const std = @import("std"); const util = @import("./lib.zig"); const FieldRef = []const []const u8; pub fn defaultIsScalar(comptime T: type) bool { if (comptime and defaultIsScalar(std.meta.Child(T))) return true; if (comptime std.meta.trait.isZigString(T)) return true; if (comptime std.meta.trait.isIntegral(T)) return true; if (comptime std.meta.trait.isFloat(T)) return true; if (comptime return true; if (comptime return true; if (comptime std.meta.trait.hasFn("parse")(T)) return true; if (T == bool) return true; return false; } pub fn deserializeString(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, comptime T: type, value: []const u8) !T { if (comptime { if (value.len == 0) return null; return try deserializeString(allocator, std.meta.Child(T), value); } if (T == []u8 or T == []const u8) return try util.deepClone(allocator, value); if (comptime std.meta.trait.isIntegral(T)) return try std.fmt.parseInt(T, value, 0); if (comptime std.meta.trait.isFloat(T)) return try std.fmt.parseFloat(T, value); if (comptime std.meta.trait.hasFn("parse")(T)) return try T.parse(value); var buf: [64]u8 = undefined; const lowered = std.ascii.lowerString(&buf, value); if (T == bool) return bool_map.get(lowered) orelse return error.InvalidBool; if (comptime { return std.meta.stringToEnum(T, lowered) orelse return error.InvalidEnumTag; } @compileError("Invalid type " ++ @typeName(T)); } fn getRecursiveFieldList(comptime T: type, comptime prefix: FieldRef, comptime options: SerializationOptions) []const FieldRef { comptime { if ( and prefix.len == 0 and options.embed_unions) { @compileError("Cannot embed a union into nothing"); } if (options.isScalar(T)) return &.{prefix}; if ( return getRecursiveFieldList(std.meta.Child(T), prefix, options); const eff_prefix: FieldRef = if ( and options.embed_unions) prefix[0 .. prefix.len - 1] else prefix; var fields: []const FieldRef = &.{}; for (std.meta.fields(T)) |f| { const new_prefix = eff_prefix ++ &[_][]const u8{}; const F = f.field_type; fields = fields ++ getRecursiveFieldList(F, new_prefix, options); } return fields; } } pub const SerializationOptions = struct { embed_unions: bool, isScalar: fn (type) bool, }; pub const default_options = SerializationOptions{ .embed_unions = true, .isScalar = defaultIsScalar, }; fn Intermediary(comptime Result: type, comptime From: type, comptime options: SerializationOptions) type { const field_refs = getRecursiveFieldList(Result, &.{}, options); var fields: [field_refs.len]std.builtin.Type.StructField = undefined; for (field_refs) |ref, i| { fields[i] = .{ .name = util.comptimeJoin(".", ref), .field_type = ?From, .default_value = &@as(?From, null), .is_comptime = false, .alignment = @alignOf(?From), }; } return @Type(.{ .Struct = .{ .layout = .Auto, .fields = &fields, .decls = &.{}, .is_tuple = false, } }); } pub fn Deserializer(comptime Result: type) type { return DeserializerContext(Result, []const u8, struct { const options = default_options; fn deserializeScalar(_: @This(), alloc: std.mem.Allocator, comptime T: type, val: []const u8) !T { return try deserializeString(alloc, T, val); } }); } pub fn DeserializerContext(comptime Result: type, comptime From: type, comptime Context: type) type { return struct { const Data = Intermediary(Result, From, Context.options); data: Data = .{}, context: Context = .{}, pub fn setSerializedField(self: *@This(), key: []const u8, value: From) !void { const field = std.meta.stringToEnum(std.meta.FieldEnum(Data), key); inline for (comptime std.meta.fieldNames(Data)) |field_name| { @setEvalBranchQuota(10000); const f = comptime std.meta.stringToEnum(std.meta.FieldEnum(Data), field_name); if (field == f) { @field(, field_name) = value; return; } } return error.UnknownField; } pub fn finishFree(_: *@This(), allocator: std.mem.Allocator, val: anytype) void { util.deepFree(allocator, val); } pub fn finish(self: *@This(), allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !Result { return (try self.deserialize(allocator, Result, &.{})) orelse error.MissingField; } fn getSerializedField(self: *@This(), comptime field_ref: FieldRef) ?From { //inline for (comptime std.meta.fieldNames(Data)) |f| @compileLog(f.ptr); return @field(, util.comptimeJoin(".", field_ref)); } fn deserializeFree(_: *@This(), allocator: std.mem.Allocator, val: anytype) void { util.deepFree(allocator, val); } fn deserialize(self: *@This(), allocator: std.mem.Allocator, comptime T: type, comptime field_ref: FieldRef) !?T { if (comptime Context.options.isScalar(T)) { return try self.context.deserializeScalar(allocator, T, self.getSerializedField(field_ref) orelse return null); } switch (@typeInfo(T)) { // At most one of any union field can be active at a time, and it is embedded // in its parent container .Union => |info| { var result: ?T = null; errdefer if (result) |v| self.deserializeFree(allocator, v); // TODO: errdefer cleanup const union_ref: FieldRef = if (Context.options.embed_unions) field_ref[0 .. field_ref.len - 1] else field_ref; inline for (info.fields) |field| { const F = field.field_type; const new_field_ref = union_ref ++ &[_][]const u8{}; const maybe_value = try self.deserialize(allocator, F, new_field_ref); if (maybe_value) |value| { // TODO: errdefer cleanup errdefer self.deserializeFree(allocator, value); if (result != null) return error.DuplicateUnionMember; result = @unionInit(T,, value); } } return result; }, .Struct => |info| { var result: T = undefined; var any_explicit = false; var any_missing = false; var fields_alloced = [1]bool{false} ** info.fields.len; errdefer inline for (info.fields) |field, i| { if (fields_alloced[i]) self.deserializeFree(allocator, @field(result,; }; inline for (info.fields) |field, i| { const F = field.field_type; const new_field_ref = field_ref ++ &[_][]const u8{}; const maybe_value = try self.deserialize(allocator, F, new_field_ref); if (maybe_value) |v| { @field(result, = v; fields_alloced[i] = true; any_explicit = true; } else if (field.default_value) |ptr| { if (@sizeOf(F) != 0) { const cast_ptr = @ptrCast(*const F, @alignCast(field.alignment, ptr)); @field(result, = try util.deepClone(allocator, cast_ptr.*); fields_alloced[i] = true; } } else { any_missing = true; } } if (any_missing) { return if (any_explicit) error.MissingField else null; } return result; }, // Specifically non-scalar optionals .Optional => |info| return try self.deserialize(allocator, info.child, field_ref), else => @compileError("Unsupported type"), } } }; } const bool_map = std.ComptimeStringMap(bool, .{ .{ "true", true }, .{ "t", true }, .{ "yes", true }, .{ "y", true }, .{ "1", true }, .{ "false", false }, .{ "f", false }, .{ "no", false }, .{ "n", false }, .{ "0", false }, }); test "Deserializer" { // Happy case - simple { const T = struct { foo: []const u8, bar: bool }; var ds = Deserializer(T){}; try ds.setSerializedField("foo", "123"); try ds.setSerializedField("bar", "true"); const val = try ds.finish(std.testing.allocator); defer ds.finishFree(std.testing.allocator, val); try util.testing.expectDeepEqual(T{ .foo = "123", .bar = true }, val); } // Returns error if nonexistent field set { const T = struct { foo: []const u8, bar: bool }; var ds = Deserializer(T){}; try std.testing.expectError(error.UnknownField, ds.setSerializedField("baz", "123")); } // Substruct dereferencing { const T = struct { foo: struct { bar: bool, baz: bool }, }; var ds = Deserializer(T){}; try ds.setSerializedField("", "true"); try ds.setSerializedField("foo.baz", "true"); const val = try ds.finish(std.testing.allocator); defer ds.finishFree(std.testing.allocator, val); try util.testing.expectDeepEqual(T{ .foo = .{ .bar = true, .baz = true } }, val); } // Union embedding { const T = struct { foo: union(enum) { bar: bool, baz: bool }, }; var ds = Deserializer(T){}; try ds.setSerializedField("bar", "true"); const val = try ds.finish(std.testing.allocator); defer ds.finishFree(std.testing.allocator, val); try util.testing.expectDeepEqual(T{ .foo = .{ .bar = true } }, val); } // Returns error if multiple union fields specified { const T = struct { foo: union(enum) { bar: bool, baz: bool }, }; var ds = Deserializer(T){}; try ds.setSerializedField("bar", "true"); try ds.setSerializedField("baz", "true"); try std.testing.expectError(error.DuplicateUnionMember, ds.finish(std.testing.allocator)); } // Uses default values if fields aren't provided { const T = struct { foo: []const u8 = "123", bar: bool = true }; var ds = Deserializer(T){}; const val = try ds.finish(std.testing.allocator); defer ds.finishFree(std.testing.allocator, val); try util.testing.expectDeepEqual(T{ .foo = "123", .bar = true }, val); } // Returns an error if fields aren't provided and no default exists { const T = struct { foo: []const u8, bar: bool }; var ds = Deserializer(T){}; try ds.setSerializedField("foo", "123"); try std.testing.expectError(error.MissingField, ds.finish(std.testing.allocator)); } // Handles optional containers { const T = struct { foo: ?struct { bar: usize = 3, baz: usize } = null, qux: ?union(enum) { quux: usize } = null, }; var ds = Deserializer(T){}; const val = try ds.finish(std.testing.allocator); defer ds.finishFree(std.testing.allocator, val); try util.testing.expectDeepEqual(T{ .foo = null, .qux = null }, val); } { const T = struct { foo: ?struct { bar: usize = 3, baz: usize } = null, qux: ?union(enum) { quux: usize } = null, }; var ds = Deserializer(T){}; try ds.setSerializedField("foo.baz", "3"); try ds.setSerializedField("quux", "3"); const val = try ds.finish(std.testing.allocator); defer ds.finishFree(std.testing.allocator, val); try util.testing.expectDeepEqual(T{ .foo = .{ .bar = 3, .baz = 3 }, .qux = .{ .quux = 3 } }, val); } { const T = struct { foo: ?struct { bar: usize = 3, baz: usize } = null, qux: ?union(enum) { quux: usize } = null, }; var ds = Deserializer(T){}; try ds.setSerializedField("", "3"); try ds.setSerializedField("quux", "3"); try std.testing.expectError(error.MissingField, ds.finish(std.testing.allocator)); } }