return function(ll) -- Basic cmd-like style UI -- FIXME: Console scrolling local cw, ch, ctw, cth local ct = 'Love Loader v2.0\n(c) Er2 2022\tZlib License\n\n' local cce = false local buf = '' local mb, mpb, mt = 0, 0, 0 local function ccp() local argv = {} for v in buf:gmatch '%S+' do table.insert(argv, v) end local cmd = (argv[1] or ''):lower() if cmd == '' then return '' -- nothing elseif cmd == 'help' then return 'Available commands:' .. '\nhelp\t\tThis command' .. '\nls\t\tList of games' .. '\ndir\t\tSame as ls' .. '\ncat\t\tInformation about game' .. '\ninfo\t\tSame as cat' .. '\nrun\t\tStart game' .. '\nmount\t\tSame as run' .. '\nchroot\t\tSame as run' .. '\nclear\t\tClear screen' .. '\neval\t\tExecute code' elseif cmd == 'clear' then ct = '' return '' elseif cmd == 'eval' then local code = buf:match '^%S+%s+(.*)' local f, err = load(code, 'test.lua') if not f then return err else return tostring(f() or 'nil') end elseif cmd == 'ls' or cmd == 'dir' then local r = '' if == 0 then return ('%s: No games found. Add some to the library.'):format(argv[1]) end for i = 1, do local v =[i] r = r .. ('%s\t(%s)\t - %s\n'):format(v.dir,, v.desc) end return r .. ('\nTotal: %3d games\n'):format( elseif cmd == 'cat' or cmd == 'info' then if not argv[2] then return ('%s: Game directory missing'):format(argv[1]) end local r = '' for _, v in pairs( do if argv[2] == v.dir or argv[2] == v.base .. v.dir then r = r.. ( '\nFriendly name:\t%s' ..'\nDescription:\t%s' ..'\nLocation:\t%s%s' ..'\nMain file:\t%s' ..'\n\n\t\tScreenshots are not supported yet.' ..'\n'):format(, v.desc, v.base, v.dir, v.main) end end if r == '' then r = 'Not found' end return r elseif cmd == 'run' or cmd == 'mount' or cmd == 'chroot' then local gme for _, v in pairs( do if argv[2] == v.dir or argv[2] == v.base .. v.dir then if gme then return 'Error: multiple paths found, use full location' end gme = v end end if gme then ll.mount(gme) love.keyboard.setTextInput(false) return '' else return 'Not found' end else return 'Unknown command "'.. cmd .. '"' end end local function update() mpb = mb if love.mouse.isDown(1) then mb = 1 if mpb ~= 1 then mt = os.time() end else mb = 0 end if mb == 0 and mpb == 1 and os.time() - mt <= 1 then if love.system.getOS() == 'Android' then love.keyboard.setTextInput( not love.keyboard.hasTextInput(), 0, H, W, ch) end end if not cce then cce = true local r = ccp() if #r ~= 0 then ct = ct.. '\n'.. r end ct = ct.. '\n> ' buf = '' end end local utf8 = require 'utf8' local function draw(), 255, 255) local x, y = 0, 0 for p, cde in do local chr = utf8.char(cde) if chr == '\n' then x, y = 0, y + 1 elseif chr == '\r' then x = 0 elseif chr == '\t' then x = x + 8 - (x % 8) elseif chr == '\v' then y = y + 1 else, x * cw, y * ch) if x >= ctw then x, y = x - ctw, y + 1 else x = x + 1 end end end if os.time() % 2 == 0 then'fill', x * cw, y * ch, cw, ch) end end function resize() local f =, H) / 32) cw, ch = f:getWidth 'm', f:getHeight 'A' ctw, cth = math.floor(W / cw) - 1, math.floor(H / ch) - 1 love.keyboard.setTextInput(true, 0, H, W, ch) end function love.textinput(txt) ct = ct.. txt buf = buf.. txt end function love.keypressed(k) if k == 'backspace' then local off = utf8.offset(buf, -1) if off then buf = buf:sub(1, off - 1) off = utf8.offset(ct, -1) if off then ct = ct:sub(1, off - 1) end end elseif k == 'return' then cce = false end end love.keyboard.setKeyRepeat(true) love.window.setMode(800, 600, {resizable = true}) return { update = update, draw = draw, lovecb = { 'textinput', 'keypressed', }, } end