riot = require \riot spinner = null pending = 0 net = riot.observable! riot.mixin \net do net: net module.exports = (i, endpoint, data) -> pending++ if i? and typeof i == \object then i = i.token body = [] # append user token when signed in if i? then body.push "i=#i" for k, v of data if v != undefined v = encodeURIComponent v body.push "#k=#v" opts = method: \POST headers: 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' body: body.join \& if endpoint == \signin opts.credentials = \include ep = if (endpoint.index-of '://') > -1 then endpoint else "#{CONFIG.api.url}/#{endpoint}" if pending == 1 spinner := document.create-element \div ..set-attribute \id \wait document.body.append-child spinner new Promise (resolve, reject) -> timer = set-timeout -> net.trigger \detected-slow-network , 5000ms fetch ep, opts .then (res) -> pending-- clear-timeout timer if pending == 0 spinner.parent-node.remove-child spinner if res.status == 200 res.json!.then resolve else if res.status == 204 resolve! else res.json!.then (err) -> reject err.error .catch reject