Refactor template code

This commit is contained in:
jaina heartles 2022-11-18 03:24:25 -08:00
parent 802e6402bf
commit 229acd6d3b
2 changed files with 215 additions and 136 deletions

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@ -15,15 +15,19 @@ pub fn main() !void {
pub fn execute(writer: anytype, comptime template: []const u8, args: anytype) !void {
@setEvalBranchQuota(@intCast(u32, template.len * 8));
const tmpl = comptime parseTemplate(ControlTokenIter{ .text = template }, .root);
const tokens = comptime parseTemplateTokens(ControlTokenIter{ .text = template });
const tmpl = comptime parseTemplate(tokens, 0, .root);
try executeTemplate(writer, tmpl.item, args, .{});
fn executeTemplate(writer: anytype, comptime items: []const TemplateItem, args: anytype, captures: anytype) !void {
inline for (items) |it| switch (it) {
inline for (items) |it| {
switch (it) {
.text => |text| try writer.writeAll(text),
.statement => |stmt| try executeStatement(writer, stmt, args, captures),
fn executeStatement(writer: anytype, comptime stmt: Statement, args: anytype, captures: anytype) !void {
@ -32,24 +36,24 @@ fn executeStatement(writer: anytype, comptime stmt: Statement, args: anytype, ca
const val = evaluateExpression(expr, args, captures);
try print(writer, val);
.for_loop => |loop| {
const iterable = evaluateExpression(loop.iterable, args, captures);
.@"for" => |loop| {
const iterable = evaluateExpression(loop.header.iterable, args, captures);
const subtemplate = loop.subtemplate;
for (iterable) |v| {
try executeTemplate(
addCapture(captures, loop.capture, v),
addCapture(captures, loop.header.capture, v),
.if_statement => |if_stmt| {
const condition = evaluateExpression(if_stmt.condition, args, captures);
.@"if" => |if_stmt| {
const condition = evaluateExpression(if_stmt.header.condition, args, captures);
const subtemplate = if_stmt.subtemplate;
if (condition) try executeTemplate(writer, subtemplate, args, captures);
else => @compileError("TODO"),
//else => @compileError("TODO"),
@ -123,57 +127,126 @@ const TemplateType = enum {
fn parseTemplate(comptime tokens: ControlTokenIter, comptime template_type: TemplateType) ParseResult(ControlTokenIter, []const TemplateItem) {
fn parseTemplate(
comptime tokens: []const TemplateToken,
comptime start: usize,
comptime template_type: TemplateType,
) ParseResult(usize, []const TemplateItem) {
comptime {
var iter = tokens;
var items: []const TemplateItem = &.{};
var i: usize = start;
var current_text: []const u8 = "";
var items: []const TemplateItem = &.{};
parse_loop: while ( |token| {
switch (token) {
.whitespace, .text => |text| current_text = current_text ++ text,
.open_bracket => {
const next = iter.peek() orelse @compileError("Unexpected end of template");
if (next == .open_bracket) {
current_text = current_text ++ "{";
_ =;
} else {
while (i < tokens.len) : (i += 1) {
switch (tokens[i]) {
.text => |text| current_text = current_text ++ text,
.whitespace => |wsp| {
if (i != tokens.len - 1 and tokens[i + 1] == .control_block)
if (tokens[i + 1].control_block.strip_before)
current_text = current_text ++ wsp;
.control_block => |cb| {
if (current_text.len != 0) {
items = items ++ [_]TemplateItem{.{ .text = current_text }};
current_text = "";
switch (cb.block) {
.expression => |expr| items = items ++ [_]TemplateItem{.{ .statement = .{ .expression = expr } }},
.if_header => |header| {
const subtemplate = parseTemplate(tokens, i + 1, .if_block);
items = items ++ [_]TemplateItem{.{
.statement = .{
.@"if" = .{
.subtemplate = subtemplate.item,
.header = header,
i = subtemplate.new_iter;
.for_header => |header| {
const subtemplate = parseTemplate(tokens, i + 1, .for_block);
items = items ++ [_]TemplateItem{.{
.statement = .{
.@"for" = .{
.subtemplate = subtemplate.item,
.header = header,
i = subtemplate.new_iter;
.end_for => if (template_type == .for_block)
@compileError("Unexpected /for tag"),
.end_if => if (template_type == .if_block)
@compileError("Unexpected /if tag"),
if (i != tokens.len - 1 and tokens[i] == .control_block) {
if (tokens[i].control_block.strip_after and tokens[i + 1] == .whitespace) {
i += 1;
} else if (template_type != .root) @compileError("End tag not found");
if (current_text.len != 0) items = items ++ [_]TemplateItem{.{ .text = current_text }};
return .{
.new_iter = i,
.item = items,
const TemplateToken = union(enum) {
text: []const u8,
whitespace: []const u8,
control_block: ControlBlock,
fn parseTemplateTokens(comptime tokens: ControlTokenIter) []const TemplateToken {
comptime {
var iter = tokens;
var items: []const TemplateToken = &.{};
while ( |token| switch (token) {
.whitespace => |wsp| items = items ++ [_]TemplateToken{.{ .whitespace = wsp }},
.text => |text| items = items ++ [_]TemplateToken{.{ .text = text }},
.open_bracket => {
const next = orelse @compileError("Unexpected end of template");
if (next == .open_bracket) {
items = items ++ [_]TemplateToken{.{ .text = "{" }};
} else {
const result = parseControlBlock(iter);
iter = result.new_iter;
const stmt = result.item.statement;
if (stmt == .end_for) {
if (template_type == .for_block) break :parse_loop else @compileError("Unexpected end statement");
} else if (stmt == .end_if) {
if (template_type == .if_block) break :parse_loop else @compileError("Unexpected end statement");
items = items ++ [_]TemplateItem{.{ .statement = stmt }};
items = items ++ [_]TemplateToken{.{ .control_block = result.item }};
.close_bracket => {
const next = orelse @compileError("Unexpected end of template");
if (next == .close_bracket) current_text = current_text ++ "}" else @compileError("Unpaired close bracket, did you mean \"}}\"?");
if (next == .close_bracket)
items = items ++ [_]TemplateToken{.{ .text = "}" }}
@compileError("Unpaired close bracket, did you mean \"}}\"?");
.period => current_text = current_text ++ ".",
.pound => current_text = current_text ++ "#",
.pipe => current_text = current_text ++ "|",
.dollar => current_text = current_text ++ "$",
.slash => current_text = current_text ++ "/",
.equals => current_text = current_text ++ "=",
if (current_text.len != 0) {
items = items ++ [_]TemplateItem{.{ .text = current_text }};
return .{
.new_iter = iter,
.item = items,
.period => items = items ++ [_]TemplateToken{.{ .text = "." }},
.pound => items = items ++ [_]TemplateToken{.{ .text = "#" }},
.pipe => items = items ++ [_]TemplateToken{.{ .text = "|" }},
.dollar => items = items ++ [_]TemplateToken{.{ .text = "$" }},
.slash => items = items ++ [_]TemplateToken{.{ .text = "/" }},
.equals => items = items ++ [_]TemplateToken{.{ .text = "=" }},
return items;
@ -206,16 +279,18 @@ fn parseExpression(comptime tokens: ControlTokenIter) ParseResult(ControlTokenIt
fn parseControlBlock(comptime tokens: ControlTokenIter) ParseResult(ControlTokenIter, ControlBlock) {
comptime {
var iter = tokens;
var first_token: bool = true;
var strip_before: bool = false;
var stmt: Statement = while ( |token| {
defer first_token = false;
switch (token) {
.equals => {
if (first_token) {
strip_before = true;
} else @compileError("Unexpected '='");
const strip_before = if ( |first| blk: {
if (first == .equals) {
break :blk true;
break :blk false;
} else @compileError("Unexpected end of template");
var stmt: ControlBlock.Data = while ( |token| switch (token) {
.equals => @compileError("Unexpected '='"),
.whitespace => {},
.pound => {
const next = orelse @compileError("Unexpected end of template");
@ -225,27 +300,14 @@ fn parseControlBlock(comptime tokens: ControlTokenIter) ParseResult(ControlToken
switch (keyword) {
.@"for" => {
const result = parseForLoop(iter);
// statemnt already finished so just return
return .{
.new_iter = result.new_iter,
.item = .{
.statement = .{ .for_loop = result.item },
.strip_before = false,
.strip_after = false,
const result = parseForHeader(iter);
iter = result.new_iter;
break .{ .for_header = result.item };
.@"if" => {
const result = parseIfStatement(iter);
return .{
.new_iter = result.new_iter,
.item = .{
.statement = .{ .if_statement = result.item },
.strip_before = false,
.strip_after = false,
const result = parseIfHeader(iter);
iter = result.new_iter;
break .{ .if_header = result.item };
//else => @compileError("TODO"),
@ -269,7 +331,6 @@ fn parseControlBlock(comptime tokens: ControlTokenIter) ParseResult(ControlToken
break .{ .expression = expr.item };
else => @compileError("TODO"),
// search for end of statement
@ -288,7 +349,7 @@ fn parseControlBlock(comptime tokens: ControlTokenIter) ParseResult(ControlToken
.close_bracket => return .{
.new_iter = iter,
.item = .{
.statement = stmt,
.block = stmt,
.strip_before = strip_before,
.strip_after = strip_after,
@ -325,7 +386,7 @@ fn endControlBlock(comptime tokens: ControlTokenIter) ControlTokenIter {
fn parseForLoop(comptime tokens: ControlTokenIter) ParseResult(ControlTokenIter, ForLoop) {
fn parseForHeader(comptime tokens: ControlTokenIter) ParseResult(ControlTokenIter, ForHeader) {
comptime {
const iterable = parseExpression(tokens);
var iter = iterable.new_iter;
@ -348,26 +409,28 @@ fn parseForLoop(comptime tokens: ControlTokenIter) ParseResult(ControlTokenIter,
const token = orelse @compileError("Unexpected end of template");
if (token != .pipe) @compileError("Unexpected token");
iter = endControlBlock(iter);
const subtemplate = parseTemplate(iter, .for_block);
return .{ .new_iter = subtemplate.new_iter, .item = .{
return .{
.new_iter = iter,
.item = .{
.iterable = iterable.item,
.subtemplate = subtemplate.item,
.capture = capture,
} };
fn parseIfStatement(comptime tokens: ControlTokenIter) ParseResult(ControlTokenIter, IfStatement) {
fn parseIfHeader(comptime tokens: ControlTokenIter) ParseResult(ControlTokenIter, IfHeader) {
comptime {
const condition = parseExpression(tokens);
var iter = endControlBlock(condition.new_iter);
var iter = condition.new_iter;
const subtemplate = parseTemplate(iter, .if_block);
return .{ .new_iter = subtemplate.new_iter, .item = .{ .condition = condition.item, .subtemplate = subtemplate.item } };
return .{
.new_iter = iter,
.item = .{
.condition = condition.item,
@ -415,27 +478,40 @@ const Expression = union(enum) {
capture_deref: []const []const u8,
const ForLoop = struct {
const For = struct {
subtemplate: []const TemplateItem,
header: ForHeader,
const ForHeader = struct {
iterable: Expression,
capture: []const u8,
const IfStatement = struct {
const If = struct {
subtemplate: []const TemplateItem,
header: IfHeader,
const IfHeader = struct {
condition: Expression,
const Statement = union(enum) {
expression: Expression,
for_loop: ForLoop,
end_for: void,
if_statement: IfStatement,
end_if: void,
@"for": For,
@"if": If,
const ControlBlock = struct {
statement: Statement,
const Data = union(enum) {
expression: Expression,
for_header: ForHeader,
end_for: void,
if_header: IfHeader,
end_if: void,
block: Data,
strip_before: bool,
strip_after: bool,

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@ -9,8 +9,11 @@
<h2> {{ REAL BRACKETS }} </h2>
{= #for .baz |$f|}{#for $f |$b|}{$b}:{/for}
{= #for .baz |$f| =}
{= #for $f |$b| =}
{= /for =}
{= /for =}
{#if .qux}qux!{/if}
{#if .quxx}quxx!{/if}