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25 changed files with 1226 additions and 959 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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404.html Normal file
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<!doctype html>
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>404 Not Found</h1>

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@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
# The URL the site will be built for
base_url = ""
title = "Hazel's Site"
# Whether to automatically compile all Sass files in the sass directory
compile_sass = false
# Whether to do syntax highlighting
# Theme can be customised by setting the `highlight_theme` variable to a theme supported by Zola
highlight_code = false
# Whether to build a search index to be used later on by a JavaScript library
build_search_index = false
menu = [
{url = "$BASE_URL/tabletop", name = "Tabletop Shit"},
{url = "", name = "Games", external = true},
{url = "", name = "Code", external = true},

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
Greetings. Welcome my humble abode on the world wide web.
My name is Hazel and I like to work on little projects sometimes.
Links to some of such things may be found on the bar up top.
Have a nice day!

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@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
title = "Farewell"
date = 2020-12-23
draft = false
I must stress first and completely that if you are reading this, none of this is
remotely your fault in any way and please try your best not to blame yourself
at all.
My thoughts are really far to disorganized and scattered right now to really
figure out, much less describe in words, why it is that I am ultimately even
having this crisis in the first place. What I do know is that I am in pain, I am
confused, I can not really think straight, and I am scared. I am sorry for all
of the pain and complication this will cause everyone, but I honestly can not
really deal with myself any longer. This happens over and over and it gets worse
every single time. My attachment to reality is so inconsistent and discontinuous
and confusing now anyway that I honestly have a hard time convincing myself that
this is not just some stupid dream.
Gale, you are such an amazing person, still not really sure how you are a real
human that exists. You have spent so much of your own time and energy looking
out for and protecting me and I really do apreciate it. I am sorry for it
ultimately not paying off.
Ash, I am sorry to be putting you through this stuppid shit again and I know
that it will probably be so much worse with me than it was with our dad.
Please try your hardest to stay strong and keep being such an amazing and cool
and talented person. Take care of Ibsen and Willow.
Lynn you are the most important person to me and I honestly can not believe
you put up with me this long, but you did.
I know you have some of the parts of me, so please be careful.
Take care of Kloey.
I love all of you so much.
> Hazel

View file

@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
title = "Habeline GLOG"
description = "My hack of GLOG for use in my personal campaigns. Hosted here for more easy access by my players."
date = 2020-06-17
draft = false
toc = true
# Core Rules
## Stats
Characters have the 6 stats typical of tabletop RPGs. Each stat has a "bonus", which is a sort of condensed form of a stat. Bonuses are not added to rolls unless explicitly stated. The bonus is calculated by [Stat / 3 - 3].
**Strength:** Test Strength to kick open doors, tear apart chains, hang on for dear life, etc. The number of items a character can carry is determined by their Strength score. The damage a character inflicts in melee combat is modified by their Strength bonus.
**Dexterity:** Test Dexterity to dodge traps, perform acrobatic feats, perform delicate tasks, etc. A character's ability to dodge in combat and ranged attack ability are affected by Dexterity.
**Constitution:** Test Constitution to resist cold, disease, fatigue, drowning, poison, etc. A character's Meat is based on their Constitution score.
**Intelligence:** Test Intelligence to solve tricky problems, read obscure texts, identify items and treasure, etc.
**Wisdom:** Test wisdom to see through deceit, spot hidden dangers, avoid mind-altering effects, etc. Characters use Wisdom to determine the order of combat.
**Charisma:** Roll under wisdom to flatter, deceive, barter, threaten, etc. A character's Charisma may also influence a character's fate or luck.
{% table() %}
| Stat | Bonus | Stat | Bonus | Stat | Bonus |
| 1,2 | -3 | 9,10,11 | 0 | 18,19,20 | +3 |
| 3,4,5 | -2 | 12,13,14 | +1 | 21,22,23 | +4 |
| 6,7,8 | -1 | 15,16,17 | +2 | 24+ | +5 |
{% end %}
## Stat Tests
If an action could fail in an interesting way, a test of a stat will be called for. Roll a d20 and add the relevant stat. If the result is at or above 20, the PC succeeds. If the result is below 20, they fail.
Rolling a natural 1 is always a failure, and could possibly have further negative consequences depending on the situation. Rolling a natural 20 is always a success, and could also have further beneficial consequences depending on the situation.
## Opposed Rolls
If a character is making an action with resistance from another character, they must roll above 20 modified by 10-[relevant stat of opponent].
E.g. Shoving. The PC has 11 Strength, the orc has 14 Strength. The PC's roll + Strength must total 24 or above to succeed.
## Skills
Skills are simply a word that describes something a PC knows how to do better than the average person. There are no specific rules for them. They may provide bonuses to rolls in applicable situations, but generally a PC can doing something they are skilled in without a test.
# Combat
Switch to combat rounds when things get _spicy_.
If someone (or a group) attacks by surprise, they get to act once before any Initiatives are rolled for the round. Once all ambushers have acted, everyone rolls for Initiative.
## Initiative
Each round of combat, a PC must roll against their Wisdom. If they succeed, they act before their enemies. If they fail, they act afterwards. They act in order of their rolls, highest to lowest. Some particularly quick enemies might impose a penalty on PC's Initiative rolls, or act twice in each round.
## On Their Turn
A PC or enemy can do one of the following:
- Make an Attack roll against a target.
- Run up to 50' + DEX.
- Make a charge attack against a target (Move 20' + DEX and then make an Attack roll).
- Cast a spell or activate a magic item.
- Retrieve an item from beyond their quickdraw slots.
- Reload a weapon.
- Try to trip, shove, push, etc a target.
- Attempt to remove a Fatal Wound from a dying ally.
In addition, a PC or enemy can move 20' + DEX.
Talking, shouting, or dropping an item can be done freely, and possibly even in other people's turns. Basically, you can do one big thing each turn, plus move a bit.
## Attacking
Roll d20 + relevant Stat (Strength for melee, Dexterity for range, etc). Land at or above 20 + target's armor to hit.
If you hit, roll damage. If your enemy takes more damage this round than their Armor, the remaining damage goes to their HP.
If you miss, they can **Take It** or **Dodge** (see Defending). Natural 1s always miss, and natural 20s roll damage dice and apply bonuses twice.
Ranged weapons get -1 to the Attack roll for every 10' beyond their listed range. If a ranged weapon has a reload score, rolling at or below that number on the Attack roll means that the weapon is out of ammo after this shot and the next turn must be spent reloading. If a natural 13 is rolled on a ranged Attack roll, the box of ammo is depleated and the weapon only has one shot left.
Touching an unwilling target, for the purposes of casting a spell or otherwise, requires an attack roll.
## Defending
Choose to either **Dodge** or **Take It**.
**Dodge:** Roll d20+DEX. If you succeed, take no damage. If you fail, the enemy deals full damage.
**Take It (melee):** Both sides deal damage to each other.
**Take It (range):** You take damage, and can shoot back if you have a ranged attack. This can keep going until someone dodges or dies.
**Armor:** You can absorb damage equal to your Armor each round. Any attacks that deal damage beyond that subtract from your HP.
Only players make Attack (when they attack an NPC) and Defense (when an NPC attacks them) rolls.
## Weapon Proficiency
All classes are proficient with light simple melee weapons. A PC is also proficient with any weapons they gain from a class or background during character creation. A PC has -4 to Attack rolls with a weapon type until they gain proficiency by landing 8 successful hits in combat.
## Damage
**Unarmed Attacks** deal 1d4 + STR bonus damage by default.
**Light Weapons** (daggers) deal 1d6 + STR bonus damage.
**Medium Weapons** (swords) deal 1d8 + STR bonus damage if wielded in one hand or 1d10 + STR bonus damage if wielded in both hands.
**Heavy Weapons** (hammers) deal 1d12 + STR bonus damage, but must be wielded in both hands.
**Thrown Light Weapons** deal 1d6 damage.
**Bows** and **Slings** deal 1d6 damage.
**Crossbows** deal 1d12 damage.
**Dual Wielding:** If you are dual-wielding, you can make attacks with both of your weapons at the expense of movement on that turn, but you step down your damage dice.
## Health Points
A character's health is split into two scores, **Meat** and **Grit**. Incoming damage always affects Grit first, only cutting into Meat if Grit was **already** at 0 before the attack hit.
Grit represents the danger a character can resist before suffering physical harm to their body. Think of it as their capacity to not truly get hit. Grit does not go below 0, but if the attack that brings Grit to 0 has "excess" damage remaining, the character suffers a minor injury according to what the GM feels fit.
Meat represents the punishment a character's body can take before suffering major injury. Think of it as their physical toughness, the damage they can absorb and still be (relatively) okay. When Meat is reduced below 0, any damage in excess is known as **Lethal Damage** and always incurs a roll on the **Death and Dismemberment** Table.
## Healing
1. **Lunch** heals a character for 1d6 + Level Grit. Lunch takes 1 hour, requires a safe place, and consumes 1 ration.
2. A **Good Night's Rest** restores all Grit. Requires 8 hours of rest, a safe place, a fire or heat source, and consumes 1 ration.
3. **Magical Healing**. Some spells or potions restore HP. Most magical healing can only heal meat up to 0.
4. **Professional Healing** is required to restore Meat above 0.
If a character is suffering Lethal Damage, the next Lunch or Good Night's Rest heals them to exactly 0 Meat and none more.
## Reaction and Morale Rolls
When encountering monsters, roll 2d6 + the CHA bonus of the most visible party member.
{% table() %}
| 2d6+ | Result | Notes |
| 2 or less | Immediate Attack | Offended or disgusted. |
| 3-7 | Unfavorable | May attack if victory likely. |
| 8-11 | Favorable | Parley or bargaining. |
| 12 or more | Very Favorable | May choose to cooperate. |
{% end %}
Monsters (or hirelings) may try to run away or surrender if combat turns against them. Monsters have a Morale value listed from 2 (craven) to 12 (unbreakable). Check morale when:
1. The side (PCs or Monsters) takes their first death.
2. When half the side has been incapacitated or killed.
3. If some particularly frightening or spectacular effect occurs.
Roll 2d6. If the result is over the creature's Morale score, the creature attempts to retreat, surrenders, or panics. Morale can be adjusted (unless already 2 or 12) by situational bonuses.
# Death and Dismemberment Table
1d12 + Lethal Damage + Number of Major Injuries
The effects are cumulative. If PC with -8 HP and no current Injuries rolls a 10 on a d12, to the leg, X = 10+8+0 = 18. They gain 4 Fatal Wounds, the leg is Mangled, and also disabled for 18 days.
If they took a further 1 point of damage (-9 HP), they would roll 1d12 + 9 (Lethal Damage) + 1 (Mangled) + 1 (Disabled) for 1d12+11.
If required, roll 1d6 for location.
{% table() %}
| Result | 1. Arm | 2. Leg | 3-4. Torso | 5-6. Head |
| 1+ | Disabled X Days | Disabled X Days | Cracked Ribs X Days | Concussed X Days |
| 11+ | 1 Fatal Wound, Mangled | 1 Fatal Wound, Mangled | 1 Fatal Wound, Crushed | 1 Fatal Wound, Skullcracked |
| 16+ | X-15 Fatal Wounds | X-15 Fatal Wounds | X-15 Fatal Wounds | X-15 Fatal Wounds |
{% end %}
{% table() %}
| Result | Acid, Fire / Cold, Ice | Lightning | Venom / Toxin | Magic |
| 1+ | Scorched / Frostbite X Days | Burned X Days | Sickened X Days | Anathema X Days |
| 11+ | 1 Fatal Wound, Burned / Frozen | 1 Fatal Wound, Fried | 1 Fatal Wound, Wracked | 1 Fatal Wound, Marked |
| 16+ | X-15 Fatal Wounds | X-15 Fatal Wounds | X-15 Fatal Wounds | X-15 Fatal Wounds |
{% end %}
## Fatal Wounds
A PC has 3 rounds to clear any Fatal Wounds or they die. They can attempt to remove a Fatal Wound on their turn by rolling a 6 on a d6. PCs with fatal wounds are "unconscious" in the fact that they cannot take conscious or deliberate actions, they are not necessarily quiet or asleep and could be quite the opposite, screaming in pain, etc. Remove oldest Fatal Wounds first.
Up to two adjacent allies can try to remove Fatal Wounds from a dying character by spending their turn doctoring the wounded PC and then testing 1/2 Intelligence (unless they have a relevant skill).
## Injuries
**Anathema:** Cannot benefit from magical healing or be the target of beneficial magic.
**Blind:** Cannot see. -8 to Attack and Dodge rolls. Automatically hit by area-of-effect attacks.
**Burned / Frozen:** Test Constitution. If failed, roll on the table below. If passed, lose 1d6 digits (roll randomly using a d20) and reduce all future damage of the appropriate type (acid, fire, ice, etc.) by 2.
1. Lose 2d6 digits.
2. Lose all but 1 digit.
3. Lose both hands.
4. Lose both feet.
5. Lose both hands, both feet, and nose. -2 Charisma.
6. Lost both hands, both feet, nose, and both eyes. Blind. -2 Charisma.
**Cracked Ribs:** The PCs maximum Meat is reduced by 4 (to a minimum of 1).
**Crushed:** Test Constitution. If failed, roll on the table below. If passed, gain an interesting scar.
1. Permanently lose 1 Strength.
2. Permanently lose 1 Dexterity.
3. Permanently lose 1 Constitution.
4. Crushed Throat. Cannot speak louder than a whisper.
5. Crushed Guts. Constitution is 4 for the purposes of holding your breath. Cannot swim or dive.
6. Broken Spine. Paralyzed from the neck down. Test CON to recover after 1d6 days. If failed, test again after 1d6 weeks. If both tests are failed, the PC is permanently paralyzed.
**Concussed:** The PC's Wisdom is 4 for the purpose of Initiative.
**Deaf:** Cannot hear. If ambushed, always act last.
**Disabled:** The injured limb becomes unusable. A Disabled arm cannot hold anything; held items are dropped. A Disabled leg cannot support the PC's weight. A PC with two working arms but no working legs can move at 1/20th their normal movement.
**Fried:** Test CON. If failed, roll on the table below. If passed, reduce all future lighting damage by 2 and gain an interesting scar.
1. Deaf.
2. Left eye lost. -1 to range attacks. If both eyes lost, Blind.
3. Right eye lost. -1 to range attacks. If both eyes lost, Blind.
4. All items carried lost. Permanently lose 1 from a random stat.
5. Palsied. Permanent -2 to attack and dodge rolls.
6. Lose one hand, one foot, and both eyes. Blind. -2 Charisma.
**Mangled:** Test CON. If failed, lose the limb. If passed, test again. If failed, lose 1 digit. If passed, gain an interesting scar.
**Marked:** Test CON. If failed, any magical attack against the PC automatically deals double damage or applies a -4 to tests against it. If passed, the PC has a permanent -2 to tests against magic, but reduces all incoming magic damage by 2. They also gain an interesting scar (known as a curse-mark).
**Scorched / Frostbite:** Cannot wear armor. Difficulty gripping or climbing.
**Skullcracked:** Test CON. If failed, roll on the table below. If passed, gain an interesting scar.
1. Permanently lose 1 Intelligence.
2. Permanently lose 1 Wisdom.
3. Permanently lose 1 Charisma.
4. Left eye lost. -1 to range attacks. If both eyes lost, Blind.
5. Right eye lost. -1 to range attacks. If both eyes lost, Blind.
6. Coma. Unconscious. Test CON to recover after 1d6 days. If failed, test again after 1d6 weeks. If both tests are failed, the PC is permanently unconscious.
**Wracked:** Test CON. If failed, roll on the table below. If passed, reduce all future poison / toxin damage from similar sources by 2 and gain an interesting scar.
1. Permanently lose 1 from a random stat.
2. Permanently lose 1 from all stats.
3. Lose a random limb and one eye. -1 to range attacks. If both eyes lost, Blind.
4. Lose 2 Strength and Constitution. Gain +1 to Intelligence and Wisdom.
5. Enfeebled. Take double damage from ingested poisons or rotten food.
6. Heart Pain. Cannot run.
# Inventory and Items
PCs have a number of Inventory Slots equal to their Strength. Only items carried on their person count toward this limit. Clothing, jewelry, other cosmetic items, and items small enough to fit multiple of in a character's mouth do not take up Inventory Slots unless they are particularly bulky. Items which do not take up Inventory Slots should be written down in the non-encumbering list.
An inventory slot can contain:
- 3 Light Weapons (daggers)
- 1 Medium Weapon (swords)
- 0.5 Heavy Weapons (hammers) or Rifles
- 1 Bow or Pistol
- 20 Arrows
- 3 Bottles or Flasks
- 1 Lantern
- 3 Books
- 3 Rations
The first 3 Inventory Slots are Quick-Draw Slots, and can be accessed instantly at any time. It takes 1 round to retrieve an item from any other inventory slot.
A PC's entire Inventory = 1 Sack. Very, very small inventories may be combined into 1 Sack.
## Encumbrance
Any items in excess of a character's Inventory Slots (Strength) gain 1 point of Encumbrance per slot. Each point of Encumbrance imposes a -1 penalty to Strength and Dexterity.
With 6 or more points of encumbrance, moving quickly is impossible. With 10 or more points of encumbrance, moving beyond a crawl is exhausting.
## Fatigue
Sprinting repeatedly, outdoor travel without rest, or other excessively tiring activities inflict Fatigue. Each level of Fatigue takes up 1 Inventory Slot. Fatigue is usually removed by resting.
## Armor
- **Leather** armor takes up 0 Inventory Slots and provides +2 to Armor.
- **Chain** armor takes up 2 Inventory Slots and provides +4 to Armor and -2 to Movement and Stealth rolls.
- **Plate** armor takes up 2 Inventory Slots and provides +6 to Armor and -4 to Movement and Stealth rolls.
- **Shields** take up 1 Inventory Slot and provide +1 to Armor. A PC can sunder their shield to reduce incoming damage by 1d12. The shield is broken afterwards.
## Melee Weapons
- **Light Weapons** (daggers) take up 1/3^{rd} of an Inventory Slot and deal 1d6 + STR bonus damage in melee.
- **Medium Weapons** (swords) take up 1 Inventory Slot and deal 1d8 + STR bonus damage if wielded in one hand or 1d10 + STR bonus damage if wielded in both hands.
- **Heavy Weapons** (hammers) take up 2 Inventory Slots and deal 1d12 + STR bonus damage but must be wielded in both hands.
## Ranged Weapons
Ranged weapons get -1 to Attack rolls for every 10' beyond their listed range.
- Thrown **Light Weapons** (daggers) take up 1/3^{rd} of an Inventory Slot. They deal 1d6 damage and have a 20' range.
- **Slings** take up 1 Inventory Slot. They deal 1d6 damage and have a 20' range.
- **Bows** take up 1 Inventory Slot. They deal 1d6 damage and have a 20' range.
- **Crossbows** take up 1 Inventory Slot. They deal 1d12 damage and have a 30' range. They have a reload of 20.
- **Pistols** take up 1 Inventory Slot. They deal 2d6 damage and have a 40' range. They tend to have a reload of 2.
- **Rifles** take up 2 Inventory Slots. They deal 2d10 damage and have a 200' range. They tend to have a reload of 10.
A "box" of a weapon's ammo takes up 1 Inventory Slot and costs **one tenth** the price of the weapon.
## Light Sources
Outside of the listed light range, light sources illuminate shadows. Vague shapes, movement, and reflective surfaces will be visible in shadows, but no details can be distinguished. Lighting a torch or lantern takes 1 round. PCs are assumed to be carrying basic firestarting gear. Magic or cantrips may ignite a light source immediately.
{% table() %}
| Light Source | Radius | Duration |
| Torch | 20' light, 20' shadows | 1 hour |
| Lantern | 30' light, 30' shadows | 3 hours / flask of oil |
| Candle | 5' light, 10' shadows | 1 hour |
{% end %}
## Hirelings
Hired at a fixed rate or purchased. Dangerous work may require bonuses. Generic hirelings have 10 in all stats, 5 HP, and no skills outside their profession.
PCs can have up to 2 + CHA bonus hirelings without any issues. Mounts, slaves, and other pliable things don't count. Extra hirelings can be aquired, but may be disloyal, cunning, or poor quality.
Above any items required for their job, a combat hireling can carry 3 Inventory Slots worth of items for a PC. A porter hireling can carry at least 10 Slots / 1 Sack.
# Dungeon Procedures
Time is tracked in minutes and hours.
## Movement
PCs can cautiously move 20 10' squares (200') in 10 minutes. Round up to the nearest 10 minutes. PCs moving cautiously will spot signs of all traps. It is up to them to use common sense, items, etc to disarm or avoid traps.
PCs can quickly move 60 10' squares (600') in 10 minutes. PCs moving incautiously /may/ get a chance to test Wisdom to notice a trap.
## Searching
- A cursory search of a 20'x20' room takes 1 minute and reveals only the most obvious information.
- A proper search takes 30 minutes and reveals most hidden information.
- A detailed search takes 1 hour and reveals all hidden information.
- Multiple PCs can combine their efforts to search a larger room in the same time or a smaller room in less time.
## Random Encounters
Roll for a Random Encounter every 30 minutes or whenever a loud noise occurs, a 1 on a d6. If PCs are moving cautiously they get an "Omen" before the encounter.
## Light
Lanterns illuminate 30' clearly and provide dim outlines and shadows for a further 30'. In the dark, light sources are visible miles away.
## Other Activities
- Picking a mundane lock takes 10 minutes.
- Identifying a magic item takes 10 minutes.
- Deciphering an inscription, reading a book, or sorting through items takes 30 minutes.
- Lunch takes 1 hour. Test for random encounters twice.
- There are about 6 combat rounds in 1 minute. Don't worry about exact number of rounds and just assume combat, a breather afterwards, and looting take about 10 minutes.
- Eyeball other activities based on real-life experience. Round up a bit.
# Character Generation
1. Choose or roll for your **Race**. Your characters race will grant them a Perk, a Drawback, and one Stat they can reroll.
2. Roll your **Stats**. 4d4 in order. You may reroll the Stat given by your Race and pick the higher result.
3. Roll for a **Skill**.
4. (optional) Roll for a background.
5. Choose or roll for your **Class**. Gain the first template (A) and any other items or bonuses.
6. Roll for any skills or items requested by your class.
7. Select a name.
8. Buy starting equipment. PCs start with 20 cash.
## Templates and Multiclassing
Each class has up to 4 Templates. Templates are gained in order (A, B, C, D). To multiclass, simply pick the first template from another class. E.g. A level 4 character could pick Fighter A, Wizard A, Hunter A, and Fighter B.
Multiclassing should make sense in-character. Multiclassing for optimization or mechanical reasons should be strongly discouraged by the GM. The game is not about mastering the mechanics or having the best numbers. Bigger numbers will not save you.
## Levelling Up
PCs gain experience points (XP) by exploring or carousing. Exploring grants XP based on new locations reached. Fully investigating or mapping a location, or figuring out what is going on, grants more XP. Carousing gives PCs a way to convert loot into levels.
Whenever a PC levels, increase their Meat, reroll their Grit according to their level and take the result if it is higher than the existing value. A PC can also test to improve a stat of their choice. Declare the stat and roll 3d6. If the result is over, the stat's value increases by 1.
{% table() %}
| Level | XP | Meat | Grit | Templates |
| 1 | - | Con - 4 | 1d6 + 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 300 | Con - 2 | 2d6 + 2 | 2 |
| 3 | 700 | Con | 3d6 + 3 | 3 |
| 4 | 1,200 | Con + 2 | 3d6 + 4 | 4 |
| 5 | 1,800 | Con + 4 | 3d6 + 5 | - |
| 6 | 2,500 | Con + 6 | 3d6 + 6 | 5 |
| 7 | 3,500 | Con + 7 | 3d6 + 7 | - |
| 8 | 5,500 | Con + 8 | 3d6 + 8 | 6 |
| 9 | 11,000 | Con + 9 | 3d6 + 9 | - |
| 10 | 22,000 | Con + 10 | 3d6 + 10 | - |
| +1 | +15,000 | +1 | +1 | - |
{% end %}
At level 5 and above, every time a PC levels up, they can retire to safety. They leave the adventure to settle down, buy some land if they can afford it, open a shop, teach at a school, beg in the gutter, etc. The GM can torment them no longer.
At level 10 and above, a PC who dies can attempt to fight death. Should they best whatever reaper or being has come to collect their soul, they can return to life or possibly work out some other deal. Future saves to avoid death will be at a penalty.

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
title = "Tabletop Shit"

View file

@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
title = "Habeltop RPG System"
description = "Hazel designs a little tabletop RPG system for hopefully finally running a campaign with friends."
date = 2021-03-26
draft = false
toc = true
Hazel designs a little tabletop RPG system for hopefully finally running a campaign with friends.
This is roughly inspired by a couple versions of the GLOG,
but somewhat simplified and streamlined. A major difference is that the class system
is completely absent, replaced by "roles" which mechanically only manifest
as a starting kit for the character.
Here is the [Blank Character Sheet](
as well as an [Example Character](
# What Makes Up a Character
Very first I will go over everything on that makes up a character then I will go more in-depth with each part.
The in-world name of the character.
I hope that no further explanation is needed here.
The architype/role the character takes on.
This just determines starting skills and equipment.
The current level of the character. Leveling up increases stats.
The ammount of currency a character has on them.
This could manifest as anything from a sack of gold coins to a bank account depending on the setting.
The character's ability to avoid major harm. This is elaborated on later.
The character's ability to deflect damage. This comes solely from equipment.
The character's belongings and other things they are currently carrying.
The column in the top right of the sheet. The character's main stats, as well as the modifier from each stat.
The major injuries and afflictions a character has along with a space to mark what stat they affect.
The things the character has training for or otherwise has skill in.
Other details or notable things about the character.
## Roles
During character creation, a role is chosen. A character's role is the part they play in the party.
The role will list the equipment a character starts with as well as a list of skills to choose `3` from.
## Stat Modifiers
Each of the six base stats also has a "modifier" based on its value.
The modifier is calculated like so: `Stat / 3 - 3`, rounding down to whole numbers.
Modifiers are rarely used outside of the strength modifier.
For convenience, here is a table of the modifiers for each stat value:
{% table() %}
| Stat | Mod. | Stat | Mod. | Stat | Mod. |
| 1,2 | -3 | 9,10,11 | 0 | 18,19,20 | +3 |
| 3,4,5 | -2 | 12,13,14 | +1 | 21,22,23 | +4 |
| 6,7,8 | -1 | 15,16,17 | +2 | 24+ | +5 |
{% end %}
## Base Stats
Listed here are the six major character stats and what they affect along with a few
examples of what sort of actions they might be rolled against to determine the success of.
To determine a character's starting stats, roll `4d4` six times. Assign the six results to
whichever stats you wish.
**Strength [STR]:**
A character's physical brute force and melee ability.
A strength check is made when attempting a melee attack.
The strength modifier is applied to the damage they with melee attacks.
The number of items they can carry on them is equal to their strength.
- Pushing, pulling, or lifting something heavy
- Breaking down a door
- Hanging onto a ledge
- Knocking something over
**Dexterity [DEX]:**
A character's general physical skill, agility, and ranged ability.
A dexterity check is made when attempting a ranged attack.
A character's ability to dodge in combat is determined by their dexterity.
- Doing a delicate task, such as soldering an electronic
- Performing and acrobatic feat
- Grabbing onto something to prevent from falling
- Swiping something without being noticed
**Constitution [CON]:**
A character's physical resilience and overall health.
A constitution check is made when resisting physical harm or other effects on the body.
A character's maximum health is determined by their constitution.
- Resisting extreme temperatures
- Recovering from illness or the effects of poison
- Dealing with the effects of starvation or dehydration
- Consuming things that would cause one to vomit
**Intelligence [INT]:**
A character's general knowledge-base.
- Identifying an object
- Researching an obscure topic
- Decyphering an encrypted message
- Utilizing complicated or strange technology
**Wisdom [WIS]:**
A character's perception and mental fortitude.
Wisdom checks are used to determine the order of combat.
- Seeing through deceit
- Spotting hidden dangers
- Resisting torture
- Estimating the severity of a threat
**Charisma [CHA]:**
A character's social skill and charm.
- Claiming to be a different person
- Persuading someone to your side
- Winning the crowd over in an argument
- Leading and organizing a group of people
## Health
Think of health less as how alive a character is, and more as how well they can avoid extreme harm.
Damage could be thought of as the sum of all of the small injuries and fatigue of the character.
Only when a character's health is fully depleated will they suffer major injury or have the possibility of death.
Health can be restored by rest and medical attention.
A character's maximum health is equal to their constitution plus their current level.
## Skills
Skills represent specific actions or subjects that a character has special
training or intuition for.
A character can automatically succeed at easier
tasks that a skill reasonably applies to.
Tougher actions still require a relevant skill check, but each applicable skill
nets a `+1` modifier to the roll.
## Inventory
All of the items that a character has in their posession are listed here.
A character can hold up to a number of items equal to their strength before they are encumbered.
Small items that can easily fit in a pocket are not counted towards encumberance.
When is encumbered, count their strength and dexterity values as half of what they are.
## Levelling Up
Characters level up after getting through a particularly tough or otherwise important experience
or whenever the GM feels it would be a good time to.
Follow these steps when levelling up a character:
1. For each stat, roll `1d20`. If the roll is higher than the stat's current value, increase the stat by one.
2. Update health to reflect new level and constitution.
# Gameplay
For the most part, gameplay consists of loose roleplay. The GM will present the
world, the current situation, etc. to the players, then they will respond to the
situation, interact with each other, etc. in-character.
## Skill Checks
Whenever a character attempts something that they are not certain to succeed at,
a check against the most relevant stat must be made.
Roll `1d20`, add the relevant stat as well as `+2` for every skill that could be applied,
and if the result is at least `20`, the character succeeds.
If the dice rolls exactly `1` it is a critical failure. The character automatically fails
and could suffer further consequence, should they make sense situationally.
If the dice rolls exactly `20` it is a critical success. The character automatically succeeds
and may succeed beyond their aim, should it make sense situationally.
## Opposed Checks {#opposed-checks}
When a character attempts something that another character is resisting, add `opponent's stat - 10`
to the target number of `20`.
A character is trying to knock down another character with `14` strength.
Their roll must total at least `24` (`20 + (14 - 10)`).
Rather than all characters making skill checks, only player characters and NPCs
on their side do so. For example, rather than an NPC making a dexterity check in
attempt to trip a player character, the player themselves makes a dexterity check
in opposition to avoid falling.
## Advantage and Disadvantage
Some circumstances put a character at either an advantage or disadvantage.
For example, having fallen to the ground would put a character at a disadvantage when it comes to defending themselves,
or being in a stance ready to defend themselves would put them at an advantage.
When a character has advantage on a skill check, add a bonus of `+4` to their roll.
When a character has disadvantage, subtract a penalty of `-4`.
# Combat
Combat is initiated when there is to be physical conflict between opposing parties.
Combat takes place in rounds that are equal to roughly 10 seconds of time.
## Turn Order
When combat is initiated, every player character in the party makes a wisdom skill check.
If they succeed, they act before the opposing NPCs each round.
If they fail, they act after the opposing NPCs.
The party decides amongst themselves who acts in what order.
So the resulting turn order is as such:
1. PCs who succeeded wisdom check
2. Opposing NPCs
3. PCs who failed wisdom check
## Each Turn
A character may move up to `DEX * 2` feet and perform one of the following actions.
The may also move twice that distance, but without performing an action.
- Make an attack
- Take a defense stance
- Assist another character in their action
- Attempt to revive a downed character
- Attempt to perform some other arbitrary action
## Attacking
A player character may attack another character by making a skill check
opposed by the target's dexterity.
The stat used depends on the weapon the character is attacking with.
Melee attacks use the strength stat and may be made at a range of `5 feet`.
Ranged attacks use the dexterity stat with a penalty of `-2` for
every `10 feet` past the weapon's listed range.
If the skill check succeeds, roll for damage according to the weapon used.
Individual weapons can have different stats, but here is a rough guideline:
{% table() %}
| Weapon Type | Damage |
| Unarmed | `1d4 + STR` |
| Small Melee Weapons | `1d6` |
| Medium Melee Weapons | `1d6 + STR` |
| Large Melee Weapons | `1d8 + STR` |
| | |
| Thrown Weapons | `1d4` |
| Basic Ranged Weapons | `1d6` |
| Heavy Ranged Weapons | `1d10` |
| Rapidfire Ranged Weapons | `3d6` |
{% end %}
Ranged weapons have a reload rate associated ranging between `0` and `12`.
Whenever an attack is made with a ranged weapon, whether the attack hits or not, roll `1d12`.
If the roll is less than or equal to the weapon's reload rate, the weapon is now out of ammo
and a combat action must be spent to reload it, consuming a pack of the requisite ammo.
## Defending
When a player character is attacked, they may choose to either:
- Attempt a dexterity check in order to dodge
- Deliberately take the hit and retaliate with an attack
If a character is currently in a defense stance, they get advantage on their
attempt to dodge or retaliate and are taken out of their defense stance until they
take a turn to re-enter it.
## Downed Characters
Characters are not considered to have sustained major injury for as long as their health is above `0`.
When a character's health reaches `0`, they are considered downed.
A downed character may not act in combat.
A character's health does not go below `0`.
When a character takes damage that *would* bring their health below `0`, they must make a constitution check.
- If they succeed, the character recieves a scar or other permanent marking.
- If they fail, the character recieves a major injury.
- If they critically fail, they die.
## Major Injuries
A major injury is something more serious than the scratches and bruises that will heal easily.
They are more permanent things that require proper medical attention in order to be treated.
Each major injury applies a penalty of `-2` to a specific stat, depending on the type of injury.
Injuries can only be removed by proper medical attention. An untrained person failing to properly
treat an injury may just make things worse.

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<h1 class="post-title">Farewell</h1>
<p class="post-date">2020-12-23</p>
<p>I must stress first and completely that if you are reading this, none of this is
remotely your fault in any way and please try your best not to blame yourself
at all.</p>
<p>My thoughts are really far to disorganized and scattered right now to really
figure out, much less describe in words, why it is that I am ultimately even
having this crisis in the first place. What I do know is that I am in pain, I am
confused, I can not really think straight, and I am scared. I am sorry for all
of the pain and complication this will cause everyone, but I honestly can not
really deal with myself any longer. This happens over and over and it gets worse
every single time. My attachment to reality is so inconsistent and discontinuous
and confusing now anyway that I honestly have a hard time convincing myself that
this is not just some stupid dream.</p>
<p>Gale, you are such an amazing person, still not really sure how you are a real
human that exists. You have spent so much of your own time and energy looking
out for and protecting me and I really do apreciate it. I am sorry for it
ultimately not paying off.</p>
<p>Ash, I am sorry to be putting you through this stuppid shit again and I know
that it will probably be so much worse with me than it was with our dad.
Please try your hardest to stay strong and keep being such an amazing and cool
and talented person. Take care of Ibsen and Willow.</p>
<p>Lynn you are the most important person to me and I honestly can not believe
you put up with me this long, but you did.
I know you have some of the parts of me, so please be careful.
Take care of Kloey.</p>
<p>I love all of you so much.</p>
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<h1 class="post-title">Habeline GLOG</h1>
<p class="post-date">2020-06-17</p>
<h1>Table of Contents <!--<span id="toc-toggle">[-]</span>--></h1>
<div id="toc">
<a class="internal" href="">Core Rules</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Stats</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Stat Tests</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Opposed Rolls</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Skills</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Combat</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Initiative</a>
<a class="internal" href="">On Their Turn</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Attacking</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Defending</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Weapon Proficiency</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Damage</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Health Points</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Healing</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Reaction and Morale Rolls</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Death and Dismemberment Table</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Fatal Wounds</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Injuries</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Inventory and Items</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Encumbrance</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Fatigue</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Armor</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Melee Weapons</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Ranged Weapons</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Light Sources</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Hirelings</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Dungeon Procedures</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Movement</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Searching</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Random Encounters</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Light</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Other Activities</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Character Generation</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Templates and Multiclassing</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Levelling Up</a>
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<h1 id="core-rules">Core Rules</h1>
<h2 id="stats">Stats</h2>
<p>Characters have the 6 stats typical of tabletop RPGs. Each stat has a &quot;bonus&quot;, which is a sort of condensed form of a stat. Bonuses are not added to rolls unless explicitly stated. The bonus is calculated by [Stat / 3 - 3].</p>
<p><strong>Strength:</strong> Test Strength to kick open doors, tear apart chains, hang on for dear life, etc. The number of items a character can carry is determined by their Strength score. The damage a character inflicts in melee combat is modified by their Strength bonus.</p>
<p><strong>Dexterity:</strong> Test Dexterity to dodge traps, perform acrobatic feats, perform delicate tasks, etc. A character's ability to dodge in combat and ranged attack ability are affected by Dexterity.</p>
<p><strong>Constitution:</strong> Test Constitution to resist cold, disease, fatigue, drowning, poison, etc. A character's Meat is based on their Constitution score.</p>
<p><strong>Intelligence:</strong> Test Intelligence to solve tricky problems, read obscure texts, identify items and treasure, etc.</p>
<p><strong>Wisdom:</strong> Test wisdom to see through deceit, spot hidden dangers, avoid mind-altering effects, etc. Characters use Wisdom to determine the order of combat.</p>
<p><strong>Charisma:</strong> Roll under wisdom to flatter, deceive, barter, threaten, etc. A character's Charisma may also influence a character's fate or luck.</p>
<div class="table-wrapper">
<table><thead><tr><th>Stat</th><th align="center">Bonus</th><th>Stat</th><th align="center">Bonus</th><th>Stat</th><th align="center">Bonus</th></tr></thead><tbody>
<tr><td>1,2</td><td align="center">-3</td><td>9,10,11</td><td align="center">0</td><td>18,19,20</td><td align="center">+3</td></tr>
<tr><td>3,4,5</td><td align="center">-2</td><td>12,13,14</td><td align="center">+1</td><td>21,22,23</td><td align="center">+4</td></tr>
<tr><td>6,7,8</td><td align="center">-1</td><td>15,16,17</td><td align="center">+2</td><td>24+</td><td align="center">+5</td></tr>
<h2 id="stat-tests">Stat Tests</h2>
<p>If an action could fail in an interesting way, a test of a stat will be called for. Roll a d20 and add the relevant stat. If the result is at or above 20, the PC succeeds. If the result is below 20, they fail.</p>
<p>Rolling a natural 1 is always a failure, and could possibly have further negative consequences depending on the situation. Rolling a natural 20 is always a success, and could also have further beneficial consequences depending on the situation.</p>
<h2 id="opposed-rolls">Opposed Rolls</h2>
<p>If a character is making an action with resistance from another character, they must roll above 20 modified by 10-[relevant stat of opponent].</p>
<p>E.g. Shoving. The PC has 11 Strength, the orc has 14 Strength. The PC's roll + Strength must total 24 or above to succeed.</p>
<h2 id="skills">Skills</h2>
<p>Skills are simply a word that describes something a PC knows how to do better than the average person. There are no specific rules for them. They may provide bonuses to rolls in applicable situations, but generally a PC can doing something they are skilled in without a test.</p>
<h1 id="combat">Combat</h1>
<p>Switch to combat rounds when things get <em>spicy</em>.</p>
<p>If someone (or a group) attacks by surprise, they get to act once before any Initiatives are rolled for the round. Once all ambushers have acted, everyone rolls for Initiative.</p>
<h2 id="initiative">Initiative</h2>
<p>Each round of combat, a PC must roll against their Wisdom. If they succeed, they act before their enemies. If they fail, they act afterwards. They act in order of their rolls, highest to lowest. Some particularly quick enemies might impose a penalty on PC's Initiative rolls, or act twice in each round.</p>
<h2 id="on-their-turn">On Their Turn</h2>
<p>A PC or enemy can do one of the following:</p>
<li>Make an Attack roll against a target.</li>
<li>Run up to 50' + DEX.</li>
<li>Make a charge attack against a target (Move 20' + DEX and then make an Attack roll).</li>
<li>Cast a spell or activate a magic item.</li>
<li>Retrieve an item from beyond their quickdraw slots.</li>
<li>Reload a weapon.</li>
<li>Try to trip, shove, push, etc a target.</li>
<li>Attempt to remove a Fatal Wound from a dying ally.</li>
<p>In addition, a PC or enemy can move 20' + DEX.</p>
<p>Talking, shouting, or dropping an item can be done freely, and possibly even in other people's turns. Basically, you can do one big thing each turn, plus move a bit.</p>
<h2 id="attacking">Attacking</h2>
<p>Roll d20 + relevant Stat (Strength for melee, Dexterity for range, etc). Land at or above 20 + target's armor to hit.</p>
<p>If you hit, roll damage. If your enemy takes more damage this round than their Armor, the remaining damage goes to their HP.</p>
<p>If you miss, they can <strong>Take It</strong> or <strong>Dodge</strong> (see Defending). Natural 1s always miss, and natural 20s roll damage dice and apply bonuses twice.</p>
<p>Ranged weapons get -1 to the Attack roll for every 10' beyond their listed range. If a ranged weapon has a reload score, rolling at or below that number on the Attack roll means that the weapon is out of ammo after this shot and the next turn must be spent reloading. If a natural 13 is rolled on a ranged Attack roll, the box of ammo is depleated and the weapon only has one shot left.</p>
<p>Touching an unwilling target, for the purposes of casting a spell or otherwise, requires an attack roll.</p>
<h2 id="defending">Defending</h2>
<p>Choose to either <strong>Dodge</strong> or <strong>Take It</strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Dodge:</strong> Roll d20+DEX. If you succeed, take no damage. If you fail, the enemy deals full damage.</p>
<p><strong>Take It (melee):</strong> Both sides deal damage to each other.</p>
<p><strong>Take It (range):</strong> You take damage, and can shoot back if you have a ranged attack. This can keep going until someone dodges or dies.</p>
<p><strong>Armor:</strong> You can absorb damage equal to your Armor each round. Any attacks that deal damage beyond that subtract from your HP.</p>
<p>Only players make Attack (when they attack an NPC) and Defense (when an NPC attacks them) rolls.</p>
<h2 id="weapon-proficiency">Weapon Proficiency</h2>
<p>All classes are proficient with light simple melee weapons. A PC is also proficient with any weapons they gain from a class or background during character creation. A PC has -4 to Attack rolls with a weapon type until they gain proficiency by landing 8 successful hits in combat.</p>
<h2 id="damage">Damage</h2>
<p><strong>Unarmed Attacks</strong> deal 1d4 + STR bonus damage by default.</p>
<p><strong>Light Weapons</strong> (daggers) deal 1d6 + STR bonus damage.</p>
<p><strong>Medium Weapons</strong> (swords) deal 1d8 + STR bonus damage if wielded in one hand or 1d10 + STR bonus damage if wielded in both hands.</p>
<p><strong>Heavy Weapons</strong> (hammers) deal 1d12 + STR bonus damage, but must be wielded in both hands.</p>
<p><strong>Thrown Light Weapons</strong> deal 1d6 damage.</p>
<p><strong>Bows</strong> and <strong>Slings</strong> deal 1d6 damage.</p>
<p><strong>Crossbows</strong> deal 1d12 damage.</p>
<p><strong>Dual Wielding:</strong> If you are dual-wielding, you can make attacks with both of your weapons at the expense of movement on that turn, but you step down your damage dice.</p>
<h2 id="health-points">Health Points</h2>
<p>A character's health is split into two scores, <strong>Meat</strong> and <strong>Grit</strong>. Incoming damage always affects Grit first, only cutting into Meat if Grit was <strong>already</strong> at 0 before the attack hit.</p>
<p>Grit represents the danger a character can resist before suffering physical harm to their body. Think of it as their capacity to not truly get hit. Grit does not go below 0, but if the attack that brings Grit to 0 has &quot;excess&quot; damage remaining, the character suffers a minor injury according to what the GM feels fit.</p>
<p>Meat represents the punishment a character's body can take before suffering major injury. Think of it as their physical toughness, the damage they can absorb and still be (relatively) okay. When Meat is reduced below 0, any damage in excess is known as <strong>Lethal Damage</strong> and always incurs a roll on the <strong>Death and Dismemberment</strong> Table.</p>
<h2 id="healing">Healing</h2>
<p><strong>Lunch</strong> heals a character for 1d6 + Level Grit. Lunch takes 1 hour, requires a safe place, and consumes 1 ration.</p>
<p>A <strong>Good Night's Rest</strong> restores all Grit. Requires 8 hours of rest, a safe place, a fire or heat source, and consumes 1 ration.</p>
<p><strong>Magical Healing</strong>. Some spells or potions restore HP. Most magical healing can only heal meat up to 0.</p>
<p><strong>Professional Healing</strong> is required to restore Meat above 0.</p>
<p>If a character is suffering Lethal Damage, the next Lunch or Good Night's Rest heals them to exactly 0 Meat and none more.</p>
<h2 id="reaction-and-morale-rolls">Reaction and Morale Rolls</h2>
<p>When encountering monsters, roll 2d6 + the CHA bonus of the most visible party member.</p>
<div class="table-wrapper">
<table><thead><tr><th align="right">2d6+</th><th>Result</th><th>Notes</th></tr></thead><tbody>
<tr><td align="right">2 or less</td><td>Immediate Attack</td><td>Offended or disgusted.</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right">3-7</td><td>Unfavorable</td><td>May attack if victory likely.</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right">8-11</td><td>Favorable</td><td>Parley or bargaining.</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right">12 or more</td><td>Very Favorable</td><td>May choose to cooperate.</td></tr>
<p>Monsters (or hirelings) may try to run away or surrender if combat turns against them. Monsters have a Morale value listed from 2 (craven) to 12 (unbreakable). Check morale when:</p>
<p>The side (PCs or Monsters) takes their first death.</p>
<p>When half the side has been incapacitated or killed.</p>
<p>If some particularly frightening or spectacular effect occurs.</p>
<p>Roll 2d6. If the result is over the creature's Morale score, the creature attempts to retreat, surrenders, or panics. Morale can be adjusted (unless already 2 or 12) by situational bonuses.</p>
<h1 id="death-and-dismemberment-table">Death and Dismemberment Table</h1>
<p>1d12 + Lethal Damage + Number of Major Injuries</p>
<p>The effects are cumulative. If PC with -8 HP and no current Injuries rolls a 10 on a d12, to the leg, X = 10+8+0 = 18. They gain 4 Fatal Wounds, the leg is Mangled, and also disabled for 18 days.</p>
<p>If they took a further 1 point of damage (-9 HP), they would roll 1d12 + 9 (Lethal Damage) + 1 (Mangled) + 1 (Disabled) for 1d12+11.</p>
<p>If required, roll 1d6 for location.</p>
<div class="table-wrapper">
<table><thead><tr><th align="right">Result</th><th>1. Arm</th><th>2. Leg</th><th>3-4. Torso</th><th>5-6. Head</th></tr></thead><tbody>
<tr><td align="right">1+</td><td>Disabled X Days</td><td>Disabled X Days</td><td>Cracked Ribs X Days</td><td>Concussed X Days</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right">11+</td><td>1 Fatal Wound, Mangled</td><td>1 Fatal Wound, Mangled</td><td>1 Fatal Wound, Crushed</td><td>1 Fatal Wound, Skullcracked</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right">16+</td><td>X-15 Fatal Wounds</td><td>X-15 Fatal Wounds</td><td>X-15 Fatal Wounds</td><td>X-15 Fatal Wounds</td></tr>
<div class="table-wrapper">
<table><thead><tr><th align="right">Result</th><th>Acid, Fire / Cold, Ice</th><th>Lightning</th><th>Venom / Toxin</th><th>Magic</th></tr></thead><tbody>
<tr><td align="right">1+</td><td>Scorched / Frostbite X Days</td><td>Burned X Days</td><td>Sickened X Days</td><td>Anathema X Days</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right">11+</td><td>1 Fatal Wound, Burned / Frozen</td><td>1 Fatal Wound, Fried</td><td>1 Fatal Wound, Wracked</td><td>1 Fatal Wound, Marked</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right">16+</td><td>X-15 Fatal Wounds</td><td>X-15 Fatal Wounds</td><td>X-15 Fatal Wounds</td><td>X-15 Fatal Wounds</td></tr>
<h2 id="fatal-wounds">Fatal Wounds</h2>
<p>A PC has 3 rounds to clear any Fatal Wounds or they die. They can attempt to remove a Fatal Wound on their turn by rolling a 6 on a d6. PCs with fatal wounds are &quot;unconscious&quot; in the fact that they cannot take conscious or deliberate actions, they are not necessarily quiet or asleep and could be quite the opposite, screaming in pain, etc. Remove oldest Fatal Wounds first.</p>
<p>Up to two adjacent allies can try to remove Fatal Wounds from a dying character by spending their turn doctoring the wounded PC and then testing 1/2 Intelligence (unless they have a relevant skill).</p>
<h2 id="injuries">Injuries</h2>
<p><strong>Anathema:</strong> Cannot benefit from magical healing or be the target of beneficial magic.</p>
<p><strong>Blind:</strong> Cannot see. -8 to Attack and Dodge rolls. Automatically hit by area-of-effect attacks.</p>
<p><strong>Burned / Frozen:</strong> Test Constitution. If failed, roll on the table below. If passed, lose 1d6 digits (roll randomly using a d20) and reduce all future damage of the appropriate type (acid, fire, ice, etc.) by 2.</p>
<li>Lose 2d6 digits.</li>
<li>Lose all but 1 digit.</li>
<li>Lose both hands.</li>
<li>Lose both feet.</li>
<li>Lose both hands, both feet, and nose. -2 Charisma.</li>
<li>Lost both hands, both feet, nose, and both eyes. Blind. -2 Charisma.</li>
<p><strong>Cracked Ribs:</strong> The PCs maximum Meat is reduced by 4 (to a minimum of 1).</p>
<p><strong>Crushed:</strong> Test Constitution. If failed, roll on the table below. If passed, gain an interesting scar.</p>
<li>Permanently lose 1 Strength.</li>
<li>Permanently lose 1 Dexterity.</li>
<li>Permanently lose 1 Constitution.</li>
<li>Crushed Throat. Cannot speak louder than a whisper.</li>
<li>Crushed Guts. Constitution is 4 for the purposes of holding your breath. Cannot swim or dive.</li>
<li>Broken Spine. Paralyzed from the neck down. Test CON to recover after 1d6 days. If failed, test again after 1d6 weeks. If both tests are failed, the PC is permanently paralyzed.</li>
<p><strong>Concussed:</strong> The PC's Wisdom is 4 for the purpose of Initiative.</p>
<p><strong>Deaf:</strong> Cannot hear. If ambushed, always act last.</p>
<p><strong>Disabled:</strong> The injured limb becomes unusable. A Disabled arm cannot hold anything; held items are dropped. A Disabled leg cannot support the PC's weight. A PC with two working arms but no working legs can move at 1/20th their normal movement.</p>
<p><strong>Fried:</strong> Test CON. If failed, roll on the table below. If passed, reduce all future lighting damage by 2 and gain an interesting scar.</p>
<li>Left eye lost. -1 to range attacks. If both eyes lost, Blind.</li>
<li>Right eye lost. -1 to range attacks. If both eyes lost, Blind.</li>
<li>All items carried lost. Permanently lose 1 from a random stat.</li>
<li>Palsied. Permanent -2 to attack and dodge rolls.</li>
<li>Lose one hand, one foot, and both eyes. Blind. -2 Charisma.</li>
<p><strong>Mangled:</strong> Test CON. If failed, lose the limb. If passed, test again. If failed, lose 1 digit. If passed, gain an interesting scar.</p>
<p><strong>Marked:</strong> Test CON. If failed, any magical attack against the PC automatically deals double damage or applies a -4 to tests against it. If passed, the PC has a permanent -2 to tests against magic, but reduces all incoming magic damage by 2. They also gain an interesting scar (known as a curse-mark).</p>
<p><strong>Scorched / Frostbite:</strong> Cannot wear armor. Difficulty gripping or climbing.</p>
<p><strong>Skullcracked:</strong> Test CON. If failed, roll on the table below. If passed, gain an interesting scar.</p>
<li>Permanently lose 1 Intelligence.</li>
<li>Permanently lose 1 Wisdom.</li>
<li>Permanently lose 1 Charisma.</li>
<li>Left eye lost. -1 to range attacks. If both eyes lost, Blind.</li>
<li>Right eye lost. -1 to range attacks. If both eyes lost, Blind.</li>
<li>Coma. Unconscious. Test CON to recover after 1d6 days. If failed, test again after 1d6 weeks. If both tests are failed, the PC is permanently unconscious.</li>
<p><strong>Wracked:</strong> Test CON. If failed, roll on the table below. If passed, reduce all future poison / toxin damage from similar sources by 2 and gain an interesting scar.</p>
<li>Permanently lose 1 from a random stat.</li>
<li>Permanently lose 1 from all stats.</li>
<li>Lose a random limb and one eye. -1 to range attacks. If both eyes lost, Blind.</li>
<li>Lose 2 Strength and Constitution. Gain +1 to Intelligence and Wisdom.</li>
<li>Enfeebled. Take double damage from ingested poisons or rotten food.</li>
<li>Heart Pain. Cannot run.</li>
<h1 id="inventory-and-items">Inventory and Items</h1>
<p>PCs have a number of Inventory Slots equal to their Strength. Only items carried on their person count toward this limit. Clothing, jewelry, other cosmetic items, and items small enough to fit multiple of in a character's mouth do not take up Inventory Slots unless they are particularly bulky. Items which do not take up Inventory Slots should be written down in the non-encumbering list.</p>
<p>An inventory slot can contain:</p>
<li>3 Light Weapons (daggers)</li>
<li>1 Medium Weapon (swords)</li>
<li>0.5 Heavy Weapons (hammers) or Rifles</li>
<li>1 Bow or Pistol</li>
<li>20 Arrows</li>
<li>3 Bottles or Flasks</li>
<li>1 Lantern</li>
<li>3 Books</li>
<li>3 Rations</li>
<p>The first 3 Inventory Slots are Quick-Draw Slots, and can be accessed instantly at any time. It takes 1 round to retrieve an item from any other inventory slot.</p>
<p>A PC's entire Inventory = 1 Sack. Very, very small inventories may be combined into 1 Sack.</p>
<h2 id="encumbrance">Encumbrance</h2>
<p>Any items in excess of a character's Inventory Slots (Strength) gain 1 point of Encumbrance per slot. Each point of Encumbrance imposes a -1 penalty to Strength and Dexterity.</p>
<p>With 6 or more points of encumbrance, moving quickly is impossible. With 10 or more points of encumbrance, moving beyond a crawl is exhausting.</p>
<h2 id="fatigue">Fatigue</h2>
<p>Sprinting repeatedly, outdoor travel without rest, or other excessively tiring activities inflict Fatigue. Each level of Fatigue takes up 1 Inventory Slot. Fatigue is usually removed by resting.</p>
<h2 id="armor">Armor</h2>
<li><strong>Leather</strong> armor takes up 0 Inventory Slots and provides +2 to Armor.</li>
<li><strong>Chain</strong> armor takes up 2 Inventory Slots and provides +4 to Armor and -2 to Movement and Stealth rolls.</li>
<li><strong>Plate</strong> armor takes up 2 Inventory Slots and provides +6 to Armor and -4 to Movement and Stealth rolls.</li>
<li><strong>Shields</strong> take up 1 Inventory Slot and provide +1 to Armor. A PC can sunder their shield to reduce incoming damage by 1d12. The shield is broken afterwards.</li>
<h2 id="melee-weapons">Melee Weapons</h2>
<li><strong>Light Weapons</strong> (daggers) take up 1/3^{rd} of an Inventory Slot and deal 1d6 + STR bonus damage in melee.</li>
<li><strong>Medium Weapons</strong> (swords) take up 1 Inventory Slot and deal 1d8 + STR bonus damage if wielded in one hand or 1d10 + STR bonus damage if wielded in both hands.</li>
<li><strong>Heavy Weapons</strong> (hammers) take up 2 Inventory Slots and deal 1d12 + STR bonus damage but must be wielded in both hands.</li>
<h2 id="ranged-weapons">Ranged Weapons</h2>
<p>Ranged weapons get -1 to Attack rolls for every 10' beyond their listed range.</p>
<li>Thrown <strong>Light Weapons</strong> (daggers) take up 1/3^{rd} of an Inventory Slot. They deal 1d6 damage and have a 20' range.</li>
<li><strong>Slings</strong> take up 1 Inventory Slot. They deal 1d6 damage and have a 20' range.</li>
<li><strong>Bows</strong> take up 1 Inventory Slot. They deal 1d6 damage and have a 20' range.</li>
<li><strong>Crossbows</strong> take up 1 Inventory Slot. They deal 1d12 damage and have a 30' range. They have a reload of 20.</li>
<li><strong>Pistols</strong> take up 1 Inventory Slot. They deal 2d6 damage and have a 40' range. They tend to have a reload of 2.</li>
<li><strong>Rifles</strong> take up 2 Inventory Slots. They deal 2d10 damage and have a 200' range. They tend to have a reload of 10.</li>
<p>A &quot;box&quot; of a weapon's ammo takes up 1 Inventory Slot and costs <strong>one tenth</strong> the price of the weapon.</p>
<h2 id="light-sources">Light Sources</h2>
<p>Outside of the listed light range, light sources illuminate shadows. Vague shapes, movement, and reflective surfaces will be visible in shadows, but no details can be distinguished. Lighting a torch or lantern takes 1 round. PCs are assumed to be carrying basic firestarting gear. Magic or cantrips may ignite a light source immediately.</p>
<div class="table-wrapper">
<table><thead><tr><th>Light Source</th><th>Radius</th><th>Duration</th></tr></thead><tbody>
<tr><td>Torch</td><td>20' light, 20' shadows</td><td>1 hour</td></tr>
<tr><td>Lantern</td><td>30' light, 30' shadows</td><td>3 hours / flask of oil</td></tr>
<tr><td>Candle</td><td>5' light, 10' shadows</td><td>1 hour</td></tr>
<h2 id="hirelings">Hirelings</h2>
<p>Hired at a fixed rate or purchased. Dangerous work may require bonuses. Generic hirelings have 10 in all stats, 5 HP, and no skills outside their profession.</p>
<p>PCs can have up to 2 + CHA bonus hirelings without any issues. Mounts, slaves, and other pliable things don't count. Extra hirelings can be aquired, but may be disloyal, cunning, or poor quality.</p>
<p>Above any items required for their job, a combat hireling can carry 3 Inventory Slots worth of items for a PC. A porter hireling can carry at least 10 Slots / 1 Sack.</p>
<h1 id="dungeon-procedures">Dungeon Procedures</h1>
<p>Time is tracked in minutes and hours.</p>
<h2 id="movement">Movement</h2>
<p>PCs can cautiously move 20 10' squares (200') in 10 minutes. Round up to the nearest 10 minutes. PCs moving cautiously will spot signs of all traps. It is up to them to use common sense, items, etc to disarm or avoid traps.</p>
<p>PCs can quickly move 60 10' squares (600') in 10 minutes. PCs moving incautiously /may/ get a chance to test Wisdom to notice a trap.</p>
<h2 id="searching">Searching</h2>
<li>A cursory search of a 20'x20' room takes 1 minute and reveals only the most obvious information.</li>
<li>A proper search takes 30 minutes and reveals most hidden information.</li>
<li>A detailed search takes 1 hour and reveals all hidden information.</li>
<li>Multiple PCs can combine their efforts to search a larger room in the same time or a smaller room in less time.</li>
<h2 id="random-encounters">Random Encounters</h2>
<p>Roll for a Random Encounter every 30 minutes or whenever a loud noise occurs, a 1 on a d6. If PCs are moving cautiously they get an &quot;Omen&quot; before the encounter.</p>
<h2 id="light">Light</h2>
<p>Lanterns illuminate 30' clearly and provide dim outlines and shadows for a further 30'. In the dark, light sources are visible miles away.</p>
<h2 id="other-activities">Other Activities</h2>
<li>Picking a mundane lock takes 10 minutes.</li>
<li>Identifying a magic item takes 10 minutes.</li>
<li>Deciphering an inscription, reading a book, or sorting through items takes 30 minutes.</li>
<li>Lunch takes 1 hour. Test for random encounters twice.</li>
<li>There are about 6 combat rounds in 1 minute. Don't worry about exact number of rounds and just assume combat, a breather afterwards, and looting take about 10 minutes.</li>
<li>Eyeball other activities based on real-life experience. Round up a bit.</li>
<h1 id="character-generation">Character Generation</h1>
<li>Choose or roll for your <strong>Race</strong>. Your characters race will grant them a Perk, a Drawback, and one Stat they can reroll.</li>
<li>Roll your <strong>Stats</strong>. 4d4 in order. You may reroll the Stat given by your Race and pick the higher result.</li>
<li>Roll for a <strong>Skill</strong>.</li>
<li>(optional) Roll for a background.</li>
<li>Choose or roll for your <strong>Class</strong>. Gain the first template (A) and any other items or bonuses.</li>
<li>Roll for any skills or items requested by your class.</li>
<li>Select a name.</li>
<li>Buy starting equipment. PCs start with 20 cash.</li>
<h2 id="templates-and-multiclassing">Templates and Multiclassing</h2>
<p>Each class has up to 4 Templates. Templates are gained in order (A, B, C, D). To multiclass, simply pick the first template from another class. E.g. A level 4 character could pick Fighter A, Wizard A, Hunter A, and Fighter B.</p>
<p>Multiclassing should make sense in-character. Multiclassing for optimization or mechanical reasons should be strongly discouraged by the GM. The game is not about mastering the mechanics or having the best numbers. Bigger numbers will not save you.</p>
<h2 id="levelling-up">Levelling Up</h2>
<p>PCs gain experience points (XP) by exploring or carousing. Exploring grants XP based on new locations reached. Fully investigating or mapping a location, or figuring out what is going on, grants more XP. Carousing gives PCs a way to convert loot into levels.</p>
<p>Whenever a PC levels, increase their Meat, reroll their Grit according to their level and take the result if it is higher than the existing value. A PC can also test to improve a stat of their choice. Declare the stat and roll 3d6. If the result is over, the stat's value increases by 1.</p>
<div class="table-wrapper">
<table><thead><tr><th align="right">Level</th><th align="left">XP</th><th align="left">Meat</th><th align="left">Grit</th><th align="center">Templates</th></tr></thead><tbody>
<tr><td align="right">1</td><td align="left">-</td><td align="left">Con - 4</td><td align="left">1d6 + 1</td><td align="center">1</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right">2</td><td align="left">300</td><td align="left">Con - 2</td><td align="left">2d6 + 2</td><td align="center">2</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right">3</td><td align="left">700</td><td align="left">Con</td><td align="left">3d6 + 3</td><td align="center">3</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right">4</td><td align="left">1,200</td><td align="left">Con + 2</td><td align="left">3d6 + 4</td><td align="center">4</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right">5</td><td align="left">1,800</td><td align="left">Con + 4</td><td align="left">3d6 + 5</td><td align="center">-</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right">6</td><td align="left">2,500</td><td align="left">Con + 6</td><td align="left">3d6 + 6</td><td align="center">5</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right">7</td><td align="left">3,500</td><td align="left">Con + 7</td><td align="left">3d6 + 7</td><td align="center">-</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right">8</td><td align="left">5,500</td><td align="left">Con + 8</td><td align="left">3d6 + 8</td><td align="center">6</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right">9</td><td align="left">11,000</td><td align="left">Con + 9</td><td align="left">3d6 + 9</td><td align="center">-</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right">10</td><td align="left">22,000</td><td align="left">Con + 10</td><td align="left">3d6 + 10</td><td align="center">-</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right">+1</td><td align="left">+15,000</td><td align="left">+1</td><td align="left">+1</td><td align="center">-</td></tr>
<p>At level 5 and above, every time a PC levels up, they can retire to safety. They leave the adventure to settle down, buy some land if they can afford it, open a shop, teach at a school, beg in the gutter, etc. The GM can torment them no longer.</p>
<p>At level 10 and above, a PC who dies can attempt to fight death. Should they best whatever reaper or being has come to collect their soul, they can return to life or possibly work out some other deal. Future saves to avoid death will be at a penalty.</p>
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<h1 class="post-title">Habeltop RPG System</h1>
<p class="post-date">2021-03-26</p>
<h1>Table of Contents <!--<span id="toc-toggle">[-]</span>--></h1>
<div id="toc">
<a class="internal" href="">What Makes Up a Character</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Roles</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Stat Modifiers</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Base Stats</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Health</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Skills</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Inventory</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Levelling Up</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Gameplay</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Skill Checks</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Opposed Checks</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Advantage and Disadvantage</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Combat</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Turn Order</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Each Turn</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Attacking</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Defending</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Downed Characters</a>
<a class="internal" href="">Major Injuries</a>
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<p>Hazel designs a little tabletop RPG system for hopefully finally running a campaign with friends.</p>
<p>This is roughly inspired by a couple versions of the GLOG,
but somewhat simplified and streamlined. A major difference is that the class system
is completely absent, replaced by &quot;roles&quot; which mechanically only manifest
as a starting kit for the character.</p>
<p>Here is the <a href="">Blank Character Sheet</a>
as well as an <a href="">Example Character</a>.</p>
<h1 id="what-makes-up-a-character">What Makes Up a Character</h1>
<p>Very first I will go over everything on that makes up a character then I will go more in-depth with each part.</p>
<p><strong>Name:</strong><br />
The in-world name of the character.<br />
I hope that no further explanation is needed here.</p>
<p><strong>Role:</strong><br />
The architype/role the character takes on.
This just determines starting skills and equipment.</p>
<p><strong>Level:</strong><br />
The current level of the character. Leveling up increases stats.</p>
<p><strong>Money:</strong><br />
The ammount of currency a character has on them.
This could manifest as anything from a sack of gold coins to a bank account depending on the setting.</p>
<p><strong>Health:</strong><br />
The character's ability to avoid major harm. This is elaborated on later.</p>
<p><strong>Armor:</strong><br />
The character's ability to deflect damage. This comes solely from equipment.</p>
<p><strong>Inventory:</strong><br />
The character's belongings and other things they are currently carrying.</p>
<p><strong>Stats:</strong><br />
The column in the top right of the sheet. The character's main stats, as well as the modifier from each stat.</p>
<p><strong>Injuries:</strong><br />
The major injuries and afflictions a character has along with a space to mark what stat they affect.</p>
<p><strong>Skills:</strong><br />
The things the character has training for or otherwise has skill in.</p>
<p><strong>Other:</strong><br />
Other details or notable things about the character.</p>
<h2 id="roles">Roles</h2>
<p>During character creation, a role is chosen. A character's role is the part they play in the party.</p>
<p>The role will list the equipment a character starts with as well as a list of skills to choose <code>3</code> from.</p>
<h2 id="stat-modifiers">Stat Modifiers</h2>
<p>Each of the six base stats also has a &quot;modifier&quot; based on its value.
The modifier is calculated like so: <code>Stat / 3 - 3</code>, rounding down to whole numbers.</p>
<p>Modifiers are rarely used outside of the strength modifier.</p>
<p>For convenience, here is a table of the modifiers for each stat value:</p>
<div class="table-wrapper">
<table><thead><tr><th>Stat</th><th align="center">Mod.</th><th>Stat</th><th align="center">Mod.</th><th>Stat</th><th align="center">Mod.</th></tr></thead><tbody>
<tr><td>1,2</td><td align="center">-3</td><td>9,10,11</td><td align="center">0</td><td>18,19,20</td><td align="center">+3</td></tr>
<tr><td>3,4,5</td><td align="center">-2</td><td>12,13,14</td><td align="center">+1</td><td>21,22,23</td><td align="center">+4</td></tr>
<tr><td>6,7,8</td><td align="center">-1</td><td>15,16,17</td><td align="center">+2</td><td>24+</td><td align="center">+5</td></tr>
<h2 id="base-stats">Base Stats</h2>
<p>Listed here are the six major character stats and what they affect along with a few
examples of what sort of actions they might be rolled against to determine the success of.</p>
<p>To determine a character's starting stats, roll <code>4d4</code> six times. Assign the six results to
whichever stats you wish.</p>
<p><strong>Strength [STR]:</strong><br />
A character's physical brute force and melee ability.<br />
A strength check is made when attempting a melee attack.<br />
The strength modifier is applied to the damage they with melee attacks.<br />
The number of items they can carry on them is equal to their strength.</p>
<li>Pushing, pulling, or lifting something heavy</li>
<li>Breaking down a door</li>
<li>Hanging onto a ledge</li>
<li>Knocking something over</li>
<p><strong>Dexterity [DEX]:</strong><br />
A character's general physical skill, agility, and ranged ability.<br />
A dexterity check is made when attempting a ranged attack.<br />
A character's ability to dodge in combat is determined by their dexterity.</p>
<li>Doing a delicate task, such as soldering an electronic</li>
<li>Performing and acrobatic feat</li>
<li>Grabbing onto something to prevent from falling</li>
<li>Swiping something without being noticed</li>
<p><strong>Constitution [CON]:</strong><br />
A character's physical resilience and overall health.<br />
A constitution check is made when resisting physical harm or other effects on the body.<br />
A character's maximum health is determined by their constitution.</p>
<li>Resisting extreme temperatures</li>
<li>Recovering from illness or the effects of poison</li>
<li>Dealing with the effects of starvation or dehydration</li>
<li>Consuming things that would cause one to vomit</li>
<p><strong>Intelligence [INT]:</strong><br />
A character's general knowledge-base.</p>
<li>Identifying an object</li>
<li>Researching an obscure topic</li>
<li>Decyphering an encrypted message</li>
<li>Utilizing complicated or strange technology</li>
<p><strong>Wisdom [WIS]:</strong><br />
A character's perception and mental fortitude.<br />
Wisdom checks are used to determine the order of combat.</p>
<li>Seeing through deceit</li>
<li>Spotting hidden dangers</li>
<li>Resisting torture</li>
<li>Estimating the severity of a threat</li>
<p><strong>Charisma [CHA]:</strong><br />
A character's social skill and charm.</p>
<li>Claiming to be a different person</li>
<li>Persuading someone to your side</li>
<li>Winning the crowd over in an argument</li>
<li>Leading and organizing a group of people</li>
<h2 id="health">Health</h2>
<p>Think of health less as how alive a character is, and more as how well they can avoid extreme harm.
Damage could be thought of as the sum of all of the small injuries and fatigue of the character. </p>
<p>Only when a character's health is fully depleated will they suffer major injury or have the possibility of death.</p>
<p>Health can be restored by rest and medical attention.</p>
<p>A character's maximum health is equal to their constitution plus their current level.</p>
<h2 id="skills">Skills</h2>
<p>Skills represent specific actions or subjects that a character has special
training or intuition for.</p>
<p>A character can automatically succeed at easier
tasks that a skill reasonably applies to.</p>
<p>Tougher actions still require a relevant skill check, but each applicable skill
nets a <code>+1</code> modifier to the roll.</p>
<h2 id="inventory">Inventory</h2>
<p>All of the items that a character has in their posession are listed here.</p>
<p>A character can hold up to a number of items equal to their strength before they are encumbered.
Small items that can easily fit in a pocket are not counted towards encumberance.</p>
<p>When is encumbered, count their strength and dexterity values as half of what they are.</p>
<h2 id="levelling-up">Levelling Up</h2>
<p>Characters level up after getting through a particularly tough or otherwise important experience
or whenever the GM feels it would be a good time to.</p>
<p>Follow these steps when levelling up a character:</p>
<li>For each stat, roll <code>1d20</code>. If the roll is higher than the stat's current value, increase the stat by one.</li>
<li>Update health to reflect new level and constitution.</li>
<h1 id="gameplay">Gameplay</h1>
<p>For the most part, gameplay consists of loose roleplay. The GM will present the
world, the current situation, etc. to the players, then they will respond to the
situation, interact with each other, etc. in-character.</p>
<h2 id="skill-checks">Skill Checks</h2>
<p>Whenever a character attempts something that they are not certain to succeed at,
a check against the most relevant stat must be made.</p>
<p>Roll <code>1d20</code>, add the relevant stat as well as <code>+2</code> for every skill that could be applied,
and if the result is at least <code>20</code>, the character succeeds.</p>
<p>If the dice rolls exactly <code>1</code> it is a critical failure. The character automatically fails
and could suffer further consequence, should they make sense situationally.</p>
<p>If the dice rolls exactly <code>20</code> it is a critical success. The character automatically succeeds
and may succeed beyond their aim, should it make sense situationally.</p>
<h2 id="opposed-checks">Opposed Checks</h2>
<p>When a character attempts something that another character is resisting, add <code>opponent's stat - 10</code>
to the target number of <code>20</code>.</p>
<p>Example:<br />
A character is trying to knock down another character with <code>14</code> strength.
Their roll must total at least <code>24</code> (<code>20 + (14 - 10)</code>).</p>
<p>Rather than all characters making skill checks, only player characters and NPCs
on their side do so. For example, rather than an NPC making a dexterity check in
attempt to trip a player character, the player themselves makes a dexterity check
in opposition to avoid falling.</p>
<h2 id="advantage-and-disadvantage">Advantage and Disadvantage</h2>
<p>Some circumstances put a character at either an advantage or disadvantage.
For example, having fallen to the ground would put a character at a disadvantage when it comes to defending themselves,
or being in a stance ready to defend themselves would put them at an advantage.</p>
<p>When a character has advantage on a skill check, add a bonus of <code>+4</code> to their roll.
When a character has disadvantage, subtract a penalty of <code>-4</code>.</p>
<h1 id="combat">Combat</h1>
<p>Combat is initiated when there is to be physical conflict between opposing parties.
Combat takes place in rounds that are equal to roughly 10 seconds of time.</p>
<h2 id="turn-order">Turn Order</h2>
<p>When combat is initiated, every player character in the party makes a wisdom skill check.
If they succeed, they act before the opposing NPCs each round.
If they fail, they act after the opposing NPCs.
The party decides amongst themselves who acts in what order.</p>
<p>So the resulting turn order is as such:</p>
<li>PCs who succeeded wisdom check</li>
<li>Opposing NPCs</li>
<li>PCs who failed wisdom check</li>
<h2 id="each-turn">Each Turn</h2>
<p>A character may move up to <code>DEX * 2</code> feet and perform one of the following actions.
The may also move twice that distance, but without performing an action.</p>
<li>Make an attack</li>
<li>Take a defense stance</li>
<li>Assist another character in their action</li>
<li>Attempt to revive a downed character</li>
<li>Attempt to perform some other arbitrary action</li>
<h2 id="attacking">Attacking</h2>
<p>A player character may attack another character by making a skill check
opposed by the target's dexterity.
The stat used depends on the weapon the character is attacking with. </p>
<p>Melee attacks use the strength stat and may be made at a range of <code>5 feet</code>. </p>
<p>Ranged attacks use the dexterity stat with a penalty of <code>-2</code> for
every <code>10 feet</code> past the weapon's listed range.</p>
<p>If the skill check succeeds, roll for damage according to the weapon used.
Individual weapons can have different stats, but here is a rough guideline:</p>
<div class="table-wrapper">
<table><thead><tr><th>Weapon Type</th><th align="center">Damage</th></tr></thead><tbody>
<tr><td>Unarmed</td><td align="center"><code>1d4 + STR</code></td></tr>
<tr><td>Small Melee Weapons</td><td align="center"><code>1d6</code></td></tr>
<tr><td>Medium Melee Weapons</td><td align="center"><code>1d6 + STR</code></td></tr>
<tr><td>Large Melee Weapons</td><td align="center"><code>1d8 + STR</code></td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td align="center"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Thrown Weapons</td><td align="center"><code>1d4</code></td></tr>
<tr><td>Basic Ranged Weapons</td><td align="center"><code>1d6</code></td></tr>
<tr><td>Heavy Ranged Weapons</td><td align="center"><code>1d10</code></td></tr>
<tr><td>Rapidfire Ranged Weapons</td><td align="center"><code>3d6</code></td></tr>
<p>Ranged weapons have a reload rate associated ranging between <code>0</code> and <code>12</code>.
Whenever an attack is made with a ranged weapon, whether the attack hits or not, roll <code>1d12</code>.
If the roll is less than or equal to the weapon's reload rate, the weapon is now out of ammo
and a combat action must be spent to reload it, consuming a pack of the requisite ammo.</p>
<h2 id="defending">Defending</h2>
<p>When a player character is attacked, they may choose to either:</p>
<li>Attempt a dexterity check in order to dodge</li>
<li>Deliberately take the hit and retaliate with an attack</li>
<p>If a character is currently in a defense stance, they get advantage on their
attempt to dodge or retaliate and are taken out of their defense stance until they
take a turn to re-enter it.</p>
<h2 id="downed-characters">Downed Characters</h2>
<p>Characters are not considered to have sustained major injury for as long as their health is above <code>0</code>.
When a character's health reaches <code>0</code>, they are considered downed.
A downed character may not act in combat.</p>
<p>A character's health does not go below <code>0</code>.
When a character takes damage that <em>would</em> bring their health below <code>0</code>, they must make a constitution check.</p>
<li>If they succeed, the character recieves a scar or other permanent marking.</li>
<li>If they fail, the character recieves a major injury.</li>
<li>If they critically fail, they die.</li>
<h2 id="major-injuries">Major Injuries</h2>
<p>A major injury is something more serious than the scratches and bruises that will heal easily.
They are more permanent things that require proper medical attention in order to be treated.</p>
<p>Each major injury applies a penalty of <code>-2</code> to a specific stat, depending on the type of injury.</p>
<p>Injuries can only be removed by proper medical attention. An untrained person failing to properly
treat an injury may just make things worse.</p>
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<h1> Tabletop Shit </h1>
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Hazel designs a little tabletop RPG system for hopefully finally running a campaign with friends.
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{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}Welcome - Hazelnut{% endblock title %}
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{{ section.content | safe }}
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{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}{{ page.title }} - Hazelnut{% endblock title %}
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<h1 class="post-title">{{ page.title }}</h1>
<p class="post-date">{{ | date() }}</p>
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{{ page.content | safe }}
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{% extends "base.html" %}
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{% block content %}
<h1> {{ section.title }} </h1>
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<a class="internal" href="{{ page.permalink }}">
{{ page.title }}{% if page.draft %} [DRAFT]{% endif %}
{% if %}
<p class="post-date">
{{ | date(format="%Y-%m-%d") }}
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<p class="post-desc">
{{ page.description }}
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