{ "aesthetic attraction": { "name": "aesthetic attraction", "description": "Getting pleasure from the appearance of a specific individual like you would from watching beautiful scenery." }, "platonic attraction": { "name": "platonic attraction", "description": "A desire to have a platonic relationship or friendship with a specific individual." }, "romantic attraction": { "name": "romantic attraction", "description": "A desire to have a romantic relationship with a specific individual." }, "sensual attraction": { "name": "sensual attraction", "description": "A desire for physical intimacy with a specific individual. Cuddling, hand holding, etc." }, "sexual attraction": { "name": "sexual attraction", "description": "A desire for sexual contact with a specific individual." }, "abrosexual": { "name": "abrosexual", "description": "Someone whose sexuality changes frequently. They experience different sexualities over time." }, "androgynosexual": { "name": "androgynosexual", "description": "Someone who is attracted to both men and women, particularly those who are androgynous in appearance." }, "androsexual": { "name": "androsexual", "description": "Someone who is attracted to men and/or masculine people." }, "aromantic": { "name": "aromantic", "description": "Someone who does not experience romantic attraction. They do not have to also be asexual however as they may still experience other types of attraction." }, "asexual": { "name": "asexual", "description": "Someone who feels little to no sexual attraction to anyone." }, "bisexual": { "name": "bisexual", "description": "Someone who is attracted to more than one gender." }, "ceterosexual": { "name": "ceterosexual", "description": "Someone who is attracted to non-binary people." }, "demisexual": { "name": "demisexual", "description": "Someone who doesn't experience sexual/romantic attraction towards someone until they form an emotional connection." }, "finsexual": { "name": "finsexual", "description": "Someone who is attracted to women and/or feminine people." }, "gay": { "name": "gay", "description": "Someone who is homosexual (attracted to ones own gender)" }, "gynosexual": { "name": "gynosexual", "description": "Someone who as attracted to women and/or feminity." }, "grey-romantic": { "name": "grey-romantic", "description": "Someone with a romantic orentiation that is somewhere between aromantic and romantic." }, "heterosexual": { "name": "heterosexual", "description": "Someone who is attracted to people of the opposite gender." }, "homosexual": { "name": "homosexual", "description": "Someone attracted to people of ones own gender." }, "lesbian": { "name": "lesbian", "description": "A woman who is attracted to other women." }, "omnisexual": { "name": "omnisexual", "description": "Someone who is attracted to all genders." }, "pansexual": { "name": "pansexual", "description": "Someone who is attracted towards people regardless of their gender identity." }, "pomosexual": { "name": "pomosexual", "description": "Someone who does not fit into any sexual orientation label." }, "polysexual": { "name": "polysexual", "description": "Someone who is attracted to some, but not all genders." }, "straight": { "name": "straight", "description": "Someone who is heterosexual (attracted to people of the opposite gender)" } }