Controller helper refactor

This commit is contained in:
jaina heartles 2022-11-14 23:22:40 -08:00
parent 76b9018297
commit 85f57df0cb
1 changed files with 86 additions and 97 deletions

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@ -58,6 +58,41 @@ const routes = .{
fn parseRouteArgs(comptime route: []const u8, comptime Args: type, path: []const u8) !Args {
var args: Args = undefined;
var path_iter = util.PathIter.from(path);
comptime var route_iter = util.PathIter.from(route);
inline while (comptime |route_segment| {
const path_segment = orelse return error.RouteMismatch;
if (route_segment.len > 0 and route_segment[0] == ':') {
const A = @TypeOf(@field(args, route_segment[1..]));
@field(args, route_segment[1..]) = try parseRouteArg(A, path_segment);
} else {
if (!std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(route_segment, path_segment)) return error.RouteMismatch;
if ( != null) return error.RouteMismatch;
return args;
fn parseRouteArg(comptime T: type, segment: []const u8) !T {
if (T == []const u8) return segment;
if (comptime std.meta.trait.isContainer(T) and std.meta.trait.hasFn("parse")(T)) return T.parse(segment);
@compileError("Unsupported Type " ++ @typeName(T));
fn parseBody(comptime T: type, reader: anytype, alloc: std.mem.Allocator) !T {
const buf = try reader.readAllAlloc(alloc, 1 << 16);
const body = try json_utils.parse(T, buf, alloc);
defer json_utils.parseFree(body, alloc);
return try util.deepClone(alloc, body);
pub fn Context(comptime Route: type) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
@ -87,38 +122,58 @@ pub fn Context(comptime Route: type) type {
body_buf: ?[]const u8 = null,
fn parseArgs(path: []const u8) ?Args {
var args: Args = undefined;
var path_iter = util.PathIter.from(path);
comptime var route_iter = util.PathIter.from(Route.path);
inline while (comptime |route_segment| {
const path_segment = orelse return null;
if (route_segment.len > 0 and route_segment[0] == ':') {
const A = @TypeOf(@field(args, route_segment[1..]));
@field(args, route_segment[1..]) = parseArg(A, path_segment) catch return null;
} else {
if (!std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(route_segment, path_segment)) return null;
if ( != null) return null;
return args;
fn parseArg(comptime T: type, segment: []const u8) !T {
if (T == []const u8) return segment;
if (comptime std.meta.trait.hasFn("parse")(T)) return T.parse(segment);
@compileError("Unsupported Type " ++ @typeName(T));
pub fn matchAndHandle(api_source: *api.ApiSource, req: *http.Request, res: *Response, alloc: std.mem.Allocator) bool {
if (req.method != Route.method) return false;
var path = std.mem.sliceTo(std.mem.sliceTo(req.uri, '#'), '?');
var args: Args = parseArgs(path) orelse return false;
var args = parseRouteArgs(Route.path, Args, path) catch return false;
var self = Self{
std.log.debug("Matched route {s}", .{Route.path});
handle(api_source, req, res, alloc, args) catch |err| {
std.log.err("{}", .{err});
if (!res.opened) res.err(.internal_server_error, "", {}) catch {};
return true;
fn handle(
api_source: *api.ApiSource,
req: *http.Request,
res: *Response,
alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
args: Args,
) !void {
const body = if (Body != void) blk: {
var stream = req.body orelse return error.NoBody;
break :blk try parseBody(Body, stream.reader(), alloc);
} else {};
defer if (Body != void) util.deepFree(alloc, body);
const query = if (Query != void) blk: {
const path = std.mem.sliceTo(req.uri, '?');
const q = req.uri[path.len..];
break :blk try query_utils.parseQuery(Query, q);
var api_conn = conn: {
const host = req.headers.get("Host") orelse return error.NoHost;
const auth_header = req.headers.get("Authorization");
const token = if (auth_header) |header| blk: {
const prefix = "bearer ";
if (header.len < prefix.len) break :blk null;
if (!std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(prefix, header[0..prefix.len])) break :blk null;
break :blk header[prefix.len..];
} else null;
if (token) |t| break :conn try api_source.connectToken(host, t, alloc);
break :conn try api_source.connectUnauthorized(host, alloc);
defer api_conn.close();
const self = Self{
.allocator = alloc,
.base_request = req,
@ -127,15 +182,11 @@ pub fn Context(comptime Route: type) type {
.headers = req.headers,
.args = args,
.body = undefined,
.query = undefined,
.body = body,
.query = query,
std.log.debug("Matched route {s}", .{path});
self.prepareAndHandle(api_source, req, res);
return true;
try Route.handler(self, res, &api_conn);
fn errorHandler(response: *Response, status: http.Status, err: anytype) void {
@ -149,68 +200,6 @@ pub fn Context(comptime Route: type) type {
std.log.err("Error printing response: {}", .{err2});
fn prepareAndHandle(self: *Self, api_source: anytype, req: *http.Request, response: *Response) void {
self.parseBody(req) catch |err| return errorHandler(response, .bad_request, err);
defer self.freeBody();
self.parseQuery() catch |err| return errorHandler(response, .bad_request, err);
var api_conn = self.getApiConn(api_source) catch |err| return errorHandler(response, .internal_server_error, err);
defer api_conn.close();
self.handle(response, &api_conn);
fn parseBody(self: *Self, req: *http.Request) !void {
if (Body != void) {
var stream = req.body orelse return error.NoBody;
const body = try stream.reader().readAllAlloc(self.allocator, 1 << 16);
self.body = try json_utils.parse(Body, body, self.allocator);
self.body_buf = body;
fn freeBody(self: *Self) void {
if (Body != void) {
json_utils.parseFree(self.body, self.allocator);;
fn parseQuery(self: *Self) !void {
if (Query != void) {
const path = std.mem.sliceTo(self.uri, '?');
const q = std.mem.sliceTo(self.uri[path.len..], '#');
self.query = try query_utils.parseQuery(Query, q);
fn handle(self: Self, response: *Response, api_conn: anytype) void {
Route.handler(self, response, api_conn) catch |err| switch (err) {
else => {
std.log.err("{}", .{err});
if (!response.opened) response.err(.internal_server_error, "", {}) catch {};
fn getApiConn(self: *Self, api_source: anytype) !api.ApiSource.Conn {
const host = self.headers.get("Host") orelse return error.NoHost;
const auth_header = self.headers.get("Authorization");
const token = if (auth_header) |header| blk: {
const prefix = "bearer ";
if (header.len < prefix.len) break :blk null;
if (!std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(prefix, header[0..prefix.len])) break :blk null;
break :blk header[prefix.len..];
} else null;
if (token) |t| return try api_source.connectToken(host, t, self.allocator);
return try api_source.connectUnauthorized(host, self.allocator);