/** * Config loader */ import * as fs from 'fs'; import { URL } from 'url'; import $ from 'cafy'; import * as yaml from 'js-yaml'; import * as pkg from '../../package.json'; import { fromNullable } from '../prelude/maybe'; /** * Path of configuration directory */ const dir = `${__dirname}/../../.config`; /** * Path of configuration file */ const path = process.env.NODE_ENV == 'test' ? `${dir}/test.yml` : `${dir}/default.yml`; export default function load() { const config = yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf-8')); if (typeof config.url !== 'string') { throw 'You need to configure the URL.'; } const url = validateUrl(config.url); if (typeof config.port !== 'number') { throw 'You need to configure the port.'; } if (config.https != null) { if (typeof config.https.key !== 'string') { throw 'You need to configure the https key.'; } if (typeof config.https.cert !== 'string') { throw 'You need to configure the https cert.'; } } if (config.mongodb == null) { throw 'You need to configure the MongoDB.'; } if (typeof config.mongodb.host !== 'string') { throw 'You need to configure the MongoDB host.'; } if (typeof config.mongodb.port !== 'number') { throw 'You need to configure the MongoDB port.'; } if (typeof config.mongodb.db !== 'string') { throw 'You need to configure the MongoDB database name.'; } if (config.drive == null) { throw 'You need to configure the drive.'; } if (typeof config.drive.storage !== 'string') { throw 'You need to configure the drive storage type.'; } if (!$.str.or(['db', 'minio']).ok(config.drive.storage)) { throw 'Unrecognized drive storage type is specified.'; } if (config.drive.storage === 'minio') { if (typeof config.drive.bucket !== 'string') { throw 'You need to configure the minio bucket.'; } if (typeof config.drive.prefix !== 'string') { throw 'You need to configure the minio prefix.'; } if (config.drive.prefix.config == null) { throw 'You need to configure the minio.'; } } if (config.redis != null) { if (typeof config.redis.host !== 'string') { throw 'You need to configure the Redis host.'; } if (typeof config.redis.port !== 'number') { throw 'You need to configure the Redis port.'; } } if (config.elasticsearch != null) { if (typeof config.elasticsearch.host !== 'string') { throw 'You need to configure the Elasticsearch host.'; } if (typeof config.elasticsearch.port !== 'number') { throw 'You need to configure the Elasticsearch port.'; } } const source = { url: normalizeUrl(config.url as string), port: config.port as number, https: fromNullable(config.https).map(x => ({ key: x.key as string, cert: x.cert as string, ca: fromNullable(x.ca) })), mongodb: { host: config.mongodb.host as string, port: config.mongodb.port as number, db: config.mongodb.db as string, user: fromNullable(config.mongodb.user), pass: fromNullable(config.mongodb.pass) }, redis: fromNullable(config.redis).map(x => ({ host: x.host as string, port: x.port as number, pass: fromNullable(x.pass) })), elasticsearch: fromNullable(config.elasticsearch).map(x => ({ host: x.host as string, port: x.port as number, pass: fromNullable(x.pass) })), disableHsts: typeof config.disableHsts === 'boolean' ? config.disableHsts as boolean : false, drive: { storage: config.drive.storage as string, bucket: config.drive.bucket as string, prefix: config.drive.prefix as string, baseUrl: fromNullable(config.drive.baseUrl), config: config.drive.config }, autoAdmin: typeof config.autoAdmin === 'boolean' ? config.autoAdmin as boolean : false, proxy: fromNullable(config.proxy), clusterLimit: typeof config.clusterLimit === 'number' ? config.clusterLimit as number : Infinity, }; const host = url.host; const scheme = url.protocol.replace(/:$/, ''); const ws_scheme = scheme.replace('http', 'ws'); const mixin = { host: url.host, hostname: url.hostname, scheme: scheme, ws_scheme: ws_scheme, ws_url: `${ws_scheme}://${host}`, api_url: `${scheme}://${host}/api`, auth_url: `${scheme}://${host}/auth`, dev_url: `${scheme}://${host}/dev`, docs_url: `${scheme}://${host}/docs`, stats_url: `${scheme}://${host}/stats`, status_url: `${scheme}://${host}/status`, drive_url: `${scheme}://${host}/files`, user_agent: `Misskey/${pkg.version} (${config.url})` }; return Object.assign(source, mixin); } function tryCreateUrl(url: string) { try { return new URL(url); } catch (e) { throw `url="${url}" is not a valid URL.`; } } function validateUrl(url: string) { const result = tryCreateUrl(url); if (result.pathname.replace('/', '').length) throw `url="${url}" is not a valid URL, has a pathname.`; if (!url.includes(result.host)) throw `url="${url}" is not a valid URL, has an invalid hostname.`; return result; } function normalizeUrl(url: string) { return url.endsWith('/') ? url.substr(0, url.length - 1) : url; }