var notifications, delivered; function get_subscriptions(callback, retries = 5) { if (retries <= 0) { return; } var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = 'json'; xhr.timeout = 10000;'GET', '/api/v1/auth/subscriptions?fields=authorId', true); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState === 4) { if (xhr.status === 200) { subscriptions = xhr.response; callback(subscriptions); } } } xhr.onerror = function () { console.log('Pulling subscriptions failed... ' + retries + '/5'); setTimeout(function () { get_subscriptions(callback, retries - 1) }, 1000); } xhr.ontimeout = function () { console.log('Pulling subscriptions failed... ' + retries + '/5'); get_subscriptions(callback, retries - 1); } xhr.send(); } function create_notification_stream(subscriptions) { notifications = new SSE( '/api/v1/auth/notifications?fields=videoId,title,author,authorId,publishedText,published,authorThumbnails,liveNow', { withCredentials: true, payload: 'topics=' + (subscription) { return subscription.authorId }).join(','), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } }); delivered = []; var start_time = Math.round(new Date() / 1000); notifications.onmessage = function (event) { if (! { return; } var notification = JSON.parse(; console.log('Got notification:', notification); if (start_time < notification.published && !delivered.includes(notification.videoId)) { if (Notification.permission === 'granted') { var system_notification = new Notification((notification.liveNow ? notification_data.live_now_text : notification_data.upload_text).replace('`x`',, { body: notification.title, icon: '/ggpht' + new URL(notification.authorThumbnails[2].url).pathname, img: '/ggpht' + new URL(notification.authorThumbnails[4].url).pathname, tag: notification.videoId }); system_notification.onclick = function (event) {'/watch?v=' + event.currentTarget.tag, '_blank'); } } delivered.push(notification.videoId); localStorage.setItem('notification_count', parseInt(localStorage.getItem('notification_count') || '0') + 1); var notification_ticker = document.getElementById('notification_ticker'); if (parseInt(localStorage.getItem('notification_count')) > 0) { notification_ticker.innerHTML = '<span id="notification_count">' + localStorage.getItem('notification_count') + '</span> <i class="icon ion-ios-notifications"></i>'; } else { notification_ticker.innerHTML = '<i class="icon ion-ios-notifications-outline"></i>'; } } } notifications.addEventListener('error', handle_notification_error);; } function handle_notification_error(event) { console.log('Something went wrong with notifications, trying to reconnect...'); notifications = { close: function () { } }; setTimeout(function () { get_subscriptions(create_notification_stream) }, 1000); } window.addEventListener('load', function (e) { localStorage.setItem('notification_count', document.getElementById('notification_count') ? document.getElementById('notification_count').innerText : '0'); if (localStorage.getItem('stream')) { localStorage.removeItem('stream'); } else { setTimeout(function () { if (!localStorage.getItem('stream')) { notifications = { close: function () { } }; localStorage.setItem('stream', true); get_subscriptions(create_notification_stream); } }, Math.random() * 1000 + 50); } window.addEventListener('storage', function (e) { if (e.key === 'stream' && !e.newValue) { if (notifications) { localStorage.setItem('stream', true); } else { setTimeout(function () { if (!localStorage.getItem('stream')) { notifications = { close: function () { } }; localStorage.setItem('stream', true); get_subscriptions(create_notification_stream); } }, Math.random() * 1000 + 50); } } else if (e.key === 'notification_count') { var notification_ticker = document.getElementById('notification_ticker'); if (parseInt(e.newValue) > 0) { notification_ticker.innerHTML = '<span id="notification_count">' + e.newValue + '</span> <i class="icon ion-ios-notifications"></i>'; } else { notification_ticker.innerHTML = '<i class="icon ion-ios-notifications-outline"></i>'; } } }); }); window.addEventListener('unload', function (e) { if (notifications) { localStorage.removeItem('stream'); } });