const mongoose = require('mongoose') const Guild = require('../models/guild') module.exports = client => { // Permission level function client.permlevel = message => { let permlvl = 0 const permOrder = client.config.permLevels.slice(0).sort((p, c) => p.level < c.level ? 1 : -1) while (permOrder.length) { const currentLevel = permOrder.shift() if (message.guild && currentLevel.guildOnly) continue if (currentLevel.check(message)) { permlvl = currentLevel.level break } } return permlvl } // Get settings client.getGuild = async (guild) => { const data = await Guild.findOne({ guildID: }) if (data) { return data } else { throw new Error('No entry for this guild was found in the database!') } } // Update settings client.updateGuild = async (guild, settings) => { const data = await client.getGuild(guild) for (const key in settings) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins if (settings.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (data[key] !== settings[key]) { data[key] = settings[key] } else { return } } client.logger.debug(`Updated settings for ${data.guildName}: ${Object.keys(settings)}`) } } // Create new entry for new guild client.createGuild = async (settings) => { const merged = Object.assign({ _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId() }, settings) const newGuild = await new Guild(merged) return => { client.logger.debug(`Created settings for guild ${g.guildName}`) }) } // Delete guild data client.deleteGuild = async (guild) => { const data = await client.getGuild(guild) if (data) { data.deleteOne({ guildID: }) } } // Loads commands client.loadCommand = (commandName) => { try { const props = require(`../commands/${commandName}`) if (props.init) { props.init(client) } client.commands.set(, props) // So commands can each have their own cooldown time client.cooldown.set(, new Map()) props.conf.aliases.forEach(alias => { client.aliases.set(alias, }) return false } catch (e) { return `Failed to load ${commandName}: ${e}` } } // Command unloader client.unloadCommand = async (commandName) => { let command if (client.commands.has(commandName)) { command = client.commands.get(commandName) } else if (client.aliases.has(commandName)) { command = client.commands.get(client.aliases.get(commandName)) } if (!command) return `The command \`${commandName}\` doesn't seem to exist, nor is it an alias. Try again!` if (command.shutdown) { await command.shutdown(client) } const mod = require.cache[require.resolve(`../commands/${}`)] delete require.cache[require.resolve(`../commands/${}.js`)] for (let i = 0; i < mod.parent.children.length; i++) { if (mod.parent.children[i] === mod) { mod.parent.children.splice(i, 1) break } } return false } // Clean up input to remove @everyone, token, etc client.clean = async (client, text) => { if (text && === 'Promise') { text = await text } if (typeof text !== 'string') { text = require('util').inspect(text, { depth: 1 }) } text = text .replace(/`/g, '`' + String.fromCharCode(8203)) .replace(/@/g, '@' + String.fromCharCode(8203)) .replace(client.token, 'mfa.VkO_2G4Qv3T--NO--lWetW_tjND--TOKEN--QFTm6YGtzq9PH--4U--tG0') return text } // Single line await messages client.awaitReply = async (msg, question, limit = 60000) => { const filter = m => === await try { const collected = await, { max: 1, time: limit, errors: ['time'] }) return collected.first().content } catch (e) { return false } } client.embedColour = function (guild) { if (!guild || guild.member(client.user).displayHexColor === '#000000') { return ['#ff9d68', '#ff97cb', '#d789ff', '#74FFFF'].random() } else { return guild.member(client.user).displayHexColor } } // Returns a random number between min and max client.intBetween = function (min, max) { return Math.floor((Math.random() * (max - min)) + min) } // Get random array object // eslint-disable-next-line no-extend-native Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'random', { value: function () { return this[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.length)] } }) // `await client.wait(1000);` to 'pause' for 1 second. client.wait = require('util').promisify(setTimeout) // Find guild members client.findMembers = function (guild, search) { if (!search || typeof search !== 'string') return const members = [] let member // Try mention if (search.startsWith('<@') && search.endsWith('>')) { let mention = search.slice(2, -1) if (mention.startsWith('!')) { mention = mention.slice(1) } return guild.members.cache.get(mention) } // Try ID search if (!isNaN(search) === true) { members.push(guild.members.cache.get(search)) if (members[0]) { return members[0] } } // Try username search try { member = guild.members.cache.find(m => m.displayName.toLowerCase() === search) if (!member) { guild.members.cache.find(m => m.user.tag.toLowerCase() === search) } } catch (err) {} if (member) { members.push(member) } guild.members.cache.forEach(m => { if (m.displayName.toLowerCase().startsWith(search) || m.user.tag.toLowerCase().startsWith(search)) { members.push(m) } }) return members } client.findRole = function (guild, search) { var role role = guild.roles.cache.find(r => === search.toLowerCase()) if (!role) { role = guild.roles.cache.get(search.toLowerCase()) } if (!role) { return } return role } // Both of these functions catch errors and log them (maybe we could use sentry?) process.on('uncaughtException', (err) => { const errorMsg = err.stack.replace(new RegExp(`${__dirname}/`, 'g'), './') client.logger.fatal(`Uncaught Exception: ${errorMsg}`) process.exit(1) }) process.on('unhandledRejection', err => { client.logger.error(`Unhandled rejection: ${err}`) }) }