
69 lines
1.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use strict;
use warnings;
require Data::Dumper;
use Test::More 'no_plan';
use TestFunctions;
my $test_dir = mktempdir();
my %files = (
rw1 => "$test_dir/rw-dir/1",
rw2 => "$test_dir/rw-dir/2",
ro1 => "$test_dir/ro-dir/ro-file",
mkdir "$test_dir/ro-dir";
mkdir "$test_dir/rw-dir";
# Create two read-write links
link $files{rw1}, $files{rw2};
# Create a new less-linked but read-only file with the same contents
# Lastly, make the directory read-only
chmod 0555, "$test_dir/ro-dir";
my $ident_ro_before = gen_ident($files{ro1});
my $ident_rw_before = gen_ident($files{rw1});
my ($exit_code, $stdout, $stderr) = run_script_capture('-f', $test_dir);
is $exit_code, 0, 'script should not fail';
ok file_exists(values %files), 'files were not accidentally deleted';
is $ident_ro_before, gen_ident($files{ro1}), 'read-only file should not have been re-linked';
ok are_hardlinked(values %files), 'all files should become hard-linked ' . prettify_file_idents(values %files);
isnt $ident_rw_before, gen_ident($files{rw1}), 'the read-write file should become hard-linked';
sub put_file {
my @files = @_;
my $bytes = 1_048_576; # 1 MB
foreach my $file (@files) {
open my $fh, '>', $file
or croak("Failed to open file $file for writing: $!");
for (my $bytes_written = 0; $bytes_written < $bytes; ++$bytes_written) {
print $fh 'A';
close $fh;
sub prettify_file_idents {
my @files = @_;
my $d = Data::Dumper->new([{
map { ($_, gen_ident($_)) } @files
return $d->Dump;