# Temperature Sensor Monitor for Apple Silicon M1 - temp_sensor.m: A modified version of the [code](https://github.com/freedomtan/sensors/blob/master/sensors/sensors.m) for iOS sensor by [freedomtan](https://github.com/freedomtan); - monitor.cpp: A c++ wrapper of Objective-C output for monitoring temperature in the terminal. ## Usage `./temp_sensor | ./monitor` Only test with my Mac mini with M1. Please check your mac's `ioreg -lfx` output if needed. ## References For better names (e.g. what is `PMU TP3w` ?) for the sensors, please refer to https://github.com/exelban/stats/blob/master/Modules/Sensors/values.swift https://github.com/acidanthera/VirtualSMC/blob/master/Docs/SMCSensorKeys.txt Here is a similar code in swift for getting sensor values using IOKit (for intel Mac) https://github.com/exelban/stats/blob/master/Modules/Sensors/values.swift For intel Mac, an easier way to get sensor infomation: `sudo powermetrics` ## screen shot and screen record - screen record ->screen_record.mp4[1.4MB] ![screen record](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fermion-star/apple_sensors/master/screen_record.mp4) - screen shot ![screen shot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fermion-star/apple_sensors/master/screen_shot.png)