/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and other misskey contributors * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ import { createPublicKey, randomUUID } from 'node:crypto'; import { Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { In } from 'typeorm'; import * as mfm from '@transfem-org/sfm-js'; import { DI } from '@/di-symbols.js'; import type { Config } from '@/config.js'; import type { MiPartialLocalUser, MiLocalUser, MiPartialRemoteUser, MiRemoteUser, MiUser } from '@/models/User.js'; import type { IMentionedRemoteUsers, MiNote } from '@/models/Note.js'; import type { MiBlocking } from '@/models/Blocking.js'; import type { MiRelay } from '@/models/Relay.js'; import type { MiDriveFile } from '@/models/DriveFile.js'; import type { MiNoteReaction } from '@/models/NoteReaction.js'; import type { MiEmoji } from '@/models/Emoji.js'; import type { MiPoll } from '@/models/Poll.js'; import type { MiPollVote } from '@/models/PollVote.js'; import { UserKeypairService } from '@/core/UserKeypairService.js'; import { MfmService } from '@/core/MfmService.js'; import { UserEntityService } from '@/core/entities/UserEntityService.js'; import { DriveFileEntityService } from '@/core/entities/DriveFileEntityService.js'; import type { MiUserKeypair } from '@/models/UserKeypair.js'; import type { UsersRepository, UserProfilesRepository, NotesRepository, DriveFilesRepository, PollsRepository, InstancesRepository } from '@/models/_.js'; import { bindThis } from '@/decorators.js'; import { CustomEmojiService } from '@/core/CustomEmojiService.js'; import { isNotNull } from '@/misc/is-not-null.js'; import { IdService } from '@/core/IdService.js'; import { MetaService } from '../MetaService.js'; import { LdSignatureService } from './LdSignatureService.js'; import { ApMfmService } from './ApMfmService.js'; import type { IAccept, IActivity, IAdd, IAnnounce, IApDocument, IApEmoji, IApHashtag, IApImage, IApMention, IBlock, ICreate, IDelete, IFlag, IFollow, IKey, ILike, IMove, IObject, IPost, IQuestion, IReject, IRemove, ITombstone, IUndo, IUpdate } from './type.js'; @Injectable() export class ApRendererService { constructor( @Inject(DI.config) private config: Config, @Inject(DI.usersRepository) private usersRepository: UsersRepository, @Inject(DI.userProfilesRepository) private userProfilesRepository: UserProfilesRepository, @Inject(DI.notesRepository) private notesRepository: NotesRepository, @Inject(DI.driveFilesRepository) private driveFilesRepository: DriveFilesRepository, @Inject(DI.pollsRepository) private pollsRepository: PollsRepository, @Inject(DI.instancesRepository) private instancesRepository: InstancesRepository, private customEmojiService: CustomEmojiService, private userEntityService: UserEntityService, private driveFileEntityService: DriveFileEntityService, private ldSignatureService: LdSignatureService, private userKeypairService: UserKeypairService, private apMfmService: ApMfmService, private mfmService: MfmService, private idService: IdService, private metaService: MetaService, ) { } @bindThis public renderAccept(object: string | IObject, user: { id: MiUser['id']; host: null }): IAccept { return { type: 'Accept', actor: this.userEntityService.genLocalUserUri(user.id), object, }; } @bindThis public renderAdd(user: MiLocalUser, target: string | IObject | undefined, object: string | IObject): IAdd { return { type: 'Add', actor: this.userEntityService.genLocalUserUri(user.id), target, object, }; } @bindThis public renderAnnounce(object: string | IObject, note: MiNote): IAnnounce { const attributedTo = this.userEntityService.genLocalUserUri(note.userId); let to: string[] = []; let cc: string[] = []; if (note.visibility === 'public') { to = ['https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public']; cc = [`${attributedTo}/followers`]; } else if (note.visibility === 'home') { to = [`${attributedTo}/followers`]; cc = ['https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public']; } else if (note.visibility === 'followers') { to = [`${attributedTo}/followers`]; cc = []; } else { throw new Error('renderAnnounce: cannot render non-public note'); } return { id: `${this.config.url}/notes/${note.id}/activity`, actor: this.userEntityService.genLocalUserUri(note.userId), type: 'Announce', published: this.idService.parse(note.id).date.toISOString(), to, cc, object, }; } /** * Renders a block into its ActivityPub representation. * * @param block The block to be rendered. The blockee relation must be loaded. */ @bindThis public renderBlock(block: MiBlocking): IBlock { if (block.blockee?.uri == null) { throw new Error('renderBlock: missing blockee uri'); } return { type: 'Block', id: `${this.config.url}/blocks/${block.id}`, actor: this.userEntityService.genLocalUserUri(block.blockerId), object: block.blockee.uri, }; } @bindThis public renderCreate(object: IObject, note: MiNote): ICreate { const activity: ICreate = { id: `${this.config.url}/notes/${note.id}/activity`, actor: this.userEntityService.genLocalUserUri(note.userId), type: 'Create', published: this.idService.parse(note.id).date.toISOString(), object, }; if (object.to) activity.to = object.to; if (object.cc) activity.cc = object.cc; return activity; } @bindThis public renderDelete(object: IObject | string, user: { id: MiUser['id']; host: null }): IDelete { return { type: 'Delete', actor: this.userEntityService.genLocalUserUri(user.id), object, published: new Date().toISOString(), }; } @bindThis public renderDocument(file: MiDriveFile): IApDocument { return { type: 'Document', mediaType: file.webpublicType ?? file.type, url: this.driveFileEntityService.getPublicUrl(file), name: file.comment, summary: file.comment, }; } @bindThis public renderEmoji(emoji: MiEmoji): IApEmoji { return { id: `${this.config.url}/emojis/${emoji.name}`, type: 'Emoji', name: `:${emoji.name}:`, updated: emoji.updatedAt != null ? emoji.updatedAt.toISOString() : new Date().toISOString(), icon: { type: 'Image', mediaType: emoji.type ?? 'image/png', // || emoji.originalUrl してるのは後方互換性のため(publicUrlはstringなので??はだめ) url: emoji.publicUrl || emoji.originalUrl, }, }; } // to anonymise reporters, the reporting actor must be a system user @bindThis public renderFlag(user: MiLocalUser, object: IObject | string, content: string): IFlag { return { type: 'Flag', actor: this.userEntityService.genLocalUserUri(user.id), content, object, }; } @bindThis public renderFollowRelay(relay: MiRelay, relayActor: MiLocalUser): IFollow { return { id: `${this.config.url}/activities/follow-relay/${relay.id}`, type: 'Follow', actor: this.userEntityService.genLocalUserUri(relayActor.id), object: 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public', }; } /** * Convert (local|remote)(Follower|Followee)ID to URL * @param id Follower|Followee ID */ @bindThis public async renderFollowUser(id: MiUser['id']): Promise { const user = await this.usersRepository.findOneByOrFail({ id: id }) as MiPartialLocalUser | MiPartialRemoteUser; return this.userEntityService.getUserUri(user); } @bindThis public renderFollow( follower: MiPartialLocalUser | MiPartialRemoteUser, followee: MiPartialLocalUser | MiPartialRemoteUser, requestId?: string, ): IFollow { return { id: requestId ?? `${this.config.url}/follows/${follower.id}/${followee.id}`, type: 'Follow', actor: this.userEntityService.getUserUri(follower), object: this.userEntityService.getUserUri(followee), }; } @bindThis public renderHashtag(tag: string): IApHashtag { return { type: 'Hashtag', href: `${this.config.url}/tags/${encodeURIComponent(tag)}`, name: `#${tag}`, }; } @bindThis public renderImage(file: MiDriveFile): IApImage { return { type: 'Image', url: this.driveFileEntityService.getPublicUrl(file), sensitive: file.isSensitive, name: file.comment, }; } @bindThis public renderKey(user: MiLocalUser, key: MiUserKeypair, postfix?: string): IKey { return { id: `${this.config.url}/users/${user.id}${postfix ?? '/publickey'}`, type: 'Key', owner: this.userEntityService.genLocalUserUri(user.id), publicKeyPem: createPublicKey(key.publicKey).export({ type: 'spki', format: 'pem', }), }; } @bindThis public async renderLike(noteReaction: MiNoteReaction, note: { uri: string | null }): Promise { const reaction = noteReaction.reaction; const meta = await this.metaService.fetch(true); let isMastodon = false; if (meta.defaultLike && reaction.replaceAll(':', '') === meta.defaultLike.replaceAll(':', '')) { const note = await this.notesRepository.findOneBy({ id: noteReaction.noteId }); if (note && note.userHost) { const instance = await this.instancesRepository.findOneBy({ host: note.userHost }); if (instance && instance.softwareName === 'mastodon') isMastodon = true; if (instance && instance.softwareName === 'akkoma') isMastodon = true; if (instance && instance.softwareName === 'pleroma') isMastodon = true; } } const object: ILike = { type: 'Like', id: `${this.config.url}/likes/${noteReaction.id}`, actor: `${this.config.url}/users/${noteReaction.userId}`, object: note.uri ? note.uri : `${this.config.url}/notes/${noteReaction.noteId}`, content: isMastodon ? undefined : reaction, _misskey_reaction: isMastodon ? undefined : reaction, }; if (reaction.startsWith(':')) { const name = reaction.replaceAll(':', ''); const emoji = (await this.customEmojiService.localEmojisCache.fetch()).get(name); if (emoji && !emoji.localOnly) object.tag = [this.renderEmoji(emoji)]; } return object; } @bindThis public renderMention(mention: MiPartialLocalUser | MiPartialRemoteUser): IApMention { return { type: 'Mention', href: this.userEntityService.getUserUri(mention), name: this.userEntityService.isRemoteUser(mention) ? `@${mention.username}@${mention.host}` : `@${(mention as MiLocalUser).username}`, }; } @bindThis public renderMove( src: MiPartialLocalUser | MiPartialRemoteUser, dst: MiPartialLocalUser | MiPartialRemoteUser, ): IMove { const actor = this.userEntityService.getUserUri(src); const target = this.userEntityService.getUserUri(dst); return { id: `${this.config.url}/moves/${src.id}/${dst.id}`, actor, type: 'Move', object: actor, target, }; } @bindThis public async renderNote(note: MiNote, dive = true): Promise { const getPromisedFiles = async (ids: string[]): Promise => { if (ids.length === 0) return []; const items = await this.driveFilesRepository.findBy({ id: In(ids) }); return ids.map(id => items.find(item => item.id === id)).filter((item): item is MiDriveFile => item != null); }; let inReplyTo; let inReplyToNote: MiNote | null; if (note.replyId) { inReplyToNote = await this.notesRepository.findOneBy({ id: note.replyId }); if (inReplyToNote != null) { const inReplyToUserExist = await this.usersRepository.exist({ where: { id: inReplyToNote.userId } }); if (inReplyToUserExist) { if (inReplyToNote.uri) { inReplyTo = inReplyToNote.uri; } else { if (dive) { inReplyTo = await this.renderNote(inReplyToNote, false); } else { inReplyTo = `${this.config.url}/notes/${inReplyToNote.id}`; } } } } } else { inReplyTo = null; } let quote; if (note.renoteId) { const renote = await this.notesRepository.findOneBy({ id: note.renoteId }); if (renote) { quote = renote.uri ? renote.uri : `${this.config.url}/notes/${renote.id}`; } } const attributedTo = this.userEntityService.genLocalUserUri(note.userId); const mentions = note.mentionedRemoteUsers ? (JSON.parse(note.mentionedRemoteUsers) as IMentionedRemoteUsers).map(x => x.uri) : []; let to: string[] = []; let cc: string[] = []; if (note.visibility === 'public') { to = ['https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public']; cc = [`${attributedTo}/followers`].concat(mentions); } else if (note.visibility === 'home') { to = [`${attributedTo}/followers`]; cc = ['https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'].concat(mentions); } else if (note.visibility === 'followers') { to = [`${attributedTo}/followers`]; cc = mentions; } else { to = mentions; } const mentionedUsers = note.mentions && note.mentions.length > 0 ? await this.usersRepository.findBy({ id: In(note.mentions), }) : []; const hashtagTags = note.tags.map(tag => this.renderHashtag(tag)); const mentionTags = mentionedUsers.map(u => this.renderMention(u as MiLocalUser | MiRemoteUser)); const files = await getPromisedFiles(note.fileIds); const text = note.text ?? ''; let poll: MiPoll | null = null; if (note.hasPoll) { poll = await this.pollsRepository.findOneBy({ noteId: note.id }); } let apText = text; if (quote) { apText += `\n\nRE: ${quote}`; } const summary = note.cw === '' ? String.fromCharCode(0x200B) : note.cw; const content = this.apMfmService.getNoteHtml(Object.assign({}, note, { text: apText, })); const emojis = await this.getEmojis(note.emojis); const apemojis = emojis.filter(emoji => !emoji.localOnly).map(emoji => this.renderEmoji(emoji)); const tag = [ ...hashtagTags, ...mentionTags, ...apemojis, ]; const asPoll = poll ? { type: 'Question', content: this.apMfmService.getNoteHtml(Object.assign({}, note, { text: text, })), [poll.expiresAt && poll.expiresAt < new Date() ? 'closed' : 'endTime']: poll.expiresAt, [poll.multiple ? 'anyOf' : 'oneOf']: poll.choices.map((text, i) => ({ type: 'Note', name: text, replies: { type: 'Collection', totalItems: poll!.votes[i], }, })), } as const : {}; return { id: `${this.config.url}/notes/${note.id}`, type: 'Note', attributedTo, summary: summary ?? undefined, content: content ?? undefined, _misskey_content: text, source: { content: text, mediaType: 'text/x.misskeymarkdown', }, _misskey_quote: quote, quoteUrl: quote, quoteUri: quote, published: this.idService.parse(note.id).date.toISOString(), to, cc, inReplyTo, attachment: files.map(x => this.renderDocument(x)), sensitive: note.cw != null || files.some(file => file.isSensitive), tag, ...asPoll, }; } @bindThis public async renderPerson(user: MiLocalUser) { const id = this.userEntityService.genLocalUserUri(user.id); const isSystem = user.username.includes('.'); const [avatar, banner, background, profile] = await Promise.all([ user.avatarId ? this.driveFilesRepository.findOneBy({ id: user.avatarId }) : undefined, user.bannerId ? this.driveFilesRepository.findOneBy({ id: user.bannerId }) : undefined, user.backgroundId ? this.driveFilesRepository.findOneBy({ id: user.backgroundId }) : undefined, this.userProfilesRepository.findOneByOrFail({ userId: user.id }), ]); const attachment = profile.fields.map(field => ({ type: 'PropertyValue', name: field.name, value: (field.value.startsWith('http://') || field.value.startsWith('https://')) ? `${new URL(field.value).href}` : field.value, })); const emojis = await this.getEmojis(user.emojis); const apemojis = emojis.filter(emoji => !emoji.localOnly).map(emoji => this.renderEmoji(emoji)); const hashtagTags = user.tags.map(tag => this.renderHashtag(tag)); const tag = [ ...apemojis, ...hashtagTags, ]; const keypair = await this.userKeypairService.getUserKeypair(user.id); const person: any = { type: isSystem ? 'Application' : user.isBot ? 'Service' : 'Person', id, inbox: `${id}/inbox`, outbox: `${id}/outbox`, followers: `${id}/followers`, following: `${id}/following`, featured: `${id}/collections/featured`, sharedInbox: `${this.config.url}/inbox`, endpoints: { sharedInbox: `${this.config.url}/inbox` }, url: `${this.config.url}/@${user.username}`, preferredUsername: user.username, name: user.name, summary: profile.description ? this.mfmService.toHtml(mfm.parse(profile.description)) : null, _misskey_summary: profile.description, icon: avatar ? this.renderImage(avatar) : null, image: banner ? this.renderImage(banner) : null, backgroundUrl: background ? this.renderImage(background) : null, tag, manuallyApprovesFollowers: user.isLocked, discoverable: user.isExplorable, publicKey: this.renderKey(user, keypair, '#main-key'), isCat: user.isCat, noindex: user.noindex, speakAsCat: user.speakAsCat, attachment: attachment.length ? attachment : undefined, }; if (user.movedToUri) { person.movedTo = user.movedToUri; } if (user.alsoKnownAs) { person.alsoKnownAs = user.alsoKnownAs; } if (profile.birthday) { person['vcard:bday'] = profile.birthday; } if (profile.location) { person['vcard:Address'] = profile.location; } if (profile.listenbrainz) { person.listenbrainz = profile.listenbrainz; } return person; } @bindThis public renderQuestion(user: { id: MiUser['id'] }, note: MiNote, poll: MiPoll): IQuestion { return { type: 'Question', id: `${this.config.url}/questions/${note.id}`, actor: this.userEntityService.genLocalUserUri(user.id), content: note.text ?? '', [poll.multiple ? 'anyOf' : 'oneOf']: poll.choices.map((text, i) => ({ name: text, _misskey_votes: poll.votes[i], replies: { type: 'Collection', totalItems: poll.votes[i], }, })), }; } @bindThis public renderReject(object: string | IObject, user: { id: MiUser['id'] }): IReject { return { type: 'Reject', actor: this.userEntityService.genLocalUserUri(user.id), object, }; } @bindThis public renderRemove(user: { id: MiUser['id'] }, target: string | IObject | undefined, object: string | IObject): IRemove { return { type: 'Remove', actor: this.userEntityService.genLocalUserUri(user.id), target, object, }; } @bindThis public renderTombstone(id: string): ITombstone { return { id, type: 'Tombstone', }; } @bindThis public renderUndo(object: string | IObject, user: { id: MiUser['id'] }): IUndo { const id = typeof object !== 'string' && typeof object.id === 'string' && object.id.startsWith(this.config.url) ? `${object.id}/undo` : undefined; return { type: 'Undo', ...(id ? { id } : {}), actor: this.userEntityService.genLocalUserUri(user.id), object, published: new Date().toISOString(), }; } @bindThis public renderUpdate(object: string | IObject, user: { id: MiUser['id'] }): IUpdate { return { id: `${this.config.url}/users/${user.id}#updates/${new Date().getTime()}`, actor: this.userEntityService.genLocalUserUri(user.id), type: 'Update', to: ['https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'], object, published: new Date().toISOString(), }; } @bindThis public async renderUpNote(note: MiNote, dive = true): Promise { const getPromisedFiles = async (ids: string[]): Promise => { if (ids.length === 0) return []; const items = await this.driveFilesRepository.findBy({ id: In(ids) }); return ids.map(id => items.find(item => item.id === id)).filter((item): item is MiDriveFile => item != null); }; let inReplyTo; let inReplyToNote: MiNote | null; if (note.replyId) { inReplyToNote = await this.notesRepository.findOneBy({ id: note.replyId }); if (inReplyToNote != null) { const inReplyToUserExist = await this.usersRepository.exist({ where: { id: inReplyToNote.userId } }); if (inReplyToUserExist) { if (inReplyToNote.uri) { inReplyTo = inReplyToNote.uri; } else { if (dive) { inReplyTo = await this.renderUpNote(inReplyToNote, false); } else { inReplyTo = `${this.config.url}/notes/${inReplyToNote.id}`; } } } } } else { inReplyTo = null; } let quote; if (note.renoteId) { const renote = await this.notesRepository.findOneBy({ id: note.renoteId }); if (renote) { quote = renote.uri ? renote.uri : `${this.config.url}/notes/${renote.id}`; } } const attributedTo = this.userEntityService.genLocalUserUri(note.userId); const mentions = note.mentionedRemoteUsers ? (JSON.parse(note.mentionedRemoteUsers) as IMentionedRemoteUsers).map(x => x.uri) : []; let to: string[] = []; let cc: string[] = []; if (note.visibility === 'public') { to = ['https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public']; cc = [`${attributedTo}/followers`].concat(mentions); } else if (note.visibility === 'home') { to = [`${attributedTo}/followers`]; cc = ['https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'].concat(mentions); } else if (note.visibility === 'followers') { to = [`${attributedTo}/followers`]; cc = mentions; } else { to = mentions; } const mentionedUsers = note.mentions && note.mentions.length > 0 ? await this.usersRepository.findBy({ id: In(note.mentions), }) : []; const hashtagTags = note.tags.map(tag => this.renderHashtag(tag)); const mentionTags = mentionedUsers.map(u => this.renderMention(u as MiLocalUser | MiRemoteUser)); const files = await getPromisedFiles(note.fileIds); const text = note.text ?? ''; let poll: MiPoll | null = null; if (note.hasPoll) { poll = await this.pollsRepository.findOneBy({ noteId: note.id }); } let apText = text; if (quote) { apText += `\n\nRE: ${quote}`; } const summary = note.cw === '' ? String.fromCharCode(0x200B) : note.cw; const content = this.apMfmService.getNoteHtml(Object.assign({}, note, { text: apText, })); const emojis = await this.getEmojis(note.emojis); const apemojis = emojis.filter(emoji => !emoji.localOnly).map(emoji => this.renderEmoji(emoji)); const tag = [ ...hashtagTags, ...mentionTags, ...apemojis, ]; const asPoll = poll ? { type: 'Question', content: this.apMfmService.getNoteHtml(Object.assign({}, note, { text: text, })), [poll.expiresAt && poll.expiresAt < new Date() ? 'closed' : 'endTime']: poll.expiresAt, [poll.multiple ? 'anyOf' : 'oneOf']: poll.choices.map((text, i) => ({ type: 'Note', name: text, replies: { type: 'Collection', totalItems: poll!.votes[i], }, })), } as const : {}; return { id: `${this.config.url}/notes/${note.id}`, type: 'Note', attributedTo, summary: summary ?? undefined, content: content ?? undefined, updated: note.updatedAt?.toISOString(), _misskey_content: text, source: { content: text, mediaType: 'text/x.misskeymarkdown', }, _misskey_quote: quote, quoteUrl: quote, quoteUri: quote, published: this.idService.parse(note.id).date.toISOString(), to, cc, inReplyTo, attachment: files.map(x => this.renderDocument(x)), sensitive: note.cw != null || files.some(file => file.isSensitive), tag, ...asPoll, }; } @bindThis public renderVote(user: { id: MiUser['id'] }, vote: MiPollVote, note: MiNote, poll: MiPoll, pollOwner: MiRemoteUser): ICreate { return { id: `${this.config.url}/users/${user.id}#votes/${vote.id}/activity`, actor: this.userEntityService.genLocalUserUri(user.id), type: 'Create', to: [pollOwner.uri], published: new Date().toISOString(), object: { id: `${this.config.url}/users/${user.id}#votes/${vote.id}`, type: 'Note', attributedTo: this.userEntityService.genLocalUserUri(user.id), to: [pollOwner.uri], inReplyTo: note.uri, name: poll.choices[vote.choice], }, }; } @bindThis public addContext(x: T): T & { '@context': any; id: string; } { if (typeof x === 'object' && x.id == null) { x.id = `${this.config.url}/${randomUUID()}`; } return Object.assign({ '@context': [ 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', 'https://w3id.org/security/v1', { // as non-standards manuallyApprovesFollowers: 'as:manuallyApprovesFollowers', sensitive: 'as:sensitive', Hashtag: 'as:Hashtag', quoteUrl: 'as:quoteUrl', fedibird: 'http://fedibird.com/ns#', quoteUri: 'fedibird:quoteUri', // Mastodon toot: 'http://joinmastodon.org/ns#', Emoji: 'toot:Emoji', featured: 'toot:featured', discoverable: 'toot:discoverable', // schema schema: 'http://schema.org#', PropertyValue: 'schema:PropertyValue', value: 'schema:value', // Misskey misskey: 'https://misskey-hub.net/ns#', '_misskey_content': 'misskey:_misskey_content', '_misskey_quote': 'misskey:_misskey_quote', '_misskey_reaction': 'misskey:_misskey_reaction', '_misskey_votes': 'misskey:_misskey_votes', '_misskey_summary': 'misskey:_misskey_summary', 'isCat': 'misskey:isCat', // Firefish firefish: 'https://joinfirefish.org/ns#', speakAsCat: 'firefish:speakAsCat', // Sharkey sharkey: 'https://joinsharkey.org/ns#', backgroundUrl: 'sharkey:backgroundUrl', listenbrainz: 'sharkey:listenbrainz', // vcard vcard: 'http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#', }, ], }, x as T & { id: string }); } @bindThis public async attachLdSignature(activity: any, user: { id: MiUser['id']; host: null; }): Promise { const keypair = await this.userKeypairService.getUserKeypair(user.id); const ldSignature = this.ldSignatureService.use(); ldSignature.debug = false; activity = await ldSignature.signRsaSignature2017(activity, keypair.privateKey, `${this.config.url}/users/${user.id}#main-key`); return activity; } /** * Render OrderedCollectionPage * @param id URL of self * @param totalItems Number of total items * @param orderedItems Items * @param partOf URL of base * @param prev URL of prev page (optional) * @param next URL of next page (optional) */ @bindThis public renderOrderedCollectionPage(id: string, totalItems: any, orderedItems: any, partOf: string, prev?: string, next?: string) { const page: any = { id, partOf, type: 'OrderedCollectionPage', totalItems, orderedItems, }; if (prev) page.prev = prev; if (next) page.next = next; return page; } /** * Render OrderedCollection * @param id URL of self * @param totalItems Total number of items * @param first URL of first page (optional) * @param last URL of last page (optional) * @param orderedItems attached objects (optional) */ @bindThis public renderOrderedCollection(id: string, totalItems: number, first?: string, last?: string, orderedItems?: IObject[]) { const page: any = { id, type: 'OrderedCollection', totalItems, }; if (first) page.first = first; if (last) page.last = last; if (orderedItems) page.orderedItems = orderedItems; return page; } @bindThis private async getEmojis(names: string[]): Promise { if (names.length === 0) return []; const allEmojis = await this.customEmojiService.localEmojisCache.fetch(); const emojis = names.map(name => allEmojis.get(name)).filter(isNotNull); return emojis; } }