// Copyright 2020 Emily J. / mudkipscience and contributors. Subject to the AGPLv3 license. exports.conf = { enabled: true, guildOnly: true, aliases: ['np'], permLevel: 'User', requiredPerms: [], cooldown: 2000 } exports.help = { name: 'nowplaying', category: 'Music', description: 'Gives details on the song that is currently playing', usage: 'nowplaying', parameters: '' } const { getGuild, createTimestamp } = require('../utils/music') const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js') exports.run = async (client, message, args, level, data) => { const guild = getGuild(message.guild.id) if (guild.queue.length < 1) { return message.channel.send(client.config.emojis.error + ' Nothing is in the queue!') } const s = guild.queue[0] const elapsedTime = createTimestamp(guild.dispatcher.streamTime / 1000) let timestamp = `\`[${createTimestamp(s.video.lengthSeconds)}]\`` if (timestamp !== '`[LIVE]`') { timestamp = `\`[${elapsedTime + '/' + createTimestamp(s.video.lengthSeconds)}]\`` } const embed = new MessageEmbed() embed.setTitle('Now playing') embed.setThumbnail(s.video.videoThumbnails[1].url) embed.setColor(client.embedColour(message.guild)) embed.setDescription(`**[${s.video.title}](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=${s.video.videoId})**`) embed.addField('Channel:', s.video.author, true) embed.addField('Time:', timestamp, true) embed.setFooter('Requested by ' + s.requestedBy.tag, s.requestedBy.avatarURL({ format: 'png', dynamic: true, size: 2048 })) message.channel.send(embed) }