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* A small header-only library to load an image into a RGB(A) SDL_Surface*,
* like a stripped down version of SDL_Image, but using stb_image.h to decode
* images and thus without any further external dependencies.
* Supports all filetypes supported by stb_image (JPEG, PNG, TGA, BMP, PSD, ...
* See stb_image.h for details).
* (C) 2015-2021 Daniel Gibson
* Homepage:
* Dependencies:
* libSDL2
* stb_image.h
* Usage:
* Put this file and stb_image.h somewhere in your project.
* In *one* of your .c/.cpp files, do
* #include "SDL_stbimage.h"
* to create the implementation of this library in that file.
* You can just #include "SDL_stbimage.h" (without the #define) in other source
* files to use it there. (See also below this comment for an usage example)
* This header implicitly #includes <SDL.h> and "stb_image.h".
* You can #define SDL_STBIMG_DEF before including this header if you want to
* prepend anything to the function signatures (like "static", "inline",
* "__declspec(dllexport)", ...)
* Example: #define SDL_STBIMG_DEF static inline
* By default, this deactivates stb_image's load from file functions via
* #define STBI_NO_STDIO, as they use stdio.h and that adds a dependency to the
* CRT on windows and with SDL you're better off using SDL_RWops, incl. SDL_RWFromFile()
* If you wanna use stbi_load(), stbi_info(), stbi_load_from_file() etc anyway, do
* before including this header.
* (Note that all the STBIMG_* functions of this lib will work without it)
* stb_image.h uses assert.h by default. You can #define STBI_ASSERT(x)
* before the implementation-#include of SDL_stbimage.h to avoid that.
* By default stb_image supports HDR images, for that it needs pow() from libm.
* If you don't need HDR (it can't be loaded into a SDL_Surface anyway),
* #define STBI_NO_LINEAR and #define STBI_NO_HDR before including this header.
* License:
* This software is dual-licensed to the public domain and under the following
* license: you are granted a perpetual, irrevocable license to copy, modify,
* publish, and distribute this file as you see fit.
* No warranty implied; use at your own risk.
* So you can do whatever you want with this code, including copying it
* (or parts of it) into your own source.
* No need to mention me or this "license" in your code or docs, even though
* it would be appreciated, of course.
#if 0 // Usage Example:
#include "SDL_stbimage.h"
void yourFunction(const char* imageFilePath)
SDL_Surface* surf = STBIMG_Load(imageFilePath);
if(surf == NULL) {
printf("ERROR: Couldn't load %s, reason: %s\n", imageFilePath, SDL_GetError());
// ... do something with surf ...
#endif // 0 (usage example)
// if you really think you need <SDL2/SDL.h> here instead.. feel free to change it,
// but the cool kids have path/to/include/SDL2/ in their compilers include path.
#include "SDL.h"
#define STBI_NO_STDIO // don't need STDIO, will use SDL_RWops to open files
#include "../stb_image.h"
// this allows you to prepend stuff to function signatures, e.g. "static"
// by default it's empty
#endif // DG_MISC_DEF
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// loads the image file at the given path into a RGB(A) SDL_Surface
// Returns NULL on error, use SDL_GetError() to get more information.
SDL_STBIMG_DEF SDL_Surface* STBIMG_Load(const char* file);
// loads the image file in the given memory buffer into a RGB(A) SDL_Surface
// Returns NULL on error, use SDL_GetError() to get more information.
SDL_STBIMG_DEF SDL_Surface* STBIMG_LoadFromMemory(const unsigned char* buffer, int length);
// loads an image file into a RGB(A) SDL_Surface from a seekable SDL_RWops (src)
// if you set freesrc to non-zero, SDL_RWclose(src) will be executed after reading.
// Returns NULL on error, use SDL_GetError() to get more information.
SDL_STBIMG_DEF SDL_Surface* STBIMG_Load_RW(SDL_RWops* src, int freesrc);
// Creates an SDL_Surface* using the raw RGB(A) pixelData with given width/height
// (this doesn't use stb_image and is just a simple SDL_CreateSurfaceFrom()-wrapper)
// ! It must be byte-wise 24bit RGB ("888", bytesPerPixel=3) !
// ! or byte-wise 32bit RGBA ("8888", bytesPerPixel=4) data !
// If freeWithSurface is SDL_TRUE, SDL_FreeSurface() will free the pixelData
// you passed with SDL_free() - NOTE that you should only do that if pixelData
// was allocated with SDL_malloc(), SDL_calloc() or SDL_realloc()!
// Returns NULL on error (in that case pixelData won't be freed!),
// use SDL_GetError() to get more information.
SDL_STBIMG_DEF SDL_Surface* STBIMG_CreateSurface(unsigned char* pixelData, int width, int height,
int bytesPerPixel, SDL_bool freeWithSurface);
// loads the image file at the given path into a RGB(A) SDL_Texture
// Returns NULL on error, use SDL_GetError() to get more information.
STBIMG_LoadTexture(SDL_Renderer* renderer, const char* file);
// loads the image file in the given memory buffer into a RGB(A) SDL_Texture
// Returns NULL on error, use SDL_GetError() to get more information.
STBIMG_LoadTextureFromMemory(SDL_Renderer* renderer, const unsigned char* buffer, int length);
// loads an image file into a RGB(A) SDL_Texture from a seekable SDL_RWops (src)
// if you set freesrc to non-zero, SDL_RWclose(src) will be executed after reading.
// Returns NULL on error, use SDL_GetError() to get more information.
STBIMG_LoadTexture_RW(SDL_Renderer* renderer, SDL_RWops* src, int freesrc);
// Creates an SDL_Texture* using the raw RGB(A) pixelData with given width/height
// (this doesn't use stb_image and is just a simple SDL_CreateSurfaceFrom()-wrapper)
// ! It must be byte-wise 24bit RGB ("888", bytesPerPixel=3) !
// ! or byte-wise 32bit RGBA ("8888", bytesPerPixel=4) data !
// Returns NULL on error, use SDL_GetError() to get more information.
STBIMG_CreateTexture(SDL_Renderer* renderer, const unsigned char* pixelData,
int width, int height, int bytesPerPixel);
#endif // SDL_MAJOR_VERSION > 1
typedef struct {
SDL_RWops* src;
stbi_io_callbacks stb_cbs;
int atEOF; // defaults to 0; 1: reached EOF or error on read, 2: error on seek
} STBIMG_stbio_RWops;
// creates stbi_io_callbacks and userdata to use stbi_*_from_callbacks() directly,
// especially useful to use SDL_RWops with stb_image, without using SDL_Surface
// src must be readable and seekable!
// Returns SDL_FALSE on error (SDL_GetError() will give you info), else SDL_TRUE
// NOTE: If you want to use src twice (e.g. for info and load), remember to rewind
// it by seeking back to its initial position and resetting out->atEOF to 0
// inbetween the uses!
SDL_STBIMG_DEF SDL_bool STBIMG_stbi_callback_from_RW(SDL_RWops* src, STBIMG_stbio_RWops* out);
#if 0 // Use STBIMG_stbi_callback_from_RW() like this:
SDL_RWops* src = ...; // wherever it's from
STBIMG_stbio_RWops io;
if(!STBIMG_stbi_callback_from_RW(src, &io)) {
printf("ERROR creating stbio callbacks: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
Sint64 origSrcPosition = SDL_RWtell(src);
int w, h, fmt;
if(!stbi_info_from_callbacks(&io.stb_cbs, &io, &w, &h, &fmt)) {
printf("stbi_info_from_callbacks() failed, reason: %s\n", stbi_failure_reason());
printf("image is %d x %d pixels with %d bytes per pixel\n", w, h, fmt);
// rewind src before using it again in stbi_load_from_callbacks()
if(SDL_RWseek(src, origSrcPosition, RW_SEEK_SET) < 0)
printf("ERROR: src not be seekable!\n");
io.atEOF = 0; // remember to reset atEOF, too!
unsigned char* data;
data = stbi_load_from_callbacks(&io.stb_cbs, &io, &w, &h, &fmt, 0);
if(data == NULL) {
printf("stbi_load_from_callbacks() failed, reason: %s\n", stbi_failure_reason());
// ... do something with data ...
#endif // 0 (STBIMG_stbi_callback_from_RW() example)
// loads an image file into a RGB(A) SDL_Surface from a SDL_RWops (src)
// - without using SDL_RWseek(), for streams that don't support or are slow
// at seeking. It reads everything into a buffer and calls STBIMG_LoadFromMemory()
// You should probably only use this if you *really* have performance problems
// because of seeking or your src doesn't support SDL_RWseek(), but SDL_RWsize()
// src must at least support SDL_RWread() and SDL_RWsize()
// if you set freesrc to non-zero, SDL_RWclose(src) will be executed after reading.
// Returns NULL on error, use SDL_GetError() to get more information.
SDL_STBIMG_DEF SDL_Surface* STBIMG_Load_RW_noSeek(SDL_RWops* src, int freesrc);
// the same for textures (you should probably not use this one, either..)
SDL_STBIMG_DEF SDL_Texture* STBIMG_LoadTexture_RW_noSeek(SDL_Renderer* renderer, SDL_RWops* src, int freesrc);
#endif // SDL_MAJOR_VERSION > 1
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif // SDL__STBIMAGE_H
// ############# Below: Implementation ###############
// make stb_image use SDL_malloc etc, so SDL_FreeSurface() can SDL_free()
// the data allocated by stb_image
#define STBI_MALLOC SDL_malloc
#define STBI_REALLOC SDL_realloc
#define STBI_FREE SDL_free
#define STBI_NO_STDIO // don't need STDIO, will use SDL_RWops to open files
#include "stb_image.h"
typedef struct {
unsigned char* data;
int w;
int h;
int format; // 3: RGB, 4: RGBA
} STBIMG__image;
static SDL_Surface* STBIMG__CreateSurfaceImpl(STBIMG__image img, int freeWithSurface)
SDL_Surface* surf = NULL;
// SDL 2.0.5 introduced SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormatFrom() and SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA32
// which makes this code much simpler.
Uint32 format = (img.format == STBI_rgb) ? SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB24 : SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA32;
surf = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormatFrom((void*), img.w, img.h,
img.format*8, img.format*img.w, format);
#else // older SDL2 version without SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormatFrom()
Uint32 rmask, gmask, bmask, amask;
// ok, the following is pretty stupid.. SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom() pretends to use
// a void* for the data, but it's really treated as endian-specific Uint32*
// and there isn't even an SDL_PIXELFORMAT_* for 32bit byte-wise RGBA
int shift = (img.format == STBI_rgb) ? 8 : 0;
rmask = 0xff000000 >> shift;
gmask = 0x00ff0000 >> shift;
bmask = 0x0000ff00 >> shift;
amask = 0x000000ff >> shift;
#else // little endian, like x86
rmask = 0x000000ff;
gmask = 0x0000ff00;
bmask = 0x00ff0000;
amask = (img.format == STBI_rgb) ? 0 : 0xff000000;
surf = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom((void*), img.w, img.h,
img.format*8, img.format*img.w,
rmask, gmask, bmask, amask);
if(surf == NULL)
// hopefully SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom() has set an sdl error
return NULL;
// SDL_Surface::flags is documented to be read-only.. but if the pixeldata
// has been allocated with SDL_malloc()/SDL_calloc()/SDL_realloc() this
// should work (and it currently does) + @icculus said it's reasonably safe:
// :-)
// clear the SDL_PREALLOC flag, so SDL_FreeSurface() free()s the data passed from
surf->flags &= ~SDL_PREALLOC;
return surf;
SDL_STBIMG_DEF SDL_Surface* STBIMG_LoadFromMemory(const unsigned char* buffer, int length)
STBIMG__image img = {0};
int bppToUse = 0;
int inforet = 0;
SDL_Surface* ret = NULL;
if(buffer == NULL)
SDL_SetError("STBIMG_LoadFromMemory(): passed buffer was NULL!");
return NULL;
if(length <= 0)
SDL_SetError("STBIMG_LoadFromMemory(): passed invalid length: %d!", length);
return NULL;
inforet = stbi_info_from_memory(buffer, length, &img.w, &img.h, &img.format);
SDL_SetError("STBIMG_LoadFromMemory(): Couldn't get image info: %s!\n", stbi_failure_reason());
return NULL;
// no alpha => use RGB, else use RGBA
bppToUse = (img.format == STBI_grey || img.format == STBI_rgb) ? STBI_rgb : STBI_rgb_alpha; = stbi_load_from_memory(buffer, length, &img.w, &img.h, &img.format, bppToUse);
if( == NULL)
SDL_SetError("STBIMG_LoadFromMemory(): Couldn't load image: %s!\n", stbi_failure_reason());
return NULL;
img.format = bppToUse;
ret = STBIMG__CreateSurfaceImpl(img, 1);
if(ret == NULL)
// no need to log an error here, it was an SDL error which should still be available through SDL_GetError()
return NULL;
return ret;
// fill 'data' with 'size' bytes. return number of bytes actually read
static int STBIMG__io_read(void* user, char* data, int size)
STBIMG_stbio_RWops* io = (STBIMG_stbio_RWops*)user;
int ret = SDL_RWread(io->src, data, sizeof(char), size);
if(ret == 0)
// we're at EOF or some error happend
io->atEOF = 1;
return (int)ret*sizeof(char);
// skip the next 'n' bytes, or 'unget' the last -n bytes if negative
static void STBIMG__io_skip(void* user, int n)
STBIMG_stbio_RWops* io = (STBIMG_stbio_RWops*)user;
if(SDL_RWseek(io->src, n, RW_SEEK_CUR) == -1)
// an error happened during seeking, hopefully setting EOF will make stb_image abort
io->atEOF = 2; // set this to 2 for "aborting because seeking failed" (stb_image only cares about != 0)
// returns nonzero if we are at end of file/data
static int STBIMG__io_eof(void* user)
STBIMG_stbio_RWops* io = (STBIMG_stbio_RWops*)user;
return io->atEOF;
SDL_STBIMG_DEF SDL_bool STBIMG_stbi_callback_from_RW(SDL_RWops* src, STBIMG_stbio_RWops* out)
if(out == NULL)
SDL_SetError("STBIMG_stbi_callback_from_RW(): out must not be NULL!");
return SDL_FALSE;
// make sure out is at least initialized to something deterministic
memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out));
if(src == NULL)
SDL_SetError("STBIMG_stbi_callback_from_RW(): src must not be NULL!");
return SDL_FALSE;
out->src = src;
out->atEOF = 0;
out-> = STBIMG__io_read;
out->stb_cbs.skip = STBIMG__io_skip;
out->stb_cbs.eof = STBIMG__io_eof;
return SDL_TRUE;
SDL_STBIMG_DEF SDL_Surface* STBIMG_Load_RW(SDL_RWops* src, int freesrc)
STBIMG__image img = {0};
int bppToUse = 0;
int inforet = 0;
SDL_Surface* ret = NULL;
Sint64 srcOffset = 0;
STBIMG_stbio_RWops cbData;
if(src == NULL)
SDL_SetError("STBIMG_Load_RW(): src was NULL!");
return NULL;
srcOffset = SDL_RWtell(src);
if(srcOffset < 0)
SDL_SetError("STBIMG_Load_RW(): src must be seekable, maybe use STBIMG_Load_RW_noSeek() instead!");
// TODO: or do that automatically? but I think the user should be aware of what they're doing
goto end;
if(!STBIMG_stbi_callback_from_RW(src, &cbData))
goto end;
inforet = stbi_info_from_callbacks(&cbData.stb_cbs, &cbData, &img.w, &img.h, &img.format);
if(cbData.atEOF == 2) SDL_SetError("STBIMG_Load_RW(): src must be seekable!");
else SDL_SetError("STBIMG_Load_RW(): Couldn't get image info: %s!\n", stbi_failure_reason());
goto end;
// rewind src so stbi_load_from_callbacks() will start reading from the beginning again
if(SDL_RWseek(src, srcOffset, RW_SEEK_SET) < 0)
SDL_SetError("STBIMG_Load_RW(): src must be seekable!");
goto end;
cbData.atEOF = 0; // we've rewinded (rewound?)
// no alpha => use RGB, else use RGBA
bppToUse = (img.format == STBI_grey || img.format == STBI_rgb) ? STBI_rgb : STBI_rgb_alpha; = stbi_load_from_callbacks(&cbData.stb_cbs, &cbData, &img.w, &img.h, &img.format, bppToUse);
if( == NULL)
SDL_SetError("STBIMG_Load_RW(): Couldn't load image: %s!\n", stbi_failure_reason());
goto end;
img.format = bppToUse;
ret = STBIMG__CreateSurfaceImpl(img, 1);
if(ret == NULL)
// no need to log an error here, it was an SDL error which should still be available through SDL_GetError()
SDL_free(; = NULL;
goto end;
else if( == NULL)
// if data is still NULL, there was an error and we should probably
// seek src back to where it was when this function was called
SDL_RWseek(src, srcOffset, RW_SEEK_SET);
return ret;
SDL_STBIMG_DEF SDL_Surface* STBIMG_Load_RW_noSeek(SDL_RWops* src, int freesrc)
unsigned char* buf = NULL;
Sint64 fileSize = 0;
SDL_Surface* ret = NULL;
if(src == NULL)
SDL_SetError("STBIMG_Load_RW_noSeek(): src was NULL!");
return NULL;
fileSize = SDL_RWsize(src);
if(fileSize < 0)
goto end; // SDL should have set an error already
else if(fileSize == 0)
SDL_SetError("STBIMG_Load_RW_noSeek(): SDL_RWsize(src) returned 0 => empty file/stream?!");
goto end;
else if(fileSize > 0x7FFFFFFF)
// stb_image.h uses ints for all sizes, so we can't support more
// (but >2GB images are insane anyway)
SDL_SetError("STBIMG_Load_RW_noSeek(): SDL_RWsize(src) too big (> 2GB)!");
goto end;
buf = (unsigned char*)SDL_malloc(fileSize);
if(buf == NULL)
SDL_SetError("STBIMG_Load_RW_noSeek(): Couldn't allocate buffer to read src into!");
goto end;
if(SDL_RWread(src, buf, fileSize, 1) > 0)
// if that fails, STBIMG_LoadFromMemory() has set an SDL error
// and ret is NULL, so nothing special to do for us
ret = STBIMG_LoadFromMemory(buf, fileSize);
return ret;
#endif // SDL_MAJOR_VERSION > 1
SDL_STBIMG_DEF SDL_Surface* STBIMG_Load(const char* file)
SDL_RWops* src = SDL_RWFromFile(file, "rb");
if(src == NULL) return NULL;
return STBIMG_Load_RW(src, 1);
SDL_STBIMG_DEF SDL_Surface* STBIMG_CreateSurface(unsigned char* pixelData, int width, int height, int bytesPerPixel, SDL_bool freeWithSurface)
STBIMG__image img;
if(pixelData == NULL)
SDL_SetError("STBIMG_CreateSurface(): passed pixelData was NULL!");
return NULL;
if(bytesPerPixel != 3 && bytesPerPixel != 4)
SDL_SetError("STBIMG_CreateSurface(): passed bytesPerPixel = %d, only 3 (24bit RGB) and 4 (32bit RGBA) are allowed!", bytesPerPixel);
return NULL;
if(width <= 0 || height <= 0)
SDL_SetError("STBIMG_CreateSurface(): width and height must be > 0!");
return NULL;
} = pixelData;
img.w = width;
img.h = height;
img.format = bytesPerPixel;
return STBIMG__CreateSurfaceImpl(img, freeWithSurface);
static SDL_Texture* STBIMG__SurfToTex(SDL_Renderer* renderer, SDL_Surface* surf)
SDL_Texture* ret = NULL;
if(surf != NULL)
ret = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, surf);
SDL_FreeSurface(surf); // not needed anymore, it's copied into tex
// if surf is NULL, whatever tried to create it should have called SDL_SetError(),
// if SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface() returned NULL it should have set an error
// so whenever this returns NULL, the user should be able to get a useful
// error-message with SDL_GetError().
return ret;
STBIMG_LoadTexture(SDL_Renderer* renderer, const char* file)
return STBIMG__SurfToTex(renderer, STBIMG_Load(file));
STBIMG_LoadTextureFromMemory(SDL_Renderer *renderer, const unsigned char* buffer, int length)
return STBIMG__SurfToTex(renderer, STBIMG_LoadFromMemory(buffer, length));
STBIMG_LoadTexture_RW(SDL_Renderer* renderer, SDL_RWops* src, int freesrc)
return STBIMG__SurfToTex(renderer, STBIMG_Load_RW(src, freesrc));
STBIMG_CreateTexture(SDL_Renderer* renderer, const unsigned char* pixelData,
int width, int height, int bytesPerPixel)
SDL_Surface* surf = STBIMG_CreateSurface((unsigned char*)pixelData, width, height, bytesPerPixel, SDL_FALSE);
return STBIMG__SurfToTex(renderer, surf);
STBIMG_LoadTexture_RW_noSeek(SDL_Renderer* renderer, SDL_RWops* src, int freesrc)
return STBIMG__SurfToTex(renderer, STBIMG_Load_RW_noSeek(src, freesrc));
#endif // SDL_MAJOR_VERSION > 1