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2021-04-14 06:03:25 +00:00
-- API Library
--- (c) Er2 <>
--- Zlib License
local tools = require ''
local json = require 'tg.json'
local api = {
request = function(self, ...) return tools.request(self.token, ...) end,
api.__index = api -- Make class
-- Getters without params
function api:getMe() return self:request 'getMe' end
function api:getMyCommands() return self:request 'getMyCommands' end
-- Getters with params
function api:getChat(cid) return self:request('getChat', {chat_id = cid}) end
-- Setters
function api:send(msg, txt, pmod, dwp, dnot, rtmid, rmp)
rmp = type(rmp) == 'table' and json.encode(rmp) or rmp
msg = (type(msg) == 'table' and and and or msg
pmod = (type(pmod) == 'boolean' and pmod == true) and 'markdown' or pmod
if dwp == nil then dwp = true end
return self:request('sendMessage', {
chat_id = msg,
text = txt,
parse_mode = pmod,
disable_web_page_preview = dwp,
disable_notification = dnot,
reply_to_message_id = rtmid,
reply_markup = rmp,
function api:reply(msg, txt, pmod, dwp, rmp, dnot)
if type(msg) ~= 'table' or not or not or not msg.message_id then return false end
rmp = type(rmp) == 'table' and json.encode(rmp) or rmp
pmod = (type(pmod) == 'boolean' and pmod == true) and 'markdown' or pmod
return self:request('sendMessage', {
chat_id =,
text = txt,
parse_mode = pmod,
disable_web_page_preview = dwp,
disable_notification = dnot,
reply_to_message_id = msg.message_id,
reply_markup = rmp,
function api:forward(cid, frcid, mid, dnot)
return self:request('forwardMessage', {
chat_id = cid,
from_chat_id = frcid,
disable_notification = dnot,
message_id = mid,
function api:sendPoll(cid, q, opt, anon, ptype, mansw, coptid, expl, pmode, oper, cdate, closed, dnot, rtmid, rmp)
opt = type(opt) == 'string' and opt or json.encode(opt)
rmp = type(rmp) == 'table' and json.encode(rmp) or rmp
anon = type(anon) == 'boolean' and anon or false
mansw = type(mansw) == 'boolean' and mansw or false
return self:request('sendPoll', {
chat_id = cid,
question = q,
options = opt,
is_anonymous = anon,
type = ptype,
allows_multiple_answers = mansw,
correct_option_id = coptid,
explanation = expl,
explanation_parse_mode = pmode,
open_period = oper,
close_date = cdate,
is_closed = closed,
disable_notification = dnot,
reply_to_message_id = rtmid,
reply_markup = rmp,
function api:setMyCommands(cmds)
return self:request('setMyCommands', { commands = json.encode(cmds) })
return api