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5 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
jaina heartles 1d65984323 Use non-comptime ints in tests
ci/woodpecker/push/woodpecker Pipeline was successful Details
2022-12-18 05:44:13 -08:00
jaina heartles 4ec3a61bb6 Fix deserializer tests 2022-12-18 05:43:36 -08:00
jaina heartles 67855b57c9 Fix http tests 2022-12-18 05:34:16 -08:00
jaina heartles e02c5d99e4 Allow returning default values on base struct 2022-12-18 05:19:17 -08:00
jaina heartles a0b2e22e32 Fix compile errors in tests 2022-12-18 05:18:20 -08:00
5 changed files with 122 additions and 100 deletions

View File

@ -163,27 +163,12 @@ test "InjectContextValue" {
.handle(.{}, .{}, .{ .efgh = @as(usize, 10) }, ExpectContext(.{ .abcd = 5, .efgh = 10 }){});
fn expectDeepEquals(expected: anytype, actual: anytype) !void {
const E = @TypeOf(expected);
const A = @TypeOf(actual);
if (E == void) return std.testing.expect(A == void);
try std.testing.expect(std.meta.fields(E).len == std.meta.fields(A).len);
inline for (std.meta.fields(E)) |f| {
const e = @field(expected,;
const a = @field(actual,;
if (comptime std.meta.trait.isZigString(f.field_type)) {
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(a, e);
} else {
try std.testing.expectEqual(a, e);
// Helper for testing purposes
fn ExpectContext(comptime val: anytype) type {
return struct {
pub fn handle(_: @This(), _: anytype, _: anytype, ctx: anytype, _: void) !void {
try expectDeepEquals(val, ctx);
if (@TypeOf(val) == void) return error.TestUnexpectedResult;
try util.testing.expectDeepEqual(@as(@TypeOf(ctx), val), ctx);
@ -485,7 +470,15 @@ pub fn mount(comptime route: []const u8) Mount(route) {
test "mount" {
const testCase = struct {
fn func(comptime base: []const u8, request: []const u8, comptime expected: ?[]const u8) !void {
const result = mount(base).handle(.{}, .{}, addField(.{}, "path", request), expectContext(.{ .path = expected orelse "" }));
const result = mount(base).handle(
addField(.{}, "path", request),
.path = expected orelse "",
.mounted_at = std.mem.trim(u8, base, "/"),
try if (expected != null) result else std.testing.expectError(error.RouteMismatch, result);
@ -590,7 +583,8 @@ test "ParsePathArgs" {
expected: @TypeOf(expected),
path: []const u8,
fn handle(self: @This(), _: anytype, _: anytype, ctx: anytype, _: void) !void {
try expectDeepEquals(self.expected, ctx.args);
if (@TypeOf(expected) == @TypeOf(null)) return error.TestUnexpectedResult;
try util.testing.expectDeepEqual(@as(@TypeOf(ctx.args), self.expected), ctx.args);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(self.path, ctx.path);
}{ .expected = expected, .path = path };
@ -619,10 +613,10 @@ test "ParsePathArgs" {
try testCase("/:foo*", struct { foo: []const u8 }, "/", .{ .foo = "/" });
try testCase("/:foo*", struct { foo: []const u8 }, "", .{ .foo = "" });
try std.testing.expectError(error.RouteMismatch, testCase("/:id", struct { id: usize }, "/", .{}));
try std.testing.expectError(error.RouteMismatch, testCase("/abcd/:id", struct { id: usize }, "/123", .{}));
try std.testing.expectError(error.RouteMismatch, testCase("/:id", struct { id: usize }, "/3/id/blahblah", .{ .id = 3 }));
try std.testing.expectError(error.InvalidCharacter, testCase("/:id", struct { id: usize }, "/xyz", .{}));
try std.testing.expectError(error.RouteMismatch, testCase("/:id", struct { id: usize }, "/", null));
try std.testing.expectError(error.RouteMismatch, testCase("/abcd/:id", struct { id: usize }, "/123", null));
try std.testing.expectError(error.RouteMismatch, testCase("/:id", struct { id: usize }, "/3/id/blahblah", null));
try std.testing.expectError(error.InvalidCharacter, testCase("/:id", struct { id: usize }, "/xyz", null));
const BaseContentType = enum {
@ -715,7 +709,7 @@ pub fn ParseBody(comptime Body: type, comptime options: ParseBodyOptions) type {
pub fn parseBody(comptime Body: type) ParseBody(Body) {
pub fn parseBody(comptime Body: type, comptime options: ParseBodyOptions) ParseBody(Body, options) {
return .{};
@ -752,7 +746,7 @@ test "parseBody" {
var headers = http.Fields.init(std.testing.allocator);
defer headers.deinit();
try parseBody(Struct).handle(
try parseBody(Struct, .{}).handle(
.{ .body = @as(?, stream), .headers = headers },
.{ .allocator = std.testing.allocator },

View File

@ -357,6 +357,6 @@ test "parseFormData" {
var src ={ .const_buffer = };
const val = try parseFormData(struct {
foo: []const u8,
}, "abcd", src.reader(), std.testing.allocator);
}, false, "abcd", src.reader(), std.testing.allocator);
util.deepFree(std.testing.allocator, val);

View File

@ -252,49 +252,49 @@ fn formatQuery(comptime prefix: []const u8, params: anytype, writer: anytype) !v
test "parse" {
const testCase = struct {
fn case(comptime T: type, expected: T, query_string: []const u8) !void {
const result = try parse(std.testing.allocator, T, query_string);
fn case(allow_unknown_fields: bool, comptime T: type, expected: T, query_string: []const u8) !void {
const result = try parse(std.testing.allocator, allow_unknown_fields, T, query_string);
defer parseFree(std.testing.allocator, result);
try util.testing.expectDeepEqual(expected, result);
try testCase(struct { int: usize = 3 }, .{ .int = 3 }, "");
try testCase(struct { int: usize = 3 }, .{ .int = 2 }, "int=2");
try testCase(struct { int: usize = 3 }, .{ .int = 2 }, "int=2&");
try testCase(struct { boolean: bool = false }, .{ .boolean = false }, "");
try testCase(struct { boolean: bool = false }, .{ .boolean = true }, "boolean");
try testCase(struct { boolean: bool = false }, .{ .boolean = true }, "boolean=true");
try testCase(struct { boolean: bool = false }, .{ .boolean = true }, "boolean=y");
try testCase(struct { boolean: bool = false }, .{ .boolean = false }, "boolean=f");
try testCase(struct { boolean: bool = false }, .{ .boolean = false }, "boolean=no");
try testCase(struct { str_enum: ?enum { foo, bar } = null }, .{ .str_enum = null }, "");
try testCase(struct { str_enum: ?enum { foo, bar } = null }, .{ .str_enum = .foo }, "str_enum=foo");
try testCase(struct { str_enum: ?enum { foo, bar } = null }, .{ .str_enum = .bar }, "str_enum=bar");
try testCase(struct { str_enum: ?enum { foo, bar } = .foo }, .{ .str_enum = .foo }, "");
try testCase(struct { str_enum: ?enum { foo, bar } = .foo }, .{ .str_enum = null }, "str_enum");
try testCase(struct { n1: usize = 5, n2: usize = 5 }, .{ .n1 = 1, .n2 = 2 }, "n1=1&n2=2");
try testCase(struct { n1: usize = 5, n2: usize = 5 }, .{ .n1 = 1, .n2 = 2 }, "n1=1&n2=2&");
try testCase(struct { n1: usize = 5, n2: usize = 5 }, .{ .n1 = 1, .n2 = 2 }, "n1=1&&n2=2&");
try testCase(false, struct { int: usize = 3 }, .{ .int = 3 }, "");
try testCase(false, struct { int: usize = 3 }, .{ .int = 2 }, "int=2");
try testCase(false, struct { int: usize = 3 }, .{ .int = 2 }, "int=2&");
try testCase(false, struct { boolean: bool = false }, .{ .boolean = false }, "");
try testCase(false, struct { boolean: bool = false }, .{ .boolean = true }, "boolean");
try testCase(false, struct { boolean: bool = false }, .{ .boolean = true }, "boolean=true");
try testCase(false, struct { boolean: bool = false }, .{ .boolean = true }, "boolean=y");
try testCase(false, struct { boolean: bool = false }, .{ .boolean = false }, "boolean=f");
try testCase(false, struct { boolean: bool = false }, .{ .boolean = false }, "boolean=no");
try testCase(false, struct { str_enum: ?enum { foo, bar } = null }, .{ .str_enum = null }, "");
try testCase(false, struct { str_enum: ?enum { foo, bar } = null }, .{ .str_enum = .foo }, "str_enum=foo");
try testCase(false, struct { str_enum: ?enum { foo, bar } = null }, .{ .str_enum = .bar }, "str_enum=bar");
try testCase(false, struct { str_enum: ?enum { foo, bar } = .foo }, .{ .str_enum = .foo }, "");
try testCase(false, struct { str_enum: ?enum { foo, bar } = .foo }, .{ .str_enum = null }, "str_enum");
try testCase(false, struct { n1: usize = 5, n2: usize = 5 }, .{ .n1 = 1, .n2 = 2 }, "n1=1&n2=2");
try testCase(false, struct { n1: usize = 5, n2: usize = 5 }, .{ .n1 = 1, .n2 = 2 }, "n1=1&n2=2&");
try testCase(false, struct { n1: usize = 5, n2: usize = 5 }, .{ .n1 = 1, .n2 = 2 }, "n1=1&&n2=2&");
try testCase(struct { str: ?[]const u8 = null }, .{ .str = null }, "");
try testCase(struct { str: ?[]const u8 = null }, .{ .str = null }, "str");
try testCase(struct { str: ?[]const u8 = null }, .{ .str = null }, "str=");
try testCase(struct { str: ?[]const u8 = null }, .{ .str = "foo" }, "str=foo");
try testCase(struct { str: ?[]const u8 = "foo" }, .{ .str = "foo" }, "str=foo");
try testCase(struct { str: ?[]const u8 = "foo" }, .{ .str = "foo" }, "");
try testCase(struct { str: ?[]const u8 = "foo" }, .{ .str = null }, "str");
try testCase(struct { str: ?[]const u8 = "foo" }, .{ .str = null }, "str=");
try testCase(false, struct { str: ?[]const u8 = null }, .{ .str = null }, "");
try testCase(false, struct { str: ?[]const u8 = null }, .{ .str = null }, "str");
try testCase(false, struct { str: ?[]const u8 = null }, .{ .str = null }, "str=");
try testCase(false, struct { str: ?[]const u8 = null }, .{ .str = "foo" }, "str=foo");
try testCase(false, struct { str: ?[]const u8 = "foo" }, .{ .str = "foo" }, "str=foo");
try testCase(false, struct { str: ?[]const u8 = "foo" }, .{ .str = "foo" }, "");
try testCase(false, struct { str: ?[]const u8 = "foo" }, .{ .str = null }, "str");
try testCase(false, struct { str: ?[]const u8 = "foo" }, .{ .str = null }, "str=");
const rand_uuid = comptime util.Uuid.parse("c1fb6578-4d0c-4eb9-9f67-d56da3ae6f5d") catch unreachable;
try testCase(struct { id: ?util.Uuid = null }, .{ .id = null }, "");
try testCase(struct { id: ?util.Uuid = null }, .{ .id = null }, "id=");
try testCase(struct { id: ?util.Uuid = null }, .{ .id = null }, "id");
try testCase(struct { id: ?util.Uuid = null }, .{ .id = rand_uuid }, "id=" ++ rand_uuid.toCharArray());
try testCase(struct { id: ?util.Uuid = rand_uuid }, .{ .id = rand_uuid }, "");
try testCase(struct { id: ?util.Uuid = rand_uuid }, .{ .id = null }, "id=");
try testCase(struct { id: ?util.Uuid = rand_uuid }, .{ .id = null }, "id");
try testCase(struct { id: ?util.Uuid = rand_uuid }, .{ .id = rand_uuid }, "id=" ++ rand_uuid.toCharArray());
try testCase(false, struct { id: ?util.Uuid = null }, .{ .id = null }, "");
try testCase(false, struct { id: ?util.Uuid = null }, .{ .id = null }, "id=");
try testCase(false, struct { id: ?util.Uuid = null }, .{ .id = null }, "id");
try testCase(false, struct { id: ?util.Uuid = null }, .{ .id = rand_uuid }, "id=" ++ rand_uuid.toCharArray());
try testCase(false, struct { id: ?util.Uuid = rand_uuid }, .{ .id = rand_uuid }, "");
try testCase(false, struct { id: ?util.Uuid = rand_uuid }, .{ .id = null }, "id=");
try testCase(false, struct { id: ?util.Uuid = rand_uuid }, .{ .id = null }, "id");
try testCase(false, struct { id: ?util.Uuid = rand_uuid }, .{ .id = rand_uuid }, "id=" ++ rand_uuid.toCharArray());
const SubStruct = struct {
sub: struct {
@ -302,9 +302,9 @@ test "parse" {
bar: usize = 2,
} = .{},
try testCase(SubStruct, .{ .sub = .{ .foo = 1, .bar = 2 } }, "");
try testCase(SubStruct, .{ .sub = .{ .foo = 3, .bar = 3 } }, "");
try testCase(SubStruct, .{ .sub = .{ .foo = 3, .bar = 2 } }, "");
try testCase(false, SubStruct, .{ .sub = .{ .foo = 1, .bar = 2 } }, "");
try testCase(false, SubStruct, .{ .sub = .{ .foo = 3, .bar = 3 } }, "");
try testCase(false, SubStruct, .{ .sub = .{ .foo = 3, .bar = 2 } }, "");
// TODO: Semantics are ill-defined here. What happens if the substruct doesn't have
// default values?
@ -313,8 +313,8 @@ test "parse" {
// foo: usize = 1,
// } = null,
// };
// try testCase(SubStruct2, .{ .sub = null }, "");
// try testCase(SubStruct2, .{ .sub = null }, "sub=");
// try testCase(false, SubStruct2, .{ .sub = null }, "");
// try testCase(false, SubStruct2, .{ .sub = null }, "sub=");
// TODO: also here (semantics are well defined it just breaks tests)
// const SubUnion = struct {
@ -323,21 +323,24 @@ test "parse" {
// bar: usize,
// } = null,
// };
// try testCase(SubUnion, .{ .sub = null }, "");
// try testCase(SubUnion, .{ .sub = null }, "sub=");
// try testCase(false, SubUnion, .{ .sub = null }, "");
// try testCase(false, SubUnion, .{ .sub = null }, "sub=");
const SubUnion2 = struct {
sub: ?struct {
sub: ?union(enum) {
bar: struct {
foo: usize,
val: union(enum) {
bar: []const u8,
baz: struct {
foo: usize,
baz: []const u8,
} = null,
try testCase(SubUnion2, .{ .sub = null }, "");
try testCase(SubUnion2, .{ .sub = .{ .foo = 1, .val = .{ .bar = "abc" } } }, "");
try testCase(SubUnion2, .{ .sub = .{ .foo = 1, .val = .{ .baz = "abc" } } }, "");
try testCase(false, SubUnion2, .{ .sub = null }, "");
try testCase(false, SubUnion2, .{ .sub = .{ .bar = .{ .foo = 1, .bar = "abc" } } }, "");
try testCase(false, SubUnion2, .{ .sub = .{ .baz = .{ .foo = 1, .baz = "abc" } } }, "");
test "encodeStruct" {

View File

@ -1349,7 +1349,7 @@ test "template" {
try testCase("", .{}, "");
try testCase("abcd", .{}, "abcd");
try testCase("{.val}", .{ .val = 3 }, "3");
try testCase("{.val}", .{ .val = @as(usize, 3) }, "3");
try testCase("{#if .val}1{/if}", .{ .val = true }, "1");
try testCase("{#for .vals |$v|=} {$v} {=/for}", .{ .vals = [_]u8{ 1, 2, 3 } }, "123");
try testCase("{#for .vals |$val|}{$val}{/for}", .{ .vals = [_]u8{ 1, 2, 3 } }, "123");

View File

@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ pub fn DeserializerContext(comptime Result: type, comptime From: type, comptime
pub fn finish(self: *@This(), allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !Result {
return (try self.deserialize(allocator, Result,, &.{})) orelse
return (try self.deserialize(allocator, Result,, &.{}, true)) orelse
if (std.meta.fields(Result).len == 0)
return .{}
@ -290,6 +290,7 @@ pub fn DeserializerContext(comptime Result: type, comptime From: type, comptime
comptime T: type,
intermediary: anytype,
comptime field_ref: FieldRef,
allow_default: bool,
) DeserializeError!?T {
if (comptime Context.options.isScalar(T)) {
const val = @field(intermediary.static, util.comptimeJoin(".", field_ref));
@ -304,7 +305,7 @@ pub fn DeserializerContext(comptime Result: type, comptime From: type, comptime
var partial_match_found: bool = false;
inline for (info.fields) |field| {
const F = field.field_type;
const maybe_value = self.deserialize(allocator, F, intermediary, field_ref) catch |err| switch (err) {
const maybe_value = self.deserialize(allocator, F, intermediary, field_ref, false) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.MissingField => blk: {
partial_match_found = true;
break :blk @as(?F, null);
@ -333,7 +334,7 @@ pub fn DeserializerContext(comptime Result: type, comptime From: type, comptime
inline for (info.fields) |field, i| {
const F = field.field_type;
const new_field_ref = field_ref ++ &[_][]const u8{};
const maybe_value = try self.deserialize(allocator, F, intermediary, new_field_ref);
const maybe_value = try self.deserialize(allocator, F, intermediary, new_field_ref, false);
if (maybe_value) |v| {
@field(result, = v;
fields_alloced[i] = true;
@ -350,7 +351,7 @@ pub fn DeserializerContext(comptime Result: type, comptime From: type, comptime
if (any_missing and any_explicit) return error.MissingField;
if (!any_explicit) {
if (!any_explicit and !allow_default) {
inline for (info.fields) |field, i| {
if (fields_alloced[i]) self.deserializeFree(allocator, @field(result,;
@ -369,7 +370,7 @@ pub fn DeserializerContext(comptime Result: type, comptime From: type, comptime
var count: usize = 0;
errdefer for (result[0..count]) |res| util.deepFree(allocator, res);
for (data.items) |sub, i| {
result[i] = (try self.deserialize(allocator, info.child, sub, &.{})) orelse return error.SparseSlice;
result[i] = (try self.deserialize(allocator, info.child, sub, &.{}, false)) orelse return error.SparseSlice;
return result;
@ -378,7 +379,7 @@ pub fn DeserializerContext(comptime Result: type, comptime From: type, comptime
// Specifically non-scalar optionals
.Optional => |info| return try self.deserialize(allocator, info.child, intermediary, field_ref),
.Optional => |info| return try self.deserialize(allocator, info.child, intermediary, field_ref, allow_default),
else => @compileError("Unsupported type"),
@ -406,7 +407,8 @@ test "Deserializer" {
const T = struct { foo: []const u8, bar: bool };
var ds = Deserializer(T){};
var ds = Deserializer(T){ .arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator) };
defer ds.deinit();
try ds.setSerializedField("foo", "123");
try ds.setSerializedField("bar", "true");
@ -419,7 +421,8 @@ test "Deserializer" {
const T = struct { foo: []const u8, bar: bool };
var ds = Deserializer(T){};
var ds = Deserializer(T){ .arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator) };
defer ds.deinit();
try std.testing.expectError(error.UnknownField, ds.setSerializedField("baz", "123"));
@ -429,7 +432,8 @@ test "Deserializer" {
foo: struct { bar: bool, baz: bool },
var ds = Deserializer(T){};
var ds = Deserializer(T){ .arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator) };
defer ds.deinit();
try ds.setSerializedField("", "true");
try ds.setSerializedField("foo.baz", "true");
@ -438,29 +442,45 @@ test "Deserializer" {
try util.testing.expectDeepEqual(T{ .foo = .{ .bar = true, .baz = true } }, val);
// Union embedding
// Union behavior
const T = struct {
foo: union(enum) { bar: bool, baz: bool },
foo: union(enum) {
bar: struct {
bar: bool,
baz: struct {
baz: bool,
var ds = Deserializer(T){};
try ds.setSerializedField("bar", "true");
var ds = Deserializer(T){ .arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator) };
defer ds.deinit();
try ds.setSerializedField("", "true");
const val = try ds.finish(std.testing.allocator);
defer ds.finishFree(std.testing.allocator, val);
try util.testing.expectDeepEqual(T{ .foo = .{ .bar = true } }, val);
try util.testing.expectDeepEqual(T{ .foo = .{ .bar = .{ .bar = true } } }, val);
// Returns error if multiple union fields specified
const T = struct {
foo: union(enum) { bar: bool, baz: bool },
foo: union(enum) {
bar: struct {
bar: bool,
baz: struct {
baz: bool,
var ds = Deserializer(T){};
try ds.setSerializedField("bar", "true");
try ds.setSerializedField("baz", "true");
var ds = Deserializer(T){ .arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator) };
defer ds.deinit();
try ds.setSerializedField("", "true");
try ds.setSerializedField("foo.baz", "true");
try std.testing.expectError(error.DuplicateUnionMember, ds.finish(std.testing.allocator));
@ -469,7 +489,8 @@ test "Deserializer" {
const T = struct { foo: []const u8 = "123", bar: bool = true };
var ds = Deserializer(T){};
var ds = Deserializer(T){ .arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator) };
defer ds.deinit();
const val = try ds.finish(std.testing.allocator);
defer ds.finishFree(std.testing.allocator, val);
@ -480,7 +501,8 @@ test "Deserializer" {
const T = struct { foo: []const u8, bar: bool };
var ds = Deserializer(T){};
var ds = Deserializer(T){ .arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator) };
defer ds.deinit();
try ds.setSerializedField("foo", "123");
try std.testing.expectError(error.MissingField, ds.finish(std.testing.allocator));
@ -493,7 +515,8 @@ test "Deserializer" {
qux: ?union(enum) { quux: usize } = null,
var ds = Deserializer(T){};
var ds = Deserializer(T){ .arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator) };
defer ds.deinit();
const val = try ds.finish(std.testing.allocator);
defer ds.finishFree(std.testing.allocator, val);
@ -506,9 +529,10 @@ test "Deserializer" {
qux: ?union(enum) { quux: usize } = null,
var ds = Deserializer(T){};
var ds = Deserializer(T){ .arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator) };
defer ds.deinit();
try ds.setSerializedField("foo.baz", "3");
try ds.setSerializedField("quux", "3");
try ds.setSerializedField("qux", "3");
const val = try ds.finish(std.testing.allocator);
defer ds.finishFree(std.testing.allocator, val);
@ -521,9 +545,10 @@ test "Deserializer" {
qux: ?union(enum) { quux: usize } = null,
var ds = Deserializer(T){};
var ds = Deserializer(T){ .arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator) };
defer ds.deinit();
try ds.setSerializedField("", "3");
try ds.setSerializedField("quux", "3");
try ds.setSerializedField("qux", "3");
try std.testing.expectError(error.MissingField, ds.finish(std.testing.allocator));