
363 lines
7.9 KiB

const util = @import("util");
const Uuid = util.Uuid;
const DateTime = util.DateTime;
const common = struct {
const Direction = enum {
pub const jsonStringify = util.jsonSerializeEnumAsString;
const PageDirection = enum {
pub const jsonStringify = util.jsonSerializeEnumAsString;
pub fn QueryResult(comptime T: type) type {
return QueryResultArguments(T, T.QueryArgs);
pub fn QueryResultArguments(comptime T: type, comptime A: type) type {
return struct {
items: []T,
next_page: A,
prev_page: A,
pub const Account = struct {
pub const Auth = struct {
password_hash: []const u8,
updated_at: DateTime,
pub const Kind = enum {
id: Uuid,
invite_id: ?Uuid,
email: ?[]const u8,
kind: Kind,
pub const Actor = struct {
pub const ProfileField = struct {
key: []const u8,
value: []const u8,
id: Uuid,
username: []const u8,
host: []const u8,
community_id: Uuid,
display_name: ?[]const u8,
bio: []const u8,
avatar_file_id: ?Uuid,
header_file_id: ?Uuid,
profile_fields: []const ProfileField,
created_at: DateTime,
updated_at: DateTime,
// TODO: get rid of this
pub const Profile = struct {
display_name: ?[]const u8,
bio: []const u8,
avatar_file_id: ?Uuid,
header_file_id: ?Uuid,
profile_fields: []const ProfileField,
pub const sql_serialize = struct {
pub const profile_fields = .json;
pub const ProfileUpdateArgs = struct {
display_name: ??[]const u8,
bio: ?[]const u8,
avatar_file_id: ??Uuid,
header_file_id: ??Uuid,
profile_fields: ?[]const ProfileField,
pub const sql_serialize = struct {
pub const profile_fields = .json;
pub const sql_serialize = struct {
pub const profile_fields = .json;
pub const Community = struct {
pub const Kind = enum {
pub const jsonStringify = util.jsonSerializeEnumAsString;
pub const Scheme = enum {
pub const jsonStringify = util.jsonSerializeEnumAsString;
id: Uuid,
owner_id: ?Uuid,
host: []const u8,
name: []const u8,
scheme: Scheme,
kind: Kind,
created_at: DateTime,
pub const CreateOptions = struct {
name: ?[]const u8 = null,
kind: Kind = .local,
pub const QueryArgs = struct {
pub const OrderBy = enum {
pub const jsonStringify = util.jsonSerializeEnumAsString;
pub const Direction = common.Direction;
pub const PageDirection = common.PageDirection;
pub const Prev = struct {
id: Uuid,
order_val: OrderVal,
pub const OrderVal = union(OrderBy) {
name: []const u8,
host: []const u8,
created_at: DateTime,
// Max items to fetch
max_items: usize = 20,
// Selection filters
owner_id: ?Uuid = null, // searches for communities owned by this user
like: ?[]const u8 = null, // searches for communities with host or name LIKE '%?%'
created_before: ?DateTime = null,
created_after: ?DateTime = null,
// Ordering parameter
order_by: OrderBy = .created_at,
direction: Direction = .ascending,
// Page start parameter(s)
// This struct is a reference to the last value scanned
// If prev is present, then prev.order_val must have the same tag as order_by
// "prev" here refers to it being the previous value returned. It may be that
// prev refers to the item directly after the results you are about to recieve,
// if you are querying the previous page.
prev: ?Prev = null,
// What direction to scan the page window
// If "forward", then "prev" is interpreted as the item directly before the items
// to query, in the direction of "direction" above. If "backward", then the opposite
page_direction: PageDirection = .forward,
pub const DriveEntry = struct {
pub const Kind = enum {
pub const jsonStringify = util.jsonSerializeEnumAsString;
id: Uuid,
owner_id: Uuid,
name: ?[]const u8,
path: []const u8,
parent_directory_id: ?Uuid,
file_id: ?Uuid,
kind: Kind,
pub const FileUpload = struct {
pub const Status = enum {
pub const jsonStringify = util.jsonSerializeEnumAsString;
id: Uuid,
owner_id: Uuid,
size: usize,
filename: []const u8,
description: ?[]const u8,
content_type: ?[]const u8,
sensitive: bool,
status: Status,
created_at: DateTime,
updated_at: DateTime,
pub const CreateOptions = struct {
filename: []const u8,
description: ?[]const u8,
content_type: ?[]const u8,
sensitive: bool,
pub const UpdateArgs = struct {
filename: ?[]const u8,
description: ?[]const u8,
content_type: ?[]const u8,
sensitive: ?bool,
pub const Invite = struct {
const UseCount = usize;
pub const Kind = enum {
pub const jsonStringify = util.jsonSerializeEnumAsString;
id: Uuid,
created_by: Uuid, // User ID
community_id: Uuid,
name: []const u8,
code: []const u8,
created_at: DateTime,
times_used: UseCount,
expires_at: ?DateTime,
max_uses: ?UseCount,
kind: Kind,
pub const CreateOptions = struct {
name: ?[]const u8 = null,
max_uses: ?UseCount = null,
lifespan: ?DateTime.Duration = null,
kind: Kind = .user,
to_community: ?Uuid = null,
pub const InternalCreateOptions = struct {
name: ?[]const u8 = null,
max_uses: ?UseCount = null,
lifespan: ?DateTime.Duration = null,
kind: Kind = .user,
pub const Follow = struct {
id: Uuid,
followed_by_id: Uuid,
followee_id: Uuid,
created_at: DateTime,
pub const QueryArgs = struct {
pub const OrderBy = enum {
pub const Direction = common.Direction;
pub const PageDirection = common.PageDirection;
pub const Prev = struct {
id: Uuid,
order_val: union(OrderBy) {
created_at: DateTime,
max_items: usize = 20,
followed_by_id: ?Uuid = null,
followee_id: ?Uuid = null,
order_by: OrderBy = .created_at,
direction: Direction = .descending,
prev: ?Prev = null,
page_direction: PageDirection = .forward,
pub const Note = struct {
id: Uuid,
author: Actor,
content: []const u8,
created_at: DateTime,
pub const QueryArgs = struct {
pub const PageDirection = common.PageDirection;
pub const Prev = struct {
id: Uuid,
created_at: DateTime,
max_items: usize = 20,
created_before: ?DateTime = null,
created_after: ?DateTime = null,
community_id: ?Uuid = null,
followed_by: ?Uuid = null,
prev: ?Prev = null,
page_direction: PageDirection = .forward,
// TODO: This sucks
pub const sql_serialize = struct {
pub const @"author.profile_fields" = .json;
pub const Token = struct {
pub const Info = struct {
user_id: Uuid,
issued_at: DateTime,
value: []const u8,
info: Info,