Minor HTTP refactor
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 190 additions and 180 deletions
@ -3,13 +3,15 @@ const ciutf8 = @import("util").ciutf8;
const request = @import("./request.zig");
pub const server = @import("./server.zig");
const server = @import("./server.zig");
pub const Method = std.http.Method;
pub const Status = std.http.Status;
pub const Request = request.Request;
pub const Server = server.Server;
pub const serveConn = server.serveConn;
pub const Response = server.Response;
pub const Handler = server.Handler;
pub const Headers = std.HashMap([]const u8, []const u8, struct {
pub fn eql(_: @This(), a: []const u8, b: []const u8) bool {
@ -4,13 +4,25 @@ const http = @import("./lib.zig");
const parser = @import("./request/parser.zig");
pub const Request = struct {
pub const Protocol = enum {
protocol: Protocol,
source_address: ?std.net.Address,
method: http.Method,
path: []const u8,
uri: []const u8,
headers: http.Headers,
body: ?[]const u8 = null,
pub fn parse(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, reader: anytype) !Request {
return parser.parse(alloc, reader);
pub fn parse(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, reader: anytype, addr: std.net.Address) !Request {
return parser.parse(alloc, reader, addr);
pub fn parseFree(self: Request, alloc: std.mem.Allocator) void {
parser.parseFree(alloc, self);
@ -22,34 +22,45 @@ const Encoding = enum {
pub fn parse(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, reader: anytype) !Request {
var request: Request = undefined;
try parseLine(alloc, &request, reader);
request.headers = try parseHeaders(alloc, reader);
if (request.method.requestHasBody()) {
request.body = try readBody(alloc, request.headers, reader);
} else {
request.body = null;
return request;
fn parseLine(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, request: *Request, reader: anytype) !void {
request.method = try parseMethod(reader);
request.path = reader.readUntilDelimiterAlloc(alloc, ' ', max_path_len) catch |err| switch (err) {
pub fn parse(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, reader: anytype, address: std.net.Address) !Request {
const method = try parseMethod(reader);
const uri = reader.readUntilDelimiterAlloc(alloc, ' ', max_path_len) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.StreamTooLong => return error.RequestUriTooLong,
else => return err,
errdefer alloc.free(request.path);
errdefer alloc.free(uri);
try checkProto(reader);
const proto = try parseProto(reader);
// discard \r\n
_ = try reader.readByte();
_ = try reader.readByte();
var headers = try parseHeaders(alloc, reader);
errdefer freeHeaders(alloc, &headers);
const body = if (method.requestHasBody())
try readBody(alloc, headers, reader)
errdefer if (body) |b| alloc.free(b);
const eff_addr = if (headers.get("X-Real-IP")) |ip|
std.net.Address.parseIp(ip, address.getPort()) catch {
return error.BadRequest;
return Request{
.protocol = proto,
.source_address = eff_addr,
.method = method,
.uri = uri,
.headers = headers,
.body = body,
fn parseMethod(reader: anytype) !Method {
@ -68,7 +79,7 @@ fn parseMethod(reader: anytype) !Method {
return error.MethodNotImplemented;
fn checkProto(reader: anytype) !void {
fn parseProto(reader: anytype) !Request.Protocol {
var buf: [8]u8 = undefined;
const proto = reader.readUntilDelimiter(&buf, '/') catch |err| switch (err) {
error.StreamTooLong => return error.UnknownProtocol,
@ -84,14 +95,24 @@ fn checkProto(reader: anytype) !void {
return error.BadRequest;
if (buf[0] != '1' or buf[2] != '1') {
return error.HttpVersionNotSupported;
if (buf[0] != '1') return error.HttpVersionNotSupported;
return switch (buf[2]) {
'0' => .http_1_0,
'1' => .http_1_1,
else => error.HttpVersionNotSupported,
fn parseHeaders(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, reader: anytype) !Headers {
var map = Headers.init(allocator);
errdefer map.deinit();
errdefer {
var iter = map.iterator();
while (iter.next()) |it| {
// todo:
//errdefer {
//var iter = map.iterator();
@ -167,6 +188,21 @@ fn parseEncoding(encoding: ?[]const u8) !Encoding {
return error.UnsupportedMediaType;
pub fn parseFree(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, request: *Request) void {
freeHeaders(allocator, &request.headers);
if (request.body) |body| allocator.free(body);
fn freeHeaders(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, headers: *http.Headers) void {
var iter = headers.iterator();
while (iter.next()) |it| {
const _test = struct {
const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual;
const expectEqualStrings = std.testing.expectEqualStrings;
@ -2,67 +2,69 @@ const std = @import("std");
const util = @import("util");
const http = @import("./lib.zig");
const connection = @import("./server/connection.zig");
const response = @import("./server/response.zig");
pub const Connection = connection.Connection;
pub const Response = response.ResponseStream(Connection.Writer);
pub const Response = struct {
alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
stream: std.net.Stream,
should_close: bool = false,
pub const Stream = response.ResponseStream(std.net.Stream.Writer);
pub fn open(self: *Response, status: http.Status, headers: *const http.Headers) !Stream {
if (headers.get("Connection")) |hdr| {
if (std.ascii.indexOfIgnoreCase(hdr, "close")) |_| self.should_close = true;
return response.open(self.alloc, self.stream.writer(), headers, status);
const ConnectionServer = connection.Server;
const Request = http.Request;
const request_buf_size = 1 << 16;
pub const Context = struct {
alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
request: Request,
connection: Connection,
pub fn Handler(comptime Ctx: type) type {
return fn (Ctx, Request, *Response) void;
pub fn openResponse(self: *Context, headers: *const http.Headers, status: http.Status) !Response {
return try response.open(self.alloc, self.connection.stream.writer(), headers, status);
pub fn close(self: *Context) void {
// todo: deallocate request
pub const Server = struct {
conn_server: ConnectionServer,
pub fn listen(addr: std.net.Address) !Server {
return Server{
.conn_server = try ConnectionServer.listen(addr),
pub fn accept(self: *Server, alloc: std.mem.Allocator) !Context {
pub fn serveConn(conn: std.net.StreamServer.Connection, ctx: anytype, handler: anytype, alloc: std.mem.Allocator) !void {
// TODO: Timeouts
while (true) {
const conn = try self.conn_server.accept();
errdefer conn.close();
std.log.debug("waiting for request", .{});
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(alloc);
defer arena.deinit();
const req = http.Request.parse(alloc, conn.stream.reader()) catch |err| {
handleError(conn.stream.writer(), err) catch unreachable;
const req = Request.parse(arena.allocator(), conn.stream.reader(), conn.address) catch |err| {
return handleError(conn.stream.writer(), err) catch {};
std.log.debug("done parsing", .{});
var res = Response{
.alloc = arena.allocator(),
.stream = conn.stream,
return Context{ .connection = conn, .request = req, .alloc = alloc };
handler(ctx, req, &res);
std.log.debug("done handling", .{});
pub fn shutdown(self: *Server) void {
if (req.headers.get("Connection")) |hdr| {
if (std.ascii.indexOfIgnoreCase(hdr, "close")) |_| return;
} else if (req.headers.get("Keep-Alive")) |hdr| {
std.log.debug("keep-alive: {s}", .{hdr});
} else if (req.protocol == .http_1_0) return;
// TODO: We should get more specific about what type of errors can happen
if (res.should_close) return;
/// Writes an error response message and requests closure of the connection
fn handleError(writer: anytype, err: anyerror) !void {
const status: http.Status = switch (err) {
error.EndOfStream => return, // Do nothing, the client closed the connection
error.BadRequest => .bad_request,
error.UnsupportedMediaType => .unsupported_media_type,
error.HttpVersionNotSupported => .http_version_not_supported,
else => return err,
else => .internal_server_error,
try writer.print("HTTP/1.1 {} {?s}\r\n\r\n", .{ @enumToInt(status), status.phrase() });
try writer.print("HTTP/1.1 {} {?s}\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n", .{ @enumToInt(status), status.phrase() });
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
const std = @import("std");
pub const Connection = struct {
pub const Id = u64;
pub const Writer = std.net.Stream.Writer;
pub const Reader = std.net.Stream.Reader;
id: Id,
address: std.net.Address,
stream: std.net.Stream,
fn new(id: Id, std_conn: std.net.StreamServer.Connection) Connection {
std.log.debug("new connection conn_id={}", .{id});
return .{
.id = id,
.address = std_conn.address,
.stream = std_conn.stream,
pub fn close(self: Connection) void {
std.log.debug("terminating connection conn_id={}", .{self.id});
pub const Server = struct {
next_conn_id: std.atomic.Atomic(Connection.Id) = std.atomic.Atomic(Connection.Id).init(1),
stream_server: std.net.StreamServer,
pub fn listen(addr: std.net.Address) !Server {
var self = Server{
.stream_server = std.net.StreamServer.init(.{ .reuse_address = true }),
errdefer self.stream_server.deinit();
try self.stream_server.listen(addr);
return self;
pub fn accept(self: *Server) !Connection {
const conn = try self.stream_server.accept();
const id = self.next_conn_id.fetchAdd(1, .SeqCst);
return Connection.new(id, conn);
pub fn shutdown(self: *Server) void {
@ -111,9 +111,7 @@ pub fn ResponseStream(comptime BaseWriter: type) type {
fn flushBodyUnchunked(self: *Self) Error!void {
if (self.buffer_pos != 0) {
try self.base_writer.print("Content-Length: {}\r\n", .{self.buffer_pos});
try self.base_writer.writeAll("\r\n");
@ -128,6 +126,7 @@ pub fn ResponseStream(comptime BaseWriter: type) type {
pub fn finish(self: *Self) Error!void {
std.log.debug("finishing", .{});
if (!self.chunked) {
try self.flushBodyUnchunked();
} else {
@ -13,14 +13,13 @@ pub const invites = @import("./controllers/invites.zig");
pub const users = @import("./controllers/users.zig");
pub const notes = @import("./controllers/notes.zig");
pub fn routeRequest(api_source: anytype, ctx: http.server.Context, alloc: std.mem.Allocator) void {
pub fn routeRequest(api_source: anytype, req: http.Request, res: *http.Response, alloc: std.mem.Allocator) void {
// TODO: hashmaps?
inline for (routes) |route| {
if (Context(route).matchAndHandle(api_source, ctx, alloc)) return;
var response = Response{ .headers = http.Headers.init(alloc), .ctx = ctx };
var response = Response{ .headers = http.Headers.init(alloc), .res = res };
defer response.headers.deinit();
inline for (routes) |route| {
if (Context(route).matchAndHandle(api_source, req, &response, alloc)) return;
response.status(.not_found) catch {};
@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ pub fn Context(comptime Route: type) type {
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
method: http.Method,
request_line: []const u8,
uri: []const u8,
headers: http.Headers,
args: Args,
@ -84,20 +83,16 @@ pub fn Context(comptime Route: type) type {
@compileError("Unsupported Type " ++ @typeName(T));
pub fn matchAndHandle(api_source: *api.ApiSource, ctx: http.server.Context, alloc: std.mem.Allocator) bool {
const req = ctx.request;
pub fn matchAndHandle(api_source: *api.ApiSource, req: http.Request, res: *Response, alloc: std.mem.Allocator) bool {
if (req.method != Route.method) return false;
var path = std.mem.sliceTo(std.mem.sliceTo(req.path, '#'), '?');
var path = std.mem.sliceTo(std.mem.sliceTo(req.uri, '#'), '?');
var args: Args = parseArgs(path) orelse return false;
var response = Response{ .headers = http.Headers.init(alloc), .ctx = ctx };
defer response.headers.deinit();
var self = Self{
.allocator = alloc,
.method = req.method,
.request_line = req.path,
.uri = req.uri,
.headers = req.headers,
.args = args,
@ -105,7 +100,7 @@ pub fn Context(comptime Route: type) type {
.query = undefined,
self.prepareAndHandle(api_source, req, &response);
self.prepareAndHandle(api_source, req, res);
return true;
@ -149,15 +144,20 @@ pub fn Context(comptime Route: type) type {
fn parseQuery(self: *Self) !void {
if (Query != void) {
const path = std.mem.sliceTo(self.request_line, '?');
const q = std.mem.sliceTo(self.request_line[path.len..], '#');
const path = std.mem.sliceTo(self.uri, '?');
const q = std.mem.sliceTo(self.uri[path.len..], '#');
self.query = try query_utils.parseQuery(Query, q);
fn handle(self: Self, response: *Response, api_conn: anytype) void {
Route.handler(self, response, api_conn) catch |err| std.log.err("{}", .{err});
Route.handler(self, response, api_conn) catch |err| switch (err) {
else => {
std.log.err("{}", .{err});
response.err(.internal_server_error, "", {}) catch {};
fn getApiConn(self: *Self, api_source: anytype) !api.ApiSource.Conn {
@ -180,18 +180,25 @@ pub fn Context(comptime Route: type) type {
pub const Response = struct {
const Self = @This();
headers: http.Headers,
ctx: http.server.Context,
res: *http.Response,
opened: bool = false,
pub fn status(self: *Self, status_code: http.Status) !void {
var stream = try self.ctx.openResponse(&self.headers, status_code);
self.opened = true;
var stream = try self.res.open(status_code, &self.headers);
defer stream.close();
try stream.finish();
pub fn json(self: *Self, status_code: http.Status, response_body: anytype) !void {
self.opened = true;
try self.headers.put("Content-Type", "application/json");
var stream = try self.ctx.openResponse(&self.headers, status_code);
var stream = try self.res.open(status_code, &self.headers);
defer stream.close();
const writer = stream.writer();
@ -8,36 +8,8 @@ const api = @import("api");
pub const migrations = @import("./migrations.zig"); // TODO
const c = @import("./controllers.zig");
pub const RequestServer = struct {
alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
api: *api.ApiSource,
config: Config,
fn init(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, src: *api.ApiSource, config: Config) !RequestServer {
return RequestServer{
.alloc = alloc,
.api = src,
.config = config,
fn listenAndRun(self: *RequestServer, addr: std.net.Address) !void {
var srv = http.Server.listen(addr) catch unreachable;
defer srv.shutdown();
while (true) {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(self.alloc);
defer arena.deinit();
var ctx = try srv.accept(arena.allocator());
defer ctx.close();
c.routeRequest(self.api, ctx, arena.allocator());
pub const Config = struct {
worker_threads: usize = 10,
db: sql.Config,
@ -91,6 +63,34 @@ fn prepareDb(pool: *sql.ConnPool, alloc: std.mem.Allocator) !void {
const ConnectionId = u64;
var next_conn_id = std.atomic.Atomic(ConnectionId).init(0);
fn thread_main(src: *api.ApiSource, srv: *std.net.StreamServer) void {
util.seedThreadPrng() catch unreachable;
const thread_id = std.Thread.getCurrentId();
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
while (true) {
var conn = srv.accept() catch |err| {
std.log.err("Error accepting connection: {}", .{err});
defer conn.stream.close();
const conn_id = next_conn_id.fetchAdd(1, .SeqCst);
std.log.debug("Accepting TCP connection id {} on thread {}", .{ conn_id, thread_id });
defer std.log.debug("Closing TCP connection id {}", .{conn_id});
http.serveConn(conn, .{ .src = src, .conn_id = conn_id, .allocator = gpa.allocator() }, handle, gpa.allocator()) catch |err| {
std.log.err("Error occured on connection {}: {}", .{ conn_id, err });
fn handle(ctx: anytype, req: http.Request, res: *http.Response) void {
c.routeRequest(ctx.src, req, res, ctx.allocator);
pub fn main() !void {
try util.seedThreadPrng();
@ -100,6 +100,9 @@ pub fn main() !void {
try prepareDb(&pool, gpa.allocator());
var api_src = try api.ApiSource.init(&pool);
var srv = try RequestServer.init(gpa.allocator(), &api_src, cfg);
return srv.listenAndRun(std.net.Address.parseIp("", 8080) catch unreachable);
var srv = std.net.StreamServer.init(.{ .reuse_address = true });
defer srv.deinit();
try srv.listen(std.net.Address.parseIp("", 8080) catch unreachable);
thread_main(&api_src, &srv);
@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ fn Tx(comptime tx_level: u8) type {
comptime var table_spec: []const u8 = table ++ "(";
comptime var value_spec: []const u8 = "(";
inline for (fields) |field, i| {
// This causes a compile error. Why?
// This causes a compiler crash. Why?
//const F = field.field_type;
const F = @TypeOf(@field(std.mem.zeroes(ValueType), field.name));
// causes issues if F is @TypeOf(null), use dummy type
Reference in a new issue