* Telegram API This is bindings of Telegram API on Lua, part of [[https://gitdab.com/er2/comp-tg][my bot]]. * Installation We recommended to use *.gitmodules* file for that. To include, add to gitmodules this: #+begin_src [submodule "tg-api"] path = # enter your path url = https://gitdab.com/er2/tg-api-lua #+end_src Also you need to: + Install *LuaSec* for https requests. + Execute this code *before* include this API: #+begin_src lua package.path = 'yourpath/?.lua;yourpath/?/init.lua;' .. package.path #+end_src + Copy to yourpath +/api+ files *event.lua* and *json.lua* They can be taken from [[https://gitdab.com/er2/comp-tg/src/branch/main/etc][here]].