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2023-01-04 19:03:23 +00:00
const std = @import("std");
const util = @import("util");
const pkg = @import("../lib.zig");
const services = @import("../services.zig");
const Uuid = util.Uuid;
const DateTime = util.DateTime;
const ApiContext = pkg.ApiContext;
const QueryArgs = services.follows.QueryArgs;
const FollowerQueryArgs = pkg.follows.FollowerQueryArgs;
const FollowingQueryArgs = pkg.follows.FollowingQueryArgs;
pub fn follow(
alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
ctx: ApiContext,
svcs: anytype,
followee: Uuid,
) !void {
const user_id = ctx.userId() orelse return error.NoToken;
try svcs.createFollow(alloc, user_id, followee);
pub fn unfollow(
alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
ctx: ApiContext,
svcs: anytype,
followee: Uuid,
) !void {
const user_id = ctx.userId() orelse return error.NoToken;
try svcs.deleteFollow(alloc, user_id, followee);
pub fn queryFollowers(
alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
ctx: ApiContext,
svcs: anytype,
of: Uuid,
args: FollowerQueryArgs,
) !pkg.follows.FollowerQueryResult {
const user = try svcs.getActor(alloc, of);
defer util.deepFree(alloc, user);
if (!Uuid.eql(user.community_id, ctx.community.id) and ctx.userId() == null) return error.NotFound;
var all_args = std.mem.zeroInit(QueryArgs, args);
all_args.followee_id = of;
const result = try svcs.queryFollows(alloc, all_args);
return .{
.items = result.items,
.prev_page = convert(FollowerQueryArgs, result.prev_page),
.next_page = convert(FollowerQueryArgs, result.next_page),
pub fn queryFollowing(
alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
ctx: ApiContext,
svcs: anytype,
of: Uuid,
args: FollowingQueryArgs,
) !pkg.follows.FollowingQueryResult {
const user = try svcs.getActor(alloc, of);
defer util.deepFree(alloc, user);
if (!Uuid.eql(user.community_id, ctx.community.id) and ctx.userId() == null) return error.NotFound;
var all_args = std.mem.zeroInit(QueryArgs, args);
all_args.followed_by_id = of;
const result = try svcs.queryFollows(alloc, all_args);
return .{
.items = result.items,
.prev_page = convert(FollowingQueryArgs, result.prev_page),
.next_page = convert(FollowingQueryArgs, result.next_page),
fn convert(comptime T: type, args: QueryArgs) T {
return .{
.max_items = args.max_items,
.order_by = args.order_by,
.direction = args.direction,
.prev = args.prev,
.page_direction = args.page_direction,