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String, "authorId": String, "authorUrl": String, "published": Int64, "publishedText": String, "description": String, "descriptionHtml": String } ] ``` ##### GET `/api/v1/channels/:ucid` > Schema: ``` { "author": String, "authorId": String, "authorUrl": String, "authorBanners": [ { "url": String, "width": Int32, "height": Int32 } ], "authorThumbnails": [ { "url": String, "width": Int32, "height": Int32 } ], "subCount": Int32, "totalViews": Int64, "joined": Int64, "paid": Bool, "isFamilyFriendly": Bool, "description": String, "descriptionHtml": String, "allowedRegions": Array(String), "latestVideos": [ { "title": String, "videoId": String, "author": String, "authorId": String, "authorUrl": String, "videoThumbnails": [ { "quality": String, "url": String, "width": Int32, "height": Int32 } ], "description": String, "descriptionHtml": String, "viewCount": Int64, "published": Int64, "publishedText": String, "lengthSeconds": Int32 } ] } ``` ##### GET `/api/v1/channels/:ucid/videos`, 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"videoId": String, "lengthSeconds": Int32, "videoThumbnails": [ { "quality": String, "url": String, "width": Int32, "height": Int32 } ] ] }, { "type": "channel", "author": String, "authorId": String, "authorUrl": String, "authorThumbnails": [ { "url": String, "width": Int32, "height": Int32 } ], "subCount": Int32, "videoCount": Int32, "description": String, "descriptionHtml": String, } ] ``` Parameters ``` q: String, page: Int32, sort_by: "relevance", "rating", "upload_date", "view_count" date: "hour", "today", "week", "month", "year" duration: "short", "long" type: "video", "playlist", "channel", "all", (default: video) ``` ##### GET `/api/v1/captions/:id` > Schema: ``` { "captions": [ { "label": String, "languageCode": String } ] } ``` Parameters ``` label: String ``` A request with `label` will return the selected captions in WebVTT format. ##### GET `/api/v1/comments/:id` > Schema: ``` { "commentCount": Int32?, "comments": [ { "author": String, "authorThumbnails": [ "url": String, 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