* Er2 Locale Originally it was a part of ErTK (under development), but I decide to open source to other repository. Currently there is only Lua implementation, but you can port to other language. * Syntax Localization files is using it's own format (see ~syntax/example.els~). Also you can see at the ~erl~ directory. ** Editor support Syntax highlighting available only in ~micro~ editor (~syntax~ directory) * Tools Except runtime we have 2 tools: - ~compile.lua~ - Compiles els to one (prog. language specific!) file - ~po2els.lua~ - If you want to migrate from gettext or if translation program/service cannot export to els yet * Example #+begin_src lua require('locale') 'erl' -- init and load erl folder _.locale = 'ru' -- set locale will be used, maybe create $LANG detect _("My string") -- basic usage _ "My string" -- without (), lua feature _("My string", {plural = 1}) -- print plural form, maybe create other function for this #+end_src