
355 lines
12 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const root = @import("root");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const http = @import("http");
const api = @import("api");
const util = @import("util");
const query_utils = @import("./query.zig");
const json_utils = @import("./json.zig");
pub const auth = @import("./controllers/api/auth.zig");
pub const communities = @import("./controllers/api/communities.zig");
pub const invites = @import("./controllers/api/invites.zig");
pub const users = @import("./controllers/api/users.zig");
pub const follows = @import("./controllers/api/users/follows.zig");
pub const notes = @import("./controllers/api/notes.zig");
pub const streaming = @import("./controllers/api/streaming.zig");
pub const timelines = @import("./controllers/api/timelines.zig");
const web = struct {
const index = @import("./controllers/web/index.zig");
pub fn routeRequest(api_source: anytype, req: *http.Request, res: *http.Response, alloc: std.mem.Allocator) void {
// TODO: hashmaps?
var response = Response{ .headers = http.Fields.init(alloc), .res = res };
defer response.headers.deinit();
const found = routeRequestInternal(api_source, req, &response, alloc);
if (!found) response.status(.not_found) catch {};
fn routeRequestInternal(api_source: anytype, req: *http.Request, res: *Response, alloc: std.mem.Allocator) bool {
inline for (routes) |route| {
if (Context(route).matchAndHandle(api_source, req, res, alloc)) return true;
return false;
const routes = .{
fn parseRouteArgs(comptime route: []const u8, comptime Args: type, path: []const u8) !Args {
var args: Args = undefined;
var path_iter = util.PathIter.from(path);
comptime var route_iter = util.PathIter.from(route);
inline while (comptime route_iter.next()) |route_segment| {
const path_segment = path_iter.next() orelse return error.RouteMismatch;
if (route_segment.len > 0 and route_segment[0] == ':') {
const A = @TypeOf(@field(args, route_segment[1..]));
@field(args, route_segment[1..]) = try parseRouteArg(A, path_segment);
} else {
if (!std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(route_segment, path_segment)) return error.RouteMismatch;
if (path_iter.next() != null) return error.RouteMismatch;
return args;
fn parseRouteArg(comptime T: type, segment: []const u8) !T {
if (T == []const u8) return segment;
if (comptime std.meta.trait.isContainer(T) and std.meta.trait.hasFn("parse")(T)) return T.parse(segment);
@compileError("Unsupported Type " ++ @typeName(T));
const BaseContentType = enum {
fn parseBody(comptime T: type, content_type: BaseContentType, reader: anytype, alloc: std.mem.Allocator) !T {
const buf = try reader.readAllAlloc(alloc, 1 << 16);
defer alloc.free(buf);
switch (content_type) {
.octet_stream, .json => {
const body = try json_utils.parse(T, buf, alloc);
defer json_utils.parseFree(body, alloc);
return try util.deepClone(alloc, body);
else => return error.UnsupportedMediaType,
fn matchContentType(hdr: ?[]const u8) ?BaseContentType {
if (hdr) |h| {
if (std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(h, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) return .url_encoded;
if (std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(h, "application/json")) return .json;
if (std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(h, "application/octet-stream")) return .octet_stream;
return .other;
return null;
pub fn Context(comptime Route: type) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
pub const Args = if (@hasDecl(Route, "Args")) Route.Args else void;
// TODO: if controller does not provide a body type, maybe we should
// leave it as a simple reader instead of void
pub const Body = if (@hasDecl(Route, "Body")) Route.Body else void;
// TODO: if controller does not provide a query type, maybe we should
// leave it as a simple string instead of void
pub const Query = if (@hasDecl(Route, "Query")) Route.Query else void;
pub const Data = if (@hasDecl(Route, "Data")) Route.Data else void;
base_request: *http.Request,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
method: http.Method,
uri: []const u8,
headers: http.Fields,
args: Args,
body: Body,
query: Query,
data: Data,
body_buf: ?[]const u8 = null,
pub fn matchAndHandle(api_source: *api.ApiSource, req: *http.Request, res: *Response, alloc: std.mem.Allocator) bool {
if (req.method != Route.method) return false;
var path = std.mem.sliceTo(std.mem.sliceTo(req.uri, '#'), '?');
var args = parseRouteArgs(Route.path, Args, path) catch return false;
std.log.debug("Matched route {s}", .{Route.path});
handle(api_source, req, res, alloc, args) catch |err| {
std.log.err("{}", .{err});
if (!res.opened) res.err(.internal_server_error, "", {}) catch {};
return true;
fn handle(
api_source: *api.ApiSource,
req: *http.Request,
res: *Response,
alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
args: Args,
) !void {
const base_content_type = matchContentType(req.headers.get("Content-Type"));
const body = if (Body != void) blk: {
var stream = req.body orelse return error.NoBody;
break :blk try parseBody(Body, base_content_type orelse .json, stream.reader(), alloc);
} else {};
defer if (Body != void) util.deepFree(alloc, body);
const query = if (Query != void) blk: {
const path = std.mem.sliceTo(req.uri, '?');
const q = req.uri[path.len..];
break :blk try query_utils.parseQuery(Query, q);
var should_free_data: bool = false;
const data = if (Data != void) blk: {
if (Query != void or Body != void) @compileError("Cannot specify both Data and Query/Body");
if (base_content_type == .url_encoded) {
const path = std.mem.sliceTo(req.uri, '?');
const q = req.uri[path.len..];
break :blk try query_utils.parseQuery(Query, q);
} else {
should_free_data = true;
var stream = req.body orelse return error.NoBody;
break :blk try parseBody(Body, base_content_type orelse .json, stream.reader(), alloc);
defer if (should_free_data) util.deepFree(alloc, data);
var api_conn = conn: {
const host = req.headers.get("Host") orelse return error.NoHost;
const auth_header = req.headers.get("Authorization");
const token = if (auth_header) |header| blk: {
const prefix = "bearer ";
if (header.len < prefix.len) break :blk null;
if (!std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(prefix, header[0..prefix.len])) break :blk null;
break :blk header[prefix.len..];
} else null;
if (token) |t| break :conn try api_source.connectToken(host, t, alloc);
break :conn try api_source.connectUnauthorized(host, alloc);
defer api_conn.close();
const self = Self{
.allocator = alloc,
.base_request = req,
.method = req.method,
.uri = req.uri,
.headers = req.headers,
.args = args,
.body = body,
.query = query,
.data = data,
try Route.handler(self, res, &api_conn);
fn errorHandler(response: *Response, status: http.Status, err: anytype) void {
std.log.err("Error occured on handler {s} {s}", .{ @tagName(Route.method), Route.path });
std.log.err("{}", .{err});
const result = if (builtin.mode == .Debug)
response.err(status, @errorName(err), {})
_ = result catch |err2| {
std.log.err("Error printing response: {}", .{err2});
pub const Response = struct {
const Self = @This();
headers: http.Fields,
res: *http.Response,
opened: bool = false,
/// Write a response with no body, only a given status
pub fn status(self: *Self, status_code: http.Status) !void {
var stream = try self.open(status_code);
defer stream.close();
try stream.finish();
/// Write a request body as json
pub fn json(self: *Self, status_code: http.Status, response_body: anytype) !void {
try self.headers.put("Content-Type", "application/json");
var stream = try self.open(status_code);
defer stream.close();
const writer = stream.writer();
try std.json.stringify(response_body, json_options, writer);
try stream.finish();
pub fn open(self: *Self, status_code: http.Status) !http.Response.Stream {
self.opened = true;
return try self.res.open(status_code, &self.headers);
/// Prints the given error as json
pub fn err(self: *Self, status_code: http.Status, message: []const u8, details: anytype) !void {
return self.json(status_code, .{
.message = message,
.details = details,
/// Signals that the HTTP connection should be hijacked without writing a
/// response beforehand.
pub fn hijack(self: *Self) *http.Response {
self.opened = true;
return self.res;
const json_options = if (builtin.mode == .Debug)
.whitespace = .{
.indent = .{ .Space = 2 },
.separator = true,
.string = .{ .String = .{} },
} else .{
.whitespace = .{
.indent = .None,
.separator = false,
.string = .{ .String = .{} },
pub const helpers = struct {
pub fn paginate(community: api.Community, path: []const u8, results: anytype, res: *Response, alloc: std.mem.Allocator) !void {
var link = std.ArrayList(u8).init(alloc);
const link_writer = link.writer();
defer link.deinit();
try writeLink(link_writer, community, path, results.next_page, "next");
try link_writer.writeByte(',');
try writeLink(link_writer, community, path, results.prev_page, "prev");
try res.headers.put("Link", link.items);
try res.json(.ok, results.items);
fn writeLink(
writer: anytype,
community: api.Community,
path: []const u8,
params: anytype,
rel: []const u8,
) !void {
// TODO: percent-encode
try std.fmt.format(
.{ @tagName(community.scheme), community.host, path },
try query_utils.formatQuery(params, writer);
try std.fmt.format(
">; rel=\"{s}\"",