// Copyright 2020 Emily J. / mudkipscience and contributors. Subject to the AGPLv3 license. exports.conf = { enabled: true, guildOnly: true, aliases: [], permLevel: 'User', requiredPerms: [], cooldown: 2000 } exports.help = { name: 'stop', category: 'Music', description: 'Stops music, clears the queue and disconnects from the voice channel.', usage: 'stop', params: '' } const { getGuild } = require('../utils/music') exports.run = async (client, message) => { const guild = getGuild(message.guild.id) if (guild.queue.length < 1 || !guild.playing || !guild.dispatcher) return message.channel.send('Nothing is playing.') if (!message.member.voice.channel) return message.channel.send('You need to be in voice channel to use this command!') guild.playing = false guild.paused = false guild.queue = [] guild.dispatcher.end('silent') message.channel.send('Playback stopped!') }