local ll = require 'lib.main' error = love.errhand or love.errorhandler function splash() love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 100 / COLDIV) if ll.mgme.screens and ll.mgme.screens[1] then local img = love.graphics.newImage(ll.mgme.screens[1]) love.graphics.draw(img, 0, 0, 0, W / img:getWidth(), H / img:getHeight()) end love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 255) love.graphics.print('Loading '..ll.mgme.name, W / 2, H / 2) end ll.skin = require 'skins.psp' (ll) require 'll-min' llUsed = true if love.getVersion() >= 12 then function llHome() ll.umount() love.event.restart() end else function llHome() ll.umount() love.event.push('quit', 'restart') end if love.getVersion() >= 11 then love.errorhandler = error else love.errhand = error end end local brk = false while not brk and not ll.mdir do -- event handling love.event.pump() for n, a,b,c in love.event.poll() do if n == 'quit' or (n == 'keypressed' and a == 'escape') then ll.umount() love.event.push('quit') brk = true; break elseif n == 'filedropped' then love.graphics.clear() local x, y, g = 32, 32, 16 local w, h = 84, 96 love.graphics.rectangle('line', x, y, w, h, w / 8) love.graphics.line(x + w / 1.5, y, x + w, y + h / 3) if ll.skin.addGame then a:open 'r' ll.skin.addGame(a:getFilename(), a:read(), x + w + g, y) else love.graphics.print('This skin does not support file dropping', x + w + g, y) end love.graphics.present() love.timer.sleep(2) end love.handlers[n](a,b,c) end -- update and drawing ll.skin.update() love.graphics.origin() love.graphics.clear(0, 0, 0) ll.skin.draw() love.graphics.present() love.timer.sleep(0.001) end if ll.mdir then love.graphics.setNewFont() resize = nil love.graphics.clear(0, 0, 0) splash() love.graphics.present() if ll.skin.lovecb then for _, v in pairs(ll.skin.lovecb) do love[v] = nil end end love.filesystem.setIdentity(ll.mgme.dir) local f, err = load(love.filesystem.read(ll.mgme.main), ll.mgme.name) if not f then error(err) else xpcall(f, function(e) error(e) llHome() end) end local t = { title = 'Untitled', window = { width = W, height = H, fullscreen = love.window.getFullscreen(), resizable = false, }, audio = { mixwithsystem = true, mic = false, }, modules = {}, console = false, accelerometerjoystick = true, gammacorrect = false, } if pcall(require, 'conf') and love.conf then pcall(love.conf, t) end if t.console and love._openConsole then love._openConsole() end love._setGammaCorrect(t.gammacorrect) if MOBILE then love._setAccelerometerAsJoystick(t.accelerometerjoystick) if love.isVersionCompatible '11.3' then love._setAudioMixWithSystem(t.audio.mixwithsystem) love._requestRecordingPermission(t.audio.mic) end love.filesystem._setAndroidSaveExternal(t.externalstorage) end if t.window then love.window.setTitle(t.window.title or t.title) local ww, wh, wi = t.window.width, t.window.height, t.window.icon t.window.width, t.window.height, t.window.title, t.window.icon = nil assert(love.window.setMode(ww, wh, t.window), 'Error setting up window') if wi then love.window.setIcon(love.image.newImageData(wi)) end end love.resize(love.graphics.getDimensions()) end