const std = @import("std"); const util = @import("util"); const postgres = @import("./postgres.zig"); const sqlite = @import("./sqlite.zig"); const common = @import("./common.zig"); const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; pub const QueryOptions = common.QueryOptions; pub const Engine = enum { postgres, sqlite, }; pub const Config = union(Engine) { postgres: struct { pg_conn_str: [:0]const u8, }, sqlite: struct { sqlite_file_path: [:0]const u8, }, }; pub const QueryError = error{ OutOfMemory, ConnectionLost, }; pub fn fieldList(comptime RowType: type) []const u8 { comptime { const fields = std.meta.fieldNames(RowType); const separator = ", "; if (fields.len == 0) return ""; var size: usize = 1; // 1 for null terminator for (fields) |f| size += f.len + separator.len; size -= separator.len; var buf = std.mem.zeroes([size]u8); // can't use std.mem.join because of problems with comptime allocation // //var fba = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(&buf); //return (std.mem.join(fba.allocator(), separator, fields) catch unreachable) ++ " "; var buf_idx = 0; for (fields) |f, i| { std.mem.copy(u8, buf[buf_idx..], f); buf_idx += f.len; if (i != fields.len - 1) std.mem.copy(u8, buf[buf_idx..], separator); buf_idx += separator.len; } return &buf; } } //pub const OpenError = sqlite.OpenError | postgres.OpenError; const RawResults = union(Engine) { postgres: postgres.Results, sqlite: sqlite.Results, fn finish(self: RawResults) void { switch (self) { .postgres => |pg| pg.finish(), .sqlite => |lite| lite.finish(), } } fn columnCount(self: RawResults) u15 { return switch (self) { .postgres => |pg| pg.columnCount(), .sqlite => |lite| lite.columnCount(), }; } fn columnNameToIndex(self: RawResults, name: []const u8) !u15 { return try switch (self) { .postgres => |pg| pg.columnNameToIndex(name), .sqlite => |lite| lite.columnNameToIndex(name), }; } fn row(self: *RawResults) !?Row { return switch (self.*) { .postgres => |*pg| if (try pg.row()) |r| Row{ .postgres = r } else null, .sqlite => |*lite| if (try lite.row()) |r| Row{ .sqlite = r } else null, }; } }; // Represents a set of results. // row() must be called until it returns null, or the query may not complete // Must be deallocated by a call to finish() pub fn Results(comptime T: type) type { // would normally make this a declaration of the struct, but it causes the compiler to crash const fields = std.meta.fields(T); return struct { const Self = @This(); underlying: RawResults, column_indices: [fields.len]u15, fn from(underlying: RawResults) !Self { return Self{ .underlying = underlying, .column_indices = blk: { var indices: [fields.len]u15 = undefined; inline for (fields) |f, i| { indices[i] = if (!std.meta.trait.isTuple(T)) try underlying.columnNameToIndex( else i; } break :blk indices; } }; } pub fn finish(self: Self) void { self.underlying.finish(); } // can be used as an optimization to reduce memory reallocation // only works on postgres pub fn rowCount(self: Self) ?usize { return self.underlying.rowCount(); } // Returns the next row of results, or null if there are no more rows. // Caller owns all memory allocated. The entire object can be deallocated with a // call to util.deepFree pub fn row(self: *Self, alloc: ?Allocator) !?T { if (try self.underlying.row()) |row_val| { var result: T = undefined; var fields_allocated: usize = 0; errdefer inline for (fields) |f, i| { // Iteration bounds must be defined at comptime (inline for) but the number of fields we could // successfully allocate is defined at runtime. So we iterate over the entire field array and // conditionally deallocate fields in the loop. if (i < fields_allocated) util.deepFree(alloc, @field(result,; }; inline for (fields) |f, i| { @field(result, = try row_val.get(f.field_type, self.column_indices[i], alloc); fields_allocated += 1; } return result; } else return null; } }; } // Row is invalidated by the next call to result.row() const Row = union(Engine) { postgres: postgres.Row, sqlite: sqlite.Row, // Returns a value of type T from the zero-indexed column given by idx. // Not all types require an allocator to be present. If an allocator is needed but // not required, it will return error.AllocatorRequired. // The caller is responsible for deallocating T, if relevant. fn get(self: Row, comptime T: type, idx: u15, alloc: ?Allocator) anyerror!T { return switch (self) { .postgres => |pg| pg.get(T, idx, alloc), .sqlite => |lite| lite.get(T, idx, alloc), }; } }; const DbUnion = union(Engine) { postgres: postgres.Db, sqlite: sqlite.Db, }; pub const ConstraintMode = enum { deferred, immediate, }; pub const Db = struct { tx_open: bool = false, underlying: DbUnion, pub fn open(cfg: Config) !Db { return switch (cfg) { .postgres => |postgres_cfg| Db{ .underlying = .{ .postgres = try, }, }, .sqlite => |lite_cfg| Db{ .underlying = .{ .sqlite = try, }, }, }; } pub fn close(self: *Db) void { switch (self.underlying) { .postgres => |pg| pg.close(), .sqlite => |lite| lite.close(), } } pub fn queryWithOptions( self: *Db, comptime RowType: type, sql: [:0]const u8, args: anytype, opt: QueryOptions, ) !Results(RowType) { if (self.tx_open) return error.TransactionOpen; // Create fake transaction to use its functions return (Tx{ .db = self }).queryWithOptions(RowType, sql, args, opt); } pub fn query( self: *Db, comptime RowType: type, sql: [:0]const u8, args: anytype, alloc: ?Allocator, ) !Results(RowType) { if (self.tx_open) return error.TransactionOpen; // Create fake transaction to use its functions return (Tx{ .db = self }).query(RowType, sql, args, alloc); } pub fn exec( self: *Db, sql: [:0]const u8, args: anytype, alloc: ?Allocator, ) !void { if (self.tx_open) return error.TransactionOpen; // Create fake transaction to use its functions return (Tx{ .db = self }).exec(sql, args, alloc); } pub fn queryRow( self: *Db, comptime RowType: type, sql: [:0]const u8, args: anytype, alloc: ?Allocator, ) !?RowType { if (self.tx_open) return error.TransactionOpen; // Create fake transaction to use its functions return (Tx{ .db = self }).queryRow(RowType, sql, args, alloc); } pub fn insert( self: *Db, comptime table: []const u8, value: anytype, ) !void { if (self.tx_open) return error.TransactionOpen; // Create fake transaction to use its functions return (Tx{ .db = self }).insert(table, value); } pub fn sqlEngine(self: *Db) Engine { return self.underlying; } // Begins a transaction pub fn begin(self: *Db) !Tx { const tx = Tx{ .db = self }; try tx.exec("BEGIN", .{}, null); return tx; } }; pub const Tx = struct { db: *Db, // internal helper fn fn queryInternal( self: Tx, sql: [:0]const u8, args: anytype, opt: QueryOptions, ) !RawResults { return switch (self.db.underlying) { .postgres => |pg| RawResults{ .postgres = try pg.exec(sql, args, opt.prep_allocator) }, .sqlite => |lite| RawResults{ .sqlite = try lite.exec(sql, args, opt) }, }; } pub fn queryWithOptions( self: Tx, comptime RowType: type, sql: [:0]const u8, args: anytype, options: QueryOptions, ) !Results(RowType) { return Results(RowType).from(try self.queryInternal(sql, args, options)); } // Executes a query and returns the result set pub fn query( self: Tx, comptime RowType: type, sql: [:0]const u8, args: anytype, alloc: ?Allocator, ) !Results(RowType) { return self.queryWithOptions(RowType, sql, args, .{ .prep_allocator = alloc }); } // Executes a query without returning results pub fn exec( self: Tx, sql: [:0]const u8, args: anytype, alloc: ?Allocator, ) !void { _ = try self.queryRow(std.meta.Tuple(&.{}), sql, args, alloc); } // Runs a query and returns a single row pub fn queryRow( self: Tx, comptime RowType: type, q: [:0]const u8, args: anytype, alloc: ?Allocator, ) !?RowType { var results = try self.query(RowType, q, args, alloc); defer results.finish(); @compileLog(args); const row = (try results.row(alloc)) orelse return null; errdefer util.deepFree(alloc, row); var more_rows = false; while (try results.row(alloc)) |r| { util.deepFree(alloc, r); more_rows = true; } if (more_rows) return error.TooManyRows; return row; } // Inserts a single value into a table pub fn insert( self: Tx, comptime table: []const u8, value: anytype, ) !void { const ValueType = comptime @TypeOf(value); const fields = std.meta.fields(ValueType); comptime var types: [fields.len]type = undefined; comptime var table_spec: []const u8 = table ++ "("; comptime var value_spec: []const u8 = "("; inline for (fields) |field, i| { types[i] = field.field_type; table_spec = comptime (table_spec ++ ++ ","); value_spec = comptime value_spec ++ std.fmt.comptimePrint("${},", .{i + 1}); } table_spec = comptime table_spec[0 .. table_spec.len - 1] ++ ")"; value_spec = comptime value_spec[0 .. value_spec.len - 1] ++ ")"; const q = comptime std.fmt.comptimePrint( "INSERT INTO {s} VALUES {s}", .{ table_spec, value_spec }, ); var args_tuple: std.meta.Tuple(&types) = undefined; inline for (fields) |field, i| { args_tuple[i] = @field(value,; } try self.exec(q, args_tuple, null); } pub fn sqlEngine(self: Tx) Engine { return self.db.underlying; } pub fn setConstraintMode(self: Tx, mode: ConstraintMode) !void { switch (self.db.underlying) { .sqlite => try self.exec( switch (mode) { .immediate => "PRAGMA defer_foreign_keys = FALSE", .deferred => "PRAGMA defer_foreign_keys = TRUE", }, .{}, null, ), .postgres => try self.exec( switch (mode) { .immediate => "SET CONSTRAINTS ALL IMMEDIATE", .deferred => "SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED", }, .{}, null, ), } } pub fn rollback(self: Tx) void { self.exec("ROLLBACK", .{}, null) catch |err| { std.log.err("Error occured during rollback operation: {}", .{err}); }; } pub fn commit(self: Tx) !void { try self.exec("COMMIT", .{}, null); } };