--[[ API Library -- (c) Er2 2021 -- Zlib License --]] local tools = require 'api.tools' local json = require 'json' local events = require 'events' local api = { request = function(s, ...) return tools.request(s.token, ...) end } api.__index = api -- Make class events(api) -- inheritance -- parse arguments local function argp(cid, rmp, pmod, dwp) return type(cid) == 'table' and cid.chat.id or cid, type(rmp) == 'table' and json.encode(rmp) or rmp, (type(pmod) == 'boolean' and pmod == true) and 'MarkdownV2' or pmod, dwp == nil and true or dwp end -- Getters without params function api:getMe() return self:request 'getMe' end function api:getMyCommands() return self:request 'getMyCommands' end -- Getters with params function api:getChat(cid) return self:request('getChat', {chat_id = cid}) end -- Setters function api:send(msg, txt, pmod, dwp, dnot, rtmid, rmp) msg, rmp, pmod, dwp = argp(msg, rmp, pmod, dwp) if txt and #txt >= 4096 then txt = txt:sub(0, 4092) .. '...' end return self:request('sendMessage', { chat_id = msg, text = txt, parse_mode = pmod, disable_web_page_preview = dwp, disable_notification = dnot, reply_to_message_id = rtmid, reply_markup = rmp, }) end function api:reply(msg, txt, pmod, dwp, rmp, dnot) _, rmp, pmod, dwp = argp(msg, rmp, pmod, dwp) return self:request('sendMessage', { chat_id = msg.chat.id, text = txt, parse_mode = pmod, disable_web_page_preview = dwp, disable_notification = dnot, reply_to_message_id = msg.message_id, reply_markup = rmp, }) end function api:forward(cid, frcid, mid, dnot) return self:request('forwardMessage', { chat_id = cid, from_chat_id = frcid, disable_notification = dnot, message_id = mid, }) end function api:sendPhoto(cid, f, cap, pmod, dnot, rtmid, rmp) cid, rmp, pmod = argp(cid, rmp, pmod) return self:request('sendPhoto', { chat_id = cid, caption = cap, parse_mode = pmod, disable_notification = dnot, reply_to_message_id = rtmid, reply_markup = rmp, }, { photo = f }) end function api:sendDocument(cid, f, cap, pmod, dnot, rtmid, rmp) cid, rmp, pmod = argp(cid, rmp, pmod) return self:request('sendDocument', { chat_id = cid, caption = cap, parse_mode = pmod, disable_notification = dnot, reply_to_message_id = rtmid, reply_markup = rmp, }, { document = f }) end function api:sendPoll(cid, q, opt, anon, ptype, mansw, coptid, expl, pmode, oper, cdate, closed, dnot, rtmid, rmp) cid, rmp, pmode = argp(cid, rmp, pmode) opt = type(opt) == 'string' and opt or json.encode(opt) anon = type(anon) == 'boolean' and anon or false mansw = type(mansw) == 'boolean' and mansw or false return self:request('sendPoll', { chat_id = cid, question = q, options = opt, is_anonymous = anon, type = ptype, allows_multiple_answers = mansw, correct_option_id = coptid, explanation = expl, explanation_parse_mode = pmode, open_period = oper, close_date = cdate, is_closed = closed, disable_notification = dnot, reply_to_message_id = rtmid, reply_markup = rmp, }) end function api:answerCallback(id, txt, alrt, url, ctime) return self:request('answerCallbackQuery', { callback_query_id = id, text = txt, show_alert = alrt, url = url, cache_time = ctime, }) end function api:setMyCommands(cmds, lang, scope) return self:request('setMyCommands', { commands = json.encode(cmds), language_code = tostring(lang), scope = scope, }) end return api