#include // TX/RX SoftwareSerial Bluetooth(10, 9); // Button pins int const UP_BTN = 2; int const DOWN_BTN = 4; int const LEFT_BTN = 5; int const RIGHT_BTN = 3; int const E_BTN = 6; int const F_BTN = 7; int const JOYSTICK_BTN = 8; int const JOYSTICK_AXIS_X = A0; int const JOYSTICK_AXIS_Y = A1; int buttons[] = {UP_BTN, DOWN_BTN, LEFT_BTN, RIGHT_BTN, E_BTN, F_BTN, JOYSTICK_BTN}; bool halt_packets = false; void setup() { Serial.begin(38400); Serial.println("Serial Started"); for (int i=0; i < 7; i++) pinMode(buttons[i], INPUT_PULLUP); Serial.println("Finished pin setup"); Bluetooth.begin(38400); Serial.println("Send 's' to sniff packets, 'h' to halt packets:"); delay(2000); } unsigned long pack = 0; void loop() { // Joystick range is from 0 to 1023 // A deadzone of 10 or 20 should be safe. if (!halt_packets) { pack = build_packet(); } delay(100); // Read from HC-05 and send data to the Arduino Serial Monitor if (Bluetooth.available()) { if (!halt_packets) { Bluetooth.write(pack); } Serial.write(Bluetooth.read()); } // Read from Arduino Serial Monitor and send it to the HC-05 if (Serial.available()) { char com = Serial.read(); Serial.write(com); if (com == 's' && !halt_packets) { Serial.println(); PrintBits32(pack); } else if (com == 'h') { Serial.println(); Serial.println("!!! Packet generation halted !!!"); halt_packets = !halt_packets; } Bluetooth.print(com); } } unsigned long build_packet(void) { /* * Packets will always contain analog values (10 bits each) * One bit containing high/low value for buttons is included */ unsigned long built_packet = 0; // Start digital input built_packet += digitalRead(UP_BTN); built_packet |= digitalRead(DOWN_BTN) << 1; built_packet += digitalRead(LEFT_BTN) << 2; built_packet += digitalRead(RIGHT_BTN) << 3; built_packet += digitalRead(E_BTN) << 4; built_packet += digitalRead(F_BTN) << 5; built_packet += digitalRead(JOYSTICK_BTN) << 6; // Start analog input built_packet = built_packet << 10; built_packet += analogRead(JOYSTICK_AXIS_X); built_packet = built_packet << 10; built_packet += analogRead(JOYSTICK_AXIS_Y); return built_packet; } void PrintBits32(unsigned long u) { char str[34]; str[32] = '\n'; str[33] = 0; for (int i = 31; i >= 0; i--) { str[i] = '0' + (u & 1); u >>= 1; } Serial.print(str); }