* Computer bot Now, GitHub contains *mirror*, original is *[[https://gitdab.com/er2/comp-tg][here]]*. ----- This bot is a continue of [[https://github.com/Er2pkg/computer][my Discord bot]], but on Telegram. Bot uses an OOP-style of Lua as [[https://is.gd/f0Vadk][described on Wikipedia]]. Also bot reads client language and automatically loads needing locale. Maybe I rewrite bot's core to C but there already so many Lua code. * Installation [[https://alpinelinux.org][Alpine linux]], root: + Enable community repo (described in wiki) + Install lua and tools: ~apk add sudo git lua5.3 luarocks openssl-dev~ + Install LuaSec for https requests: ~luarocks-5.3 install luasec~ + Create user: ~adduser user~ and login to this user + Clone repo: ~git clone --recursive https://gitdab.com/er2/comp-tg~ and enter ~cd comp-tg~ + Change token and owner in *config.lua* + Run: ~lua5.3 init.lua~