exports.conf = { enabled: true, guildOnly: false, aliases: ['commands', 'cmds', 'halp'], permLevel: 'User', requiredPerms: ['EMBED_LINKS'], cooldown: 2000 } exports.help = { name: 'help', category: 'General', description: 'Sends you a list of Woomy\'s commands.', usage: '`help` - Lists all commands.\n`help ` - Receive more information on a command.', examples: '`help`\n`help roleinfo`' } const Discord = require('discord.js') exports.run = (client, message, args, level, data) => { const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() embed.setColor(client.embedColour(message.guild)) const prefixes = [data.user.prefix] if (message.guild && data.user.prefix !== data.guild.prefix) { prefixes.push(data.guild.prefix) } prefixes.push('@Woomy') const categories = [] if (!args[0]) { embed.setTitle('Woomy Commands') embed.setDescription(`• Prefixes: ${'`' + prefixes.join('`, `') + '`'}\n• Use \`help \` to recieve more information about a command!\n• [Join my support server](https://discord.gg/HCF8mdv)`) const commands = client.commands commands.forEach((cmd) => { if (!categories.includes(cmd.help.category)) { if (cmd.help.category === 'Developer' && !client.config.devs.includes('message.author.id')) { return } categories.push(cmd.help.category) } }) categories.sort().forEach((cat) => { const filtered = commands.filter((cmd) => cmd.help.category === cat) embed.addField(cat, filtered.map((cmd) => '`' + cmd.help.name + '`').join(', ')) }) if (message.guild && data.guild.customCommands.length > 0) { embed.addField('Custom', data.guild.customCommands.map((cmd) => '`' + cmd.name + '`').join(' ')) } embed.addField('Invite', '[Invite](https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=435961704145485835&permissions=8&scope=bot) | [Discord Server](https://discord.gg/HCF8mdv)') return message.channel.send(embed) } else { const command = args.shift().toLowerCase() const cmd = client.commands.get(command) || client.commands.get(client.aliases.get(command)) if (!cmd) { return message.channel.send('Command/alias doesn\'t exist') } let desc = '' if (cmd.conf.aliases.length > 0) { desc += `*(Aliases: ${cmd.conf.aliases.join(', ')})*\n\n` } desc += cmd.help.description + `\n\n**You need the \`${cmd.conf.permLevel}\` rank to run this command! This command has a cooldown of \`${cmd.conf.cooldown / 1000}\` seconds per user.**` embed.setTitle(cmd.help.category.toLowerCase() + ':' + cmd.help.name) embed.setDescription(desc) embed.addField('**Usage**', cmd.help.usage) if (cmd.help.examples.length > 0) { embed.addField('**Examples**', cmd.help.examples) } embed.setFooter('< > = optional, [ ] = required. Don\'t include the brackets in the command itself!') message.channel.send(embed) } }