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2022-10-01 09:05:33 +00:00
const std = @import("std");
const util = @import("util");
const common = @import("./common.zig");
const c = @import("./postgres/c.zig");
const errors = @import("./postgres/errors.zig");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
pub const Results = struct {
result: *c.PGresult,
next_row_index: c_int = 0,
pub fn row(self: *Results) common.RowError!?Row {
if (self.next_row_index >= self.rowCount()) return null;
const idx = self.next_row_index;
self.next_row_index += 1;
return Row{
.result = self.result,
.row_index = idx,
2022-10-04 02:41:59 +00:00
fn rowCount(self: Results) c_int {
return c.PQntuples(self.result);
2022-10-01 09:05:33 +00:00
pub fn columnCount(self: Results) common.ColumnCountError!u15 {
return std.math.cast(u15, c.PQnfields(self.result)) orelse error.OutOfRange;
pub fn columnIndex(self: Results, name: []const u8) common.ColumnIndexError!u15 {
const idx = c.PQfnumber(self.result, name.ptr);
if (idx == -1) return error.NotFound;
return std.math.cast(u15, idx) orelse error.OutOfRange;
pub fn finish(self: Results) void {
2022-10-04 02:41:59 +00:00
fn handleError(result: *c.PGresult) common.RowError {
2022-10-01 09:05:33 +00:00
const error_code = c.PQresultErrorField(result, c.PG_DIAG_SQLSTATE);
const state = errors.SqlState.parse(error_code) catch {
std.log.err("Database returned invalid error code {?s}", .{error_code});
return error.Unexpected;
const class = state.errorClass();
// TODO: This will crash if a value not defined in Postgres 14 is returned.
// See https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/12845
// If this issue does not get accepted we should redo this to use a comptime
// string map or something
"Database returned error code {s}: Class {s} error {s}",
.{ error_code, @tagName(class), @tagName(state) },
return switch (class) {
.transaction_rollback, // TODO: consider deadlock avoidance/retry strategy
=> error.SqlException,
=> error.PermissionDenied,
=> error.InternalException,
.operator_intervention => switch (state) {
.query_canceled => error.Cancelled,
else => error.InternalException,
.object_not_in_prerequisite_state => switch (state) {
.lock_not_available => error.DatabaseBusy,
else => error.SqlException,
.syntax_error_or_access_rule_violation => switch (state) {
.insufficient_privilege => error.PermissionDenied,
else => error.SqlException,
=> switch (state) {
.not_null_violation => error.NotNullViolation,
.foreign_key_violation => error.ForeignKeyViolation,
.unique_violation => error.UniqueViolation,
.check_violation => error.CheckViolation,
else => error.ConstraintViolation,
else => error.Unexpected,
pub const Row = struct {
result: *c.PGresult,
row_index: c_int,
pub fn get(self: Row, comptime T: type, idx: u16, alloc: ?Allocator) common.GetError!T {
const val = c.PQgetvalue(self.result, self.row_index, idx);
const is_null = (c.PQgetisnull(self.result, self.row_index, idx) != 0);
if (is_null) {
2022-10-04 02:41:59 +00:00
return if (@typeInfo(T) == .Optional) null else error.ResultTypeMismatch;
2022-10-01 09:05:33 +00:00
if (val == null) return error.Unexpected;
const len = std.math.cast(
c.PQgetlength(self.result, self.row_index, idx),
) orelse return error.Unexpected;
return try common.parseValueNotNull(alloc, T, val[0..len]);
pub const Db = struct {
conn: *c.PGconn,
pub fn open(conn_str: [:0]const u8) common.OpenError!Db {
const conn = c.PQconnectdb(conn_str.ptr) orelse {
std.log.err("Unable to connect to database", .{});
return error.Unexpected;
errdefer c.PQfinish(conn);
std.log.info("Connecting to database using provided connection string...", .{});
switch (c.PQstatus(conn)) {
std.log.err("Error connecting to database: {?s}", .{c.PQerrorMessage(conn)});
return error.BadConnection;
else => |status| {
std.log.err("Unexpected PQstatus {}: {?s}", .{ status, c.PQerrorMessage(conn) });
return error.Unexpected;
std.log.info("DB connection established", .{});
return Db{ .conn = conn };
pub fn close(self: Db) void {
const format_text = 0;
const format_binary = 1;
2022-10-04 02:41:59 +00:00
pub fn exec(self: Db, sql: [:0]const u8, args: anytype, opt: common.QueryOptions) common.ExecError!Results {
2022-11-12 13:08:01 +00:00
const alloc = opt.allocator;
2022-10-01 09:05:33 +00:00
const result = blk: {
2022-10-04 02:41:59 +00:00
if (@TypeOf(args) != void and args.len > 0) {
2022-10-01 09:05:33 +00:00
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(alloc orelse return error.AllocatorRequired);
defer arena.deinit();
const params = try arena.allocator().alloc(?[*:0]const u8, args.len);
2022-11-10 09:53:09 +00:00
// TODO: The following is a fix for the stage1 compiler. remove this
//inline for (args) |arg, i| {
inline for (std.meta.fields(@TypeOf(args))) |field, i| {
const arg = @field(args, field.name);
2022-11-10 09:53:09 +00:00
// The stage1 compiler has issues with runtime branches that in any
// way involve compile time values
const maybe_slice = if (@import("builtin").zig_backend == .stage1)
common.prepareParamText(&arena, arg) catch unreachable
try common.prepareParamText(&arena, arg);
params[i] = if (maybe_slice) |slice|
2022-10-04 02:41:59 +00:00
break :blk c.PQexecParams(
@intCast(c_int, params.len),
2022-10-01 09:05:33 +00:00
} else {
break :blk c.PQexecParams(self.conn, sql.ptr, 0, null, null, null, null, format_text);
} orelse {
std.log.err("Error occurred in sql query: {?s}", .{c.PQerrorMessage(self.conn)});
return error.Unexpected;
errdefer c.PQclear(result);
const status = c.PQresultStatus(result);
switch (status) {
=> return Results{ .result = result },
2022-10-04 02:41:59 +00:00
c.PGRES_EMPTY_QUERY => return error.SqlException,
2022-10-01 09:05:33 +00:00
std.log.err("Database returned invalid response: {?s}", .{c.PQresultErrorMessage(result)});
2022-10-04 02:41:59 +00:00
return error.InternalException;
2022-10-01 09:05:33 +00:00
c.PGRES_FATAL_ERROR => return handleError(result),
else => |err| {
"Unexpected PQresultStatus {?s} ({}): {?s}",
.{ c.PQresStatus(err), err, c.PQresultErrorMessage(result) },
return error.Unexpected;