Merge branch 'develop' of into develop

This commit is contained in:
syuilo 2023-09-05 17:02:16 +09:00
commit 8f56bff0bb
22 changed files with 222 additions and 54 deletions

View file

@ -799,6 +799,7 @@ accountDeletionInProgress: "حذف الحساب جارٍ"
usernameInfo: "الاسم الذي يميزك عن بافي مستخدمي هذا الخادم، يمكنك استخدام الحروف اللاتينية (a~z, A~Z) والأرقام (0~9) والشرطة السفلية (_). لا يمكنك تغييره بعد تسجيله."
devMode: "وضع المُطوّر"
keepCw: "أبقِ على تحذيرات المحتوى"
pubSub: "حسابات Pub/Sub"
lastCommunication: "آخر تواصل"
resolved: "عولج"
unresolved: "لم يعالج"
@ -807,6 +808,7 @@ breakFollowConfirm: "أمتأكد من إزالة المتابِع ؟"
itsOn: "مفعّل"
itsOff: "معطّل"
on: "مفعل"
off: "معطل"
emailRequiredForSignup: "عنوان البريد الإلكتروني إلزامي للتسجيل"
unread: "غير مقروءة"
filter: "رشّح"
@ -853,6 +855,7 @@ recentNDays: "آخر {n} أيام"
noEmailServerWarning: "خادم البريد غير مضبوط."
thereIsUnresolvedAbuseReportWarning: "توجد بلاغات غير معالجة."
recommended: "مقترح"
check: "التحقق"
driveCapOverrideLabel: "غيّر حجم قرص التخزين لهذا المستخدم"
driveCapOverrideCaption: "أعد الحجم إلى القيمة الافتراضية بإدخال 0 أو أقل."
requireAdminForView: "لاستعراض هذه الصفحة وجب عليك الولوج كمدير."
@ -876,6 +879,7 @@ slow: "بطيء"
fast: "سريع"
sensitiveMediaDetection: "التعرف على المحتوى الحساس"
localOnly: "المحلي فقط"
remoteOnly: "بُعدي فقط"
failedToUpload: "فشل الرفع"
cannotUploadBecauseInappropriate: "تعذر رفع الملف لوجود محتوى حساس فيه."
cannotUploadBecauseNoFreeSpace: "تعذر رفع الملف لنقص مساحة التخزين."
@ -895,6 +899,7 @@ pushNotificationAlreadySubscribed: "إرسال الإشعارات مفعل سل
pushNotificationNotSupported: "متصفحك لا يدعم إرسال الإشعارات أو المثيل لا يدعمها."
sendPushNotificationReadMessage: "احذف الإشعارات فور قراءتها"
sendPushNotificationReadMessageCaption: "هذا قد يزيد من معدل استهلاك الطاقة لجهازك."
windowMaximize: "املأ الشاشة"
windowRestore: "استرجاع"
caption: "التعليق التوضيحي"
loggedInAsBot: "والج كآلي"
@ -952,6 +957,8 @@ accountMoved: "نقل هذا المستخدم حسابه:"
accountMovedShort: "رُحل هذا الحساب."
operationForbidden: "عملية ممنوعة"
forceShowAds: "أظهر الإعلانات التجارية دائما"
reactionsList: "التفاعلات"
renotesList: "إعادات النشر"
leftTop: "أعلى اليسار"
rightTop: "أعلى اليمين"
leftBottom: "أسفل اليسار"
@ -987,6 +994,9 @@ later: "لاحقاً"
goToMisskey: "لميسكي"
additionalEmojiDictionary: "قواميس إيموجي إضافية"
installed: "مُثبت"
expirationDate: "تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية"
unused: "غير مستعمَل"
expired: "منتهية صلاحيته"
icon: "الصورة الرمزية"
accountCreated: "نجح إنشاء حسابك!"
@ -1073,6 +1083,7 @@ _role:
description: "وصف الدور"
permission: "أذونات الدور"
assignTarget: "نوع الإسناد"
condition: "الشرط"
options: "خيارات"
policies: "السياسة العامة"
priority: "الأولوية"
@ -1128,6 +1139,9 @@ _plugin:
install: "ثبّت إضافات"
installWarn: "رجاءً لا تثبت إضافات غير موثوقة."
manage: "إدارة الإضافات"
createdAt: "تم إنشاؤه: {date} {time}"
updatedAt: "آخر تحديث: {date} {time}"
scope: "الحيّز"
key: "مفتاح"
@ -1252,6 +1266,9 @@ _time:
minute: "د"
hour: "سا"
day: "ي"
title: "كيف تستخدم Misskey"
step3_1: "هل نشرت ملاحظتك الأولى؟"
alreadyRegistered: "سجلت سلفًا جهازًا للاستيثاق بعاملين."
step1: "أولًا ثبّت تطبيق استيثاق على جهازك (مثل {a} و{b})."
@ -1520,6 +1537,8 @@ _deck:
swapUp: "التحريك إلى الأعلى"
swapDown: "التحريك إلى الأسفل"
profile: "حسابي الشخصي"
newProfile: "ملف تعريفي جديد"
deleteProfile: "حذف الملف التعريفي"
main: "الرئيسية"
widgets: "التطبيقات المُصغّرة"

View file

@ -1042,7 +1042,6 @@ _2fa:
alreadyRegistered: "আপনি ইতিমধ্যে একটি 2-ফ্যাক্টর অথেনটিকেশন ডিভাইস নিবন্ধন করেছেন৷"
step1: "প্রথমে, আপনার ডিভাইসে {a} বা {b} এর মতো একটি অথেনটিকেশন অ্যাপ ইনস্টল করুন৷"
step2: "এরপরে, অ্যাপের সাহায্যে প্রদর্শিত QR কোডটি স্ক্যান করুন।"
step2Url: "ডেস্কটপ অ্যাপে, নিম্নলিখিত URL লিখুন:"
step3: "অ্যাপে প্রদর্শিত টোকেনটি লিখুন এবং আপনার কাজ শেষ।"
step4: "আপনাকে এখন থেকে লগ ইন করার সময়, এইভাবে টোকেন লিখতে হবে।"
securityKeyInfo: "আপনি একটি হার্ডওয়্যার সিকিউরিটি কী ব্যবহার করে লগ ইন করতে পারেন যা FIDO2 বা ডিভাইসের ফিঙ্গারপ্রিন্ট সেন্সর বা পিন সমর্থন করে৷"

View file

@ -399,7 +399,6 @@ _sfx:
chat: "Xat"
antenna: "Antenes"
step2Url: "També pots inserir aquest enllaç i utilitzes una aplicació d'escriptori:"
renewTOTPCancel: "No, gràcies"
all: "Totes les publicacions"

View file

@ -1681,7 +1681,6 @@ _2fa:
step1: "Nejprve si do zařízení nainstalujte aplikaci pro ověřování (například {a} nebo {b})."
step2: "Poté naskenujte QR kód zobrazený na této obrazovce."
step2Click: "Kliknutím na tento QR kód můžete zaregistrovat 2FA do bezpečnostního klíče nebo aplikace autentizace telefonu."
step2Url: "Tuto adresu URL můžete zadat také v případě, že používáte program pro stolní počítače:"
step3Title: "Zadejte ověřovací kód"
step3: "Pro dokončení nastavení zadejte token poskytnutý vaší aplikací."
step4: "Od této chvíle budou všechny budoucí pokusy o přihlášení vyžadovat tento přihlašovací token."

View file

@ -411,6 +411,7 @@ aboutMisskey: "Über Misskey"
administrator: "Administrator"
token: "Token"
2fa: "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung"
setupOf2fa: "Zweifaktorauthentifizierung einrichten"
totp: "Authentifizierungs-App"
totpDescription: "Logge dich via Authentifizierungs-App mit Einmalpasswort ein"
moderator: "Moderator"
@ -1696,9 +1697,10 @@ _2fa:
step1: "Installiere zuerst eine Authentifizierungsapp (z.B. {a} oder {b}) auf deinem Gerät."
step2: "Dann, scanne den angezeigten QR-Code mit deinem Gerät."
step2Click: "Durch Klicken dieses QR-Codes kannst du Verifikation mit deinem Security-Token oder einer App registrieren."
step2Url: "Nutzt du ein Desktopprogramm kannst du alternativ diese URL eingeben:"
step2Uri: "Nutzt du ein Desktopprogramm, gib folgende URI eingeben"
step3Title: "Authentifizierungsscode eingeben"
step3: "Gib zum Abschluss den Token ein, der von deiner App angezeigt wird."
setupCompleted: "Einrichtung abgeschlossen"
step4: "Alle folgenden Anmeldeversuche werden ab sofort die Eingabe eines solchen Tokens benötigen."
securityKeyNotSupported: "Dein Browser unterstützt keine Security-Tokens."
registerTOTPBeforeKey: "Um einen Security-Token oder einen Passkey zu registrieren, musst du zuerst eine Authentifizierungs-App registrieren."
@ -1714,6 +1716,11 @@ _2fa:
renewTOTPConfirm: "Codes der bisherigen App werden hierdurch nutzlos"
renewTOTPOk: "Neu einrichten"
renewTOTPCancel: "Abbrechen"
checkBackupCodesBeforeCloseThisWizard: "Notiere bitte deine Backup-Codes, bevor du dieses Fenster schließt."
backupCodes: "Backup-Codes"
backupCodesDescription: "Verwende diese Codes, falls du nicht mehr auf deine App zur Zweifaktorauthentifizierung zugreifen kannst. Jeder Code kann nur einmal verwendet werden. Bewahre sie an einem sicheren Ort auf."
backupCodeUsedWarning: "Ein Backup-Code wurde verwendet. Falls du den Zugriff zu deiner Zweifaktorauthentifizierungsapp verloren hast, konfiguriere diese bitte möglichst bald erneut."
backupCodesExhaustedWarning: "Alle Backup-Codes wurden verwendet. Falls du den Zugang zu deiner Zweifaktorauthentifizierungsapp verlierst, wirst du dich nicht mehr in dieses Konto einloggen können. Bitte konfiguriere diese App erneut."
"read:account": "Deine Benutzerkontoinformationen lesen"
"write:account": "Deine Benutzerkontoinformationen bearbeiten"
@ -2021,6 +2028,8 @@ _deck:
introduction2: "Klicke auf das + rechts um wann immer du möchtest neue Spalten hinzuzufügen."
widgetsIntroduction: "Drücke bitte \"Widgets bearbeiten\" im Spaltenmenü und füge ein Widget hinzu."
useSimpleUiForNonRootPages: "Simple Benutzeroberfläche für navigierte Seiten verwenden"
usedAsMinWidthWhenFlexible: "Ist \"Automatische Breitenanpassung\" aktiviert, wird hierfür die minimale Breite verwendet"
flexible: "Automatische Breitenanpassung"
main: "Hauptspalte"
widgets: "Widgets"

View file

@ -411,6 +411,7 @@ aboutMisskey: "About Misskey"
administrator: "Administrator"
token: "Token"
2fa: "Two-factor authentication"
setupOf2fa: "Setup two-factor authentification"
totp: "Authenticator App"
totpDescription: "Use an authenticator app to enter one-time passwords"
moderator: "Moderator"
@ -1696,9 +1697,10 @@ _2fa:
step1: "First, install an authentication app (such as {a} or {b}) on your device."
step2: "Then, scan the QR code displayed on this screen."
step2Click: "Clicking on this QR code will allow you to register 2FA to your security key or phone authenticator app."
step2Url: "You can also enter this URL if you're using a desktop program:"
step2Uri: "Enter the following URI if you are using a desktop program"
step3Title: "Enter an authentication code"
step3: "Enter the token provided by your app to finish setup."
setupCompleted: "Setup complete"
step4: "From now on, any future login attempts will ask for such a login token."
securityKeyNotSupported: "Your browser does not support security keys."
registerTOTPBeforeKey: "Please set up an authenticator app to register a security or pass key."
@ -1714,6 +1716,11 @@ _2fa:
renewTOTPConfirm: "This will cause verification codes from your previous app to stop working"
renewTOTPOk: "Reconfigure"
renewTOTPCancel: "Cancel"
checkBackupCodesBeforeCloseThisWizard: "Before you close this window, please note the following backup codes."
backupCodes: "Backup codes"
backupCodesDescription: "You can use these codes to gain access to your account in case of becoming unable to use your two-factor authentificator app. Each can only be used once. Please keep them in a safe place."
backupCodeUsedWarning: "A backup code has been used. Please reconfigure two-factor authentification as soon as possible if you are no longer able to use it."
backupCodesExhaustedWarning: "All backup codes have been used. Should you lose access to your two-factor authentification app, you will be unable to access this account. Please reconfigure two-factor authentification."
"read:account": "View your account information"
"write:account": "Edit your account information"
@ -2021,6 +2028,8 @@ _deck:
introduction2: "Click on the + on the right of the screen to add new colums whenever you want."
widgetsIntroduction: "Please select \"Edit widgets\" in the column menu and add a widget."
useSimpleUiForNonRootPages: "Use simplified UI to navigated pages"
usedAsMinWidthWhenFlexible: "Minimum width will be used for this when the \"Auto-adjust width\" option is enabled"
flexible: "Auto-adjust width"
main: "Main"
widgets: "Widgets"

View file

@ -411,6 +411,7 @@ aboutMisskey: "Sobre Misskey"
administrator: "Administrador"
token: "Token"
2fa: "Autenticación de doble factor"
setupOf2fa: "Configurar la autenticación de dos factores"
totp: "Aplicación autentícadora"
totpDescription: "Ingresa una contaseña de un sólo uso usando la aplicación autenticadora"
moderator: "Moderador"
@ -1696,9 +1697,10 @@ _2fa:
step1: "Primero, instale en su dispositivo la aplicación de autenticación {a} o {b} u otra."
step2: "Luego, escanee con la aplicación el código QR mostrado en pantalla."
step2Click: "Clicking on this QR code will allow you to register 2FA to your security key or phone authenticator app.\nTocar este código QR te permitirá registrar la autenticación 2FA a tu llave de seguridad o aplicación autenticadora."
step2Url: "En una aplicación de escritorio se puede ingresar la siguiente URL:"
step2Uri: "Si usas una aplicación de escritorio, introduce en ella la siguiente URL."
step3Title: "Ingresa un código de autenticación"
step3: "Para terminar, ingrese el token mostrado en la aplicación."
setupCompleted: "Configuración completada"
step4: "Ahora cuando inicie sesión, ingrese el mismo token"
securityKeyNotSupported: "Tu navegador no soporta claves de autenticación."
registerTOTPBeforeKey: "Please set up an authenticator app to register a security or pass key.\npor favor. configura una aplicación de autenticación para registrar una llave de seguridad."
@ -1714,6 +1716,11 @@ _2fa:
renewTOTPConfirm: "This will cause verification codes from your previous app to stop working\nEsto hará que los códigos de verificación de la aplicación anterior dejen de funcionar"
renewTOTPOk: "Reconfigurar"
renewTOTPCancel: "No gracias"
checkBackupCodesBeforeCloseThisWizard: "Por favor, copia los siguientes códigos de respaldo antes de finalizar el asistente."
backupCodes: "Códigos de Respaldo"
backupCodesDescription: "En caso de que no puedas usar tu aplicación de autenticación, podrás usar los códigos de respaldo que figuran abajo para acceder a tu cuenta. Asegúrate de guardar en lugar seguro los códigos de respaldo. Cada uno de los códigos de respaldo es de un solo uso."
backupCodeUsedWarning: "Has usado todos los códigos de respaldo. Si dejas de tener acceso a tu aplicación de autenticación, no podrás volver a iniciar sesión en tu cuenta. Por favor, reconfigura tu aplicación de autenticación lo antes posible."
backupCodesExhaustedWarning: "Has usado todos los códigos de respaldo. Si dejas de tener acceso a tu aplicación de autenticación, no podrás volver a iniciar sesión en la cuenta que figura arriba. Por favor, reconfigura tu aplicación de autenticación lo antes posible."
"read:account": "Ver información de la cuenta"
"write:account": "Editar información de la cuenta"

View file

@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ announcements: "Annonces"
imageUrl: "URL de limage"
remove: "Supprimer"
removed: "Supprimé"
removeAreYouSure: "Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir supprimer「{x}」?"
removeAreYouSure: "Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir supprimer « {x} » ?"
deleteAreYouSure: "Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir supprimer「{x}」?"
resetAreYouSure: "Voulez-vous réinitialiser ?"
saved: "Enregistré"
@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ tokenRequested: "Autoriser l'accès au compte"
pluginTokenRequestedDescription: "Ce plugin pourra utiliser les autorisations définies ici."
notificationType: "Type de notifications"
edit: "Editer"
emailServer: "Serveur mail"
emailServer: "Serveur de messagerie"
enableEmail: "Activer la distribution de courriel"
emailConfigInfo: "Utilisé pour confirmer votre adresse de courriel et la réinitialisation de votre mot de passe en cas doubli."
email: "E-mail "
@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ off: "Désactivé"
emailRequiredForSignup: "Une adresse e-mail est nécessaire pour créer un compte"
unread: "Non lu"
filter: "Filtre"
controlPanel: "Panneau de contrôle"
controlPanel: "Panneau de configuration"
manageAccounts: "Gérer les comptes"
makeReactionsPublic: "Rendre les réactions publiques"
makeReactionsPublicDescription: "Ceci rendra la liste de toutes vos réactions données publique."
@ -945,9 +945,12 @@ color: "Couleur"
manageCustomEmojis: "Gestion des émojis personnalisés"
preset: "Préréglage"
selectFromPresets: "Sélectionner à partir des préréglages"
achievements: "Accomplissements"
thisPostMayBeAnnoying: "Cette note peut gêner d'autres personnes."
thisPostMayBeAnnoyingCancel: "Annuler"
thisPostMayBeAnnoyingIgnore: "Publier quand-même"
internalServerError: "Erreur interne du serveur"
disableFederationOk: "Désactiver"
license: "Licence"
video: "Vidéo"
videos: "Vidéos"
@ -964,14 +967,33 @@ vertical: "Vertical"
horizontal: "Latéral"
serverRules: "Règles du serveur"
youFollowing: "Abonné·e"
later: "Plus tard"
goToMisskey: "Retour vers Misskey"
expirationDate: "Date dexpiration"
usedAt: "Utilisé le"
unused: "Non-utilisé"
used: "Utilisé"
expired: "Expiré"
doYouAgree: "Êtes-vous daccord ?"
icon: "Avatar"
forYou: "Pour vous"
readConfirmTitle: "Marquer comme lu ?"
profileSetting: "Paramètres du profil"
privacySetting: "Paramètres de confidentialité"
moveToLabel: "Compte vers lequel vous migrez :"
startMigration: "Migrer"
movedTo: "Compte vers lequel vous migrez :"
title: "Je viens tout juste de configurer mon msky"
description: "Publiez votre première note"
flavor: "Passez un bon moment avec Misskey !"
title: "Quelques notes"
title: "Beaucoup de notes"
@ -986,16 +1008,23 @@ _achievements:
title: "Débutant Ⅲ"
description: "Se connecter pour un total de 15 jours"
title: "Misskeynaute I"
description: "Se connecter pour un total de 30 jours"
title: "Misskeynaute II"
description: "Se connecter pour un total de 60 jours"
title: "Misskeynaute III"
description: "Se connecter pour un total de 100 jours"
flavor: "Misskeynaute acharné·e"
title: "Régulier I"
description: "Se connecter pour un total de 200 jours"
title: "Régulier II"
description: "Se connecter pour un total de 300 jours"
title: "Régulier III"
description: "Se connecter pour un total de 400 jours"
description: "Se connecter pour un total de 500 jours"
@ -1009,6 +1038,8 @@ _achievements:
description: "Se connecter pour un total de 900 jours"
flavor: "Merci d'utiliser Misskey !"
description: "Configuration de votre profil"
title: "Je suis un chat"
flavor: "Je n'ai pas encore de nom"
@ -1018,6 +1049,16 @@ _achievements:
title: "Abonnez-moi !"
title: "Jadore Misskey"
description: "Publication « J❤ #Misskey »"
title: "Chasse au trésor"
description: "Vous avez trouvé le trésor caché"
flavor: "Cest lheure daller au lit."
title: "Horloge parlante"
description: "Publication dune note à 00:00"
flavor: "Tic tac, tic tac, tic tac, ding !"
title: "Analyste"
@ -1027,7 +1068,11 @@ _achievements:
flavor: "Attendez une minute, vous êtes sur le mauvais site web ?"
name: "Nom du rôle"
description: "Description du rôle"
permission: "Rôle et autorisations"
assignTarget: "Attribuer"
condition: "Condition"
priority: "Priorité"
low: "Basse"
@ -1119,6 +1164,8 @@ _aboutMisskey:
donate: "Soutenir Misskey"
morePatrons: "Nous apprécions vraiment le soutien de nombreuses autres personnes non mentionnées ici. Merci à toutes et à tous ! 🥰"
patrons: "Contributeurs"
force: "Masquer tous les médias"
none: "Cacher "
remote: "Montrer pour les utilisateur·ice·s distant·e·s"
@ -1137,6 +1184,8 @@ _channel:
following: "Abonné·e"
usersCount: "{n} Participant·e·s"
notesCount: "{n} Notes"
nameAndDescription: "Nom et description"
nameOnly: "Nom seulement"
sideFull: "Latéral"
sideIcon: "Latéral (icônes)"
@ -1254,16 +1303,24 @@ _time:
minute: "min"
hour: "h"
day: "j"
title: "Comment utiliser Misskey"
step3_1: "Avez-vous publié votre première note ?"
alreadyRegistered: "Configuration déjà achevée."
step1: "Tout d'abord, installez une application d'authentification, telle que {a} ou {b}, sur votre appareil."
step2: "Ensuite, scannez le code QR affiché sur lécran."
step2Url: "Vous pouvez également saisir cette URL si vous utilisez un programme de bureau :"
step3Title: "Veuillez saisir le code dauthentification"
step3: "Entrez le jeton affiché sur votre application pour compléter la configuration."
setupCompleted: "Configuration terminée avec succès !"
step4: "À partir de maintenant, ce même jeton vous sera demandé à chacune de vos connexions."
securityKeyNotSupported: "Votre navigateur ne prend pas en charge les clés de sécurité."
securityKeyInfo: "Vous pouvez configurer l'authentification WebAuthN pour sécuriser davantage le processus de connexion grâce à une clé de sécurité matérielle qui prend en charge FIDO2, ou bien en configurant l'authentification par empreinte digitale ou par code PIN sur votre appareil."
securityKeyName: "Nom de la clé"
removeKeyConfirm: "Voulez-vous supprimer {name} ?"
renewTOTPOk: "Reconfigurer"
renewTOTPCancel: "Pas maintenant"
backupCodes: "Codes de Secours"
"read:account": "Afficher les informations du compte"
"write:account": "Mettre à jour les informations de votre compte"
@ -1480,7 +1537,7 @@ _pages:
fontSerif: "Serif"
fontSansSerif: "Sans Serif"
eyeCatchingImageSet: "Définir une image attractive"
eyeCatchingImageRemove: "Supprimer l'image attractive"
eyeCatchingImageRemove: "Supprimer la miniature"
chooseBlock: "Ajouter un bloc"
selectType: "Choisir un type"
contentBlocks: "Contenu"
@ -1513,6 +1570,7 @@ _notification:
pollEnded: "Les résultats du sondage sont disponibles"
unreadAntennaNote: "Antenne {name}"
emptyPushNotificationMessage: "Les notifications push ont été mises à jour"
achievementEarned: "Accomplissement"
all: "Toutes"
follow: "Nouvel·le abonné·e"
@ -1524,6 +1582,7 @@ _notification:
pollEnded: "Sondages se cloturant"
receiveFollowRequest: "Demande d'abonnement reçue"
followRequestAccepted: "Demande d'abonnement acceptée"
achievementEarned: "Accomplissement"
app: "Notifications provenant des apps"
followBack: "Suivre"
@ -1545,6 +1604,7 @@ _deck:
deleteProfile: "Supprimer le profil"
introduction: "Créez linterface parfaite qui vous sied en arrangeant librement les colonnes !"
introduction2: "Cliquez sur le + à droite de l'écran pour ajouter de nouvelles colonnes quand vous le souhaitez."
flexible: "Ajuster automatiquement la largeur"
main: "Principale"
widgets: "Widgets"

View file

@ -1095,7 +1095,11 @@ expired: "Kedaluwarsa"
doYouAgree: "Apa kamu setuju?"
beSureToReadThisAsItIsImportant: "Mohon baca informasi penting berikut."
iHaveReadXCarefullyAndAgree: "Saya telah membaca \"{x}\" dan menyetujui."
dialog: "Dialog"
icon: "Avatar"
forYou: "Untuk Anda"
currentAnnouncements: "Pengumuman Saat Ini"
pastAnnouncements: "Pengumuman Terdahulu"
accountCreated: "Akun kamu telah sukses dibuat!"
letsStartAccountSetup: "Untuk pemula, ayo atur profilmu dulu."
@ -1681,7 +1685,6 @@ _2fa:
step1: "Pertama, pasang aplikasi otentikasi (seperti {a} atau {b}) di perangkat kamu."
step2: "Lalu, pindai kode QR yang ada di layar."
step2Click: "Mengeklik kode QR ini akan membolehkanmu untuk mendaftarkan 2FA ke security-key atau aplikasi autentikator ponsel."
step2Url: "Di aplikasi desktop, masukkan URL berikut:"
step3Title: "Masukkan kode autentikasi"
step3: "Masukkan token yang telah disediakan oleh aplikasimu untuk menyelesaikan pemasangan."
step4: "Mulai sekarang, upaya login apapun akan meminta token login dari aplikasi otentikasi kamu."
@ -1699,6 +1702,7 @@ _2fa:
renewTOTPConfirm: "Hal ini akan menyebabkan kode verifikasi dari aplikasi autentikator sebelumnya berhenti bekerja"
renewTOTPOk: "Atur ulang"
renewTOTPCancel: "Tidak sekarang."
backupCodes: "Kode Pencadangan"
"read:account": "Lihat informasi akun"
"write:account": "Sunting informasi akun"

View file

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ reply: "Rispondi"
loadMore: "Mostra di più"
showMore: "Espandi"
showLess: "Comprimi"
youGotNewFollower: "Ha iniziato a seguirti"
youGotNewFollower: "Ti sta seguendo"
receiveFollowRequest: "Hai ricevuto una richiesta di follow"
followRequestAccepted: "Ha accettato la tua richiesta di follow"
mention: "Menzioni"
@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ import: "Importa"
export: "Esporta"
files: "Allegati"
download: "Scarica"
driveFileDeleteConfirm: "Vuoi davvero eliminare il file \"{name}\"? Anche gli allegati verranno eliminati."
unfollowConfirm: "Vuoi smettere di seguire {name}?"
driveFileDeleteConfirm: "Vuoi davvero eliminare il file \"{name}\", e le Note a cui è stato allegato?"
unfollowConfirm: "Vuoi davvero smettere di seguire {name}?"
exportRequested: "Hai richiesto un'esportazione, e potrebbe volerci tempo. Quando sarà compiuta, il file verrà aggiunto direttamente al Drive."
importRequested: "Hai richiesto un'importazione. Può volerci tempo. "
lists: "Liste"
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ note: "Nota"
notes: "Note"
following: "Follow"
followers: "Follower"
followsYou: "Ti segue"
followsYou: "Segue"
createList: "Aggiungi una nuova lista"
manageLists: "Gestisci liste"
error: "Errore"
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ suspend: "Sospendi"
unsuspend: "Revoca la sospensione"
blockConfirm: "Vuoi davvero bloccare il profilo?"
unblockConfirm: "Vuoi davvero sbloccare il profilo?"
suspendConfirm: "Vuoi sospendere questo profilo?"
suspendConfirm: "Vuoi davvero sospendere questo profilo?"
unsuspendConfirm: "Vuoi revocare la sospensione si questo profilo?"
selectList: "Seleziona una lista"
editList: "Modifica Lista"
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ flagAsCat: "Sono un gatto"
flagAsCatDescription: "La modalità \"sono un gatto\" aggiunge le orecchie al tuo profilo"
flagShowTimelineReplies: "Mostra le risposte alle note sulla timeline."
flagShowTimelineRepliesDescription: "Attivando, la timeline mostra le Note del profilo ed anche le risposte ad altre Note"
autoAcceptFollowed: "Accetta automaticamente le richieste di follow da utenti che già segui"
autoAcceptFollowed: "Accetta automaticamente le richieste di follow da profili che già segui"
addAccount: "Aggiungi profilo"
reloadAccountsList: "Ricarica l'elenco dei profili"
loginFailed: "Accesso non riuscito"
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ imageUrl: "URL dell'immagine"
remove: "Elimina"
removed: "Eliminato con successo"
removeAreYouSure: "Vuoi davvero eliminare \"{x}\"?"
deleteAreYouSure: "Eliminare \"{x}\"?"
deleteAreYouSure: "Vuoi davvero eliminare \"{x}\"?"
resetAreYouSure: "Ripristinare?"
saved: "Salvato"
messaging: "Messaggi"
@ -395,9 +395,9 @@ connectedTo: "Connessione ai seguenti profili:"
notesAndReplies: "Note e risposte"
withFiles: "Con file in allegato"
silence: "Silenzia"
silenceConfirm: "Vuoi davvero silenziare l'utente?"
silenceConfirm: "Vuoi davvero silenziare questo profilo?"
unsilence: "Riattiva"
unsilenceConfirm: "Vuoi davvero riattivare l'utente?"
unsilenceConfirm: "Vuoi davvero riattivare questo profilo?"
popularUsers: "Utenti popolari"
recentlyUpdatedUsers: "Utenti attivi di recente"
recentlyRegisteredUsers: "Utenti registrati di recente"
@ -411,6 +411,7 @@ aboutMisskey: "Informazioni di Misskey"
administrator: "Amministratore"
token: "Token"
2fa: "Autenticazione a due fattori"
setupOf2fa: "Impostare l'autenticazione a due fattori"
totp: "App di autenticazione"
totpDescription: "Inserisci un codice OTP tramite un'app di autenticazione"
moderator: "Moderatore"
@ -558,7 +559,7 @@ disablePagesScript: "Disabilita AiScript nelle pagine"
updateRemoteUser: "Aggiornare le informazioni di utente remot@"
deleteAllFiles: "Elimina tutti i file"
deleteAllFilesConfirm: "Vuoi davvero eliminare tutti i file?"
removeAllFollowing: "Cancella tutti i follows"
removeAllFollowing: "Annulla tutti i follow"
removeAllFollowingDescription: "Cancella tutti i follows del server {host}. Per favore, esegui se, ad esempio, l'istanza non esiste più."
userSuspended: "L'utente è in sospensione"
userSilenced: "L'utente è silenziat@."
@ -653,7 +654,7 @@ fileIdOrUrl: "ID o URL del file"
behavior: "Comportamento"
sample: "Esempio"
abuseReports: "Segnalazioni"
reportAbuse: "Segnalazioni"
reportAbuse: "Segnala"
reportAbuseOf: "Segnala {name}"
fillAbuseReportDescription: "Per favore, spiegaci il motivo della segnalazione. Se riguarda una Nota precisa, indica anche l'indirizzo URL."
abuseReported: "La segnalazione è stata inviata. Grazie."
@ -681,7 +682,7 @@ createNewClip: "Crea una Clip"
unclip: "Togli Nota dalla Clip"
confirmToUnclipAlreadyClippedNote: "Questa nota è già inclusa in \"{name}\". Si desidera escludere la nota?"
public: "Pubblica"
private: "Invisibile"
private: "Privato"
i18nInfo: "Misskey è tradotto in diverse lingue da volontari. Anche tu puoi contribuire su {link}."
manageAccessTokens: "Gestisci token di accesso"
accountInfo: "Informazioni profilo"
@ -762,7 +763,7 @@ editCode: "Modifica codice"
apply: "Applica"
receiveAnnouncementFromInstance: "Ricevi i messaggi informativi dall'istanza"
emailNotification: "Eventi per notifiche via mail"
publish: "Pubblico"
publish: "Pubblicare"
inChannelSearch: "Cerca in canale"
useReactionPickerForContextMenu: "Cliccare sul tasto destro per aprire il pannello di reazioni"
typingUsers: "{users} sta(nno) scrivendo"
@ -842,8 +843,8 @@ pubSub: "Publish/Subscribe del profilo"
lastCommunication: "La comunicazione più recente"
resolved: "Risolto"
unresolved: "Non risolto"
breakFollow: "Non seguire"
breakFollowConfirm: "Vuoi davvero togliere follower?"
breakFollow: "Non farti più seguire"
breakFollowConfirm: "Vuoi davvero smettere di seguire questo profilo?"
itsOn: "Abilitato"
itsOff: "Disabilitato"
on: "Acceso"
@ -1097,7 +1098,7 @@ doYouAgree: "Accetti le condizioni?"
beSureToReadThisAsItIsImportant: "Si prega di leggere attentamente perché è importante."
iHaveReadXCarefullyAndAgree: "Dichiaro di aver letto attentamente \"{x}\" e accettarne le condizioni."
dialog: "Dialogo"
icon: "Foto del profilo"
icon: "Ritratto"
forYou: "Per te"
currentAnnouncements: "Annunci attuali"
pastAnnouncements: "Annunci precedenti"
@ -1468,7 +1469,7 @@ _emailUnavailable:
mx: "Server email non corretto"
smtp: "Il server email non risponde"
public: "Pubblico"
public: "Pubblica"
followers: "Mostra solo ai follower"
private: "Invisibile"
@ -1696,9 +1697,10 @@ _2fa:
step1: "Innanzitutto, installare sul dispositivo un'applicazione di autenticazione come {a} o {b}."
step2: "Quindi, scansionare il codice QR visualizzato con l'app."
step2Click: "Cliccando sul codice QR, puoi registrarlo con l'app di autenticazione o il portachiavi installato sul tuo dispositivo."
step2Url: "Nell'applicazione desktop inserire il seguente URL: "
step2Uri: "Inserisci il seguente URL se desideri utilizzare una App per PC"
step3Title: "Inserisci il codice di verifica"
step3: "Inserite il token visualizzato nell'app e il gioco è fatto."
setupCompleted: "Impostazione completata"
step4: "D'ora in poi, quando si accede, si inserisce il token nello stesso modo."
securityKeyNotSupported: "Il tuo browser non supporta le chiavi di sicurezza."
registerTOTPBeforeKey: "Ti occorre un'app di autenticazione con OTP, prima di registrare la chiave di sicurezza."
@ -1714,6 +1716,11 @@ _2fa:
renewTOTPConfirm: "I codici di verifica nelle app di autenticazione esistenti smetteranno di funzionare"
renewTOTPOk: "Ripristina"
renewTOTPCancel: "No grazie"
checkBackupCodesBeforeCloseThisWizard: "Prima di chiudere questa procedura guidata, salva i tuoi codici usa-e-getta in un posto sicuro."
backupCodes: "Codici usa-e-getta"
backupCodesDescription: "Puoi usare questi codici usa-e-getta per ottenere l'accesso al tuo profilo in caso sia impossibile usare l'App col codice OTP. Salvali in un posto sicuro."
backupCodeUsedWarning: "È stato usato un codice usa-e-getta. Per favore, riconfigura l'autenticazione a due fattori il prima possibile, nel caso la configurazione precedente abbia smesso di funzionare."
backupCodesExhaustedWarning: "Hai esaurito i codici usa-e-getta. Se l'App che genera il codice OTP non è più disponibile, non potrai più accedere al tuo profilo. Ripeti la configurazione per l'autenticazione a due fattori."
"read:account": "Visualizza le informazioni sul profilo"
"write:account": "Modifica le informazioni sul profilo"
@ -1747,6 +1754,10 @@ _permissions:
"write:gallery": "Gestione della galleria"
"read:gallery-likes": "Visualizza i contenuti della galleria."
"write:gallery-likes": "Manipolazione dei \"Mi piace\" della galleria."
"read:flash": "Visualizza Play"
"write:flash": "Modifica Play"
"read:flash-likes": "Visualizza lista di Play piaciuti"
"write:flash-likes": "Modifica lista di Play piaciuti"
shareAccessTitle: "Permessi dell'applicazione"
shareAccess: "Vuoi autorizzare {name} ad accedere al tuo profilo?"
@ -2017,6 +2028,8 @@ _deck:
introduction2: "È possibile aggiungere colonne in qualsiasi momento premendo + sulla destra dello schermo."
widgetsIntroduction: "Dal menu della colonna, selezionare \"Modifica i riquadri\" per aggiungere un un riquadro con funzionalità"
useSimpleUiForNonRootPages: "Visualizza sotto pagine con interfaccia web semplice"
usedAsMinWidthWhenFlexible: "Lunghezza minima sarò usata quando l'opzione \"Lunghezza automacia\" è attivata"
flexible: "Lunghezza automatica"
main: "Principale"
widgets: "Riquadri"

View file

@ -1099,9 +1099,18 @@ iHaveReadXCarefullyAndAgree: "「{x}」の内容をよう読んで、同意す
dialog: "ダイアログ"
icon: "アイコン"
forYou: "あんたへ"
currentAnnouncements: "現在のお知らせやで"
pastAnnouncements: "過去のお知らせやで"
youHaveUnreadAnnouncements: "あんたまだこのお知らせ読んどらんやろ。"
forExistingUsers: "もうおるユーザーのみ"
forExistingUsersDescription: "有効にすると、このお知らせ作成時点でおるユーザーにのみお知らせが表示されます。無効にすると、このお知らせ作成後にアカウントを作成したユーザーにもお知らせが表示されます。"
needConfirmationToRead: "既読にするのに確認が必要やで"
needConfirmationToReadDescription: "有効にすると、このお知らせを既読にする際に確認ダイアログが表示されます。また、一括既読操作の対象にもなりません。"
end: "お知らせを終了"
tooManyActiveAnnouncementDescription: "アクティブなお知らせが多いため、UXが低下する可能性があります。終了したお知らせはアーカイブすることを検討した方がええよ。"
readConfirmTitle: "既読にしてええんやな?"
readConfirmText: "「{title}」の内容を読み、既読にします。"
accountCreated: "アカウント作り終わったで。"
letsStartAccountSetup: "アカウントの初期設定をしよか。"
@ -1687,7 +1696,6 @@ _2fa:
step1: "ほんなら、{a}や{b}とかの認証アプリを使っとるデバイスにインストールしてな。"
step2: "次に、ここにあるQRコードをアプリでスキャンしてな。"
step2Click: "QRコードをクリックすると、今使とる端末に入っとる認証アプリとかキーリングに登録できるで。"
step2Url: "デスクトップアプリやったら次のURLを入力してや:"
step3Title: "確認コードを入れてーや"
step3: "アプリに表示されているトークンを入力して終わりや。"
step4: "これからログインするときも、同じようにトークンを入力するんやで"
@ -1738,6 +1746,10 @@ _permissions:
"write:gallery": "ギャラリーを操作するで"
"read:gallery-likes": "ギャラリーのいいねを見るで"
"write:gallery-likes": "ギャラリーのいいねを操作するで"
"read:flash": "Playを見る"
"write:flash": "Playを操作する"
"read:flash-likes": "Playのええやんを見る"
"write:flash-likes": "Playのええやんを見る"
shareAccessTitle: "アプリへのアクセス許してやったらどうや"
shareAccess: "「{name}」がアカウントにアクセスすることを許可してええか?"

View file

@ -1 +1,3 @@
_lang_: "la .lojban."
headlineMisskey: "lo se tcana noi jorne fi loi notci"

View file

@ -2,20 +2,20 @@
_lang_: "한국어"
headlineMisskey: "노트로 연결되는 네트워크"
introMisskey: "환영합니다! Misskey는 오픈 소스 분산형 마이크로 블로그 서비스입니다.\n'노트'를 작성해서 지금 일어나고 있는 일을 공유하거나, 당신만의 이야기를 모두에게 발신하세요📡\n'리액션' 기능으로 친구의 노트에 총알같이 반응을 추가할 수도 있습니다👍\n새로운 세계를 탐험해 보세요🚀"
poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name}은(는) 오픈소스 플랫폼 <b>Misskey</b>를 사용한 서버 가운데 하나입니다."
poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name}은(는) 오픈소스 플랫폼<b>Misskey</b>를 사용한 서비스(Misskey 인스턴스라고 불립니다) 중 하나입니다."
monthAndDay: "{month}월 {day}일"
search: "검색"
notifications: "알림"
username: "유저명"
password: "비밀번호"
forgotPassword: "비밀번호 재설정"
fetchingAsApObject: "연합에 조회 중"
fetchingAsApObject: "연합에 조회 중"
ok: "확인"
gotIt: "알겠어요"
cancel: "취소"
noThankYou: "나중에"
enterUsername: "유저명 입력"
renotedBy: "{user}님 리노트"
renotedBy: "{user}님 리노트"
noNotes: "노트가 없습니다"
noNotifications: "표시할 알림이 없습니다"
instance: "서버"
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ emojiUrl: "이모지 URL"
addEmoji: "이모지 추가"
settingGuide: "추천 설정"
cacheRemoteFiles: "리모트 파일을 캐시"
cacheRemoteFilesDescription: "이 설정을 해지하면 리모트 파일을 캐시하지 않고 해당 파일을 직접 링크하게 됩니다. 그에 따라 서버의 저장 공간을 절약할 수 있지만, 썸네일이 생성되지 않기 때문에 통신량이 증가합니다."
cacheRemoteFilesDescription: "이 설정을 활성화하면 리모트 파일을 이 서버의 스토리지에 캐시합니다. 미디어의 표시가 빨라지지만, 서버의 저장 용량을 크게 소모합니다. 리모트 유저의 미디어를 얼마나 보관할 지는 역할의 드라이브 용량 제한에 따라 결정되며, 정해진 용량을 넘길 경우 오래된 파일부터 차례대로 삭제한 뒤 링크로 전환합니다. \n비활성화하면 리모트 파일을 직접 링크하며, 이 경우 이미지 썸네일 생성 및 유저 프라이버시 보호를 위해 default.yml에서 proxyRemoteFiles를 true로 설정하는 것을 권장합니다."
youCanCleanRemoteFilesCache: "파일 관리 화면의 🗑️ 버튼을 눌러 모든 캐시를 삭제할 수 있습니다."
cacheRemoteSensitiveFiles: "리모트의 민감한 파일을 캐시"
cacheRemoteSensitiveFilesDescription: "이 설정을 비활성화하면 리모트의 민감한 파일은 캐시하지 않고 리모트에서 직접 가져오도록 합니다."
@ -411,6 +411,7 @@ aboutMisskey: "Misskey에 대하여"
administrator: "관리자"
token: "토큰"
2fa: "2단계 인증"
setupOf2fa: "2단계 인증 설정"
totp: "인증 앱"
totpDescription: "인증 앱을 사용하여 일회성 비밀번호 입력"
moderator: "모더레이터"
@ -878,7 +879,7 @@ numberOfColumn: "한 줄에 보일 리액션의 수"
searchByGoogle: "검색"
instanceDefaultLightTheme: "서버 기본 라이트 테마"
instanceDefaultDarkTheme: "서버 기본 다크 테마"
instanceDefaultThemeDescription: "객체 형식의 테마 코드를 입력해 주세요."
instanceDefaultThemeDescription: "객체 형식({}로 감싼 형태)의 테마 코드를 입력해 주세요."
mutePeriod: "뮤트할 기간"
period: "기간"
indefinitely: "무기한"
@ -1696,9 +1697,10 @@ _2fa:
step1: "먼저, {a}나 {b}등의 인증 앱을 사용 중인 디바이스에 설치합니다."
step2: "그 후, 표시되어 있는 QR코드를 앱으로 스캔합니다."
step2Click: "QR 코드를 클릭하면 기기에 설치된 인증 앱에 등록할 수 있습니다."
step2Url: "데스크톱 앱에서는 다음 URL을 입력하세요:"
step2Uri: "데스크톱 앱을 사용하려면 다음 URI를 입력하십시오"
step3Title: "인증 코드 입력"
step3: "앱에 표시된 토큰을 입력하시면 완료됩니다."
setupCompleted: "설정 완료했습니다"
step4: "다음 로그인부터는 토큰을 입력해야 합니다."
securityKeyNotSupported: "이 브라우저는 보안 키를 지원하지 않습니다."
registerTOTPBeforeKey: "보안 키 또는 패스키를 등록하려면 인증 앱을 등록하십시오."
@ -1714,6 +1716,11 @@ _2fa:
renewTOTPConfirm: "기존에 등록되어 있던 인증 키는 사용하지 못하게 됩니다."
renewTOTPOk: "재설정"
renewTOTPCancel: "취소"
checkBackupCodesBeforeCloseThisWizard: "이 위자드를 닫기 전에 아래 백업 코드를 확인하십시오"
backupCodes: "백업 코드"
backupCodesDescription: "인증 앱을 사용할 수 없게 된 경우 아래 백업 코드를 사용하여 계정에 액세스 할 수 있습니다.이 코드들은 반드시 안전한 장소에 보관하십시오.각 코드는 한 번만 사용할 수 있습니다."
backupCodeUsedWarning: "백업 코드가 사용되었습니다.인증 앱을 사용할 수 없게 된 경우, 조속히 인증 앱을 다시 설정해 주십시오."
backupCodesExhaustedWarning: "백업 코드가 모두 사용되었습니다.인증 앱을 사용할 수 없는 경우 더 이상 계정에 액세스하는 것이 불가능합니다.인증 앱을 다시 등록해 주세요."
"read:account": "계정의 정보를 봅니다"
"write:account": "계정의 정보를 변경합니다"
@ -1747,6 +1754,10 @@ _permissions:
"write:gallery": "갤러리를 추가하거나 삭제합니다"
"read:gallery-likes": "갤러리의 좋아요를 확인합니다"
"write:gallery-likes": "갤러리에 좋아요를 추가하거나 취소합니다"
"read:flash": "Play를 봅니다"
"write:flash": "Play를 조작합니다"
"read:flash-likes": "Play의 좋아요를 봅니다"
"write:flash-likes": "Play의 좋아요를 조작합니다"
shareAccessTitle: "어플리케이션의 접근 허가"
shareAccess: "\"{name}\" 이 계정에 접근하는 것을 허용하시겠습니까?"

View file

@ -916,6 +916,12 @@ statusbar: "Barra de status"
pleaseSelect: "Por favor, selecione."
reverse: "Inversão"
colored: "Colorido"
refreshInterval: "Intervalo de atualização"
speed: "Velocidade"
sensitiveMediaDetection: "Detecção de conteúdo sensível"
cannotUploadBecauseExceedsFileSizeLimit: "Não é possível realizar o upload deste arquivo porque ele excede o tamanho máximo permitido."
beta: "Beta"
enableAutoSensitive: "Marcar automaticamente como conteúdo sensível"
enableAutoSensitiveDescription: "Quando disponível, a marcação de mídia sensível será automaticamente atribuído ao conteúdo de mídia usando aprendizado de máquina. Mesmo que você desative essa função, em alguns servidores, isso pode ser configurado automaticamente."
activeEmailValidationDescription: "A validação do endereço de e-mail do usuário será realizada de forma mais rigorosa, considerando se é um endereço descartável ou se é possível realizar comunicação efetiva. Se desativado, apenas a validade do formato do endereço será verificada como uma sequência de caracteres."
account: "Contas"

View file

@ -1610,7 +1610,6 @@ _2fa:
step1: "Прежде всего, установите на устройство приложение для аутентификации, например, {a} или {b}."
step2: "Далее отсканируйте отображаемый QR-код при помощи приложения."
step2Click: "Нажав на QR-код, вы можете зарегистрироваться с помощью приложения для аутентификации или брелка для ключей, установленного на вашем устройстве."
step2Url: "Если пользуетесь приложением на компьютере, можете ввести в него эту строку (URL):"
step3Title: "Введите проверочный код"
step3: "И наконец, введите код, который покажет приложение."
step4: "Теперь при каждом входе на сайт вам нужно будет вводить код из приложения аналогичным образом."

View file

@ -1149,7 +1149,6 @@ _2fa:
alreadyRegistered: "Už ste zaregistrovali 2-faktorové autentifikačné zariadenie."
step1: "Najprv si nainštalujte autentifikačnú aplikáciu (napríklad {a} alebo {b}) na svoje zariadenie."
step2: "Potom, naskenujte QR kód zobrazený na obrazovke."
step2Url: "Do aplikácie zadajte nasledujúcu URL adresu:"
step3: "Nastavenie dokončíte zadaním tokenu z vašej aplikácie."
step4: "Od teraz, všetky ďalšie prihlásenia budú vyžadovať prihlasovací token."
securityKeyInfo: "Okrem odtlačku prsta alebo PIN autentifikácie si môžete nastaviť autentifikáciu cez hardvérový bezpečnostný kľúč podporujúci FIDO2 a tak ešte viac zabezpečiť svoj účet."

View file

@ -1691,7 +1691,6 @@ _2fa:
step1: "ขั้นตอนแรก ติดตั้งแอปยืนยันตัวตน (เช่น {a} หรือ {b}) บนอุปกรณ์ของคุณ"
step2: "จากนั้นสแกนรหัส QR ที่แสดงบนหน้าจอนี้"
step2Click: "การคลิกที่รหัส QR นี้จะช่วยให้คุณนั้นสามารถลงทะเบียน 2FA กับคีย์ความปลอดภัยหรือแอปตรวจสอบความถูกต้องของโทรศัพท์ได้"
step2Url: "คุณยังสามารถป้อนบน URL นี้หากคุณใช้โปรแกรมเดสก์ท็อป:"
step3Title: "ป้อนรหัสยืนยัน"
step3: "ป้อนโทเค็นที่แอปของคุณให้มาเพื่อเสร็จสิ้นการตั้งค่า"
step4: "นับจากนี้เป็นต้นไปการพยายามเข้าสู่ระบบในอนาคตนั้น อาจจะต้องขอโทเค็นในการเข้าสู่ระบบดังกล่าว"

View file

@ -1337,7 +1337,6 @@ _2fa:
alreadyRegistered: "Двофакторна автентифікація вже налаштована."
step1: "Спершу встановіть на свій пристрій програму автентифікації (наприклад {a} або {b})."
step2: "Потім відскануйте QR-код, який відображається на цьому екрані."
step2Url: "Ви також можете ввести цю URL-адресу, якщо використовуєте програму для ПК:"
step3: "Щоб завершити налаштування, введіть токен, наданий вашою програмою."
step4: "Відтепер будь-які майбутні спроби входу вимагатимуть такого токена."
renewTOTPCancel: "Не зараз"

View file

@ -699,6 +699,7 @@ myTheme: "Mening rang sxemam"
backgroundColor: "Fon"
accentColor: "Urg'u"
textColor: "Matn"
saveAs: "Boshqacha saqlash"
advanced: "Murakkab"
advancedSettings: "Qo'shimcha sozlashlar"
value: "Qiymati"
@ -725,6 +726,7 @@ inChannelSearch: "Kanal qidirish"
useReactionPickerForContextMenu: "kontekst menyusi uchun reaktsiya tanlash vositasidan foydalaning"
typingUsers: "{users} yozmoqda"
jumpToSpecifiedDate: "Muayyan sanaga o'tish"
showingPastTimeline: "O'tgan vaqt jadvallarini ko'rsatish"
clear: "aniq"
markAllAsRead: "hammasini o'qilgan deb belgilang"
goBack: "qaytish"

View file

@ -1404,7 +1404,6 @@ _2fa:
step1: "Trước tiên, hãy cài đặt một ứng dụng xác minh (chẳng hạn như {a} hoặc {b}) trên thiết bị của bạn."
step2: "Sau đó, quét mã QR hiển thị trên màn hình này."
step2Click: "Quét mã QR trên ứng dụng xác thực (Authy, Google authenticator, v.v.)"
step2Url: "Bạn cũng có thể nhập URL này nếu sử dụng một chương trình máy tính:"
step3Title: "Nhập mã xác thực"
step3: "Nhập mã token do ứng dụng của bạn cung cấp để hoàn tất thiết lập."
step4: "Kể từ bây giờ, những lần đăng nhập trong tương lai sẽ yêu cầu mã token đăng nhập đó."

View file

@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ emojiUrl: "emoji 地址"
addEmoji: "添加表情符号"
settingGuide: "推荐配置"
cacheRemoteFiles: "缓存远程文件"
cacheRemoteFilesDescription: "当禁用此设定时远程文件将直接从远程服务器载入。禁用后会减小储存空间需求,但是会增加流量,因为缩略图不会被生成。"
cacheRemoteFilesDescription: "启用此设定时,将在此服务器上缓存远程文件。虽然可以加快图片显示的速度,但是相对的会消耗大量的服务器存储空间。用户角色内的网盘容量决定了这个远程用户能在服务器上保留保留多少缓存。当超出了这个限制时,旧的文件将从缓存中被删除,成为链接。当禁用此设定时,则是从一开始就将远程文件保留为链接。此时推荐将 default.yml 的 proxyRemoteFiles 设置为 true 以优化缩略图生成及保护用户隐私。"
youCanCleanRemoteFilesCache: "可以使用文件管理的🗑️按钮来删除所有的缓存。"
cacheRemoteSensitiveFiles: "缓存远程敏感媒体文件"
cacheRemoteSensitiveFilesDescription: "如果禁用这项设定,远程服务器的敏感媒体将不会被缓存,而是直接链接。"
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ searchWith: "搜索:{q}"
youHaveNoLists: "列表为空"
followConfirm: "你确定要关注 {name} 吗?"
proxyAccount: "代理账户"
proxyAccountDescription: "代理账户是在某些情况下充当用户的远程关注者的账户。 例如,当一个用户列出一个远程用户时,如果没有人跟随该列出的用户,则该活动将不会传递到该服务器,因此将代之以代理账户。"
proxyAccountDescription: "代理账户是在某些情况下替代用户进行远程关注用的账户。 例如说,当用户将一位远程用户放入一个列表中时,如果本地服务器上没有任何人关注这位远程用户,则这位远程用户的账户活动将不会被送到本地服务器上。作为替代,此时将使用代理账户进行关注。"
host: "主机名"
selectUser: "选择用户"
recipient: "收件人"
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ clearQueueConfirmText: "未送达的帖子将不会投递。 通常,您不需
clearCachedFiles: "清除缓存"
clearCachedFilesConfirm: "确定要清除缓存文件?"
blockedInstances: "被封锁的服务器"
blockedInstancesDescription: "设定要封锁的服务器,以换行来进行分割。被封锁的服务器将无法与本服务器进行交换通讯。"
blockedInstancesDescription: "设定要封锁的服务器,以换行来进行分割。被封锁的服务器将无法与本服务器进行交换通讯。子域名也同样会被封锁。"
muteAndBlock: "屏蔽/拉黑"
mutedUsers: "已屏蔽用户"
blockedUsers: "已拉黑的用户"
@ -411,6 +411,7 @@ aboutMisskey: "关于 Misskey"
administrator: "管理员"
token: "Token (令牌)"
2fa: "双因素认证"
setupOf2fa: "设置双因素认证"
totp: "身份验证应用"
totpDescription: "使用认证应用输入一次性密码。"
moderator: "监察员"
@ -1696,9 +1697,10 @@ _2fa:
step1: "首先,在您的设备上安装验证应用,例如 {a} 或 {b}。"
step2: "然后,扫描屏幕上显示的二维码。"
step2Click: "通过点击二维码,您可以使用设备上安装的身份验证器应用程序或密钥环进行注册"
step2Url: "在桌面应用程序中输入以下 URL"
step2Uri: "如果使用桌面应用程序的话,请输入下面的 URI"
step3Title: "输入验证码"
step3: "输入您的应用提供的动态口令以完成设置。"
setupCompleted: "设置完成"
step4: "从现在开始,任何登录操作都将要求您提供动态口令。"
securityKeyNotSupported: "您的浏览器不支持安全密钥。"
registerTOTPBeforeKey: "要注册安全密钥或 Passkey请先设置验证器应用程序。"
@ -1714,6 +1716,11 @@ _2fa:
renewTOTPConfirm: "当前验证器应用程序的验证码将不再有效"
renewTOTPOk: "重新配置"
renewTOTPCancel: "不用,谢谢"
checkBackupCodesBeforeCloseThisWizard: "在关闭此窗口前,请确认下面的备用代码"
backupCodes: "备用代码"
backupCodesDescription: "如果无法使用认证应用,可以使用以下的备用代码来访问账户。请务必将这些代码保存在安全的地方。每个代码仅可使用一次。"
backupCodeUsedWarning: "已使用备用代码。如果无法使用认证应用,请尽快重新设定。"
backupCodesExhaustedWarning: "已使用完所有的备用代码。如果无法使用认证应用,将无法再访问您的账户。请再次设定认证应用。"
"read:account": "查看账户信息"
"write:account": "更改帐户信息"
@ -1747,6 +1754,10 @@ _permissions:
"write:gallery": "操作图库"
"read:gallery-likes": "读取喜欢的图片"
"write:gallery-likes": "操作喜欢的图片"
"read:flash": "查看 Play"
"write:flash": "编辑 Play"
"read:flash-likes": "查看 Play 的点赞"
"write:flash-likes": "编辑 Play 的点赞列表"
shareAccessTitle: "应用程序授权许可"
shareAccess: "您要授权允许 “{name}” 访问您的帐户吗?"
@ -2017,6 +2028,8 @@ _deck:
introduction2: "您可以随时通过屏幕右侧的 + 来添加列"
widgetsIntroduction: "从列菜单中,选择“小工具编辑”来添加小工具"
useSimpleUiForNonRootPages: "用简易UI表示非根页面"
usedAsMinWidthWhenFlexible: "「自适应宽度」被启用的时候,这就是最小的宽度"
flexible: "自适应宽度"
main: "主列"
widgets: "小工具"

View file

@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ flagAsBotDescription: "標記本帳戶由程式控制,防止其他程式與本
flagAsCat: "此帳戶是一隻貓,喵~~~!!!"
flagAsCatDescription: "如果想將本帳戶標示為一隻貓,請開啟此標示"
flagShowTimelineReplies: "在時間軸上顯示貼文的回覆"
flagShowTimelineRepliesDescription: "啟用時,時間除了顯示使用者的貼文以外,還會顯示使用者對其他貼文的回覆。"
flagShowTimelineRepliesDescription: "啟用時,時間除了顯示使用者的貼文以外,還會顯示使用者對其他貼文的回覆。"
autoAcceptFollowed: "自動允許來自追隨中使用者的追隨請求"
addAccount: "新增帳戶"
reloadAccountsList: "更新帳戶清單的資訊"
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ connectService: "已連結"
disconnectService: "已斷開 "
enableLocalTimeline: "啟用本地時間軸"
enableGlobalTimeline: "啟用全域時間軸"
disablingTimelinesInfo: "為了方便,即使您關閉了時間功能,管理員和審查員仍可以繼續使用。"
disablingTimelinesInfo: "為了方便,即使您關閉了時間功能,管理員和審查員仍可以繼續使用。"
registration: "註冊"
enableRegistration: "開放新使用者註冊"
invite: "邀請"
@ -411,6 +411,7 @@ aboutMisskey: "關於 Misskey"
administrator: "管理員"
token: "權杖"
2fa: "雙重驗證"
setupOf2fa: "設定雙重驗證"
totp: "驗證應用程式"
totpDescription: "以驗證應用程式輸入一次性密碼"
moderator: "審查員"
@ -721,7 +722,7 @@ thisIsExperimentalFeature: "這是實驗性的功能。可能會有變更規格
developer: "開發者"
makeExplorable: "使自己的帳戶能夠在「探索」頁面中顯示"
makeExplorableDescription: "如果關閉,帳戶將不會被顯示在「探索」頁面中。"
showGapBetweenNotesInTimeline: "分開顯示時間上的貼文。"
showGapBetweenNotesInTimeline: "分開顯示時間上的貼文。"
duplicate: "複製"
left: "左"
center: "置中"
@ -767,7 +768,7 @@ inChannelSearch: "頻道内搜尋"
useReactionPickerForContextMenu: "點擊右鍵開啟反應工具欄"
typingUsers: "{users}輸入中"
jumpToSpecifiedDate: "跳轉到特定日期"
showingPastTimeline: "顯示過往的時間"
showingPastTimeline: "顯示過往的時間"
clear: "清除"
markAllAsRead: "全部標示為已讀"
goBack: "返回"
@ -1696,9 +1697,10 @@ _2fa:
step1: "首先,在您的裝置上安裝驗證程式,例如 {a} 或 {b}。"
step2: "然後,掃描螢幕上的 QR 碼。"
step2Click: "您可以點擊 QR 碼,以使用裝置上的驗證應用程式或金鑰環註冊。"
step2Url: "請在桌面版應用程式中輸入以下的 URL"
step2Uri: "使用桌面版應用程式時,請輸入以下的 URI"
step3Title: "輸入驗證碼"
step3: "輸入應用程式所提供的權杖以完成設定。"
setupCompleted: "設定完成"
step4: "從現在開始,任何登入操作都將要求您提供權杖。"
securityKeyNotSupported: "您的瀏覽器不支援安全金鑰。"
registerTOTPBeforeKey: "如要註冊安全金鑰或 Passkey請先設定驗證應用程式。"
@ -1714,6 +1716,11 @@ _2fa:
renewTOTPConfirm: "目前驗證應用程式的驗證碼將無法使用。"
renewTOTPOk: "重設"
renewTOTPCancel: "現在不要"
checkBackupCodesBeforeCloseThisWizard: "請先確認下列備用驗證碼,再關閉此精靈視窗。"
backupCodes: "備用驗證碼"
backupCodesDescription: "如果驗證應用程式不能用了,可以使用以下的備用驗證碼存取您的帳戶。請務必妥善保管這個驗證碼。每個驗證碼只能使用一次。"
backupCodeUsedWarning: "已使用備用驗證碼。如果無法使用驗證應用程式,請盡快重新設定。"
backupCodesExhaustedWarning: "已使用所有備用驗證碼。如果無法使用驗證應用程式,則將無法再存取您的帳戶。請重新設定您的驗證應用程式。"
"read:account": "查看我的帳戶資訊"
"write:account": "更改我的帳戶資訊"
@ -1748,9 +1755,9 @@ _permissions:
"read:gallery-likes": "讀取喜歡的圖片"
"write:gallery-likes": "操作喜歡的圖片"
"read:flash": "檢視 Play"
"write:flash": "操作 Play"
"write:flash": "編輯 Play"
"read:flash-likes": "檢視 Play 的讚"
"write:flash-likes": "對 Play 的讚進行操作"
"write:flash-likes": "編輯 Play 的讚"
shareAccessTitle: "應用程式的存取權限"
shareAccess: "要授權「“{name}”」存取您的帳戶嗎?"
@ -2020,7 +2027,9 @@ _deck:
introduction: "組合多個欄位,製作屬於自己的介面吧!"
introduction2: "您可以隨時按畫面右方的「+」新增欄位。"
widgetsIntroduction: "請從欄位選單中選擇「編輯小工具」新增小工具。"
useSimpleUiForNonRootPages: "用簡易 UI 顯示非根頁面"
useSimpleUiForNonRootPages: "用簡易介面顯示非根頁面"
usedAsMinWidthWhenFlexible: "如果啟用「自動調整寬度」,此為最小寬度"
flexible: "自動調整寬度"
main: "主列"
widgets: "小工具"