/** * Service Worker */ declare var self: ServiceWorkerGlobalScope; import { get, set } from 'idb-keyval'; import composeNotification from '@/sw/compose-notification'; import { I18n } from '@/scripts/i18n'; //#region Variables const version = _VERSION_; const cacheName = `mk-cache-${version}`; const apiUrl = `${location.origin}/api/`; let lang: string; let i18n: I18n; let pushesPool: any[] = []; //#endregion //#region Startup get('lang').then(async prelang => { if (!prelang) return; lang = prelang; return fetchLocale(); }); //#endregion //#region Lifecycle: Install self.addEventListener('install', ev => { ev.waitUntil( caches.open(cacheName) .then(cache => { return cache.addAll([ `/?v=${version}` ]); }) .then(() => self.skipWaiting()) ); }); //#endregion //#region Lifecycle: Activate self.addEventListener('activate', ev => { ev.waitUntil( caches.keys() .then(cacheNames => Promise.all( cacheNames .filter((v) => v !== cacheName) .map(name => caches.delete(name)) )) .then(() => self.clients.claim()) ); }); //#endregion // TODO: 消せるかも ref. https://github.com/syuilo/misskey/pull/7108#issuecomment-774573666 //#region When: Fetching self.addEventListener('fetch', ev => { if (ev.request.method !== 'GET' || ev.request.url.startsWith(apiUrl)) return; ev.respondWith( caches.match(ev.request) .then(response => { return response || fetch(ev.request); }) .catch(() => { return caches.match(`/?v=${version}`); }) ); }); //#endregion //#region When: Caught Notification self.addEventListener('push', ev => { // クライアント取得 ev.waitUntil(self.clients.matchAll({ includeUncontrolled: true }).then(async clients => { // クライアントがあったらストリームに接続しているということなので通知しない if (clients.length != 0) return; const { type, body } = ev.data?.json(); // localeを読み込めておらずi18nがundefinedだった場合はpushesPoolにためておく if (!i18n) return pushesPool.push({ type, body }); const n = await composeNotification(type, body, i18n); if (n) return self.registration.showNotification(...n); })); }); //#endregion //#region When: Caught a message from the client self.addEventListener('message', ev => { switch(ev.data) { case 'clear': return; // TODO default: break; } if (typeof ev.data === 'object') { // E.g. '[object Array]' → 'array' const otype = Object.prototype.toString.call(ev.data).slice(8, -1).toLowerCase(); if (otype === 'object') { if (ev.data.msg === 'initialize') { lang = ev.data.lang; set('lang', lang); fetchLocale(); } } } }); //#endregion //#region Function: (Re)Load i18n instance async function fetchLocale() { //#region localeファイルの読み込み // Service Workerは何度も起動しそのたびにlocaleを読み込むので、CacheStorageを使う const localeUrl = `/assets/locales/${lang}.${version}.json`; let localeRes = await caches.match(localeUrl); if (!localeRes) { localeRes = await fetch(localeUrl); const clone = localeRes?.clone(); if (!clone?.clone().ok) return; caches.open(cacheName).then(cache => cache.put(localeUrl, clone)); } i18n = new I18n(await localeRes.json()); //#endregion //#region i18nをきちんと読み込んだ後にやりたい処理 for (const { type, body } of pushesPool) { const n = await composeNotification(type, body, i18n); if (n) self.registration.showNotification(...n); } pushesPool = []; //#endregion } //#endregion