// totally not stolen from https://github.com/GmdDjca/Hitomi-Manaka exports.run = (client, message, args) => { if (!args[0]) { return message.channel.send(`<:error:466995152976871434> pwease incwude some text fow me to owoify UwU`) } const faces = ['(・`ω´・)', 'x3', 'owo', 'UwU', '>w<', '^w^'] owoified = `${args.join(' ')}`.replace(/(?:r|l)/g, 'w') owoified = owoified.replace(/(?:R|L)/g, 'W') owoified = owoified.replace(/n([aeiou])/g, 'ny$1') owoified = owoified.replace(/N([aeiou])/g, 'Ny$1') owoified = owoified.replace(/N([AEIOU])/g, 'Ny$1') owoified = owoified.replace(/ove/g, 'uv') owoified = owoified.replace(/!+/g, ' ' + faces[~~(Math.random() * faces.length)] + ' ') if(owoified.length > 2000) { return message.channel.send("<:error:466995152976871434> The owoified message exceeds 2000 characters.") } message.channel.send(owoified) }; exports.conf = { enabled: true, guildOnly: false, aliases: [], permLevel: "User", requiredPerms: [] }; exports.help = { name: "owoify", category: "Fun", description: "Makes nyowmal tewxt owo'ed x3", usage: "owoify [message]" };