String.prototype.supplant = function (o) { return this.replace(/{([^{}]*)}/g, function (a, b) { var r = o[b]; return typeof r === 'string' || typeof r === 'number' ? r : a; }); } function toggle_parent(target) { body = target.parentNode.parentNode.children[1]; if ( === null || === '') { target.innerHTML = '[ + ]'; = 'none'; } else { target.innerHTML = '[ - ]'; = ''; } } function toggle_comments(target) { body = target.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.children[1]; if ( === null || === '') { target.innerHTML = '[ + ]'; = 'none'; } else { target.innerHTML = '[ - ]'; = ''; } } function swap_comments(source) { if (source == 'youtube') { get_youtube_comments(); } else if (source == 'reddit') { get_reddit_comments(); } } function show_youtube_replies(target, inner_text, sub_text) { body = target.parentNode.parentNode.children[1]; = ''; target.innerHTML = inner_text; target.setAttribute('onclick', "hide_youtube_replies(this, \'" + inner_text + "\', \'" + sub_text + "\')"); } function hide_youtube_replies(target, inner_text, sub_text) { body = target.parentNode.parentNode.children[1]; = 'none'; target.innerHTML = sub_text; target.setAttribute('onclick', "show_youtube_replies(this, \'" + inner_text + "\', \'" + sub_text + "\')"); } var continue_button = document.getElementById('continue'); if (continue_button) { continue_button.onclick = continue_autoplay; } function continue_autoplay(event) { if ( { player.on('ended', function () { var url = new URL('' + video_data.next_video); if (video_data.params.autoplay || video_data.params.continue_autoplay) { url.searchParams.set('autoplay', '1'); } if (video_data.params.listen !== video_data.preferences.listen) { url.searchParams.set('listen', video_data.params.listen); } if (video_data.params.speed !== video_data.preferences.speed) { url.searchParams.set('speed', video_data.params.speed); } url.searchParams.set('continue', '1'); location.assign(url.pathname +; }); } else {'ended'); } } function number_with_separator(val) { while (/(\d+)(\d{3})/.test(val.toString())) { val = val.toString().replace(/(\d+)(\d{3})/, '$1' + ',' + '$2'); } return val; } function get_playlist(plid, timeouts = 0) { playlist = document.getElementById('playlist'); if (timeouts > 10) { console.log('Failed to pull playlist'); playlist.innerHTML = ''; return; } playlist.innerHTML = ' \

' if (plid.startsWith('RD')) { var plid_url = '/api/v1/mixes/' + plid + '?continuation=' + + '&format=html&hl=' + video_data.preferences.locale; } else { var plid_url = '/api/v1/playlists/' + plid + '?continuation=' + + '&format=html&hl=' + video_data.preferences.locale; } var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = 'json'; xhr.timeout = 20000;'GET', plid_url, true); xhr.send(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if (xhr.status == 200) { playlist.innerHTML = xhr.response.playlistHtml; if (xhr.response.nextVideo) { player.on('ended', function () { var url = new URL('' + xhr.response.nextVideo); if (video_data.params.autoplay || video_data.params.continue_autoplay) { url.searchParams.set('autoplay', '1'); } if (video_data.params.listen !== video_data.preferences.listen) { url.searchParams.set('listen', video_data.params.listen); } if (video_data.params.speed !== video_data.preferences.speed) { url.searchParams.set('speed', video_data.params.speed); } url.searchParams.set('list', plid); location.assign(url.pathname +; }); } } else { playlist.innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById('continue').style.display = ''; } } } xhr.ontimeout = function () { console.log('Pulling playlist timed out.'); playlist = document.getElementById('playlist'); playlist.innerHTML = '

'; get_playlist(plid, timeouts + 1); } } function get_reddit_comments(timeouts = 0) { comments = document.getElementById('comments'); if (timeouts > 10) { console.log('Failed to pull comments'); comments.innerHTML = ''; return; } var fallback = comments.innerHTML; comments.innerHTML = '

'; var url = '/api/v1/comments/' + + '?source=reddit&format=html' + '&hl=' + video_data.preferences.locale; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = 'json'; xhr.timeout = 20000;'GET', url, true); xhr.send(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if (xhr.status == 200) { comments.innerHTML = ' \

\ [ - ] \ {title} \


\ \ \ {youtubeCommentsText} \ \ \

\ \ {redditPermalinkText} \ \
'.supplant({ title: xhr.response.title, youtubeCommentsText: video_data.youtube_comments_text, redditPermalinkText: video_data.reddit_permalink_text, permalink: xhr.response.permalink, contentHtml: xhr.response.contentHtml }); } else { if (video_data.preferences.comments[1] === 'youtube') { get_youtube_comments(timeouts + 1); } else { comments.innerHTML = fallback; } } } } xhr.ontimeout = function () { console.log('Pulling comments timed out.'); get_reddit_comments(timeouts + 1); } } function get_youtube_comments(timeouts = 0) { comments = document.getElementById('comments'); if (timeouts > 10) { console.log('Failed to pull comments'); comments.innerHTML = ''; return; } var fallback = comments.innerHTML; comments.innerHTML = '

'; var url = '/api/v1/comments/' + + '?format=html' + '&hl=' + video_data.preferences.locale + '&thin_mode=' + video_data.preferences.thin_mode; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = 'json'; xhr.timeout = 20000;'GET', url, true); xhr.send(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if (xhr.status == 200) { if (xhr.response.commentCount > 0) { comments.innerHTML = ' \

\ [ - ] \ {commentsText} \

\ \ \ {redditComments} \ \ \
'.supplant({ contentHtml: xhr.response.contentHtml, redditComments: video_data.reddit_comments_text, commentsText: video_data.comments_text.supplant( { commentCount: number_with_separator(xhr.response.commentCount) } ) }); } else { comments.innerHTML = ''; } } else { if (video_data.preferences[1] === 'youtube') { get_youtube_comments(timeouts + 1); } else { comments.innerHTML = ''; } } } } xhr.ontimeout = function () { console.log('Pulling comments timed out.'); comments.innerHTML = '

'; get_youtube_comments(timeouts + 1); } } function get_youtube_replies(target, load_more) { var continuation = target.getAttribute('data-continuation'); var body = target.parentNode.parentNode; var fallback = body.innerHTML; body.innerHTML = '

'; var url = '/api/v1/comments/' + + '?format=html' + '&hl=' + video_data.preferences.locale + '&thin_mode=' + video_data.preferences.thin_mode + '&continuation=' + continuation; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = 'json'; xhr.timeout = 20000;'GET', url, true); xhr.send(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if (xhr.status == 200) { if (load_more) { body = body.parentNode.parentNode; body.removeChild(body.lastElementChild); body.innerHTML += xhr.response.contentHtml; } else { body.innerHTML = ' \

{hideRepliesText} \

'.supplant({ hideRepliesText: video_data.hide_replies_text, showRepliesText: video_data.show_replies_text, contentHtml: xhr.response.contentHtml }); } } else { body.innerHTML = fallback; } } } xhr.ontimeout = function () { console.log('Pulling comments timed out.'); body.innerHTML = fallback; } } if (video_data.play_next) { player.on('ended', function () { var url = new URL('' + video_data.next_video); if (video_data.params.autoplay || video_data.params.continue_autoplay) { url.searchParams.set('autoplay', '1'); } if (video_data.params.listen !== video_data.preferences.listen) { url.searchParams.set('listen', video_data.params.listen); } if (video_data.params.speed !== video_data.preferences.speed) { url.searchParams.set('speed', video_data.params.speed); } url.searchParams.set('continue', '1'); location.assign(url.pathname +; }); } if (video_data.plid) { get_playlist(video_data.plid); } if (video_data.preferences.comments[0] === 'youtube') { get_youtube_comments(); } else if (video_data.preferences.comments[0] === 'reddit') { get_reddit_comments(); } else if (video_data.preferences.comments[1] === 'youtube') { get_youtube_comments(); } else if (video_data.preferences.comments[1] === 'reddit') { get_reddit_comments(); } else { comments = document.getElementById('comments'); comments.innerHTML = ''; }