const { Schema, model } = require('mongoose') const { defaultPrefix } = require('../config') module.exports = model('Guild', new Schema({ _id: Schema.Types.ObjectId, guildID: String, prefix: { type: String, default: defaultPrefix }, modRole: { type: String, default: null }, adminRole: { type: String, default: null }, mutedRole: { type: String, default: null }, autoRole: { type: String, default: null }, systemNotice: { type: Object, default: { enabled: true, autoDelete: 0 } }, music: { type: Object, default: { defaultVolume: 0.25 } }, plugins: { type: Object, default: { welcome: { enabled: false, channel: null, message: null }, goodbye: { enabled: false, channel: null, message: null }, chatLogs: { enabled: false, channel: null }, modLogs: { enabled: false, channel: null } } }, botChannels: { type: Array, default: [] }, blacklisted: { type: Array, default: [] }, customCommands: { type: Array, default: [] }, disabledCommands: { type: Array, default: [] }, disabledCategories: { type: Array, default: [] } })) // I SPWENT TWO FUCKONG DAUYS TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO UPDATE EXISTING DB ENTRIES WITH NEW SCHEMA SHIT AND IT DOES THIS BY FUCKING DEFAULT