stats STATISTICS["software"] = { "name" => @software_config["name"], "version" => @software_config["version"], "branch" => @software_config["branch"], } STATISTICS["openRegistration"] = config.registration_enabled end private def refresh_stats users = STATISTICS.dig("usage", "users").as(Hash(String, Int64)) users["total"] = db.query_one("SELECT count(*) FROM users", as: Int64) users["activeHalfyear"] = db.query_one("SELECT count(*) FROM users WHERE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - updated < '6 months'", as: Int64) users["activeMonth"] = db.query_one("SELECT count(*) FROM users WHERE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - updated < '1 month'", as: Int64) STATISTICS["metadata"] = { "updatedAt" => Time.utc.to_unix, "lastChannelRefreshedAt" => db.query_one?("SELECT updated FROM channels ORDER BY updated DESC LIMIT 1", as: Time).try &.to_unix || 0_i64, } end end