const moment = require("moment"); module.exports = client => { const timestamp = `${moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")}`; const activityArray = client.commands.keyArray(); client.lockActivity = false; let guild, channel, channel1; if(client.config.loggingServer.length > 0) { try { guild = client.guilds.cache.get(client.config.loggingServer) } catch(err) { client.logger.error("Could not find loggingServer server (is the ID valid?):\n" + err); process.exit(1); }; if(client.config.consoleLogs.length > 0) { try { channel1 = guild.channels.cache.get(client.config.consoleLogs) } catch(err) { client.logger.error("Could not find consoleLogs channel (is the ID valid?):\n" + err); process.exit(1); }; }; if(client.config.startupLogs.length > 0) { try { channel = guild.channels.cache.get(client.config.startupLogs) } catch(err) { client.logger.error("Could not find startupLogs channel (is the ID valid?):\n" + err); process.exit(1); }; }; }; if(client.devmode == true) { client.logger.warn("Running in development mode.") prefix = client.config.defaultSettings.devprefix; } else { prefix = client.config.defaultSettings.prefix; if(channel) { channel.send(`Bot started at \`${timestamp}\``); }; }; let randomActivity = activityArray.random(); client.user.setActivity(`${prefix + randomActivity} | v${client.version.number}`, {type: "PLAYING"}); setInterval(() => { randomActivity = activityArray.random(); if(client.lockActivity == false) { client.user.setActivity(`${prefix + randomActivity} | v${client.version.number}`, {type: "PLAYING"}); }; }, 30000); client.logger.log(`Connected to Discord as ${client.user.tag} | v${client.version.number}`, 'ready'); };