/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and other misskey contributors * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ const twemojiSvgBase = '/twemoji'; const fluentEmojiPngBase = '/fluent-emoji'; const tossfaceSvgBase = '/tossface'; export function char2twemojiFilePath(char: string): string { let codes = Array.from(char, x => x.codePointAt(0)?.toString(16)); if (!codes.includes('200d')) codes = codes.filter(x => x !== 'fe0f'); codes = codes.filter(x => x && x.length); const fileName = codes.join('-'); return `${twemojiSvgBase}/${fileName}.svg`; } export function char2fluentEmojiFilePath(char: string): string { let codes = Array.from(char, x => x.codePointAt(0)?.toString(16)); // Fluent Emojiは国旗非対応 https://github.com/microsoft/fluentui-emoji/issues/25 if (codes[0]?.startsWith('1f1')) return char2twemojiFilePath(char); if (!codes.includes('200d')) codes = codes.filter(x => x !== 'fe0f'); codes = codes.filter(x => x && x.length); const fileName = codes.map(x => x!.padStart(4, '0')).join('-'); return `${fluentEmojiPngBase}/${fileName}.png`; } export function char2tossfaceFilePath(char: string): string { let codes = Array.from(char, x => x.codePointAt(0)?.toString(16)); // Twemoji is the only emoji font which still supports the shibuya 50 emoji to this day if (codes[0]?.startsWith('e50a')) return char2twemojiFilePath(char); // Tossface does not use the fe0f modifier codes = codes.filter(x => x !== 'fe0f'); codes = codes.filter(x => x && x.length); const fileName = codes.join('-'); return `${tossfaceSvgBase}/${fileName}.svg`; }