
872 lines
29 KiB

const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() !void {
try execute(
.{ .test_tmpl = "{.x} {@context_foo}" },
.community = .{ .name = "abcd" },
.foo = [_][]const u8{ "5", "4", "3", "2", "1" },
.baz = [_][]const []const u8{
&.{ "5", "4", "3", "2", "1" },
&.{ "5", "4", "3", "2", "1" },
.bar = .{ .x = "x" },
.qux = false,
.quxx = true,
.maybe_foo = @as(?[]const u8, "foo"),
.maybe_bar = @as(?[]const u8, null),
.context_foo = "foo",
pub fn execute(
writer: anytype,
comptime other_templates: anytype,
comptime template: []const u8,
args: anytype,
context: anytype,
) !void {
@setEvalBranchQuota(@intCast(u32, template.len * 8));
const tokens = comptime parseTemplateTokens(ControlTokenIter{ .text = template });
const tmpl = comptime parseTemplate(tokens, 0, .root);
try executeTemplate(writer, other_templates, tmpl.items, args, .{}, context);
fn executeTemplate(
writer: anytype,
comptime templates: anytype,
comptime items: []const TemplateItem,
args: anytype,
captures: anytype,
context: anytype,
) !void {
inline for (items) |it| {
switch (it) {
.text => |text| try writer.writeAll(text),
.statement => |stmt| try executeStatement(writer, templates, stmt, args, captures, context),
fn executeStatement(
writer: anytype,
comptime templates: anytype,
comptime stmt: Statement,
args: anytype,
captures: anytype,
context: anytype,
) !void {
switch (stmt) {
.expression => |expr| {
const val = evaluateExpression(expr, args, captures, context);
try print(writer, val);
.@"for" => |loop| {
const iterable = evaluateExpression(loop.header.iterable, args, captures, context);
const subtemplate = loop.subtemplate;
//std.log.debug("{any}", .{subtemplate});
for (iterable) |v| {
try executeTemplate(
addCapture(captures, loop.header.capture, v),
.@"if" => |if_stmt| {
const condition = evaluateExpression(if_stmt.header.condition, args, captures, context);
const subtemplate = if_stmt.subtemplate;
var was_true: bool = false;
if (if_stmt.header.capture) |capture| {
if (condition) |val| {
was_true = true;
try executeTemplate(
addCapture(captures, capture, val),
} else {
if (condition) {
was_true = true;
try executeTemplate(
if (!was_true) {
if (if_stmt.else_branch) |branch| switch (branch) {
.@"else" => |subtmpl| try executeTemplate(writer, templates, subtmpl, args, captures, context),
.elif => |elif| try executeStatement(writer, templates, .{ .@"if" = elif.* }, args, captures, context),
.call_template => |call| {
const new_template = @field(templates, call.template_name);
try execute(
evaluateExpression(call.args, args, captures, context),
//else => @compileError("TODO"),
fn print(writer: anytype, arg: anytype) !void {
const T = @TypeOf(arg);
if (comptime std.meta.trait.isZigString(T)) return writer.writeAll(arg);
if (comptime std.meta.trait.isNumber(T)) return std.fmt.format(writer, "{}", .{arg});
fn Deref(comptime T: type, comptime names: []const []const u8) type {
if (names.len == 0) return T;
// Compiler segfaults when I use std.meta to get this info so we search it manually
const field = for (@typeInfo(T).Struct.fields) |f| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, f.name, names[0])) break f;
} else @compileError("Unknown field " ++ names[0] ++ " in type " ++ @typeName(T));
return Deref(field.field_type, names[1..]);
fn deref(arg: anytype, comptime names: []const []const u8) Deref(@TypeOf(arg), names) {
if (names.len == 0) return arg;
return deref(@field(arg, names[0]), names[1..]);
fn EvaluateExpression(
comptime expression: Expression,
comptime Args: type,
comptime Captures: type,
comptime Context: type,
) type {
return switch (expression) {
.arg_deref => |names| Deref(Args, names),
.capture_deref => |names| Deref(Captures, names),
.context_deref => |names| Deref(Context, names),
fn evaluateExpression(
comptime expression: Expression,
args: anytype,
captures: anytype,
context: anytype,
) EvaluateExpression(expression, @TypeOf(args), @TypeOf(captures), @TypeOf(context)) {
return switch (expression) {
.arg_deref => |names| deref(args, names),
.capture_deref => |names| deref(captures, names),
.context_deref => |names| deref(context, names),
fn AddCapture(comptime Root: type, comptime name: []const u8, comptime Val: type) type {
var fields = std.meta.fields(Root) ++ [_]std.builtin.Type.StructField{.{
.name = name,
.field_type = Val,
.default_value = null,
.is_comptime = false,
.alignment = @alignOf(Val),
return @Type(.{ .Struct = .{
.layout = .Auto,
.fields = fields,
.decls = &.{},
.is_tuple = false,
} });
fn addCapture(root: anytype, comptime name: []const u8, val: anytype) AddCapture(@TypeOf(root), name, @TypeOf(val)) {
var result = std.mem.zeroInit(AddCapture(@TypeOf(root), name, @TypeOf(val)), root);
@field(result, name) = val;
return result;
const TemplateType = enum {
const TemplateParseResult = struct {
new_idx: usize,
items: []const TemplateItem,
closing_block: ?ControlBlock,
fn parseIfBlock(
comptime header: IfHeader,
comptime tokens: []const TemplateToken,
comptime start: usize,
) ParseResult(usize, If) {
const subtemplate = parseTemplate(tokens, start, .if_block);
switch (subtemplate.closing_block.?.block) {
.end_if => return .{
.new_iter = subtemplate.new_idx,
.item = If{
.header = header,
.subtemplate = subtemplate.items,
.else_branch = null,
.@"else" => {
const else_subtemplate = parseTemplate(tokens, subtemplate.new_idx + 1, .if_else_block);
return .{
.new_iter = else_subtemplate.new_idx,
.item = If{
.header = header,
.subtemplate = subtemplate.items,
.else_branch = .{ .@"else" = else_subtemplate.items },
.elif_header => |elif_header| {
const else_if = parseIfBlock(elif_header, tokens, subtemplate.new_idx + 1);
return .{
.new_iter = else_if.new_iter,
.item = If{
.header = header,
.subtemplate = subtemplate.items,
.else_branch = .{ .elif = &else_if.item },
else => unreachable,
fn parseTemplate(
comptime tokens: []const TemplateToken,
comptime start: usize,
comptime template_type: TemplateType,
) TemplateParseResult {
comptime {
var i: usize = start;
var current_text: []const u8 = "";
var items: []const TemplateItem = &.{};
const closing_block: ?ControlBlock = while (i < tokens.len) : (i += 1) {
switch (tokens[i]) {
.text => |text| current_text = current_text ++ text,
.whitespace => |wsp| {
if (i != tokens.len - 1 and tokens[i + 1] == .control_block) {
if (tokens[i + 1].control_block.strip_before) continue;
if (i != 0 and tokens[i - 1] == .control_block) {
if (tokens[i - 1].control_block.strip_after) continue;
current_text = current_text ++ wsp;
.control_block => |cb| {
if (current_text.len != 0) {
items = items ++ [_]TemplateItem{.{ .text = current_text }};
current_text = "";
switch (cb.block) {
.expression => |expr| items = items ++ [_]TemplateItem{.{ .statement = .{ .expression = expr } }},
.if_header => |header| {
const parsed = parseIfBlock(header, tokens, i + 1);
i = parsed.new_iter;
items = items ++ [_]TemplateItem{.{
.statement = .{ .@"if" = parsed.item },
.for_header => |header| {
const subtemplate = parseTemplate(tokens, i + 1, .for_block);
items = items ++ [_]TemplateItem{.{
.statement = .{
.@"for" = .{
.subtemplate = subtemplate.items,
.header = header,
i = subtemplate.new_idx;
.end_for => if (template_type == .for_block)
break cb
@compileError("Unexpected /for tag"),
.end_if => if (template_type == .if_block or template_type == .if_else_block)
break cb
@compileError("Unexpected /if tag"),
.elif_header => if (template_type == .if_block)
break cb
@compileError("Unexpected #elif tag"),
.@"else" => if (template_type == .if_block)
break cb
@compileError("Unexpected #else tag"),
.call_template => |call| items = items ++ [_]TemplateItem{.{
.statement = .{ .call_template = call },
} else null;
if (current_text.len != 0) items = items ++ [_]TemplateItem{.{ .text = current_text }};
if (template_type != .root and closing_block == null) @compileError("End tag not found");
return .{
.new_idx = i,
.items = items,
.closing_block = closing_block,
const TemplateToken = union(enum) {
text: []const u8,
whitespace: []const u8,
control_block: ControlBlock,
fn parseTemplateTokens(comptime tokens: ControlTokenIter) []const TemplateToken {
comptime {
var iter = tokens;
var items: []const TemplateToken = &.{};
while (iter.next()) |token| switch (token) {
.whitespace => |wsp| items = items ++ [_]TemplateToken{.{ .whitespace = wsp }},
.text => |text| items = items ++ [_]TemplateToken{.{ .text = text }},
.open_bracket => {
const next = iter.next() orelse @compileError("Unexpected end of template");
if (next == .open_bracket) {
items = items ++ [_]TemplateToken{.{ .text = "{" }};
} else {
const result = parseControlBlock(iter);
iter = result.new_iter;
items = items ++ [_]TemplateToken{.{ .control_block = result.item }};
.close_bracket => {
const next = iter.next() orelse @compileError("Unexpected end of template");
if (next == .close_bracket)
items = items ++ [_]TemplateToken{.{ .text = "}" }}
@compileError("Unpaired close bracket, did you mean \"}}\"?");
.period => items = items ++ [_]TemplateToken{.{ .text = "." }},
.pound => items = items ++ [_]TemplateToken{.{ .text = "#" }},
.pipe => items = items ++ [_]TemplateToken{.{ .text = "|" }},
.dollar => items = items ++ [_]TemplateToken{.{ .text = "$" }},
.slash => items = items ++ [_]TemplateToken{.{ .text = "/" }},
.equals => items = items ++ [_]TemplateToken{.{ .text = "=" }},
.at => items = items ++ [_]TemplateToken{.{ .text = "@" }},
.comma => items = items ++ [_]TemplateToken{.{ .text = "," }},
return items;
fn parseExpression(comptime tokens: ControlTokenIter) ParseResult(ControlTokenIter, Expression) {
comptime {
var iter = tokens;
var expr: Expression = while (iter.next()) |token| switch (token) {
.whitespace => {},
.period => {
const names = parseDeref(iter);
iter = names.new_iter;
break .{ .arg_deref = names.item };
.dollar => {
const names = parseDeref(iter);
iter = names.new_iter;
break .{ .capture_deref = names.item };
.at => {
const names = parseDeref(iter);
iter = names.new_iter;
break .{ .context_deref = names.item };
else => @compileError("TODO"),
return .{
.new_iter = iter,
.item = expr,
fn parseControlBlock(comptime tokens: ControlTokenIter) ParseResult(ControlTokenIter, ControlBlock) {
comptime {
var iter = tokens;
const strip_before = if (iter.next()) |first| blk: {
if (first == .equals) {
break :blk true;
break :blk false;
} else @compileError("Unexpected end of template");
var stmt: ControlBlock.Data = while (iter.next()) |token| switch (token) {
.equals => @compileError("Unexpected '='"),
.whitespace => {},
.pound => {
const next = iter.next() orelse @compileError("Unexpected end of template");
if (next != .text) @compileError("Expected keyword following '#' character");
const text = next.text;
const keyword = std.meta.stringToEnum(Keyword, text) orelse @compileError("Unknown keyword: " ++ text);
switch (keyword) {
.@"for" => {
const result = parseForHeader(iter);
iter = result.new_iter;
break .{ .for_header = result.item };
.@"if" => {
const result = parseIfHeader(iter);
iter = result.new_iter;
break .{ .if_header = result.item };
.@"else" => break .{ .@"else" = {} },
.@"elif" => {
const result = parseIfHeader(iter);
iter = result.new_iter;
break .{ .elif_header = result.item };
.template => {
const result = parseCallTemplate(iter);
iter = result.new_iter;
break .{ .call_template = result.item };
//else => @compileError("TODO"),
.slash => {
const next = iter.next() orelse @compileError("Unexpected end of template");
if (next != .text) @compileError("Expected keyword following '/' character");
const text = next.text;
const keyword = std.meta.stringToEnum(EndKeyword, text) orelse @compileError("Unknown keyword: " ++ text);
switch (keyword) {
.@"for" => break .{ .end_for = {} },
.@"if" => break .{ .end_if = {} },
.period, .dollar, .at => {
const expr = parseExpression(iter);
iter = expr.new_iter;
break .{ .expression = expr.item };
else => @compileError("TODO"),
// search for end of statement
var strip_after: bool = false;
while (iter.next()) |token| switch (token) {
.whitespace => {},
.equals => {
if (iter.peek()) |t| {
if (t == .close_bracket) {
strip_after = true;
@compileError("Unexpected '='");
.close_bracket => return .{
.new_iter = iter,
.item = .{
.block = stmt,
.strip_before = strip_before,
.strip_after = strip_after,
else => {
@compileError("TODO" ++ @tagName(token));
@compileError("Unexpected end of template");
fn skipWhitespace(comptime tokens: ControlTokenIter) ControlTokenIter {
comptime {
var iter = tokens;
while (iter.peek()) |token| switch (token) {
.whitespace => _ = iter.next(),
else => break,
return iter;
fn endControlBlock(comptime tokens: ControlTokenIter) ControlTokenIter {
comptime {
var iter = skipWhitespace(tokens);
const token = iter.next() orelse @compileError("Unexpected end of template");
if (token != .close_bracket) @compileError("Unexpected token");
return iter;
fn parseForHeader(comptime tokens: ControlTokenIter) ParseResult(ControlTokenIter, ForHeader) {
comptime {
const iterable = parseExpression(tokens);
var iter = iterable.new_iter;
iter = skipWhitespace(iter);
const token = iter.next() orelse @compileError("Unexpected end of template");
if (token != .pipe) @compileError("Unexpected token");
const token = iter.next() orelse @compileError("Unexpected end of template");
if (token != .dollar) @compileError("Unexpected token");
const capture = blk: {
const token = iter.next() orelse @compileError("Unexpected end of template");
if (token != .text) @compileError("Unexpected token");
break :blk token.text;
const token = iter.next() orelse @compileError("Unexpected end of template");
if (token != .pipe) @compileError("Unexpected token");
return .{
.new_iter = iter,
.item = .{
.iterable = iterable.item,
.capture = capture,
fn tryParseCapture(comptime tokens: ControlTokenIter) ?ParseResult(ControlTokenIter, []const []const u8) {
comptime {
var iter = tokens;
iter = skipWhitespace(iter);
if ((iter.next() orelse return null) != .pipe) return null;
iter = skipWhitespace(iter);
var captures: []const []const u8 = &.{};
while (true) {
if ((iter.next() orelse return null) != .dollar) return null;
iter = skipWhitespace(iter);
const name = switch (iter.next() orelse return null) {
.text => |text| text,
else => return null,
iter = skipWhitespace(iter);
captures = captures ++ &[_][]const u8{name};
switch (iter.next() orelse return null) {
.pipe => break,
.comma => {},
else => return null,
iter = skipWhitespace(iter);
return .{
.new_iter = iter,
.item = captures,
fn parseIfHeader(comptime tokens: ControlTokenIter) ParseResult(ControlTokenIter, IfHeader) {
comptime {
const condition = parseExpression(tokens);
var iter = condition.new_iter;
const captures = tryParseCapture(iter);
if (captures) |cap| {
if (cap.item.len == 1) {
return .{
.new_iter = cap.new_iter,
.item = IfHeader{
.condition = condition.item,
.capture = cap.item[0],
} else @compileError("Only one capture allowed for if statements");
return .{
.new_iter = iter,
.item = .{
.condition = condition.item,
.capture = null,
fn parseDeref(comptime tokens: ControlTokenIter) ParseResult(ControlTokenIter, []const []const u8) {
comptime {
var iter = tokens;
var fields: []const []const u8 = &.{};
var wants = .text;
while (iter.peek()) |token| {
switch (token) {
.whitespace => {},
.text => |text| {
if (wants != .text) @compileError("Unexpected token \"" ++ text ++ "\"");
fields = fields ++ [1][]const u8{text};
wants = .period;
.period => {
if (wants != .period) @compileError("Unexpected token \".\"");
wants = .text;
else => if (wants == .period) return .{
.new_iter = iter,
.item = fields,
} else @compileError("Unexpected token"),
_ = iter.next();
fn parseCallTemplate(comptime tokens: ControlTokenIter) ParseResult(ControlTokenIter, CallTemplate) {
comptime {
var iter = tokens;
const template_name = while (iter.next()) |token| switch (token) {
.text => |t| break t,
.whitespace => {},
else => @compileError("Unexpected token"),
} else @compileError("Unexpected end of template");
const args = parseExpression(iter);
return .{
.new_iter = args.new_iter,
.item = .{
.template_name = template_name,
.args = args.item,
fn ParseResult(comptime It: type, comptime T: type) type {
return struct {
new_iter: It,
item: T,
const TemplateItem = union(enum) {
text: []const u8,
statement: Statement,
const Expression = union(enum) {
arg_deref: []const []const u8,
capture_deref: []const []const u8,
context_deref: []const []const u8,
const For = struct {
subtemplate: []const TemplateItem,
header: ForHeader,
const ForHeader = struct {
iterable: Expression,
capture: []const u8,
const If = struct {
subtemplate: []const TemplateItem,
header: IfHeader,
else_branch: ?union(enum) {
@"else": []const TemplateItem,
elif: *const If,
const CallTemplate = struct {
template_name: []const u8,
args: Expression,
const IfHeader = struct {
condition: Expression,
capture: ?[]const u8,
const Statement = union(enum) {
expression: Expression,
@"for": For,
@"if": If,
call_template: CallTemplate,
const ControlBlock = struct {
const Data = union(enum) {
expression: Expression,
for_header: ForHeader,
end_for: void,
if_header: IfHeader,
end_if: void,
@"else": void,
elif_header: IfHeader,
call_template: CallTemplate,
block: Data,
strip_before: bool,
strip_after: bool,
const Keyword = enum {
const EndKeyword = enum {
const ControlToken = union(enum) {
text: []const u8,
open_bracket: void,
close_bracket: void,
period: void,
whitespace: []const u8,
pound: void,
pipe: void,
dollar: void,
slash: void,
equals: void,
at: void,
comma: void,
const ControlTokenIter = struct {
start: usize = 0,
text: []const u8,
peeked_token: ?ControlToken = null,
row: usize = 0,
fn next(self: *ControlTokenIter) ?ControlToken {
if (self.peeked_token) |token| {
self.peeked_token = null;
return token;
const remaining = self.text[self.start..];
if (remaining.len == 0) return null;
const ch = remaining[0];
self.start += 1;
switch (ch) {
'{' => return .{ .open_bracket = {} },
'}' => return .{ .close_bracket = {} },
'.' => return .{ .period = {} },
'#' => return .{ .pound = {} },
'|' => return .{ .pipe = {} },
'$' => return .{ .dollar = {} },
'/' => return .{ .slash = {} },
'=' => return .{ .equals = {} },
'@' => return .{ .at = {} },
',' => return .{ .comma = {} },
' ', '\t', '\n', '\r' => {
var idx: usize = 0;
while (idx < remaining.len and std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, " \t\n\r", remaining[idx]) != null) : (idx += 1) {}
const newline_count = std.mem.count(u8, remaining[0..idx], "\n");
self.row += newline_count;
self.start += idx - 1;
return .{ .whitespace = remaining[0..idx] };
else => {
var idx: usize = 0;
while (idx < remaining.len and std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, "{}.#|$/=@ \t\n\r", remaining[idx]) == null) : (idx += 1) {}
self.start += idx - 1;
return .{ .text = remaining[0..idx] };
fn peek(self: *ControlTokenIter) ?ControlToken {
const token = self.next();
self.peeked_token = token;
return token;
fn putBack(self: *ControlTokenIter, token: ControlToken) void {
std.debug.assert(self.peeked_token == null);
self.peeked_token = token;
test "template" {
const testCase = struct {
fn case(comptime tmpl: []const u8, args: anytype, expected: []const u8) !void {
var stream = std.io.changeDetectionStream(expected, std.io.null_writer);
try execute(stream.writer(), .{}, tmpl, args, .{});
try std.testing.expect(!stream.changeDetected());
try testCase("", .{}, "");
try testCase("abcd", .{}, "abcd");
try testCase("{.val}", .{ .val = 3 }, "3");
try testCase("{#if .val}1{/if}", .{ .val = true }, "1");
try testCase("{#for .vals |$v|}{$v}{/for}", .{ .vals = [_]u8{ 1, 2, 3 } }, "123");
try testCase("{#for .vals |$v|=} {$v} {=/for}", .{ .vals = [_]u8{ 1, 2, 3 } }, "123");
try testCase("{#if .val}1{#else}0{/if}", .{ .val = true }, "1");
try testCase("{#if .val}1{#else}0{/if}", .{ .val = false }, "0");
try testCase("{#if .val}1{#elif .foo}2{/if}", .{ .val = false, .foo = true }, "2");
try testCase("{#if .val}1{#elif .foo}2{/if}", .{ .val = false, .foo = false }, "");
try testCase("{#if .val}1{#elif .foo}2{#else}0{/if}", .{ .val = false, .foo = false }, "0");
try testCase("{#if .val}1{#elif .foo}2{#else}0{/if}", .{ .val = true, .foo = false }, "1");
try testCase("{#if .val}1{#elif .foo}2{#else}0{/if}", .{ .val = false, .foo = true }, "2");
try testCase("{#if .val}1{#elif .foo}2{#else}0{/if}", .{ .val = true, .foo = true }, "1");