# 🤨 A wrapper build around SDL2, some of its libraries, and SoLoud to make a lot of stuff more easier to use. Stuff like: - Rendering functions - Object system - Sound - Configuration - Less dll binary clutter! - and most possibly, more.... idk. ## Requirements - [CMake](https://cmake.org) version 3.10 or above - [SDL2 and SDL_ttf 2.0](https://libsdl.org) - [SDL_gpu](https://github.com/grimfang4/sdl-gpu) - [SoLoud](https://github.com/haya3218/soloud) (static library) - [LuaJIT](http://luajit.org) ### Compiler Requirements - VC++ (MSVC) version 14.2 or above (GCC, clang, and MingW-w64 are not supported yet, [but feel free to make a pull request!](https://github.com/haya3218/SDfmL/compare)) #### Instructions Copy all of the library files to the `lib/` folder. Reminder that ALL header files are already included, so you don't need to worry about linker issues. `src/Main.cpp` should contain example code with some explanations.